Books by Beata Agrell
Arbetarlitteratur bortom kanon. Nordiska perspektiv, 2024
Boken diskuterar och utmanar gränserna för vad vi brukar uppfatta som en arbetarlitterär kanon. H... more Boken diskuterar och utmanar gränserna för vad vi brukar uppfatta som en arbetarlitterär kanon. Här behandlas olika slag av litterära texter med anknytning till arbetarklass och lönearbete: från kampdiktning, uppbyggelselitteratur och annan folkrörelselitteratur, över tidningsnovell och proletärroman, till postmodern prosadikt, feministisk klassdiktning, folkhemskritiska serier och klassmedveten barnlitteratur. Boken ges ut av Nordiskt nätverk för arbetarlitteraturforskning. Nätverket har i hög grad bidragit till att arbetarlitteratur-forskningen idag står stark i Norden, och denna bok syftar till att vidareutveckla intresset för arbetarlitteratur i ett bredare sammanhang.
This book discusses and challenges the boundaries of what we usually perceive as a canon of working-class literature. Different types of literary texts related to the working class and wage labor are treated here: from struggle poetry, devotional literature and other literature of popular movements, to newspaper short stories and proletarian novels, and recent postmodern prose poems, feminist class poetry, folk home critical series and class-conscious children's literature. The book is published by the Nordic Network for Labor Literature Research (NordArb). This network has greatly contributed to the fact that research in workers' literature today is strong in the Nordic region, and this book aims at further developping interest in workers' literature in a broader context.
Romanen som forskningsresa – forskningsresan som roman. Om konventionskritik och repertoarestetik 1960-talets nys svenska prosa, 1993
This study investigates reader-oriented forms of literary re-use in the new Swedish prose of the ... more This study investigates reader-oriented forms of literary re-use in the new Swedish prose of the 1960s. The central hypothesis is of a shift from a modern and modernist aesthetics of originality toward a new interest in the role of the artistic repertoire seen in terms of the aesthetics of reception. Tools used in this analysis have been taken from linguistic phenomenology and the discourse-oriented textual theories of G. Genette, L. Hutcheon and M. Bakhtin. The objective of the study is to bring together the history of form, theories of the text and the aesthetics of reception in applied textual analysis, while simultaneously taking into account thematic and existential aspects of experimentation with form. The study focuses on the task of literary address from the point of view of the critique of conventions in relation to the ’open’, ’impure’ aesthetics of the period. The orientation toward the aesthetics of reception is concretized in an analysis of the ways in which clichés and conventional usage take on new functions in a type of conglomerate re-use of texts, which serve to cast doubts upon both the cultural heritage and contemporary trends. Part I introduces the phenomenological matrix of the new orientation of the period, exhibiting the theoretical frame of reference and basic approaches of the study. Part II presents an annotated survey of the debate on literary theory from the period, complemented by literary exemples. Part III extends the discussion with an analysis of Hess (1966), an experimental novel by P.O. Enquist. This analysis demonstrates how, in a typical way, address-oriented re-contextualization of the traditional topos of the Journey and re-use of emblematic techniques integrate a problem complex including textuality, epistemology, phenomenology and existential issues into textual interplay between ego-centered and alter-oriented positions, based on a critique of modern conceptions of Self-realization.
Maria Sandel och folkbildningen. Inte bara vett och vetande – bildningens betydelse i Maria Sandels författarskap. [Elektronisk utgåva med noter och källhänvisningar.], 2019
This book deals with the early Swedish working-class writer Maria Sandel (1870–1927), investigati... more This book deals with the early Swedish working-class writer Maria Sandel (1870–1927), investigating the theme of popular education and Bildung in her writings from a literary and historical point of view. The issue is the compound meaning and significance of the idea of Bildung/education in her narrative and the unconventional literary devices and rhetorical strategies she uses to address her reader. Maria Sandel supported herself as an industrial seamstress in Stockholm, also engaging herself in the growing labour-movement. Although an autodidact, she published six books of prose-narrative and a large number of poems and short stories in the social-democratic press. All her writings depict everyday life in the poor working-class quarters of Stockholm, adopting a class-conscious perspective, focussing on the need of education as well as material improvement. Maria Sandel constantly strived to deepen and broaden her education. As a richly varied theme in her writings, education encompasses not only knowledge and learning, but also cultivation, manners and morals in the classical sense of Bildung. This book is devoted to the manifold view of education that is exposed in her narra-tive and is literary expressions. Analysis of themes and devices in her texts will show how her writings partly change from her debut in 1908 to her last book in 1927. The militant class-perspective of her early texts gradually shift toward a more conciliatory civic attitude, emphasizing individual moral-psychological maturation and bourgeois virtues like neatness, respectability, decency, order and stability. These tendencies reflect the ongoing societal development toward a class-transcending reformism and Social-democratic ideas of society as a folkhem (”home for the whole people”), made possible by the enforced parliamentary position of the labour party. A driving force for this development was the growing importance of popular education. This book is composed in ten chapters, presenting (1) an overview of the author-ship; (2–5) historical backgrounds concerning the current concept of Bildung; the ongoing industrialization and historical phases of the class-struggle; people’s education and the popular Bildungs-movement; and the various literary and cultural contexts of the time. Chapter 6–9 investigate Maria Sandel’s work in chronological order: the early collective class narratives (6–7), and the late novels of education and formation. The last chapter is a summary of results, also including a deepened discussion of the interaction of pragmatics, rhetoric, aesthetics, and literary tradition of Maria Sandel’s narrative.
”inte kan jag berätta allas historia?” Föreställningar om nordisk arbetarlitteratur. Göteborg: LIR.skrifter, 2016. Url:, 2016
Denna boks titel är hämtad ur Kristian Lundbergs
vittnesmål från bemanningsföretagens tidevarv,
r... more Denna boks titel är hämtad ur Kristian Lundbergs
vittnesmål från bemanningsföretagens tidevarv,
romanen Yarden (2009). Frågan rymmer en
viktig förskjutning i föreställningen om arbetarlitteraturens
anspråk – från förra sekelskiftets
kollektivism till 2000-talets postindustriella
Hur fi nns och görs klass, och hur märks detta
i arbetarlitteraturen, nu som då? Hur gestaltar
arbetarlitteraturen samhällets historiska och
politiska förändringar, och hur påverkas den i
sin tur av läsekretsens förväntningar? Detta är
frågor som hela tiden måste ställas på nytt.
Volymen samlar 14 bidrag som behandlar föreställningar
om den nordiska arbetarlitteraturen
utifrån följande perspektiv:
– arbetarlitterär tradition
– genreproblem
– reception, medier och offentligh et
– genus och sexualitet
– religion och existens
Medverkande: Beata Agrell, Christer Ekholm,
Anna Forssberg, Anker Gemzøe, Christine
Hamm, Carl-Eric Johansson, Bibi Jonsson, Ole
Karlsen, Katarina Leppänen, Per-Olof Mattsson,
Sandra Mischliwietz, Magnus Nilsson, Birthe
Sjöberg och Anders Öhman.
Theoretical and historical studies in English and Scandinavian languages on problems on genre.
(1982) Frihet och fakticitet : om oordning, ordning, lydnad och frihet i Sven Delblancs roman Prästkappan [Freedom and Facticity: On Disorder and Order in Sven Delblanc’s Novel The Clergyman’s Gown]. Diss. ISBN 91-7374-048-9 Göteborg: Korpen., 1982
Study on the interaction between an existential problematics and narrative technique of Sven Delb... more Study on the interaction between an existential problematics and narrative technique of Sven Delblanc’s novel Prästkappan (1963) The analysis is supported by theoretical perspecives from J-P Sartre’s phenomenology, Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics, and M.M. Bakhtin’s dialogic poetics.
Papers and chapters by Beata Agrell
Arbetarlitteratur bortom kanon. Nordiska perspektiv. Red. Beata Agrell, Anna Forssberg & Magnus Nilsson, , 2024
Kapitlet undersöker frågan om i vad mån och på vilka sätt en uppbygglig dimension kan konstrueras... more Kapitlet undersöker frågan om i vad mån och på vilka sätt en uppbygglig dimension kan konstrueras i en arbetarlitterär text och hur estetik, didaktik, retorik och politik i så fall samverkar.
Uppbyggelse brukar inte förknippas med arbetarlitteratur. Arbetarlitteratur kan vara agitation, propaganda, tendens- eller kampdiktning, men inte uppbyggelselitteratur. Uppbyggelse hör hemma i ett religiöst-kristet sammanhang som anses utesluta klassperspektiv. Men hur är det egentligen? Arbetarlitteratur och uppbyggelselitteratur ingår förvisso i två skilda litterära kretslopp – ett religiöst och ett sekulärt – men båda kan räknas som brukslitteratur och stod i arbetarlitteraturens barndom dessutom utanför den kanoniserade litteraturens kretslopp. Brukslitteratur har ett pragmatiskt syfte och en performativ funktion: den skall användas – brukas – i särskilda situationer för att att GÖRA något med sin läsare: väcka reflexion, frammana attitydförändring, skapa engagemang eller grunda en handlingsberedskap, ofta inom ramen för ett trossystem, en ideologi eller en social rörelse.
Uppbyggelselitteratur vänder sig till både troende och tvivlare i syfte att t.ex. väcka, lära, förmana, styrka, trösta, aktivera eller ibland även skrämma. Som brukslitteratur kan den anta många former, från predikan, betraktelse, bekännelse, bön och exempelhistoria till den fromma berättelsen, och den kan brukas både i offentliga sammanhang och hemma på kammaren. Speciellt för uppbyggelselitteratur är uppgiften att nå fram till mottagarens innersta, att drabba ”i hjärtat”, så att något sker med denne som medför en perspektivförskjutning. Uppbyggelselitteratur har kort sagt en existentiell funktion.
Motsvarande funktioner och former kan återfinnas inom sekulär brukslitteratur och inte minst arbetarlitteraturen, ibland i samverkan med andra bruksfunktioner. Vi vet redan att den tidiga arbetarlitteraturen återanvände arvet från den samtida väckelsen för proletära syften, men en dimension av både existentiell och ideologisk uppbyggelse torde också kunna återfinnas i senare arbetarlitteratur. Socialistisk realism i Sovjetunionen är ett extremt exempel, men det finns andra – från Martin Koch till Kristian Lundberg. Här studeras två berättelser ur den första generationens arbetarlitteratur: Fredrik Perssons dagboksroman Dömda själar (1909) och Axel Danielssons satiriska novell ”Kors och profit” (1889).
This chapter investigates the issue of to what extent and in what ways a devotional dimension can be construed in a working-class literary text and how aesthetics, didactics, rhetoric and politics co-operate to that end.
Devotion is not usually associated with labour literature. Workers' literature may be agitation, propaganda, tendency or struggle poetry, but not devotional. Devotion belongs in a religious-Christian context which is considered to exclude class perspectives. But how is it really? Workers' literature and devotional literature are certainly part of two separate literary circles—one religious and one secular—but both can be counted as popular literature and, in the infancy of worker's literature, were also outside the circle of canonised literature. Non-fiction has a pragmatic purpose and a performative function: it must be used - utilised - in special situations to ackomplish something with its reader: provoke reflection, bring about a change in attitude, evoke commitment or provoke a readiness for action, often within the framework of a belief system, an ideology or a social movement.
Devotional literature addresses both believers and doubters with the aim of e.g. awaken, teach, admonish, strengthen, comfort, activate or sometimes even frighten. As literature, it can take many forms, from sermon, reflection, confession, prayer and case study to the pious story, and it can be used both in public settings and at home in the chamber. Especially for devotional literature, the task is to reach the recipient’s innermost being, to hit "in the heart", so that something happens to the person that causes a shift in perspective. In short, devotional literature has an existential function.
Corresponding functions and forms can be found within secular utility literature and not least workers' literature, sometimes in collaboration with other utility functions. We already know that early workers' literature reused the legacy of the contemporary revival for proletarian purposes, but a dimension of both existential and ideological edification is also to be found in subsequent working class literature. Socialist realism in the Soviet Union is an extreme example, but there are others – from Martin Koch to Kristian Lundberg. In this chapter two narratives from the first generation of workers' literature are studied: Fredrik Persson's diary novel Doomed souls (1909) and Axel Danielsson's satirical short story "Kors och profit" (1889).
Jesus och politiken. Red. Fredrik Portin & Kamilla Skarström Hinojosa, s. 26–55.. Stockholm: Makadam, 2024
Study of the mission of Jesus in his political age as depicted in the Swedish translation Bible 2... more Study of the mission of Jesus in his political age as depicted in the Swedish translation Bible 2000 for ”a common reader” without theological, historical, or exegetical expertise . Jesus is approached as a literary character and the Biblical text is analuýsed as a literary work. Methods of the study are response aesthetics and rhetorics. Overarching issues are: What might the printed text tell a modern secular Swedish reader, reading attentively? More precisely: What image of Jesus and his mission is presented; how is it narrated, and what does the narrating imply about his mission? what kind of reception do the texts prepare? what didactic and rhetorical techniques does Jesus hinself use to present himself and his message for his audience within the text? The result of the analysis is 1) that Jesus uses a special didacticism, including a strategic rhetoric of offense, confronting the prejudices of his audience and forcing them to reflect anew ; 2) that Jesus presents himself as a divine saviour from sin and death, and not as a political activist. Nevertheless, his message of love of the neighbour, the importance of equality before God, and caring for the outcast and contempted implies a politics of solidarity and social welfare for everyone.
Nordisk arbejderlitteratur. Internationale Perspektiver og forbindelser, eds. Anker Gemzoe, Nicklas Freisleben Lund, Magnus Nilsson & Erik Svendsen, 2023
Investigation of the factory girl as motif, cliché and topos in early Scandinavian and English-la... more Investigation of the factory girl as motif, cliché and topos in early Scandinavian and English-language literary depictions of workers and popular literature
OEI # 100–101: GDH/Fortsätta med andra medel, 2023
Slightly revised version of publication with the same title in GDH, eds. Dick Claesson, Christer ... more Slightly revised version of publication with the same title in GDH, eds. Dick Claesson, Christer Ekholm, Lotta Lotass, Staffan Söderblom, p. 15–44. Litterär gestaltnings skriftserie n:o 9. Göteborg: Autor, 2010.
Delbladet 2022, 2022
Investigation of the function of the motto ”In memory of Babette” – referring to Karen Blixen’s s... more Investigation of the function of the motto ”In memory of Babette” – referring to Karen Blixen’s short novel – in the novel Castratos. Both novels focus on the relation between sublime art – from music and literature to haute cuisine – and society. The issue is the relation between art, power and society and what good sublime art can do poor, starving, and oppressed people.
Memory and Remembrance in Scandinavian Cultures: Political Memory. Edited by Atėnė Mendelytė and Ieva Steponavičiūtė Aleksiejūnienė. (Scandinavistica Vilnensis 17:1, pp. 73–95). Vilnius University Press, 2023.., 2023
Abstract: Literature is the memory of a culture: whether included
in the canon or not, it testif... more Abstract: Literature is the memory of a culture: whether included
in the canon or not, it testifies to conceptions, mentalities, and
conditions in its time. Working-class literature is a young literary
type, that for long was excluded from the canon and recognized
literary tradition, and therefore has a special relationship to memory,
experience, and culture. The first Swedish working-class writers were
self-taught, without access to the bourgeois cultural heritage. They
were workers, writing about workers, for workers and addressing
the class collective. But they were also individuals, who started from
their own memories and experiences. How did they go about making
their own thing a matter for the whole class? How did they integrate
the personal into a collective memory culture? That is the main issue
in my article. The task is to shed light on the relationship between
individual experience and collective memory in the first generation
of Swedish working-class prose around 1910.
I will dive into this subject matter by employing the notion of
literary objectification, understood as creating vivid images, scenes,
and situations from personal memories and experiences serving as
an objective correlate (T.S. Eliot). The function of this correlate is to
evoke recognition at a distance in the implied reader: an alienated
recognition (Viktor Shklovsky), or a kind of sustained Verfremdung
(Bertolt Brecht), which also includes contemplation and reflection.
A working objective correlate, as I understand it here, must be based
on some form of collective memory. I want to develop this idea
with the support of memory studies, specifically, works by cultural
researcher Jan Assmann and phenomenologist Thomas Fuchs.
(2022) Tanke/världar. Studier i nordisk litteratur, red. Hilda Forss, Hanna Lahdenperä & Julia Tidigs. Nordica Helsingiensia 61. Helsingfors: Finskugriska och nordiska avdelningen vid Helsingfors universitet, 2022. S. 183–196, 2022
Investigates working-class author Karl Östman’s (1876–1953) ways of combining a class-perspectiv... more Investigates working-class author Karl Östman’s (1876–1953) ways of combining a class-perspective with rhetorical aesthetic devices provoking a reflective reading.
(2014) Literatūra un likums/ Literature and Law. Culture and Literature of the Scandinavian Nations in International and Interdisciplinary Perspective. Eds. Ivars Orehovs et al. Scientific papers, University of Latvia, vol. 799. Riga: 2014. Pp. 60–68., 2014
The issue of this paper is the function of criminality thematics in Swedish working-class narrati... more The issue of this paper is the function of criminality thematics in Swedish working-class narrative of the early 1900s. Social issues of class oppression and criminality are of vital importance in the-se works. The concrete motifs are daringly offensive, trespassing the boundaries then of decency and good taste. Thus, the official reception of these works was ambivalent. Focus of this paper is on one huge example: Martin Koch's 800-page novel Guds vackra värld: en historia om rätt och orätt (God’s beautiful world: a story about right and wrong, 1916). It deals with the intensified modernization of the early 1900s that generated an expanding working-class and a rapidly devel-oping Labour Movement, as well as an increasing criminality. Koch’s book itself is a sign of the emergence of a new proletarian literary field. This field intersected with the new bourgeois Realist literature and the widespread popular literature, both dealing with social and economic topics, in-cluding crimi...
Edda, 2014
The article starts from ideas of current neoliberal Sweden as a break with the welfare society of... more The article starts from ideas of current neoliberal Sweden as a break with the welfare society of the 1960s – a peak of Swedish social development, according to a frequent opinion. This invites scrutinizing how the now mythical welfare state of the 1960s was depicted in the literature of the day. Quite surprisingly many critical accounts then seem to question that version of welfare, thereby also actualizing issues on society and aesthetics in the 1960s. Theoretical reflexions on the relations between literature and society and the possibility of a social critical literature after Adorno present a addressive social rhetorical perspective as a possibility (Lloyd Bitzer, Carolyn Miller). After an outline of the literary situation of the 1960s some examples of the experimental prose of those days is discussed, thereby illuminating the issue of a special aesthetics of the welfare state (Sven Delblanc, P.O. Enquist, Margareta Ekström, Lars Gustafsson, P.C. Jersild, P.-O. Sundman).
Förhållandet mellan litteratur, historia och litteraritet är ett gammalt problem, åtminstone i sv... more Förhållandet mellan litteratur, historia och litteraritet är ett gammalt problem, åtminstone i svensk litteraturvetenskap. Ett gränsårär 1911, då disciplinen bytte namn ·från Estetik med konst- och litteraturhistoria till Litteraturhistoria med poetik. Namnbytet var till stor del den nye Uppsala-professorn Henrik Schcks verk: Schück banniyste inte estetiskt studium ur sin vetenskap. Men han krävde att det skulle underställas den empirisk-historiska synpunkten och utövas med filologisk och källkritisk observans, fjärran från såväl estetisk-filosofisk spekulation som autonoma verkbegrepp. Resultatet blev, både för schtick själv och hans efterkommande, att historikern tappade det estetiska perspektivet och estetikern det historiska . Och så har det förblivit - problemet är enligt min mening fortfarande olöst i svensk litteraturvetenskap. Jag menar också att det fortfarande är en konflikthärd. Artikeln behandlar problem som följande: frågor som: Vilken roll spelar litteraturens historia...
The issue is the relation between class, place and genre in two short story cycles of early 1900s... more The issue is the relation between class, place and genre in two short story cycles of early 1900s Swedish working-class literature. Special focus is on the sensual and presentist depiction of proletarian rural places within a class-perspective. The function of this strategy firstly is to create an embodiment, presence and empathy and secondly distance and critical outlooks. Theoretical perspectives as mainly from Hans Ulrich Umbrects ideas of ”Stimmung” and a presence-based relationship to the world.
Genrer och genreproblem: teoretiska och historiska perspektiv / Genres and Their Problems: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives. Red. Beata Agrell & Ingela Nilsson. Göteborg: Daidalos, 2003, 2003
Genre kap 1 v4 03-06-09, 16.35 7 ics. This book is an offspring of the conference "Genre Problems... more Genre kap 1 v4 03-06-09, 16.35 7 ics. This book is an offspring of the conference "Genre Problems", arranged by the Nordic Society for Comparative Literature, and held in Göteborg (Sweden), August 23-26, 2001. Like the conference, the book
This paper deals with certain tensions in early Swedish working-class literature of the first gen... more This paper deals with certain tensions in early Swedish working-class literature of the first generation, c. 1910. These texts were a Gebrauchsliteratur-a literature for use in the class struggle of the time-but the use primarily was existential and political reflection, and it was effected by special (non-acknowledged) aesthetic means that did not conform to the aesthetics of the current literary institution. This literature was thus mainly considered illegitimate, and the theme of my paper is the tension between what might be called Gebrauchsliteratur and Kunstliteratur in the modern (post-romantic) era. I will argue that this tension is between two different aesthetics, which is to say that the conception of a Gebrauchsliteratur-a literature for use-presupposes a certain aesthetic and that this aesthetic requires certain non-aesthetic (or noncanonized) kinds of reading in order to be discovered. 1 Only if accepted in its aesthetic otherness may the peculiar potential of these texts make itself felt, an otherness both cognitively and normatively unfamiliar. 2 The early working-class literature As for a quick impression of the texts: specific for this first-generation working-class literature is an open, episodic, montage-looking form, focusing on labour, toil, survival and collective struggle for better condi-
Books by Beata Agrell
This book discusses and challenges the boundaries of what we usually perceive as a canon of working-class literature. Different types of literary texts related to the working class and wage labor are treated here: from struggle poetry, devotional literature and other literature of popular movements, to newspaper short stories and proletarian novels, and recent postmodern prose poems, feminist class poetry, folk home critical series and class-conscious children's literature. The book is published by the Nordic Network for Labor Literature Research (NordArb). This network has greatly contributed to the fact that research in workers' literature today is strong in the Nordic region, and this book aims at further developping interest in workers' literature in a broader context.
vittnesmål från bemanningsföretagens tidevarv,
romanen Yarden (2009). Frågan rymmer en
viktig förskjutning i föreställningen om arbetarlitteraturens
anspråk – från förra sekelskiftets
kollektivism till 2000-talets postindustriella
Hur fi nns och görs klass, och hur märks detta
i arbetarlitteraturen, nu som då? Hur gestaltar
arbetarlitteraturen samhällets historiska och
politiska förändringar, och hur påverkas den i
sin tur av läsekretsens förväntningar? Detta är
frågor som hela tiden måste ställas på nytt.
Volymen samlar 14 bidrag som behandlar föreställningar
om den nordiska arbetarlitteraturen
utifrån följande perspektiv:
– arbetarlitterär tradition
– genreproblem
– reception, medier och offentligh et
– genus och sexualitet
– religion och existens
Medverkande: Beata Agrell, Christer Ekholm,
Anna Forssberg, Anker Gemzøe, Christine
Hamm, Carl-Eric Johansson, Bibi Jonsson, Ole
Karlsen, Katarina Leppänen, Per-Olof Mattsson,
Sandra Mischliwietz, Magnus Nilsson, Birthe
Sjöberg och Anders Öhman.
Papers and chapters by Beata Agrell
Uppbyggelse brukar inte förknippas med arbetarlitteratur. Arbetarlitteratur kan vara agitation, propaganda, tendens- eller kampdiktning, men inte uppbyggelselitteratur. Uppbyggelse hör hemma i ett religiöst-kristet sammanhang som anses utesluta klassperspektiv. Men hur är det egentligen? Arbetarlitteratur och uppbyggelselitteratur ingår förvisso i två skilda litterära kretslopp – ett religiöst och ett sekulärt – men båda kan räknas som brukslitteratur och stod i arbetarlitteraturens barndom dessutom utanför den kanoniserade litteraturens kretslopp. Brukslitteratur har ett pragmatiskt syfte och en performativ funktion: den skall användas – brukas – i särskilda situationer för att att GÖRA något med sin läsare: väcka reflexion, frammana attitydförändring, skapa engagemang eller grunda en handlingsberedskap, ofta inom ramen för ett trossystem, en ideologi eller en social rörelse.
Uppbyggelselitteratur vänder sig till både troende och tvivlare i syfte att t.ex. väcka, lära, förmana, styrka, trösta, aktivera eller ibland även skrämma. Som brukslitteratur kan den anta många former, från predikan, betraktelse, bekännelse, bön och exempelhistoria till den fromma berättelsen, och den kan brukas både i offentliga sammanhang och hemma på kammaren. Speciellt för uppbyggelselitteratur är uppgiften att nå fram till mottagarens innersta, att drabba ”i hjärtat”, så att något sker med denne som medför en perspektivförskjutning. Uppbyggelselitteratur har kort sagt en existentiell funktion.
Motsvarande funktioner och former kan återfinnas inom sekulär brukslitteratur och inte minst arbetarlitteraturen, ibland i samverkan med andra bruksfunktioner. Vi vet redan att den tidiga arbetarlitteraturen återanvände arvet från den samtida väckelsen för proletära syften, men en dimension av både existentiell och ideologisk uppbyggelse torde också kunna återfinnas i senare arbetarlitteratur. Socialistisk realism i Sovjetunionen är ett extremt exempel, men det finns andra – från Martin Koch till Kristian Lundberg. Här studeras två berättelser ur den första generationens arbetarlitteratur: Fredrik Perssons dagboksroman Dömda själar (1909) och Axel Danielssons satiriska novell ”Kors och profit” (1889).
This chapter investigates the issue of to what extent and in what ways a devotional dimension can be construed in a working-class literary text and how aesthetics, didactics, rhetoric and politics co-operate to that end.
Devotion is not usually associated with labour literature. Workers' literature may be agitation, propaganda, tendency or struggle poetry, but not devotional. Devotion belongs in a religious-Christian context which is considered to exclude class perspectives. But how is it really? Workers' literature and devotional literature are certainly part of two separate literary circles—one religious and one secular—but both can be counted as popular literature and, in the infancy of worker's literature, were also outside the circle of canonised literature. Non-fiction has a pragmatic purpose and a performative function: it must be used - utilised - in special situations to ackomplish something with its reader: provoke reflection, bring about a change in attitude, evoke commitment or provoke a readiness for action, often within the framework of a belief system, an ideology or a social movement.
Devotional literature addresses both believers and doubters with the aim of e.g. awaken, teach, admonish, strengthen, comfort, activate or sometimes even frighten. As literature, it can take many forms, from sermon, reflection, confession, prayer and case study to the pious story, and it can be used both in public settings and at home in the chamber. Especially for devotional literature, the task is to reach the recipient’s innermost being, to hit "in the heart", so that something happens to the person that causes a shift in perspective. In short, devotional literature has an existential function.
Corresponding functions and forms can be found within secular utility literature and not least workers' literature, sometimes in collaboration with other utility functions. We already know that early workers' literature reused the legacy of the contemporary revival for proletarian purposes, but a dimension of both existential and ideological edification is also to be found in subsequent working class literature. Socialist realism in the Soviet Union is an extreme example, but there are others – from Martin Koch to Kristian Lundberg. In this chapter two narratives from the first generation of workers' literature are studied: Fredrik Persson's diary novel Doomed souls (1909) and Axel Danielsson's satirical short story "Kors och profit" (1889).
in the canon or not, it testifies to conceptions, mentalities, and
conditions in its time. Working-class literature is a young literary
type, that for long was excluded from the canon and recognized
literary tradition, and therefore has a special relationship to memory,
experience, and culture. The first Swedish working-class writers were
self-taught, without access to the bourgeois cultural heritage. They
were workers, writing about workers, for workers and addressing
the class collective. But they were also individuals, who started from
their own memories and experiences. How did they go about making
their own thing a matter for the whole class? How did they integrate
the personal into a collective memory culture? That is the main issue
in my article. The task is to shed light on the relationship between
individual experience and collective memory in the first generation
of Swedish working-class prose around 1910.
I will dive into this subject matter by employing the notion of
literary objectification, understood as creating vivid images, scenes,
and situations from personal memories and experiences serving as
an objective correlate (T.S. Eliot). The function of this correlate is to
evoke recognition at a distance in the implied reader: an alienated
recognition (Viktor Shklovsky), or a kind of sustained Verfremdung
(Bertolt Brecht), which also includes contemplation and reflection.
A working objective correlate, as I understand it here, must be based
on some form of collective memory. I want to develop this idea
with the support of memory studies, specifically, works by cultural
researcher Jan Assmann and phenomenologist Thomas Fuchs.
This book discusses and challenges the boundaries of what we usually perceive as a canon of working-class literature. Different types of literary texts related to the working class and wage labor are treated here: from struggle poetry, devotional literature and other literature of popular movements, to newspaper short stories and proletarian novels, and recent postmodern prose poems, feminist class poetry, folk home critical series and class-conscious children's literature. The book is published by the Nordic Network for Labor Literature Research (NordArb). This network has greatly contributed to the fact that research in workers' literature today is strong in the Nordic region, and this book aims at further developping interest in workers' literature in a broader context.
vittnesmål från bemanningsföretagens tidevarv,
romanen Yarden (2009). Frågan rymmer en
viktig förskjutning i föreställningen om arbetarlitteraturens
anspråk – från förra sekelskiftets
kollektivism till 2000-talets postindustriella
Hur fi nns och görs klass, och hur märks detta
i arbetarlitteraturen, nu som då? Hur gestaltar
arbetarlitteraturen samhällets historiska och
politiska förändringar, och hur påverkas den i
sin tur av läsekretsens förväntningar? Detta är
frågor som hela tiden måste ställas på nytt.
Volymen samlar 14 bidrag som behandlar föreställningar
om den nordiska arbetarlitteraturen
utifrån följande perspektiv:
– arbetarlitterär tradition
– genreproblem
– reception, medier och offentligh et
– genus och sexualitet
– religion och existens
Medverkande: Beata Agrell, Christer Ekholm,
Anna Forssberg, Anker Gemzøe, Christine
Hamm, Carl-Eric Johansson, Bibi Jonsson, Ole
Karlsen, Katarina Leppänen, Per-Olof Mattsson,
Sandra Mischliwietz, Magnus Nilsson, Birthe
Sjöberg och Anders Öhman.
Uppbyggelse brukar inte förknippas med arbetarlitteratur. Arbetarlitteratur kan vara agitation, propaganda, tendens- eller kampdiktning, men inte uppbyggelselitteratur. Uppbyggelse hör hemma i ett religiöst-kristet sammanhang som anses utesluta klassperspektiv. Men hur är det egentligen? Arbetarlitteratur och uppbyggelselitteratur ingår förvisso i två skilda litterära kretslopp – ett religiöst och ett sekulärt – men båda kan räknas som brukslitteratur och stod i arbetarlitteraturens barndom dessutom utanför den kanoniserade litteraturens kretslopp. Brukslitteratur har ett pragmatiskt syfte och en performativ funktion: den skall användas – brukas – i särskilda situationer för att att GÖRA något med sin läsare: väcka reflexion, frammana attitydförändring, skapa engagemang eller grunda en handlingsberedskap, ofta inom ramen för ett trossystem, en ideologi eller en social rörelse.
Uppbyggelselitteratur vänder sig till både troende och tvivlare i syfte att t.ex. väcka, lära, förmana, styrka, trösta, aktivera eller ibland även skrämma. Som brukslitteratur kan den anta många former, från predikan, betraktelse, bekännelse, bön och exempelhistoria till den fromma berättelsen, och den kan brukas både i offentliga sammanhang och hemma på kammaren. Speciellt för uppbyggelselitteratur är uppgiften att nå fram till mottagarens innersta, att drabba ”i hjärtat”, så att något sker med denne som medför en perspektivförskjutning. Uppbyggelselitteratur har kort sagt en existentiell funktion.
Motsvarande funktioner och former kan återfinnas inom sekulär brukslitteratur och inte minst arbetarlitteraturen, ibland i samverkan med andra bruksfunktioner. Vi vet redan att den tidiga arbetarlitteraturen återanvände arvet från den samtida väckelsen för proletära syften, men en dimension av både existentiell och ideologisk uppbyggelse torde också kunna återfinnas i senare arbetarlitteratur. Socialistisk realism i Sovjetunionen är ett extremt exempel, men det finns andra – från Martin Koch till Kristian Lundberg. Här studeras två berättelser ur den första generationens arbetarlitteratur: Fredrik Perssons dagboksroman Dömda själar (1909) och Axel Danielssons satiriska novell ”Kors och profit” (1889).
This chapter investigates the issue of to what extent and in what ways a devotional dimension can be construed in a working-class literary text and how aesthetics, didactics, rhetoric and politics co-operate to that end.
Devotion is not usually associated with labour literature. Workers' literature may be agitation, propaganda, tendency or struggle poetry, but not devotional. Devotion belongs in a religious-Christian context which is considered to exclude class perspectives. But how is it really? Workers' literature and devotional literature are certainly part of two separate literary circles—one religious and one secular—but both can be counted as popular literature and, in the infancy of worker's literature, were also outside the circle of canonised literature. Non-fiction has a pragmatic purpose and a performative function: it must be used - utilised - in special situations to ackomplish something with its reader: provoke reflection, bring about a change in attitude, evoke commitment or provoke a readiness for action, often within the framework of a belief system, an ideology or a social movement.
Devotional literature addresses both believers and doubters with the aim of e.g. awaken, teach, admonish, strengthen, comfort, activate or sometimes even frighten. As literature, it can take many forms, from sermon, reflection, confession, prayer and case study to the pious story, and it can be used both in public settings and at home in the chamber. Especially for devotional literature, the task is to reach the recipient’s innermost being, to hit "in the heart", so that something happens to the person that causes a shift in perspective. In short, devotional literature has an existential function.
Corresponding functions and forms can be found within secular utility literature and not least workers' literature, sometimes in collaboration with other utility functions. We already know that early workers' literature reused the legacy of the contemporary revival for proletarian purposes, but a dimension of both existential and ideological edification is also to be found in subsequent working class literature. Socialist realism in the Soviet Union is an extreme example, but there are others – from Martin Koch to Kristian Lundberg. In this chapter two narratives from the first generation of workers' literature are studied: Fredrik Persson's diary novel Doomed souls (1909) and Axel Danielsson's satirical short story "Kors och profit" (1889).
in the canon or not, it testifies to conceptions, mentalities, and
conditions in its time. Working-class literature is a young literary
type, that for long was excluded from the canon and recognized
literary tradition, and therefore has a special relationship to memory,
experience, and culture. The first Swedish working-class writers were
self-taught, without access to the bourgeois cultural heritage. They
were workers, writing about workers, for workers and addressing
the class collective. But they were also individuals, who started from
their own memories and experiences. How did they go about making
their own thing a matter for the whole class? How did they integrate
the personal into a collective memory culture? That is the main issue
in my article. The task is to shed light on the relationship between
individual experience and collective memory in the first generation
of Swedish working-class prose around 1910.
I will dive into this subject matter by employing the notion of
literary objectification, understood as creating vivid images, scenes,
and situations from personal memories and experiences serving as
an objective correlate (T.S. Eliot). The function of this correlate is to
evoke recognition at a distance in the implied reader: an alienated
recognition (Viktor Shklovsky), or a kind of sustained Verfremdung
(Bertolt Brecht), which also includes contemplation and reflection.
A working objective correlate, as I understand it here, must be based
on some form of collective memory. I want to develop this idea
with the support of memory studies, specifically, works by cultural
researcher Jan Assmann and phenomenologist Thomas Fuchs.