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      EnlightenmentFriedrich NietzscheSigmund FreudBaruch Spinoza
This work addresses bell hooks’s call for the development of an alternative to patriarchal masculinity which she calls feminist masculinity. Patriarchal masculinity has convinced most men and women that the development of different forms... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyEcofeminismDiderot, DenisMontesquieu
The term 'mixed mathematics' originally derived from the Aristotelian framework of sciences in which mathematics treated abstract entities and could be 'mixed' with sensible properties in varying proportions. Its history is deeply... more
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      MathematicsPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of ScienceCondorcet
This paper presents the relation of Kenneth Arrow's 1950 'Impossibility Theorem' to the idea of the 'Condorcet's Paradox'. It shows that Arrow's theorem indeed theoretically proves that democracy is either arbitrary or impossible, and... more
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      Political ScienceRational ChoiceDemocracyThe Theory and practice of democracy
Democracy was in the margins both as an idea and as a political force in the eighteenth century. Even in the 1790s, ‘democracy’ was hardly the defining notion of the revolutionaries’ political visions. The small states as much as the... more
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      Modern HistoryIntellectual HistoryPolitical TheoryEarly Modern History
Rimpiangere la "res publica", tornare a Roma. In questo, alla fine del secondo millennio, gli studi antichistici (storici e giuridici) e quelli teorico-politici sembrano trovare una convergenza. Se lo storico di Roma Fergus Millar... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
This paper makes a claim about Constant's intellectual sources in order to throw additional light on the nature of his liberalism. It assesses Constant's views against the background of a tradition of political rationalism. Constant both... more
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      History of IdeasLiberalismHistory of Political ThoughtHistory of Political Science
Key Enlightenment minds are often juxtaposed with their iconic foes, religious conservatives. When discussing the subject of women's rights, however, this comparison creates a false impression that Enlightenment male thinkers held ideas... more
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Alors que le «peuple» réclame qu’on l’entende, il n’est pas inutile de faire un détour par la constitution de 1793. A minima la souveraineté est le pouvoir de faire les lois, de les défendre et de se faire justice. Reste à... more
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      Constitutional LawFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French RevolutionFrench Revolution and Napoleon
During Spain’s colonization of the Americas and its striving to “civilize” peoples considered barbarians, the idea of a world in which a single way of life was compulsory emerged for the first time. By making European cultural norms a... more
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      TechnologyClimate ChangeHerderAdam Smith
Table of Contents
Chapter 9
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      Constitutional LawRepublicanismCritical Legal TheoryRosa Luxemburg
Tesis doctoral centrada en conocer la vida y el pensamiento de Sophie de Grouchy, fundamentalmente su empirismo gnoseológico, su teoría ética de la simpatía, sus propuestas sociales y el pensamiento feminista ilustrado.
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      Adam SmithDavid HumeJean Jaques RousseauFeminismo
The aim of the research is to give a contribution and an insight on the complex field of stakeholder involvement in transport planning, by analysing the role of decision-support methods and agent-based modelling in guiding a participation... more
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      Transportation EngineeringTransportation StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationAgent Based Simulation
This paper includes a chapter with the abstract and the final conclusions of the thesis: The Philosophy of Sophie de Grouchy: Theory of Knowledge, Ethical Theory, Political and Social Philosophy and Feminist Thought.
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      French RevolutionEnlightenmentFeminismAdam Smith
Sadece çifte devrimler çağı olarak adlandırılacak dönem itibari ile değil kadının rolü dünya siyaset tarihinde itici bir güç olarak yer tutmaktadır. Çifte Devrimlerin bir yüzü olan Fransız Devrimi ile birlikte kadın ve modernizm ilişkisi... more
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      CondorcetFeminizmKadın HaklarıMadame Roland
Como último recurso, dado que Mirabeau, miembro de ese Comité de los Cinco *…+ había propuesto que la Declaración se redactara después de la Constitución, se decidió redactarla y votarla en Asamblea general artículo por artículo, a partir... more
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      Human RightsWomen's RightsEdmund BurkeBentham
We provide a proof for a result due to Grofman, ). a distribution-free generalization of the Condorcet Jury Theorem (1785). In proving this result we show exactly what distribution of individual competence maximizes/minimizes the... more
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      EconomicsMathematical Models for Social SciencesCondorcetMathematical Sciences
Can collectives be wise? The thesis that they can has recently received a lot of attention. It has been argued that, in many judgmental or decision-making tasks, suitably organized groups can outperform their individual members. In this... more
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      Collective IntelligenceCognitionDistributed CognitionExtended Mind
L’historiographie récente montre que l’idée d’utilité des sciences est devenue un topos des discours scientifiques depuis la Renaissance, tant lors d’interventions orales que dans les publications . La notion de l’utilité, utilitas, était... more
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      History of ScienceEighteenth-Century French StudiesScientific AcademiesCondorcet
Notre intérêt pour une l'amitié intellectuelle entre Condorcet et Sieyès repose sur le souci de mesurer l'ampleur de leur débat philosophique investi dans la politique, et des divergences qui s'y expriment, sans a priori sur leurs... more
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      Correspondence AnalysisCondorcetSieyès
This paper considers the contribution positive political theory has made to the resolution of “Hobbes’ Problem”—the problem of describing the nature of artificial persons, such as states. This problem plays a central role in both... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryHobbesSocial Choice Theory
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      Political EconomyUtilitarianismWilliam GodwinPopulation
The paper presents a synthetic survey of the most relevant Enlightment contributions on the topic of freedom of expression. I focus on the main arguments elaborated by a selection of authors -Condorcet, Filangieri, Fichte -in some of... more
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      Johann Gottlieb FichteCondorcetGaetano FilangieriIlluminismo
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      DemocracyJean Jaques RousseauCondorcetFreedom
“We may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s Presidential election.” The words with which Judge Stevens expressed his dissent from the US Supreme Court Sentence, which effectively decided the... more
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      Political PhilosophyVoting BehaviorElectoral BehaviorElectoral Systems
Artículo para la publicación extremeña Paradoxa sobre la propuesta educativa de Sophie de Grouchy y Nicolás de Condorcet, de inspiración republicana y con una evidente vocación igualitaria en lo que respecta a la situación de las mujeres... more
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      FeminismoCondorcetSophie De GrouchyLa Ilustración Francesa, Europea e Hispanoamericana
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      PhilosophyRepublicanismLiberalismImmanuel Kant
This article focuses on the alleged direct acquaintanceship between Condorcet and Adam Smith. Mistaken infor-mation about this issue was repeated many times in the literature of the late 1800s and 1900s. It is presumed that they met in... more
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      EnlightenmentScottish EnlightenmentAdam SmithCondorcet
Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume/fascicolo di periodico dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633.
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      Karl MarxCondorcetBenjamin ConstantStoria Delle Dottrine Politiche
This paper was presented at "Telos in Europe: The L’Aquila Conference", held on September 7-9, 2012, in L’Aquila, Italy.
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      HistoryAmerican PoliticsLiberalismFrench Revolution
We address the problem of a participatory decision-making process where a shared priority list of alternatives has to be obtained while avoiding inconsistent decisions. An agent-based model (ABM) is proposed to mimic this process in... more
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      Transport PlanningComplex NetworksCondorcetConsensus
La distinction entre persuader et convaincre a souvent servi à disqualifier les passions soulevées par l'éloquence antique, qui aurait conduit les assemblées populaires à céder au charme des démagogues. À l'inverse, nous disent Condorcet... more
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      RhetoricFrench RevolutionPublic DeliberationPublic Sphere
The aim of this work is to give a contribution in the field of stakeholder engagement in order to reduce the widespread conflicts arising when transport plans have to be implemented and understand the role of quantitative methods to... more
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      Transport PlanningMulti Criteria Decision MakingAgent Based Modeling and SimulationCondorcet
La serie de Declaraciones de Derechos de fines de Siglo XVIII, constituyen un hito fundante de la lógica política de la sociedad moderna al organizar las categorías y el léxico propios de la modernidad política. Para interrogarlas, el... more
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      Feminist TheoryHuman RightsFrench RevolutionEdmund Burke
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      EconomicsLeadershipGroup BehaviorDecision Theory
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheorySovereignty
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En el presente trabajo, sin ánimo y sin posibilidad de ser exhaustivos, pretendemos hacer un recorrido que nos permita observar lo que ha significado, en diferentes contextos históricos, ese concepto de educación íntimamente vinculado a... more
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      EducaciónCondorcetPaolo FreireIlustración
Book review about "The philosophy of Sophie de Grouchy" published in Thémata. Revista de Filosofía
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      EnlightenmentFeminismAdam SmithCondorcet
This article analyzes the approach of two philosophers of the Enlightenment: Immanuel Kant (1724/1804) and Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat (1743/1794). The main question of this paper is: If one is not born a person, but becomes a... more
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      Immanuel KantTeaching HistoryHistory TeachingCondorcet
In transport planning several actors with conflicting objectives are involved in the decision-making process. Though public participation is fundamental to legitimate a transport plan, some inconsistencies may arise when individual... more
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      Transport PlanningAgent-based modelingCondorcetPublic Participation
Condorcet’s voting paradox shows that pairwise majority voting may lead to cyclical majority preferences. In a famous paper, Sen (1966) identified a general condition on a profile of individual preference orderings, called triplewise... more
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      MathematicsMathematics EducationSocial Choice TheoryDemocracy
The Condorcet Jury Theorem (CJT), which provides a justification for democracy, is based on voters who are imperfectly informed insofar as they know the correct policy with a probability of less than one but greater than one-half. We... more
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      Decision MakingCondorcetExpressive Behavior
Ik zal in deze inleiding deze vraag, mits enkele nuanceringen, met ja beantwoorden. Omdat ik er vanuit ga dat er over democratie en verlichting geen consensus bestaat, zelfs niet bij de gerespecteerde panelleden van vandaag, zal mijn... more
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      NationalismDemocracyPolitical History of BelgiumRadical Democracy
Social choice literature proposes several decision processes to achieve a social compromise. We know that different procedures may yield different solutions. However, no study has been done to estimate the probability that they... more
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      EconomicsMathematical EconomicsProbabilityProbability Distribution & Applications
Constitutional democracies have allowed for patterns of accumulation of wealth at the top, leading to acute inequality and dangerous oligarchization of power. Moreover, the theoretical tools that liberal constitutionalism offers are... more
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      MarxismSocial RightsLiberalismMaterialism
RESUMO. O artigo discute as contribuições de Condorcet (1743-1794) sobre a educação pública. Esse intelectual participou da Revolução Francesa e colaborou para estabelecer as bases doutrinárias do sistema educativo burguês e definir o... more
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    • Condorcet
Les éloges prononcés à l’Académie royale des sciences fournissent des éléments précieux pour comprendre son fonctionnement à la n de l’Ancien Régime. En e et, rédigés et lus publiquement par le Secrétaire perpétuel,... more
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      History of ScienceIntellectual History of EnlightenmentCondorcetHistory of Experts
The history of political theory finds itself vulnerable to the spectre of redundancy, which always seems to overshadow philosophers who unfortunately find themselves in historical contexts prior to the 20th century. Using contemporary... more
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      Political TheoryCondorcetFrench Enlightenment