Recent papers in Precucuteni
In the present paper, we introduce the readers in the problem of the sanctuaries from Precucuteni and Cucuteni cultures. The shrines and the cult pieces show that there were religious practices going on, and not magical ones, as it is... more
Cuvinte cheie: eneolitic, Precucuteni , Tripolie A, a$ezare preistorica, Rogojeni.
Helios Publishing House – Iaşi, ISBN 973-99952-9-2, format A5, 272 pages text and 12 figures.
This paper addresses the archaeological literature on the subject of the chipped stone industry of the Chalcolithic communities that inhabited the east of nowadays Romania, namely Precucuteni and Cucuteni (5th and 4th millennium BC). The... more
Orice corespondenţă referitoare la această publicaţie rugăm a se adresa la: Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal -Muzeul de Istorie Casa Altemberger, Str. Mitropoliei, nr. 2, Sibiu, 550179.
This short note introduces a new Precucuteni site from north-eastern Wallachia. An extended field survey of the plain area near Râmnicu Sărat resulted in about 100 new archaeological sites being discovered (from Prehistory to Middle... more
In 2018, members of the archaeological expedition of the Institute of Cultural Heritage carried out archaeological surveys at three sites located near the Cărbuna village, Ialoveni district. In the settlement of Cărbuna-La Rădi/Rădi,... more
En 2003 un sondage a été realisé sur le site de Solca-Slatina Mare, tout près de la fontaine d'eau salée La stratigraphie et les découvertes y ont signalé l'existence des traces d'utilisation de cette source durant le Precucuteni, le... more
Pointed tools represent the largest group within the assemblage of bone implements from the site of Târgu Frumos. The study of the methods and procedures implied in the manufacturing process reveals standardised schemas of production. The... more
НаціоНальНа академія Наук україНи іНститут археології НіжиНський державНий уНіверситет імеНі миколи гоголя НіжиНська міська рада ВСЕУКРАЇНСЬКИЙ АРХЕОЛОГІЧНИЙ З' ЇЗД київ 2018 І ПРОГРАмА РОбОтИ тА АНОтАцІЇ ДОПОВІДЕЙ НІжИН, 23-25 листопада... more
In the summer of 2018, the archaeological expedition of the Institute of Cultural Heritage carried out research in the settlements of the second phase of the Precucuteni III stage, located near the village of Cărbuna, Ialoveni district.... more
In volumul Din Trecutul Judetului Botosani, redactor de carte: Paul Sadurschi, 1974, pag. 49-53.
As a result of the archaeological excavations carried out during the past 25 years at Poduri-Dealul Ghindaru (Bacău County) several types of vessels were discovered. For some of these types of vessels there is rather scarce evidence in... more
УДК 903(477.5)"636"(082) ББК Т4(4)я43 К-90 Культурний комплекс Кукутень-Трипілля та його сусіди. Збірка наукових праць пам'яті Володимира Круца / За редакцією Олександра Дяченка, Франческо Менотті, Сергія Рижова, Катерини Бунятян і... more