published: 31 May 2019
doi: 10.3389/fdigh.2019.00010
The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
John Chapman*, Bisserka Gaydarska and Marco Nebbia
Department of Archaeology, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom
Edited by:
Francesca Fulminante,
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Reviewed by:
Alex Elias Morrison,
The University of Auckland,
New Zealand
Isaac Imran Taber Ullah,
San Diego State University,
United States
John Chapman
[email protected]
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Digital Archaeology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Digital Humanities
Received: 01 November 2018
Accepted: 02 May 2019
Published: 31 May 2019
Chapman J, Gaydarska B and
Nebbia M (2019) The Origins of
Trypillia Megasites.
Front. Digit. Humanit. 6:10.
doi: 10.3389/fdigh.2019.00010
The Trypillia megasites of Ukraine are the largest known settlements in 4th millennium
BC Europe and possibly the world. With the largest reaching 320 ha in size, megasites
pose a serious question about the origins of such massive agglomerations. Most current
solutions assume maximum occupation, with all houses occupied at the same time, and
target defence against other agglomerations as the cause of their formation. However,
recent alternative views of megasites posit smaller long-term occupations or seasonal
assembly places, creating a settlement rather than military perspective on origins.
Shukurov et al. (2015)’s model of Trypillia arable land-use demonstrates that subsistence
stresses begin when site size exceeded 35 ha. Over half of the sites dated to the Trypillia
BI stage—the stage before the first megasites—were larger than 35 ha, suggesting
that some form of buffering involving exchange of goods for food was in operation.
There were two settlement responses to buffering:- clustering of sites with enhanced
inter-site exchange networks and the creation of megasites. The trend to increased site
clustering can be seen from Phase BI to CI, coeval with the emergence of megasites.
We can therefore re-focus the issue of origins on why create megasites in site clusters.
In this article, we discuss the two strategies in terms of informal network analysis and
suggest reasons why, in some cases, megasites developed in certain site clusters. Finally,
we consider the question of whether Trypillia megasites can be considered as “cities.”
Keywords: Ukraine, Trypillia, Chalcolithic, megasites, settlement structure, assembly places
It seems like a counterfactual proposition that any collection of papers addressing global prehistoric
and historic urbanism would be well-advised to heed the forest steppe zone North of the Black Sea
in the fifth and fourth millennia BC. For it is in these times in the territory of modern Ukraine
and Moldova that you would find examples of the earliest urbanism in the world. In this article, we
outline the cultural and social context of what are known as “Trypillia megasites” and discuss the
contrasting explanations for their origins.
The Lithuanian prehistorian Marija Gimbutas (1974) coined a phrase for this part of Europe
known variously as “Central and Eastern Europe,” “South-East Europe,”and the “Balkans.” Her
preferred term was “Old Europe”—that part of Europe with the oldest farming communities and
with the closest links to even earlier agro-pastoral groups in the Near East and Anatolia (Figure 1).
Gimbutas’ most positive connotation of Old Europe was of a zone connected culturally by shared
rich material culture, common ritual beliefs, and a network of matriarchal, matrifocal societies
(Gimbutas, 1982). Although “Old Europe” was ideologically created in opposition to the patriarchal
Bronze Age (Chapman, 1998), the term is a vivid shorthand for an assemblage of societies which
were indeed materially very different from those in Austria, Poland, and points North and West.
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
as in Karbuna (Dergachev, 1998) and Horodnitsa hoard II
(Chernykh, 1992, p. 41). Early CT metalwork was small-scale,
regionally specific as to type and rare, often showing signs
of repairs (Greeves, 1975; Chernykh, 1992; Ryndina, 1998).
Production of larger-scale copper items occurred only from
the Middle Phase (BI/II) onwards. By contrast, CT groups
produced large quantities of fine pottery which manifested its
own special intrinsic value. Painted pottery comprised up to
50% of some Cucuteni Phase A assemblages (e.g., Drăguşeni:
Marinescu-Bîlcu, 2000, p. 110).
The third characteristic of the CT group was, in fact,
limited to the Trypillia group and concentrated in the Southern
Bug—Dnieper interfluve—the growth of the so-called megasites
(Figure 1). Megasites were exceptionally large sites of more
than 100 ha, with specific planning features such as concentric
circuits of houses and a large, open inner space (Videiko,
2013). From the late 5th millennium BC onwards, a divergence
trajectory in settlement size and nucleation separated Cucuteni
from Trypillia. In the Cucuteni A phase, settlement numbers
increased as size fell to a mean of 1 ha, with a resultant
dispersion of settlement across the landscape. A good example
consists of the Cucuteni settlements in Bacău County, NorthEast Romania, in which small sites spread from the main valleys
into third- and even fourth-order stream catchments (Popovici,
2000, Figure 2). The opposite development occurred in the
Trypillia A phase, with 1-ha sites still found but occasional
nucleated sites such as Mogylna III reaching 10 ha in size
(Videiko, 2007, Table 1). Increased nucleation is seen against
a background of the continuing dominance of small sites
in the Phase A-BI transition (Stepanivka: 15 ha), Phase BI
(Chyzhivka: 20 ha) and the BI-BII transition, with several sites
larger than 100-ha. (e.g., Vesely Kut, Kharkivka) and even
sites of up to 200 ha claimed (e.g., the eponymous site of
Trypillia). The strong trend toward settlement dispersion in
the Cucuteni area is a very good reason for the absence of
mega-sites in Moldavia—but why did the opposite occur in the
Trypillia zone?
One of the leading constituents of “Old Europe” was the
Cucuteni—Trypillia1 group (or CT), recognised as being the “last
great Chalcolithic society of Europe” (Monah and Monah, 1997).
One of the most striking characteristics of the CT group
was its immense size and chronological depth. The sites of
this group covered 225,000–250,000 km2 , stretching from the
Eastern Carpathians in the West to the Dnieper valley in the
East, avoiding the North Pontic steppe zone and the East
European temperate forest zone to remain within the foreststeppe parkland. Although AMS dating remains patchy, the
best estimates for its duration is from 5000 to 2800 BC—how
much longer than two millennia remains unclear (Mantu, 1998;
Rassamakin, 2012) (Figure 2). No other group in Old Europe
reveals such a long tradition, based upon three aspects of material
culture—pottery, figurines, and houses. The immense size and
the material tradition lasting 65–70 human generations are
related insofar as the adoption and millennial continuation of the
same material forms in such basic elements of prehistoric lifeways
indicates a strong social network that would have attracted the
support of communities on the margins, providing a mechanism
for continuous spatial growth. We propose that it was the
depth and strength of this network that provided the basis
for the growth of highly nucleated communities in part of the
CT network.
An important result of the spread of CT pottery over
such a vast area was the introduction of mixed farming into
large parts of the forest-steppe previously settled by huntergatherers who made pottery but consumed little domesticated
foodstuff (Kotova, 2003). Agro-pastoral communities had
been established as far East as the Dniester valley by the
6th millennium BC and, although LBK pottery has recently
been found on sites near Odessa (Kiosak, 2017), further
discoveries of Trypillia pottery East of the Dniester are
assumed to be evidence for the spread of the farming
way of life, although whether by movement of people or
by assimilation of local hunter-gatherer groups remains
unclear. The notion of Trypillia communities as “first
farmers” is rarely considered in these debates (but see
Müller, 2016b p. 14).
Two related characteristics were shared by both of the
CT groups (Cucuteni in Romania and Moldova; Trypillia in
Ukraine): the dominance of the domestic, or settlement, domain
over the mortuary domain, and the dominance of ceramic over
all other forms (metal, stone) of finely made goods. The vast
proportion of CT sites are settlements, with no cemeteries known
until the very latest phase of the Trypillia group (Phase CII),
occasional examples of cave deposition (e.g., the Verteba Cave:
Kadrow and Pokutta, 2016) and very few instances of intramural burial (Bem, 2007). The absence of funerary contexts in
which to deposit prestige metal or polished stone items may
be one reason for the rarity of metal objects and finely crafted
stonework in the CT group. Another reason is what Taylor
(1999) has termed “lateral cycling”—the melting and re-shaping
of copper into “new” objects. Taylor also argues that ornament
hoards constituted a strategy for the defence of valuable copper,
The investigations of Trypillia megasites forms part of the later
development of Trypillia research, from the 1960s onwards.
Following Kuhn (1970) model of revolutions in scientific
knowledge, we have divided megasite investigations into two
revolutions, each followed by periods of “normal” archaeological
research (Table 1).
The “second methodological revolution” (Chapman et al.,
2014a) led to a new generation of much more accurate
geophysical plans which revealed a wide range of new plan
features and combinations of features at megasites such as
Nebelivka (Chapman et al., 2014a), Majdanetske, Taljanki, and
Dobrovody (Rassmann et al., 2016a)2 . The Nebelivka project
focussed on the integration of a wide range of data lines to
2 For
more detailed accounts of the development of megasite archaeology, see
Gaydarska (2019a), section 1.1.
1 “Tripolye” in the Russian literature.
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
FIGURE 1 | Map of cultural groups constituting Old Europe, with inset showing location of the Nebelivka megasite (M. Nebbia).
FIGURE 2 | Timeline for the Cucuteni—Trypillia group, showing (from the top) Cucuteni phases; Trypillia phases; the end of the Linearbandkeramik; the
Mesolithic/Neolithic transition in NW Europe; the first three phases of Stonehenge; the start of the tradition of pyramid-building in Egypt and ziggurat-building in
Mesopotamia (the authors).
interpretations (Chapman, 2017), which led to three alternative
models of smaller-scale, sometimes seasonal settlement models—
the Distributed Governance Model (Gaydarska, 2019b), the
Assembly Model (Nebbia et al., 2018) and the Pilgrimage Model
provide a challenge to the traditional account of megasites
as permanent settlements with thousands of people (the
“maximalist” view: Müller et al., 2016a) The combination of nine
different lines of evidence produced a “tipping point” in megasite
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
TABLE 1 | The main stages of investigation of Trypillia megasites.
Stage of investigation
Key characteristics
Site examples
Discovery stage
Discovery of Trypillia sites defined by burnt houses;
comparison of painted pottery to other European
Neolithic painted wares
Khvoika, 1901;
von Stern, 1900
1st period of “normal”
Discovery of hundreds of new Trypillia settlements;
excavation of representative samples
Passek, 1949
1st methodological
First aerial images of megasites; ground-truthing of
megasites; first geophysical investigations, with
targeted excavation of house-shaped anomalies
Taljanki; Majdanetske;
Dudkin, 1978; Ellis, 1984
2nd period of “normal”
Large-scale excavations on two of largest sites;
geophysical plans of other sites; refinement of
Trypillia ceramic typo-chronology (Ryzhov)
Taljanki; Majdanetske;
Shmaglij and Videiko, 1990;
Kruts, 1990
2nd methodological
revolution (2009–present)
Improved geophysical methods, leading to more
accurate plans; discovery of new features (assembly
houses, pits, kilns, ditches, paths) and groups of
features; use of AMS dating, pollen and phytolith
analysis; spatial analysis of megasite plans;
Nebelivka; Taljanki;
Majdanetske; Dobrovody;
Chapman et al., 2014a chapters in Müller et al.,
2016b, Hale et al. (2017); https://doi.org/10.
5284/1047599 ADS YORK sections: Hale,
Millard, Albert Johnston)
6.2b)—population migration into the Southern Bug—Dnieper
Interfluve from the Dniester valley—but with the introduction
of site population estimates. Diachenko and Menotti (2012)
have used the gravity model to trace “genetic ties” between
pairs of sites in the Bug—Dnieper Interfluve through time,
based upon Ryzhov’s typo-chronological method (Ryzhov, 2005,
2012). However, Diachenko & Menotti fail to explain why such
migrations led to the creation of megasites rather than just village
clusters in areas of high arable potential (cf. Diachenko, 2016).
One well-known advantage of settlement nucleation is the
protection it affords residents in crises of internal or external
aggression and warfare (Chapman, 1988; Müller, 2016a).
Could the positive feedback cycle of increased settlement
nucleation—greater threat from larger armed groups—even
more nucleated defence have led to the trajectory of increased
Trypillia site size discussed above?
Echoing Chernysh (1977) and Gimbutas (1977), Kruts
(1989, 1993) argues that the principal threat to Trypillia
communities came from the Sredni Stog groups in the
steppe zone to the South and East, which is why the
greatest concentration of megasites was located near the
forest-steppe—steppe border on the Southern side of the
distribution. However, to the extent that even 10–20-ha
Trypillia sites would have been large enough to deter armed
Sredni Stog raiders, there was no military reasons for much
larger agglomerations—and certainly not for sites of over
100 ha.
Dergachev (2002) supports the view of a steppe invasion with
his finding of a higher ratio of fortified to non-fortified sites,
and higher numbers of arrowheads per site, in Phase BI than
in Phase BII. He suggests that Phase BI was a “society... literally
under siege” (Dergachev, 2002, p. 103), in a “state of war owing
to outside threat” from the steppe (Dergachev, 2002, p. 106),
contrasting Phase BII as a period of relative peace, with the
removal of siege and military threat (Dergachev, 2002, p. 103).
While this view can be used to support the appearance of early
(BI) megasites, it offers no support for the military explanation
for the largest megasites of Phases BII and CI.
(Chapman and Gaydarska, 2019). While each of the three
models is informed by contrasting decisions about seasonality
and building strategies, they share many communalities in the
reasons for megasite origins.
The principal source of complexity in the Trypillia group
is the unique incorporation of elements of two of Gordon
Childe’s “Revolutions” in the same group. While the spread
of CT documents the spread of the Neolithic Revolution, the
development of Trypillia megasites illuminates aspects of the
Urban Revolution. Unlike most other regions in the world, these
developments are separated by only one millennium. It will be
important to distinguish the effects of the two Revolutions in any
discussion of megasite origins.
In a paper entitled “Two studies in defence of migration
concept,” Dergachev (2002) documents the spread of the use
of CT pottery—read as people—across the forest steppe zone,
showing in a series of maps the 5-fold sequence of core settlement
zones and expansions into hunter-gatherer lands (Dergachev,
2002, Figure 6.2a–e). Waterbolk (1968) notion of the huge
reservoir of Holocene soil fertility available for the LBK first
farmers in Central Europe applies just as effectively to the
chernozems of the Ukraine—some of the richest soils in Europe
(Kubiena, 1953) and surely offering huge land-use potential
to Trypillian first farmers. However, the intriguing fact is that
Dergachev never once mentions the impact of these migrations
on the formation of megasites. Rather, population movement
was a response to the widespread availability of free land, which
continued into the Late Trypillia phase in significant areas, as well
as to military threats (see below).
More recently, Diachenko (2012) has invoked population
pressure in the form of a population boom in the BI phase to
account for the formation of early megasites. He relies on exactly
the same site data as Dergachev (2002: compare Figures 6.2a with
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
of c. 50,000 km2 –has received hardly any detailed fieldwalking
coverage, the trends discussed here can be little more than
preliminary suggestions.
The spatial distribution of sites in the Dniester-Dnieper
interfluve suggests different levels of clustering/nucleation from
the Forest Neolithic phase onwards (Figure 4), and therefore a
consideration of second-order effects of the site distribution will
help in clarifying social relations between sites. A Ripley’s Kfunction was used in order to explore the clustering at different
scales across the four phases (Ripley, 1976). In Figure 3, plots
representing K-functions are shown for the four point patterns
(Forest Neolithic, Phase A, Phase BI, Phase BII). These plots
display the expected values of complete spatial randomness
(CSR) (Ktheo (r)) and the observed values (Kobs (r)) where r
represents distances between points. The K (r) values were
estimated for 999 random Monte Carlo-simulated patterns and
compared with the values estimated for each dataset (Baddeley
et al., 2014). A Ripley’s isotropic correction was adopted in order
to reduce the edge effect (Ohser, 1983).
If the K (r) is higher than the top of the Monte Carlo envelope,
it means that, at that distance, the points are clustering and
the hypothesis of spatial randomness can be rejected. Figure 3
shows the progressive diachronic increase in the scale at which
sites are clustering, even at short distances (5–10 km) in Phase
BII. For the earlier phase of hunter-gatherer settlement, the
hypothesis of complete spatial randomness cannot be rejected
as the observed values remain within the simulated envelope.
In the Trypillia period, there is a significant increase in spatial
interaction at short distances for sites in the Southern Bug—
Dnieper interfluve, meaning an underlying process of site
clustering. The identification of these clusters was facilitated by
a Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) for the four point patterns
(Figure 5). Although the K-function suggested that a complete
spatial randomness could not be rejected for the Forest Neolithic
groups, the plot shows how around 20 km the K (r) values are
higher than the simulated envelope, and therefore a minimal
spatial interaction is occurring (Figure 5A). For the Trypillia
phases, it is clear that increasing numbers of cluster were
co-emerging with the mega-sites themselves (Figures 5B–D).
Moreover, the KDE plot shows how the clusters themselves show
an overall aggregation within the wider area, thus suggesting
an even higher degree of interaction at a larger scale between
different site clusters.
The basis for a discussion of Trypillia settlement is the
trajectory toward nucleation at selected sites from Phase A
onwards in the Southern Bug—G. Tikych river system. It is
important to note that Phase A site clusters were located
along the Southern Bug in areas of traditional hunter-gatherer
site groupings (viz., Forest Neolithic sites: Gaskevych, 2019,
Figure 5.29: here, Figure 5A), indicating long-term continuity in
favourable settlement locations. Phase A settlements were strung
along the Southern Bug like beads in groups of up to five sites,
including the largest sites—Mogylna III and Stepanivka—both
already large sites and in different site clusters. One site in the
G. Tikych valley was settled in Phase A. As with the huntergatherer groups, the network of smaller streams was generally
avoided (Figure 5B).
By contrast, Videiko (2007, p. 274–5) proposed an internal
social conflict for the origins of megasites, describing Trypillia
chiefdoms as “in a state of perpetual internecine war” (cf.
Dergachev’s view but for a later Phase) because of the expansive
nature of Trypillia agriculture, with each site exhausting their
local soil potential every 40–70 years and needing to move on to
capture more arable land. Even if the maximalist assumption of
massive megasite populations was not met, Videiko ignores the
large unsettled areas in the Southern Bug—Dnieper Interfluve,
even in Phase BII (Figures 5C, D). There is also little evidence for
warfare, with two exceptions. At Drutsi I, in Moldova (Ryndina
and Engovatova, 1990), lithic distributions showed an archery
attack on a small site. More compelling evidence derives from
the Verteba Cave, where 11 out of 25 buried crania have clear
indications of trauma (Madden et al., 2018). However, none of
these crania has been directly dated and the site is far from
any megasite, thus jeopardizing any potential link between the
two phenomena.
It is clear that migrations can provide a method for moving
people across the landscape but not a reason for any particular
settlement form—say, megasites rather than village clusters. This
leaves internally-driven or externally-imposed warfare as the
principal traditional explanation for the rise of megasites—not
the outcome predicted by Gimbutas (1977) peaceful matriarchal
CT society!
Many of the problems with these traditional explanations
are tied to basic maximalist assumptions about the megasites
themselves. Once the population estimates of tens of thousands
of people on a megasite are accepted, large-scale processes
are required to conjure up the masses. This usually involves
grade-inflation: bigger-than-usual migrations, sustained baby
booms or mega-battles3 . The fundamental underpinning of these
explanations—especially the modelling—is Videiko (2002) claim
for the coeval dwelling of as many as 78.4% of houses on a
megasite (see also Müller and Videiko, 2016). Once this claim
is challenged (Chapman, 2017; Chapman and Gaydarska, 2019),
new possibilities open up for the debate on megasite origins. In
the first part, we discuss alternative readings of the settlement and
subsistence evidence, before turning to tradition and innovation
in Trypillia material culture.
There are two basic issues with discussing Trypillia settlement—
a paucity of intensive, systematic fieldwalking programmes
and the lack of a critical appraisal of existing settlement data
(Nebbia, 2019). Nebbia’s filtering of the settlements listed in
the “Encyclopaedia of Trypillia Civilization” (Videiko, 2004)
reduced the number of sites with clear location, size, and Phase
information from over 2,500 to just under 500 (Nebbia, 2019).
Equally, the fieldwalking programme for the Nebelivka Project
led to the discovery of two new Trypillia sites in a surveyed
area of 15 km2 . Since the Bug—Dnieper Interfluve—an area
3 Perhaps the extreme size and duration
of the CT group provides implicit support
for such mega-ideas.
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
FIGURE 3 | Plots of the K-functions for (from Top to Bottom) Forest Neolithic sites (N = 27), Trypillia A sites (N = 33), Trypillia BI sites (N = 46), Trypillia BII sites (N =
176). Distances r are in metres. The envelope has been generated from Monte Carlo simulation (999 iterations) under CSR.
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
FIGURE 4 | Location of the study area (Top) and overall distribution of all sites (red) considered in the study (Bottom). Main rivers are plotted for reference in the text.
A major expansion along small stream networks was the
defining characteristic of Phase BII, with its many new
settlement clusters and growth in megasite size (Figure 5D).
Despite the continuation of settlement in one site cluster
upstream on the Southern Bug, settlement changes can
be seen in the abandonment of the longest-lasting site
cluster on the Southern Bug and the opening up of new
site clusters both along the upper parts of the G. Tikych
and along many small streams. The location of the first
megasites adjacent to smaller streams can be dated to
this Phase.
Settlement in Phase BI showed a combination of continuity
and expansion. The same three site clusters were occupied along
the Southern Bug but there was a major expansion along the
network of small streams (Figure 5C). However, all three large
sites in the Phase BI and BI-II transition (Chyzhivka,Vesely
Kut, and Kharkivka) were located in the same site cluster in
a main tributary—the upper part of the G. Tikych valley. The
discovery of traces of casting and production waste alongside
earlier production methods indicates extractive metallurgy at the
largest early megasite—Vesely Kut (Ryndina, 1998, p. 136–150 &
Ris. 66/19).
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
FIGURE 5 | Kernel density surface of the sites in the three phases considered, Forest Neolithic (A), Trypillia A (B), Trypillia BI (C), Trypillia BII (D). Gaussian kernel, σ =
20 km. Blue - yellow colours are low to high densities in quantile breaks. Overlaid are the actual sites as black dots. The main sites mentioned in the text are
highlighted with labels.
What this long-term settlement pattern indicates is the
establishment of solo settlements before the emergence of
a new site cluster in the succeeding Phase—a well-known
pioneer colonising strategy (Anthony, 1990). An important
development is the inclusion of sites much larger than the
usual in two of the clusters. This dwelling strategy led to
a growing number of site clusters in the Southern Bug—G.
Tikych system, some of them including early (BI and BI-II
transition) megasites. What can account for the emergence of
site clusters?
The process of farming groups dwelling in a relatively
unfamiliar terrain populated by hunter-gatherer populations in
main valley site clusters would have required two contrasting
settlement choices—proximity to hunter-gatherers for
peaceful interaction and distance from hunter-gatherers
for security. One way to achieve both goals was the
creation of small site clusters near to the hunter-gatherer
locations. The emergence of a single large site in such
agro-pastoral clusters would have intensified interaction
over several farming clusters as well as being attractive
to hunter-gatherers.
Another benefit of site clusters was the buffering
opportunities offered by kin-related communities in case
of crop failures or poor harvests (Halstead and O’Shea,
1981). The argument is that long-term exchange networks
between nearby communities would provide security through
additional food exchanged for desirable goods such as fine
pottery, high-quality flint, copper, or polished stone axes.
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However, such buffering may not have been so important
in Phase A owing to three factors: (1) the small size of
settlements, which (2) put little pressure on local chernozem
resources, whose (3) Holocene fertility reserves had scarcely
been touched.
It was only with increases in settlement nucleation in Phase
BI that the opportunities for buffering may have become
significant, when the sharing and exchange of resources without
the need for a structured socio-economical organisation to
regulate the network would have stimulated looser inter-kin
interactions, with less resultant social pressure. Shukurov et al.
(2015) have modelled the agro-pastoral potential of Trypillia
landscapes, reaching the conclusion that the local soil and
forest resources were capable of supporting settlements up
to the size of 35 ha. However, site clusters in the same
areas may have begun to put pressure on even the legendary
fertility of chernozems. Moreover, BI and BI-II settlements
were growing to a size well beyond 35 ha—indeed to 100
ha and over. Apart from the solution of using only a part
of the houses at such large sites at any one time (see
above, p. 3), a more complex intra-cluster practice may have
involved the provisioning of the largest sites from smaller
settlements in exchange for ritual services and exchange items.
The site clusters could thus have opened up a space for
inter-site functional differentiation involving ritual leadership
and the transfer of food and drink to such centres. It is
suggested that this scenario may have kick-started a longterm role of assembly places in Trypillia site clusters, at least
May 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 10
Chapman et al.
The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
partly based upon the strong social networks connecting local
and more distant settlements (see below, pp. 7–8). However,
it is still a long way from Phase BI assembly places to
BII megasites such as Nebelivka and CI megasites such as
Taljanki and Majdanetske. How did this trajectory take root
and progress?
The size of the overall Trypillia group is such that we have to
assume the development of inter-site interactions over a much
greater distance than in other groups (e.g., the Csőszhalom
group: Raczky et al., 2007). A significant change would have been
the foundation of an assembly place which attracted people from
more than one site cluster. What was the scale of attraction of
early megasites?
An additional analysis of second-order effects was conducted
on the spatial behaviour of values of site size within the whole
Trypillia period, thus including Phase CI and CII data, for a
total number of 499 sites with good-quality information. An
incremental Global Moran’s I (Moran, 1950) on site size values
has been calculated for 30 iterations of five site distributions
(one for each Trypillia phase), starting from an initial distance
band based on the 2nd nearest neighbour count in order to test
the scale of site size clustering. Using the chronological phases
as time blocks, the results showed how the onset of clustering
during phases BI, BII, and CI at 84 km – 93 BI sites, 112
km – 176 BII sites, and 100 km – 236 CI sites. The scale of
∼ 100 km becomes meaningful when it is constant for the
duration of mega-sites occupation of approximately 1,000 years.
A LISA (Local Indicators of Spatial Association) test (Anselin,
1995) supported the hypothesis that mega-sites are outliers and
provided further confirmation at 95% confidence4 that these are
outliers of high values within a 100 km neighbourhood of low
values. An interesting result is that megasites from the Southern
Bug - Dnieper Interfluve had overlapping catchments of 100
km, which might suggest the competitive nature of megasite
interaction in that area.
In fact, the 100-km scale of interaction meant that there
was no reason why an assembly place of sufficient reputation
could not have attracted participants from another site cluster
in Phase BI. In Phase BII, the close proximity of site clusters
across the Southern Bug—Dnieper interfluve reflexively created
the opportunities for visits between site clusters, with all the
attendant social potential for significant growth. But we are
still far from the typical megasite planning elements that have
defined megasites since their discovery and even further from an
account of the cultural foundation of Trypillia social networks.
A background narrative for settlement history is a necessary
but insufficient story to provide a convincing explanation of
megasite origins.
4 For a full methodological
explanation see Nebbia, 2017.
FIGURE 6 | The Trypillia Big Other (C. Unwin). This complex diagram shows the most important recursive relations linking key variables in the Trypillia group. The three
principal elements of the Big Other were the house, the figurine and the pottery, which functioned as symbols of the wider Trypillia entity and were reproduced on the
basis of the common Trypillia heritage. The house, as home, was a key symbol, located in the settlement and built from wood, water and clay from the wider
settlement territory. In turn, the house was the main context for the making and use of figurines and pottery. The clay needed for the figurines and pottery also derived
from the settlement territory, which, in turn, supported farming, animal-keeping and hunting developed through domestic labour. Surplus products from domestic
production contributed to the wider social network whose exchanges were focussed on the megasites as meeting places. The symbolism of the site plan as assembly
place was related to past settlement plans in earlier Trypillia phases—the common Trypillia heritage. The megasite plan shows the extent of the contribution of massive
labour and resources to its development.
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May 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 10
Chapman et al.
The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
and Gaydarska, 2018a; Gaydarska, 2019a) (Figure 6). The term
“Big Other” was developed by Lacan (1988) and elaborated
on by Žižek to convey the sense not of an ideology nor a
religion but an effective symbolic fiction playing a significant
role in everyday life (Žižek, 2007a,b). Kohring has discussed
the Big Other in terms of its impact on the Bell Beaker
assemblage, acting as “a material/symbolic mediator for a whole
network of shared conceptual structuring principles” (Kohring,
2012, p. 331). One of the greatest attractions of the Big
Other for us is that it is “something which is sufficiently
general and significant to attract the support of most members
of society but, at the same time, sufficiently ambiguous to
allow the kinds of localized alternative interpretations that
avoid constant schismatic behaviour“ (Chapman and Gaydarska,
2018a, p. 267). Thus, the Big Other has allowed myriad
regional and local variations in house-building, pottery, and
figurine production yet, all the while, retaining an overall
attachment to Trypillia identity. Bricolage was involved through
the selective permutation of different elements of the Big Other
to produce local forms, with their attendant practices, best
suited to the local community without straying too far from
overall principles.
However, major changes occurred at the transition from Phase
BI to BII in the ceramic aspect of the Big Other. Although
painted pottery was the predominant fine ware in North-East
Romania and Moldova in Cucuteni Phase A (Popovici, 2000),
it was rare in comparison with incised wares in Phase BI in the
Southern Bug—Dniester Interfluve (Palaguta, 2007). The spread
of trichrome painted wares, with red motifs outlined in black on a
light background, characterised Phase BII in this area, providing
a novel medium for household identity and linking settlements
in a developed version of the Big Other. The assessment of
the importance of this ceramic innovation to megasite origins
remains an urgent task.
It is therefore hardly credible to us that megasites could
have emerged without the mediating, integrative potential of
the Big Other to provide the basis for everyday social practices
on all Trypillia settlements, viz. the habitus (Bourdieu, 1977)6 .
In the context of megasite origins, shared participation in
the Big Other and its quotidian materialisation created preexisting bonds between communities in different sites living in
different site clusters, often quite remote from each other. It
was the Big Other that reduced the social difference between
communities separated by much physical space, providing
common grounds for meeting strangers as well as brothers
on assembly places. But the bricolage of the many varied
elements of the Big Other also enabled communities to create
difference without threatening either inter-site relations or local
community identities.
The Possibility of a Megasite
Before further discussion of alternative trajectories toward
megasites, we should step back and consider one fundamental
issue. In his influential study of Imagined Communities
concerning the anomaly of modern nationalism5 , Anderson
(1991, p. 4) reminds us that all communities larger than a single
village are “imagined communities.” By implication, we suggest
that integration of people beyond their normal, face-to-face
groups required a vision of how those diverse communities could
live together to derive benefits from the new settlement form
that were considered greater than the difficulties this linkage may
have brought. After all, there is a long tradition, beginning with
Childe (1958), of praising the advantages of autarky—living in
independent, face-to-face communities—a strategy which has, by
and large, limited the scale of settlement nucleation in prehistoric
Europe. Nonetheless, the existence of the Trypillia megasites is an
obvious negation of small-scale communities; their scale and size
engenders an equally sizeable problem of how such communities
were imagined in the first place.
For let us be under no illusions: on the Eurasian continent
of the 5th−4th millennia BC, the Trypillia megasites were
unique in size and scale. There was nothing anywhere else on
the planet to compare with the Phase BI megasite of Vesely
Kut, covering an area of 150 ha—no analogies from which
to derive this extraordinary place. We should never forget the
unprecedented nature of Trypillia megasites, which have created
immense problems of explanation and understanding but, first of
all, problems of imagination. A better understanding of this issue
comes from defining what social relations were in place before
the imagining and the form of these relations’ materialisation—
whether objects or site plans. In this section, we consider
how existing elements known to Trypillia communities were
juxtaposed and combined in a process known as “bricolage.”
This anthropological term signifies the construction or creation
of a work from a diverse range of things that happen to be
available. Used by Levi-Strauss (1962) to refer to the process
of myth-making, bricolage was extended by Derrida (1970) to
refer to any form of discourse. We consider the Trypillia Big
Other, inter-regional exchange networks and the development of
settlement planning as three critical bricolage-led contributions
to the emergence of megasites.
The Trypillia Big Other
The massive size and great temporal depth of the CT group was
founded upon a strong social network connecting communities
at both the local and the regional level. We have previously
discussed the importance of what we term the “Trypillia Big
Other” for integrating the vast number of Trypillia settlements
and their residents. We think of the Big Other as a suite of
beliefs which was materialised in practices involving the three
key Trypillia traits—houses, pottery and figurines (Chapman
Trypillia Exchange Networks
The second part of the ancestral past which Phase BI and II
communities relied upon to create megasites consisted of the preexisting exchange networks. Most Balkan Neolithic and especially
5 We
6 For
are not, of course, suggesting that Trypillia megasites were in any way
reflected the development of Ukrainian nationalism.
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a discussion of the relationship between the Big Other and the habitus, see
Gaydarska, 2019a, Chapter 2.
May 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 10
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
FIGURE 7 | Map of exotic resources, Cucuteni-Trypillia group. Key—symbols upper left denote the sources of the raw materials, with schematic routes shown from
sources to settlement finds (L. Woodard).
transitional Phase BI-BII, with sources in Transylvania preferred
to the hitherto dominant Bulgarian sources (Ryndina, 1998). The
question of high-bulk, long-distance salt transportation from
either the Eastern Carpathian sources or the North Pontic limans
remains under discussion (Chapman and Gaydarska, 2003;
Mircea and Alexianu, 2007).
However, when we turn to prestige goods, there is something
of a “white hole” for exotic copper or polished stone items in
the Southern Bug—Dnieper interfluve7 . A very rare Spondylus
bracelet in Lysaya Gora, in the Lower Dnieper valley, has good
stylistic parallels with the West Pontic Chalcolithic cemeteries
at Varna and Durankulak (Chapman, 2002) but no such
marine shell finds are known from the megasites. Equally,
the serpentine bracelet from the pre-Caucasus range deposited
at Novi Ruşeşti in Moldova has no parallels in megasite
deposition. There has been no analysis yet of the only gold
ornament yet found on megasites—the gold spiral at Nebelivka
(Chapman et al., 2014c, Figure 17).
To summarise this complex data set (Figure 7), all Trypillia
settlements in the Southern Bug—Dnieper Interfluve would have
required lithic raw materials for basic tool-making—whether
from local quarries or exotic sources in the Prut—Dniester
valleys. Local sources would also have supplied stones for
grinders and mortars. While there were widespread local sources
Chalcolithic communities played important roles in often longdistance exchange networks featuring copper, gold, obsidian,
and flint, polished stone of many kinds, marine shells such as
Spondylus and finished objects such as pottery, ornaments and
other prestige goods (Chapman, 2019). There have been many
CT sites with the deposition of objects or materials exotic to the
CT distribution.
A degree of network continuity is demonstrated by the
exchange of the lithics essential to many maintenance activities
on any Trypillia site. However, the large fall from thousands of
items deposited in Phase A and BI sites to hundreds on Phase BII
sites (Kiosak, 2019) was a major and as yet unexplained change.
All of the BII and CI megasite lithic assemblages so far analysed
have included a sizeable proportion of high-quality flint (often
up to 50%) from the Prut—Dniester valleys, indicating exchange
over 200–300 km.
The major changes in exchange networks concerned
manganese and copper. The black pigment manganese was
essential for Trypillia painted vessels in Phases BII—CI—a highvalue, low-bulk material with sources in the East Carpathians,
the Lower Dnieper valley, and the Crimea. The most recent
characterisation studies confirm Ellis (1984) identification of the
main sources in the Eastern Carpathians (Buzgar et al., 2013),
indicating low-bulk, high-value exchange over 300–500 km.
This aspect of Trypillia exchange hardly touched Phase BI
sites but was vital for BII settlements. There was also a major
re-orientation of copper exchange networks at the start of
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7 One example of the few copper objects from a megasite is the copper axe from
Majdanetske House Zh-2 (Shmaglij and Videiko, 2002, Figures 54/15 & 55/1).
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
for red, white, and orange pigments, black pigments from Phase
BII onwards was an exotic for the Interfluve, probably from
the Eastern Carpathians. Transylvanian copper would also have
been transported across the Eastern Carpathians. Thus, exchange
of exotic flint, copper, and pigment alone would have been
predicated upon an inter-regional network connecting dozens
if not hundreds of sites—a network which would have been
instrumental in the consolidation of the Trypillia Big Other as
well as maintaining contacts between neighbouring and distant
communities. An inter-regional network for exotic lithics would
have been operational in Phase A, with an expansion in Phase
BII to transport manganese for pot-painting and Transylvanian
copper. The paradox of Trypillia exchange dates to Phases
BII and CI—the peak of the megasites—when the expected
social differentiation consequent upon the development of such
massive sites fails to find materialisation in exotic prestige goods
on the megasites themselves. This is all the more surprising
when we recall that exotic prestige goods exchange was one
of the foundations of the Balkan Climax Copper Age. Is it
possible that we have grossly over-estimated the significance of
Trypillia exchange? Or does lateral cycling hide the multiple
re-working of copper objects—the first such recyclable material
in prehistory ?
Trypillia Settlement Planning
If the Trypillia Big Other provided the necessary material
constancy in a cultural tradition and inter-regional exchange
networks maintained links between communities through the
transmission of ideas, materials and marriage partners, the
evolution of planning on Trypillia settlements provided the
spatial context for megasite living. The megasites were not only
about size, although this was key to their significance—they were
also concerned with spatial order and the provision of structure
for such huge settlements. Trypillia megasites were based upon
the principle of concentricity—unlike the Balkan tell principle of
grid-plan rectangularity (Chapman and Gaydarska, 2018b).
Videiko (2012) has claimed that all of the four key planning
elements which typified a developed megasite such as Taljanki—
concentric house circuits, inner radial streets, sectoral growth
(e.g., in Quarters), and an inner open space—were already
present in earlier sites such as Mogylna III, Stepanivka, and
Vesely Kut. Recent geophysical plans from BI sites such
as Singerei, Moldova, show only weak tendencies to house
concentricity and no inner radial streets or open inner space
(Rassmann et al., 2016b, Figure 6) (here Figure 8). However, a
careful re-examination of the plans of Phase A, BI, and BI-BII
transition megasites shows that not one single early megasite
contained all of the four key planning principles of the developed
megasites—rather, they rarely contained more than one element.
Instead, many of the early megasites contained house nests and
concentric house nests that typified Cucuteni settlements as
a “hang-over” from pre-megasite planning (e.g., Truşeşti and
Hăbăşeşti: Popovici, 2010). This crucial finding underlines the
variability which one may expect in megasite plans of the BI
and BI-II Phases. It also shows that, rather than inheriting the
blueprint of a complete megasite plan, planner-builders of BII
megasites such as Nebelivka improvised a complete plan with
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FIGURE 8 | Interpretative plan of the Trypillia Phase BI/II site of Singerei,
Moldova, showing the overall survey area and geophysical anomalies
interpreted as houses and pits (source: Rassmann et al., 2016b, Figure 6).
all four planning elements as they built the site (Figure 9). This
form of bricolage is typical of cultural creation based upon
improvisation rather than faithful copying of a pre-existing
design. It was not that the planner-builders of Phase BII megasites
had nothing to use in formulating a site plan—rather that
decisions taken in the process of creating a site were taken based
upon a combination of cultural memory and direct witness.
This result emphasises the creative bricolage of the BII megasite
planner-builders in forming a fresh, previously unknown
megasite plan from elements selected from the ancestral past.
The result was the spatial formalisation of an assembly place in
terms of the two principal spaces—the outer space for dwelling
and the open, inner space for assembly. It is suggested that
the formalisation of megasite planning in Phase BII was a
vital advance toward megasite development, which allowed the
evolution of Phase CI sites of even greater size and complexity.
Moreover, this advance also influenced the new formalisation
of the layout of smaller settlements. An example shows how
the CI site of Apolianka (7 km West of Nebelivka—Figure 10)
reproduced on a much smaller scale two of the four key
elements of megasite planning: a house circuit defining a central
open space.
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
FIGURE 9 | Interpretative plan of the Nebelivka megasite, showing the overall survey area and geophysical anomalies interpreted as burnt houses, unburnt houses,
probable houses, and possible kiln sites. Assembly Houses are numbered. The borders of the Quarters are shown, with Quarters identified by letter. (Y. Beadnell,
based upon data from D. Hale, ASDU).
Gatherings of different group sizes must have taken place well
before the emergence of megasites so as to underpin the cultural
uniformity of CT. While small and medium-size settlements
would have comfortably accommodated a local gathering of
settlements within a 30–40 km catchment, intra-regional or interregional assemblies of 100 km would have required a much
larger space. The accumulated experience of the benefits of such
gatherings—a substantial increase of opportunities for social
interaction, access to “exotic” goods, scaled-up rituals, feasts, and
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ceremonies, etc., together with the efforts to “set up” and manage
such massive aggregations, may have led to the realization that
they need not be always temporary or that organization of such
events should always start from scratch. The formalization of
the best of both worlds—the space for large gatherings and the
everyday habitus—reinforced the accumulation of place-value
through the incorporation of two very important social principles
in CT lifeways. These novel aspects of settlement planning are
part of a new knowledge that developed within the experience
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
promontories for dwelling. The emergence of settlements larger
than the 35-ha. threshold of local sustainability (Shukurov et al.,
2015) was limited to one site per cluster in the main valley site
clusters in the G. Tikych valley, with smaller sites in the smaller
valleys. These earliest megasites had begun to create concentric
house circuits and inner open spaces in their plans, alongside
the traditional house nests of Trypillia Phase A and indeed much
of Cucuteni settlement planning. Phase BI site plans had by no
means coalesced into a settled planning system (Figure 8)—a
development not seen until BII megasites such as Nebelivka—but
were creating dwellings with an unprecedented scale and number
of inhabitants.
It is hard to conceive of successful attempts to integrate so
many people at megasites without an early version of the Trypillia
Big Other—the Phase A version, accepted by most people in
most former and existing settlements. Nevertheless, we should
not forget the fundamental changes to the Big Other, notably
the innovations of painted pottery and figurine styles, that were
occurring during Phase BI—at the same time as major changes
in settlement form. Both types of objects offered new resources
for identity-formation in times of immense change except in one
key area—dwelling houses. There is remarkable continuity over
the whole CT distribution in house-design (Burdo et al., 2013)8 ,
the context for family living which underpinned the dwelling
process of Trypillia settlements. The mutual reinforcement of
the Big Other by inter-regional, regional, and local exchanges of
stone, pigments and metals strengthened inter-community ties
in ways that were particularly important at the local dwelling
level. Supplying each site with basic local stones for grinding
grain and making cutting and scraping tools tied communities
into a landscape routine and a set of social relationships for
sharing the stone between houses (Skourtopoulou, 2006). The use
of exotic flint from the Prut—Dniester valleys not only linked
the people in the Bug—Dnieper Interfluve to their Western
roots but provided the means for differential acquisition of highquality flint. It seems that lithics formed the basis for regular,
repeated inter-site exchange, with the movement of finely-crafted
stonework and marine shell ornaments a far more occasional
practice probably “piggy-backing” on pre-existing lithic, copper,
and pigment exchange networks.
We return to those Phase BI settlements which transgressed
the 35-ha. threshold of local sustainability. We submit that noone has yet provided a well-documented case of the coeval use
of 80%, or indeed 100%, of a megasite’s houses9 . One solution
to the problem of sustainability is the acceptance of a small
fraction of houses in coeval use—in the case of Vesely Kut,
perhaps a quarter of its houses, whereas a third of its houses at
the smaller Kharkivka.
Another solution—by no means incompatible with the first—
concerns the stimulus of new social relations between the largest
and the smaller sites in the site cluster. These relations provided a
FIGURE 10 | Interpretative geophysical plan of the Trypillia Phase CI
settlement of Apolianaka, showing geophysical anomalies interpreted as burnt
and unburnt houses and pits (M. Nebbia, modified from
Rassmann et al., 2014).
of the making of megasites and which broadened the shared
material practices that constituted the Trypillia Big Other. The
changes in a dynamic social milieu which allowed for megasites
in the first place also could have led to disputes and breaks in
former alliances, stimulating the founding of alternative assembly
places, which would have led to competition between emergent
megasites, even in the same site cluster.
The possibility of a Trypillia megasite was not an on / off
possibility but a contextually rooted concept always in statu
nascendi, depending upon the potential of the forms of settlement
plan, exchange networks and Big Other known at the time.
Far from seeing it as in martial crisis under a state of siege
(Dergachev, 2002), we think of Phase BI in the Bug—Dnieper
Interfluve as a time of both settlement consolidation in the
main valley site clusters of Phase A and settlement expansion
into the network of smaller streams which defined plateaux and
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8 This is not to deny that regional differences in house designs were present
(Burdo et al., 2013).
9 Attempts include Videiko, 1996; Diachenko, 2012; Müller and Videiko, 2016;
Müller et al., 2016a. For a detailed critique, see Gaydarska, 2019a Chapter 6.
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
FIGURE 11 | Long-range people catchments, Trypillia Phase CI; larger circles show “isolated” megasites outside the Southern Bug—Dnieper catchment, with the
principal megasite named for each region (M. Nebbia).
the local increase in both settlement numbers and site sizes,
the 100-km. interaction zone continued to operate for megasites
such as Nebelivka. However, with the increase of settlement
numbers, not only the size of megasites grew, but Phase CI sees
the emergence of “isolated” megasites, such as Yaltushkiv I, Stina,
Bilohorodka, and Obukhiv, that developed outside the Southern
Bug—Dnieper interfluve, but that maintained the 100-km scale of
interaction (Figure 11). This could have important implications
on the meaning of the Southern Bug—Dnieper Interfluve as the
area of megasite emergence that progressively loses its placevalue, during a time of Trypillia centrifugal expansion into new
territories. This movement maintained the practice of megasite
building and large-scale interaction for 200–300 years until their
demise in Phase CII.
The most obvious differences between Nebelivka and the
BI megasites concerns site planning and the appearance of a
series of public buildings we have termed “Assembly Houses.”
A greater degree of formalisation of planning is inherent in the
integration of all four main planning principles in the Nebelivka
plan (Figure 9). However, at the same time as the major planning
elements have been strengthened as a consequence of bricolage,
the size of the building project enabled local diversity in building
design and location at all scales of the plan, from individual
houses to Neighbourhoods (groups of houses), Quarters (groups
of Neighbourhoods) and major planning elements (e.g., the
variations in the width of the space between the Outer and
Inner house circuits) (Chapman and Gaydarska, 2016). We have
argued that local architectural diversity probably marks not
only the contribution of many communities in the Nebelivka
interaction zone to dwelling on the megasite but also the
passage of social time in the creation of different built ensembles
(Chapman and Gaydarska, 2018a).
form of buffering which was hardly necessary in Phase A. The coemergence of the growing size of a megasite with its reputation as
a ritual and exchange centre led to a synergy between locals and
other residents in the site cluster. The provision of food, drink
and possibly other resources (such as salt or copper) increased the
sustainability of the megasite, which, in exchange, provided a key
context for inter-community ritual and exchange, as well as all of
the other benefits arising in assembly places (Nebbia et al., 2018).
It is suggested that the pre-existing links between the settlements
of a site cluster, whether based upon the Big Other or exchange
networks, would have been fundamental in the possibility of the
emergence of a larger site serving all others in the site cluster and
probably beyond—the region’s earliest megasites. This dynamic
settlement system allowed the emergence of more than one
megasite in a single cluster, indicating variations in the success
of alliance-formation and an element of competition between
these sites10 .
Clearly, the Trypillia megasites did not stop in the BI Phase
but continued for a further 600 years (4000–3400 BC). We shall
content ourselves here with a summary of the major changes that
took place in megasites in Phase BII11 , using Nebelivka as an
example. Although on the global CT level, Phase BII was marked
by a fall in the number of sites, this was anything but the case
in the Southern Bug—Dnieper Interfluve, where the number of
site clusters grew to cover large parts of the network of smaller
streams (Figure 5D). In this Phase, we can detect the emergence
of the first megasites based in the smaller stream networks—
sites such as Nebelivka. It is interesting to confirm that, despite
10 The same pattern of coeval megasites was to be seen in the early 4th millennium
BC in the case of Nebelivka, Taljanki and Majdanetske (Millard, 2019).
11 For a long-term account, see Gaydarska, 2019a, Chapter 6.
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May 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 10
Chapman et al.
The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
The apparently novel aspect of BII megasites concerns
the creation of public buildings (“Assembly Houses”) to
participate, if not take a lead, in local and trans-megasite
ceremonies, including processions (Chapman and Gaydarska,
2019). Geophysical investigations at Nebelivka have produced
the first and currently only complete megasite plan with modern
geophysical instruments (Chapman et al., 2014a; Hale et al.,
2017). These investigations have revealed the existence of
23 Assembly Houses, unevenly dispersed across the megasite
but mostly outside the two house circuits. The location of
the Assembly Houses was one of the criteria used to divide
the megasite into Quarters (Chapman and Gaydarska, 2016)
(Figure 9), producing a sense of a special local relationship
between Neighbourhoods and “their” Assembly House. It is
intriguing to note that the Assembly Houses were burnt in a quite
different way from usual dwelling houses (Figure 12), reinforcing
the difference between the two architectural forms. It is apparent
that the building of Assembly Houses was one response to
the much greater social and architectural complexity found
in the BII megasites in comparison to their BI predecessors,
contributing the increased formalisation seen in the larger
BII sites.
The principal material culture changes from Phase BI to
Phase BII concerned the decline in the quantity of lithic
deposition, the increased deposition of painted pottery and
the production of heavy copper tools. Greater reliance on
local sources was probably one of the factors involved in the
change in lithic deposition but changes in the operational chain
were also involved. Two of the most significant effects of the
innovation of Phase BII painted ware were the constant new
demand for black, manganese-based pigment for potters in each
community and the re-orientation of copper exchange toward
Transylvanian sources. These changes led to a major expansion
in inter-regional exchange, with high-quality lithics, copper and
manganese pigment all brought from the Western part of the
CT distribution to the Southern Bug—Dnieper interfluve. We are
currently unaware of the linkage of the lithic, copper and pigment
networks but they may have been closely integrated, with the
same traders moving all three materials, at least East from the
Prut valley.
How can these considerations be “translated” into an answer
to the question of why the megasites emerged when they did,
in Trypillia Phases BI and BII? There is no straightforward
answer to this question, since we are dealing with a multivariate
issue with many relevant data sets. The growth of settlement
clusters in Phase BI led to increased interaction between the
neighbouring settlements, which further increased in intensity
with the need for buffering for the largest site in each cluster—
the early megasites. The differential attraction of copper, lithics,
and pigments of these early megasites helped to maintain
their position as central assembly places in the face of their
weakness—the absence of social mechanisms, perhaps principally
planning mechanisms, to integrate visitors from large numbers
of smaller settlements. This weakness in social controls would
have led to either megasite abandonment or, as happened later,
in Phase BII, to the emergence of planning practices which
helped megasites to live more cohesively in even larger sites.
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FIGURE 12 | Geophysical plots of Assembly Houses (larger structures in each
plot) and adjacent dwelling houses, Nebelivka, selected to show the variability
of this form of structure: 12–14: Quarter H; 15–16: Quarter I; 17–18: Quarter J;
19–20: Quarter K; 21–22: Quarter L; 23: Quarter M. Numbers of Assembly
Houses relate to their location on Figure 9 (J. Watson).
Another key aspect of Phase BII settlement in the Southern
Bug—Dnieper interfluve was the increasing interaction between
as well as within settlement clusters, which increased the value
of co-ordinating assembly sites. The expansion of exchange to
bring three critical resources—exotic flint, pigments for painted
pottery and copper—from the same regions to the West further
consolidated the BII megasites as assembly places for in turn
larger settlement clusters. It should not, however, be forgotten
that a megasite could fail at any time—there were many possible
pathways to disintegration and decline. It is a mark of the stability
of the social practice at the BII megasites such as Nebelivka
that they continued for five or six generations before their
ultimate demise.
In the etymological dictionary Origins, the term city is defined
as an “aggregation of citizens” (Partridge, 1983, p. 101). As
May 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 10
Chapman et al.
The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
clearly elucidated by Emberling (2003), this highlights three
“basic” elements of the city, (1) a community of people
with forms of social and political organization which are
different from pre-urban and non-urban communities; (2)
the aggregation happens in a specific location, the city,
which is a physical space and a conceptual map of urban
residents and their neighbours; (3) the inhabitants—citizens—
identify themselves with the physical space, thus creating an
urban identity (Emberling, 2003, p. 254). But what kind of
urban identity?
We have already made a case that Trypillia megasites would
not fit what we broadly call the “traditional” view of urbanism
(Liverani, 2006; Gaydarska, 2016, 2017) and would be more
at home with massive global phenomena still awaiting their
name (“Big Anomalous” sites, “Big Weird” sites) (Fletcher,
2009). Some of these sites (e.g., Angkor) are the first to be
recognized as low-density urban settlements (Fletcher et al.,
2015), while Trypillia megasites are currently the earliest example
of low-density occupation in well-defined large sites. We have
also posited a relational approach whereby the meaning and
function of given sites is only definable in relation to other
sites, instead of in fixed and absolute terms (Gaydarska, 2016,
2017). In the CT context, that would replace the unhelpful
site hierarchies based on size (Ellis, Videiko, Diachenko) and
identify to what extent significant social practices differed from
site to site. Ideally, such a comparison would involve settlement
planning, depositional practices, subsistence practices, and the
consumption of exotic and local objects made of clay, metal, and
stone. Holistic inter-site evaluations are limited by more than
100 years of CT investigations, mostly based upon small-scale
excavations and heavily biased toward pottery comparisons and
classification. Still, there is some patchy evidence allowing the
differentiation of sites and forms of human occupation. First,
there is a tendency toward increasing settlement size, peaking
in the 100 ha site of Kharkivka and the 150 ha site of Vesely
Kut. Such social experiments would have accumulated practical
experience of ways of mitigating the social tensions arising from
scaled-up habitation. However, we know very little about the
spatial arrangements at these early large sites. By contrast, other
sites, such as Mogylna III, evince evolving principles of house
concentricity among the more general pattern of a lack of formal
planning but their size is very small (10 ha). The pattern in
the Early Trypillia period (Phases A and BI) shows a contrast
between some small sites with developed planning elements
and other large sites with no evidence for evolved planning
features. The proposed conclusion is that these two aspects of site
development did not come together until Phase BII, at sites such
as Nebelivka.
There are strong environmental indicators for human
presence at the site of Nebelivka well before the establishment
of the BII megasite but no material trace of such occupation
has been found as yet. The implication is that short, probably
temporary, but intensive and perhaps massive aggregations must
have taken place that would account for both the strong human
impact on the landscape and the lack of material evidence.
Thus, although the “norm” for a Trypillian BI settlement was
a small site with few distinctive planning elements and variable
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consumption of material culture, there were formalized and nonformalized forms of human occupation that deviated from that
norm: settlements constituted the former, assembly places, and
gathering places the latter. Taken individually and spread over
some distance and in time, these differences may have not been
perceived as “too different” and therefore threatening to the social
order but remaining as part of the Big Other. But when ancestral
memory and intensified human interaction in the BII period
brought various practices together, this resulted in the creation of
a very different kind of place—the 238 ha megasite of Nebelivka,
with its intricate combination of formal layout and local diversity.
In relational terms and according to the currently published data,
the BII Nebelivka megasite stood out among its contemporary
and preceding settlements. This was an emergent settlement form
rooted in previous forms of dwelling and aggregation, whose
novel combination marked a significant difference in relation to
other sites. It was perceived, experienced and functioned as a very
different kind of place that fulfilled a dual purpose of dwelling and
assembly. It is in this sense that we see the megasites as what, in
hindsight, modern scholars call “cities.”
The Trypillia megasites of the Southern Bug—Dnieper Interfluve
in central Ukraine are the largest, and earliest, settlements in
4th millennium BC Eurasia and potentially the world; we claim
that they are the earliest known cities. The megasites were not
permanent, long-term settlements but have been modelled as
different forms of low-density city, whether permanent with a
much smaller population or as seasonal forms of assembly or
pilgrimage places.
In this article, we propose a model for the origins of
Trypillia megasites more consonant with this alternative view
of smaller-scale settlements. Pre-existing exchange networks
moving exotic flint, copper and salt across the forest steppe
helped to consolidate the Trypillia Big Other as an ideological
framework for building material traditions. Out of the mix of
large, amorphous settlements and small sites with developed
planning elements, but not both on any single site, emerged
the BII megasites—an unprecedented settlement form where
bricolage of earlier plan elements produced formalised sites
which combined an inner assembly space with an outer dwelling
space. Settlement modelling showed the scale of megasite
interaction to remain stable at c.100 km for many centuries,
integrating increasing numbers of small sites to megasite
assembly places.
Because of their size and seasonality, Trypillia megasites
benefited from the increasing connectivity of their 100-km
networks and the specialised building of public buildings
and production of painted pottery without suffering from
the disadvantages of inequality, severe human impacts on
the local landscape and lower standards of living. These
developments enabled the reproduction of megasite lifeways for
over 600 years, even though the lack of hierarchical structure
prevented the appearance of successor settlements on the
forest steppe.
May 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 10
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The Origins of Trypillia Megasites
Deepest gratitude to Durham University and the Kyiv Institute
of Archaeology, especially Dr. Mykhailo Videiko, for project
support; thanks for financial support to the AHRC for Research
Grant AH/I025867, National Geographic Society (Grant
2012/211) and the British Academy (SG54204); thanks to
the Kirovograd, Novoarkhangelsk, and Nebelivka authorities
for support; and thanks to the editors of this Issue and the
reviewers who have improved this paper substantially with
their comments. We are also grateful to Dr. Knut Rassmann
for allowing us to reproduce his geophysical plot of Singerei
as Figure 8.
All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual
contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.
Grateful thanks to Francesca Fulminante for her kind invitation
to contribute to this volume and for the OPEN-AIRE funding
linked to the Marie Skłodowska Curie Project Past-people-nets
628818 conducted by Francesca Fulminante (2014-2016).
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May 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 10