Books by Elena del Río Parra
Materia médica explores the intersection of the sciences and humanities in Spanish sixteenth and ... more Materia médica explores the intersection of the sciences and humanities in Spanish sixteenth and seventeenth century representations of the extraordinary within the larger scheme of the Baroque. Medical and chirurgical treatises, discourses, letters, broadsheets, and paratexts of the period share with the humanities thought processes, methods, patterns, and—most importantly—some forms of description. Archival evidence broadens the spectrum of these texts, and cases are frequently compared to similar instances in disciplines such as theology, literature, and the law.
Materia médica maps, among other notions, the imagination, the spectacular, the legendary and the "novelesque" in scientific writing, and examines the influence of the theatrical in representations of medical cases as stated by doctors themselves. The analyses of Materia médica tilt between the world of fact and fantasy, and explore the effect of the descriptions of its cases on the social sphere. An eclectic monograph, it is intended for specialists in both early-modern culture and intellectual history. It also appeals to scholars who are particularly interested in the history of the rare, the unusual, and the monstrous, a fertile niche that is very much in the spirit of sixteenth and seventeenth century Western thought.
Going on now by Elena del Río Parra
Papers by Elena del Río Parra
Right when Miguel Cervantes invented modern novel, and El Greco and Velázquez devised modern pain... more Right when Miguel Cervantes invented modern novel, and El Greco and Velázquez devised modern painting, a new generator of strange poetic images had been assembled by Luis de Góngora. Nothing would ever be the same in Western civilization after this generation, joined by the creation of commercial drama by Lope de Vega, and a parallel, deformed universe by Francisco de Quevedo. This chapter will define and trace the impact of Luis de Góngora’s “cultured” poetry as founder of modernity through his formulaic system, one that is as formally logical as deviant to intellectual imagination.
Lope de Vega era un poeta y, como tal, tendía a contarlo todo. Contaba los versos de cada hoja, l... more Lope de Vega era un poeta y, como tal, tendía a contarlo todo. Contaba los versos de cada hoja, los pliegos de cada comedia, las comedias de cada temporada y cada Parte publicada, las comedias sueltas y el lucro cesante, la velocidad, el promedio de composición, la duración de la obra, la proporción entre personajes y actores, y la longitud de los versos adecuados a cada asunto. Su prurito consistía en hacer arqueo de las comedias escritas en una fábrica que trabajaba por volumen y margen de beneficio económico, compitiendo consigo mismo en lucrativo monopolio. Este artículo explora la concatenación monetaria de ese sistema, incidiendo en la plasmación física del tiempo de escritura en los pliegos manuscritos de veintitrés comedias (sesenta y dos actos).
eHumanista, U. of California, Santa Barbara, 2020
The nature of food oscillates from one extreme to another, either as one of the defining
construc... more The nature of food oscillates from one extreme to another, either as one of the defining
constructs of culture that separates mankind from other species, or as a relentless biological presence. A methodical crossing of data between both highly constructed artifices and less representational, instructive works unveils particular interaction points and exposes the myth of Spain under constant famine beginning around 1550, a concept that has subsumed critical studies to an everlasting platitude of decline.
Edad de Oro, 2018
Curated by María Jesús Zamora Calvo, Edad de Oro, 2018.
Lo abyecto, lo grotesco y lo sublime en la literatura áurea hispánica. Ed. Oana Andreia Sambrian ... more Lo abyecto, lo grotesco y lo sublime en la literatura áurea hispánica. Ed. Oana Andreia Sambrian and Robert Lauer. Hispania felix. Revista hispano-rumana de cultura y civilización de los Siglos de Oro. Forthcoming, spring 2017.
Ed. Susana Gala Pellicer, for eHumanista.
Ed. Marta Piñol Lloret. Sans soleil ediciones. Barcelona, Buenos Aires.
Nieto's (ca. 1531-1616) Discursos Medicinales as inconsistent within the 16 th century medical bi... more Nieto's (ca. 1531-1616) Discursos Medicinales as inconsistent within the 16 th century medical bibliography. Its rhetoric and topics link it to quackery, rather than to a therapeutic or speculative sci-entific treaty. The Discursos fit better within genres such as pseudo-autobiography and sensationalist pamphlets, rather than with those on American remedies. E n L'elisir d'amore (Gaetano Donizetti, ), el joven Nemorino compra un singular brebaje al doctor Dulcamara, un charlatán profesional que, a su paso por un pequeño pueblo vasco, le asegura que despertará una pasión desenfrenada en su amada. Ese será el comienzo de sus problemas. La charlatanería, condenada de antiguo e identificada con el emblema de la garrulitās de raíz ovidiana, ha conocido muchas asociaciones desde sus mismos orígenes: en la emblemática, que la representa en la figura de Progne, entregada a un monólogo incesante desde el amanecer (figura ), sirve de glosa permanente en libros de sentencias morales y vidas deplorables, donde los Midas, Ecos y sofistas pululan a sus anchas y despliegan sus artes verbales. Por ello, no resulta sorprendente que encuentre terreno bien abonado en los Siglos de Oro, en los que el engaño se oficializa como arte. El Diccionario de la lengua castellana () remite a dos campos semánticos de charlatán, ambos relevantes para el tema que nos ocupa. Por una parte, es "el hablador que gasta muchas palabras sin sustancia ni discreción, fiado en la apariencia y sonido de las voces"; por otra, "el herbolario o curandero que anda vagando por el mundo, que otros llaman chacharero. Lat. Splafiarius circulator".
Books by Elena del Río Parra
Materia médica maps, among other notions, the imagination, the spectacular, the legendary and the "novelesque" in scientific writing, and examines the influence of the theatrical in representations of medical cases as stated by doctors themselves. The analyses of Materia médica tilt between the world of fact and fantasy, and explore the effect of the descriptions of its cases on the social sphere. An eclectic monograph, it is intended for specialists in both early-modern culture and intellectual history. It also appeals to scholars who are particularly interested in the history of the rare, the unusual, and the monstrous, a fertile niche that is very much in the spirit of sixteenth and seventeenth century Western thought.
Going on now by Elena del Río Parra
Papers by Elena del Río Parra
constructs of culture that separates mankind from other species, or as a relentless biological presence. A methodical crossing of data between both highly constructed artifices and less representational, instructive works unveils particular interaction points and exposes the myth of Spain under constant famine beginning around 1550, a concept that has subsumed critical studies to an everlasting platitude of decline.
Materia médica maps, among other notions, the imagination, the spectacular, the legendary and the "novelesque" in scientific writing, and examines the influence of the theatrical in representations of medical cases as stated by doctors themselves. The analyses of Materia médica tilt between the world of fact and fantasy, and explore the effect of the descriptions of its cases on the social sphere. An eclectic monograph, it is intended for specialists in both early-modern culture and intellectual history. It also appeals to scholars who are particularly interested in the history of the rare, the unusual, and the monstrous, a fertile niche that is very much in the spirit of sixteenth and seventeenth century Western thought.
constructs of culture that separates mankind from other species, or as a relentless biological presence. A methodical crossing of data between both highly constructed artifices and less representational, instructive works unveils particular interaction points and exposes the myth of Spain under constant famine beginning around 1550, a concept that has subsumed critical studies to an everlasting platitude of decline.