Papers by Simona Pisanelli
The impact of digitization of the economy on the skills and professional qualifications, and their impact on working conditions and labor: Volumen I, 2021, ISBN 978-84-1346-682-8, págs. 237-351, 2021
Percorsi di Storia del pensiero economico e del pensiero sociologico. Scritti in onore di Vitantonio Gioia. Macerata: EUM., 2021
DADA Rivista di Antropologia post-globale, 2012
This article intends to focus on the importance of two kinds of inequality that increasingly char... more This article intends to focus on the importance of two kinds of inequality that increasingly characterise contemporary society, where in addition to the widening of the traditional economic gap there is also an unequal distribution of ecological risks. Our thinking on these issues sprang from the consideration of a twofold aspect: a. the analysis of the mechanisms that have created such inequalities and that continue to determine our current model of growth; b. a comparison between the outcomes of the dominant model of development and the expectations that have emerged since the Enlightenment about the capitalist economy’s ability to lead to a society based on the general improvement of material well-being and on a gradual process of achieving a “perfectionnement de l’espèce humaine”. As far as the first aspect is concerned, it has been shown that unless the automatic market mechanisms are politically corrected in the direction of a fairer sharing out of resources and social wealth,...
H-ermes. Journal of Communication, 2019
Enlightenment forerunners in Essos? The issue of slavery in Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones has... more Enlightenment forerunners in Essos? The issue of slavery in Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones has won the attention of several social scientists, including those dealing with economic issues. The way the author of the novels and the TV series showrunners deal with the subject of slavery reveals a far from superficial knowledge of the 18th century abolitionist debate. The paper aims to highlight the similarities between the ideas put forward in the dialogues of Game of Thrones characters and the
political, juridical and economic reflections that we find in the Enlightenment authors committed to the abolition of slavery. In both cases, it is clear that – without an adequate reconfiguration of the legislative structure and a rational reorganization of the economic system – the freeing of slaves can have uncertain outcomes.
The Economic Thought of Sir James Steuart. First Economist of the Scottish Enlightenment, 2019
When dealing with an author like James Steuart and his Inquiry into the Principles of Political E... more When dealing with an author like James Steuart and his Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy (1767), the first impression is that his work has been neglected for a long time, especially if compared with the more well-known Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (1776) by Adam Smith.
Ideas in the History of Economic Development The Case of Peripheral Countries, 2019
This chapter focuses on the debate that emerged after the unification of Italy among economists o... more This chapter focuses on the debate that emerged after the unification of Italy among economists on the possibility of different growth models: the first based on industrialisation, the second based on the preference for an agricultural system. It explores the relationship between theoretical progress in economics and the economic policies aimed at promoting Italian economic development. In terms of economic policy, 1887 was a watershed: a new customs tariff was introduced in order to protect domestic wheat production, the textile industry and steel. The Italian debates on development issues took place in an international context rife with contradictions in both the theoretical economic field and that of economic policy. For free-traders, instead of improving the manufacturing sector, the regulators would contribute to the worsening of the primary sector. Free-traders continued to deny the benefits the new Italian manufacturers had gained from protectionist policies.
Libéralisme et protectionnisme : économie et politique des relations internationales, 2019
Francesco Trinchera (1810-1874), auteur du Risorgimento italien engagé en faveur de l’unification... more Francesco Trinchera (1810-1874), auteur du Risorgimento italien engagé en faveur de l’unification du pays, voit la France comme un modèle de société et d’État national. Dans son Corso di economia politica, il souligne le rôle de l’économie politique (et de la politique économique) en tant que science capable de promouvoir non seulement la croissance économique, mais aussi un système de relations sociales plus solide, moins exposé aux crises. Favorable au laisser-faire et hostile au protectionnisme, Trinchera ne sous-estime pas les limites du premier et admet explicitement des formes d’intervention de l’État dans l’économie, pour la défense des secteurs les plus faibles de la société. Le but de cet article est d’illustrer ces idées à travers l’analyse des mémoires sur Antonio Serra, le duc de Sully et J.B. Colbert que Trinchera a présentés à l’Académie Royale des sciences sociales et morales de Naples.
Conosciuto soprattutto per il suo contributo alla diffusione di alcune importanti correnti di pen... more Conosciuto soprattutto per il suo contributo alla diffusione di alcune importanti correnti di pensiero nel campo giuridico, filosofico ed economico, Francesco Trinchera è stato trascurato come autore di diversi discorsi e opere di contenuto economico. Questo paper si concentra sui seguenti aspetti: a) il ruolo significativo di Francesco Trinchera come economista e storico del pensiero economico; b) il suo coinvolgimento nel dibattito metodologico sul ruolo dell’Economia politica; c) il suo impegno riguardo alla definizione di un progetto di sviluppo economico e sociale dell’Italia Unita.
Francesco Trinchera, well known above all for his contribution to the spread of some important European schools of thought in the juridical, philosophical and economic fields, has been neglected as the author of various economic works and speeches. This paper focuses on the following aspects: a) the significant role of Francesco Trinchera as an economist and historian of economic thought; b) his involvement in the methodological debate of his time about the role of Political Economy; c) his commitment to the process of economic and social development of the United Kingdom of Italy.
The aim of this paper is to point out how inappropriate economics
is for explaining th... more The aim of this paper is to point out how inappropriate economics
is for explaining the relationship between development problems, environmental imbalances and migration flows. While these problems, taken individually, are often the focus of public and political discussions, there is still no satisfactory analytical approach able to deal with their causal connections and social implications. This seems surprising, especially if one considers that the Enlightenment thinkers were already engaged in a rich reflection on these issues. In t
his paper we will try to demonstrate that a kind of analytical impoverishment occurred in the nineteenth century, with the adoption of the homo oeconomicus category and that such an impoverishment, nowadays, prevents us from explaining phenomena such as “enviro nmental migrations”, which are not yet fully and
unambiguously recognized in economic literature.
L’analisi delle diseguaglianze e degli effetti degli squilibri ambientali
pone problemi significa... more L’analisi delle diseguaglianze e degli effetti degli squilibri ambientali
pone problemi significativi non solo riguardo all’uso della “cassetta di
strumenti” di cui dispongono gli economisti e le scienze sociali, ma anche circa l’utilità della strumentazione scientifica per la messa a fuoco di fenomeni e aspetti centrali nelle società dei nostri tempi. Bisogna prendere atto del fatto che quelle dotazioni scientifiche che abbiamo utilizzato, con indubbio successo per tanto tempo, sono state create in un contesto che poneva in primo piano problemi diversi e che riteneva non rilevanti sfide che oggi paiono in primo piano. Da questo punto di vista, l’atteggiamento dello scienziato sociale appare paradossale: da un lato ritiene, giustamente, che la conoscenza sia un processo infinito e che non possano essere perseguite “spiegazioni assolute” o “verità ultime”; per un altro verso, mantiene la ferrea convinzione che nuove
spiegazioni possano essere ottenute solo all’interno del paradigma scientifico che ha usato fino a oggi. Anche se le singole spiegazioni non sono convincenti o se viene trascurata una parte delle questioni importanti, il paradigma mainstream va considerato invariante. Il problema che emerge è che quella configurazione paradigmatica è stata
costruita per cogliere e analizzare una certa tipologia di questioni, per cui se è vero che essa è in grado di generare, in termini di scienza normale, nuovi problemi, è al contempo vero che questi dipendono dal punto di osservazione da cui si guarda la realtà. In particolare, proprio sul tema della giustizia sociale e degli effetti degli squilibri ambientali, si sperimenta quotidianamente la difficoltà crescente del paradigma usato ad affrontare le nuove sfide analitiche (e pratiche) utilizzando una logica puramente additiva, che, salvaguardando le assunzioni cruciali, tenti di allargare l’orizzonte coperto dal paradigma.
In questo contributo si cercherà di dimostrare l’inadeguatezza
dell’approccio scientifico mainstream con riferimento a due ambiti
1. quello dell’economia dello sviluppo;
2. quello relativo alla gamma di problemi posti dalla esigenza di equità
sociale e dalla cosiddetta “questione ambientale”.
Si è ritenuto utile anche inserire nel paragrafo 3 un riferimento ad alcuni
aspetti del dibattito illuministico per dimostrare che la scelta paradigmatica non è scaturita da una logica interna allo sviluppo scientifico, bensì dalla necessità di mettere a fuoco alcuni fenomeni, ritenuti essenziali per l’analisi economica. Si vedrà che quel ricco dibattito era aperto a percorsi diversi, anche se poi è prevalso quello che ha portato all’homo oeconomicus e alla logica del comportamento massimizzante degli individui, a prescindere da considerazioni sociali o etiche.
Già dieci anni fa, Amartya Sen esprimeva la sua sorpresa per lo scarso interesse degli economisti... more Già dieci anni fa, Amartya Sen esprimeva la sua sorpresa per lo scarso interesse degli economisti nei confronti delle questioni ambientali. Ancora oggi, la situazione appare invariata, poiché gli scienziati sociali continuano ad attribuire all’am¬biente un ruolo marginale nelle teorie dello sviluppo e del mutamento sociale. L’articolo propone l’agroecologia come un primo passo verso una possibile alternativa al modello tradizionale di sviluppo. Nella prima parte, l’autrice illustra come la crescita economica, basata sugli automatismi di mercato, non abbia garantito né un generale miglioramento materiale, né un soddisfacente equilibrio in termini di equità sociale. La seconda parte si focalizza sulla necessità di definire una nuova teoria dello sviluppo, rivolta al rinnovamento dei rapporti tra uomo e natura. Infine, nell’ultima parte, l’autrice suggerisce l’agroecologia come approccio innovativo che può ridefinire il quadro analitico dello sviluppo rurale con riferimento a tre aspetti: la relazione tra uomo e natura, i rapporti tra produttori e consumatori e quelli tra agricoltori e ricerca scientifica
As we know, there are two basic elements in the Physiocrats’ view: on the juridical plane, the be... more As we know, there are two basic elements in the Physiocrats’ view: on the juridical plane, the belief that positive laws follow natural ones; on the economic plane, the idea that agriculture is the sole source of net product. The importance and interdependence of these two aspects also emerge with reference to the issue of slave labour and to the debate concerning its abolition. This article attempts to inquire into the Ambiguities of the economic ideas of the Physiocrats, who, in theory, favored the use of free labour, but in practice were forced, out of political realism, to accept slave labor – even though it was seen as the outcome of a “sick” law. In particular, we will show that Le Mercier de la Rivière and Pierre Poivre, Physiocrats and colonial Intendants, gave up to the idea of the abolition of slavery, thus legitimising its continuation.
Mariano Longo, Ferdinando Spina (a cura di), La passione per il sociale. Scritti per Marcello Strazzeri, 2016
Sophie de Grouchy is known, not only in France, as the young wife of the Marquis of Condorcet and... more Sophie de Grouchy is known, not only in France, as the young wife of the Marquis of Condorcet and translator of Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith. Even though de Grouchy has significantly contributed to the spread of TMS, she has been ignored by the English scholars of Smith for a long time (Brown e McClellan III, 2008: XV and XXXIX). For example, Ian Simpson Ross, in his famous Life of Adam Smith, devotes only a few lines with reference to the translation of TMS and to her Lettres sur la sympathie (Ross, 2010: 387-8). Only recently, the work of Sophie de Grouchy and her critical reflections on the Smithian category of sympathy have aroused some interest.
In Italy, de Grouchy is surely remembered for her relationships with Giulia Beccaria. As is well known, she hosted his son – Alessandro Manzoni – in her salon, with the French ideologues. The Lettres sur la sympathie was published only in 1995 (edited by Maria Alberta Sarti), with an introduction which lacks a systematic comparison between the ideas of Smith and the critical remarks of de Grouchy.
This paper is focuses on the reasons for de Grouchy’s interpretation of TMS . By starting from the translation of the original work (moreover not always completely faithful), Sophie de Grouchy reaches a different (and sometimes explicitly adverse) view of the Smithian category of sympathy. In order to explain the sources of such an interpretation, we will emphasize the following aspects:
1. the changes in the several editions of TMS and the way in which Sophie de Grouchy approached the reading of the sixth and last edition;
2. the analysis of the critiques that de Grouchy addressed to Smith, especially dwelling on the most significant differences between the two approaches;
3. the analysis of the elements of TMS neglected by de Grouchy, although they constituted the most innovative aspects of the last edition of Smith’s work.
Già dieci anni fa, A. Sen esprimeva la sua sorpresa per lo scarso interesse degli economisti nei ... more Già dieci anni fa, A. Sen esprimeva la sua sorpresa per lo scarso interesse degli economisti nei confronti delle questioni ambientali. Ancora oggi, la situazione appare invariata, poiché gli scienziati sociali continuano ad attribuire all’ambiente un ruolo marginale nelle teorie dello sviluppo e del mutamento sociale.
L’articolo propone l’agroecologia come un primo passo verso una possibile alternativa al modello tradizionale di sviluppo. Nella prima parte, l’autrice illustra come la crescita economica, basata sugli automatismi di mercato, non abbia garantito né un generale miglioramento materiale, né un soddisfacente equilibrio in termini di equità sociale. La seconda parte si focalizza sulla necessità di definire una nuova teoria dello sviluppo, rivolta al rinnovamento dei rapporti tra uomo e natura. Infine, nell’ultima parte, l’autrice suggerisce l’agroecologia come approccio innovativo che può ridefinire il quadro analitico dello sviluppo rurale con riferimento a tre aspetti: la relazione tra uomo e natura, i rapporti tra produttori e consumatori e quelli tra agricoltori e ricerca scientifica.
This chapter focuses on the substantial continuity in the debates on slavery and its abolition. T... more This chapter focuses on the substantial continuity in the debates on slavery and its abolition. The
discussion started in the eighteenth century and, after a period of relative suspension, it was revived in the
nineteenth century. These debates, important elements in the design of reforms promoting the capitalistic
transformation of the economy and society, challenged the use of slave labour, because of its
incompatibility with the process of civilization and limited utility for landowners, in view of the lower
productivity of slaves compared to free workers. The paper highlights the dichotomous approach
developed on this issue. From the point of view of the pro-abolition arguments, beyond the ethicalreligious
or racial explanations, the Enlightenment thinkers and the nineteenth century intellectuals
provided convincing explanations on both the juridical (or legislative) and economic plane. However,
differences arose as regards the timing and modes of the abolitionist project: some advocated the
immediate and complete eradication of slavery, others theorized its gradual abolition. Some authors
considered it fair and necessary to ensure compensation to the plantation-owners losing slaves, while
others opposed this measure, since it would involve the recognition of an illegitimate property right (over
the slave).
It’s well-known the correlation existing between climate change and the transformations of the so... more It’s well-known the correlation existing between climate change and the transformations of the socio-economic system in human societies, so as the social consequences of climate change negatively affecting existences of a large part of world population.
This paper presents a project hypothesis which proposes to carry out an exploratory study that takes into account the fallout of environmental changes and climate change on the structure of migration flows taking place in the Mediterranean basin to analyze the correlation among climate change, human mobility and reconfiguration of economic and productive systems.
This article focuses on the alleged direct acquaintanceship between Condorcet and Adam Smith. Mis... more This article focuses on the alleged direct acquaintanceship between Condorcet and Adam Smith. Mistaken infor-mation about this issue was repeated many times in the literature of the late 1800s and 1900s. It is presumed that they met in France, during Smith’s journey there, chez Sophie de Grouchy. I will attempt to show that the meeting be-tween the two authors was not in fact arranged by Sophie de Grouchy, Condorcet’s wife, even though she was very interested in Smithian theories, especially about the category of “sympathy”, as confirmed by her French translation of the Theory of Moral Sentiments. My purpose is to demonstrate that Madame de Condorcet did never meet Smith and, as a result, she could not have introduced Condorcet to Smith. A greater degree of probability can be attributed to the version that indicates Turgot as the intermediary between Condorcet and Smith. In my opinion, not even this hypothesis is totally convincing, because neither Smith nor Condorcet ever talk about their meeting. Moreover, there is no evidence of correspondence between them.
In tempi recenti, è fiorita una letteratura interessata a oltrepassare i confini limitati dell' o... more In tempi recenti, è fiorita una letteratura interessata a oltrepassare i confini limitati dell' oeconomicus. Un simile tentativo sollecita il superamento della categoria di oltrepassi i limiti conoscitivi.
SviluppoFelice, Feb 11, 2013
1 (In)utilità di Kyoto2. Mutamenti climatici e giustizia sociale di Simona Pisanelli L'8 dicembre... more 1 (In)utilità di Kyoto2. Mutamenti climatici e giustizia sociale di Simona Pisanelli L'8 dicembre scorso si è conclusa a Doha (Qatar) la 18^ Conferenza dell'ONU sul clima. I giornali ne hanno parlato per annunciare la "salvezza" del Protocollo di Kyoto, rinnovato fino al 2020. Sembrerebbe una buona notizia, se non fosse che questo strumento di tutela dell'ambiente lascia a desiderare sin dai tempi della sua ideazione. Sottoscritto l'11 dicembre 1997, esso si proponeva di ridurre entro il 2012 le emissioni inquinanti in misura pari al 5,2% rispetto ai livelli raggiunti nel 1990 dai paesi industrializzati e da quelli in via di sviluppo. Al contrario, secondo i
Idee - Nuova serie. Anno I, nn 1-2., Dec 23, 2011
"The article is based on the Wolfgang Sachs' - sociologist, economist and environmentalist - inte... more "The article is based on the Wolfgang Sachs' - sociologist, economist and environmentalist - interdisciplinary approach. It faces the topical question of social justice, bearing in mind that in a globalized world it's impossible to describe the principle of fairness without including ecology: global citizenship must include - among the other rights - a fair access to natural resources as well. The clear limits of non-renewable resources have been ignored from the prevalent western model, revealed as disastrous both for the advanced economies (as the periodic crisis show) and for the developing and poor countries that still continue working for economic growth as the only way to achieve wealth.
A turnabout it's urgent, in a perspective that combines the "sufficiency" principle with the efficiency one. This kind of attempt dates back to 80s, with the idea of sustainable project: but if in the original suggestion sustainability was the "respect of environment", in a few times that means "enduring development", pointing on the pure economic growth again. Back to the point of departure, it's necessary to create a new conception of social justice, that should be environmental protection compatible.
Papers by Simona Pisanelli
Game of Thrones has won the attention of several social scientists, including those dealing with economic issues. The way the author of the novels and the TV series showrunners deal with the subject of slavery reveals a far from superficial knowledge of the 18th century abolitionist debate. The paper aims to highlight the similarities between the ideas put forward in the dialogues of Game of Thrones characters and the
political, juridical and economic reflections that we find in the Enlightenment authors committed to the abolition of slavery. In both cases, it is clear that – without an adequate reconfiguration of the legislative structure and a rational reorganization of the economic system – the freeing of slaves can have uncertain outcomes.
Francesco Trinchera, well known above all for his contribution to the spread of some important European schools of thought in the juridical, philosophical and economic fields, has been neglected as the author of various economic works and speeches. This paper focuses on the following aspects: a) the significant role of Francesco Trinchera as an economist and historian of economic thought; b) his involvement in the methodological debate of his time about the role of Political Economy; c) his commitment to the process of economic and social development of the United Kingdom of Italy.
is for explaining the relationship between development problems, environmental imbalances and migration flows. While these problems, taken individually, are often the focus of public and political discussions, there is still no satisfactory analytical approach able to deal with their causal connections and social implications. This seems surprising, especially if one considers that the Enlightenment thinkers were already engaged in a rich reflection on these issues. In t
his paper we will try to demonstrate that a kind of analytical impoverishment occurred in the nineteenth century, with the adoption of the homo oeconomicus category and that such an impoverishment, nowadays, prevents us from explaining phenomena such as “enviro nmental migrations”, which are not yet fully and
unambiguously recognized in economic literature.
pone problemi significativi non solo riguardo all’uso della “cassetta di
strumenti” di cui dispongono gli economisti e le scienze sociali, ma anche circa l’utilità della strumentazione scientifica per la messa a fuoco di fenomeni e aspetti centrali nelle società dei nostri tempi. Bisogna prendere atto del fatto che quelle dotazioni scientifiche che abbiamo utilizzato, con indubbio successo per tanto tempo, sono state create in un contesto che poneva in primo piano problemi diversi e che riteneva non rilevanti sfide che oggi paiono in primo piano. Da questo punto di vista, l’atteggiamento dello scienziato sociale appare paradossale: da un lato ritiene, giustamente, che la conoscenza sia un processo infinito e che non possano essere perseguite “spiegazioni assolute” o “verità ultime”; per un altro verso, mantiene la ferrea convinzione che nuove
spiegazioni possano essere ottenute solo all’interno del paradigma scientifico che ha usato fino a oggi. Anche se le singole spiegazioni non sono convincenti o se viene trascurata una parte delle questioni importanti, il paradigma mainstream va considerato invariante. Il problema che emerge è che quella configurazione paradigmatica è stata
costruita per cogliere e analizzare una certa tipologia di questioni, per cui se è vero che essa è in grado di generare, in termini di scienza normale, nuovi problemi, è al contempo vero che questi dipendono dal punto di osservazione da cui si guarda la realtà. In particolare, proprio sul tema della giustizia sociale e degli effetti degli squilibri ambientali, si sperimenta quotidianamente la difficoltà crescente del paradigma usato ad affrontare le nuove sfide analitiche (e pratiche) utilizzando una logica puramente additiva, che, salvaguardando le assunzioni cruciali, tenti di allargare l’orizzonte coperto dal paradigma.
In questo contributo si cercherà di dimostrare l’inadeguatezza
dell’approccio scientifico mainstream con riferimento a due ambiti
1. quello dell’economia dello sviluppo;
2. quello relativo alla gamma di problemi posti dalla esigenza di equità
sociale e dalla cosiddetta “questione ambientale”.
Si è ritenuto utile anche inserire nel paragrafo 3 un riferimento ad alcuni
aspetti del dibattito illuministico per dimostrare che la scelta paradigmatica non è scaturita da una logica interna allo sviluppo scientifico, bensì dalla necessità di mettere a fuoco alcuni fenomeni, ritenuti essenziali per l’analisi economica. Si vedrà che quel ricco dibattito era aperto a percorsi diversi, anche se poi è prevalso quello che ha portato all’homo oeconomicus e alla logica del comportamento massimizzante degli individui, a prescindere da considerazioni sociali o etiche.
In Italy, de Grouchy is surely remembered for her relationships with Giulia Beccaria. As is well known, she hosted his son – Alessandro Manzoni – in her salon, with the French ideologues. The Lettres sur la sympathie was published only in 1995 (edited by Maria Alberta Sarti), with an introduction which lacks a systematic comparison between the ideas of Smith and the critical remarks of de Grouchy.
This paper is focuses on the reasons for de Grouchy’s interpretation of TMS . By starting from the translation of the original work (moreover not always completely faithful), Sophie de Grouchy reaches a different (and sometimes explicitly adverse) view of the Smithian category of sympathy. In order to explain the sources of such an interpretation, we will emphasize the following aspects:
1. the changes in the several editions of TMS and the way in which Sophie de Grouchy approached the reading of the sixth and last edition;
2. the analysis of the critiques that de Grouchy addressed to Smith, especially dwelling on the most significant differences between the two approaches;
3. the analysis of the elements of TMS neglected by de Grouchy, although they constituted the most innovative aspects of the last edition of Smith’s work.
L’articolo propone l’agroecologia come un primo passo verso una possibile alternativa al modello tradizionale di sviluppo. Nella prima parte, l’autrice illustra come la crescita economica, basata sugli automatismi di mercato, non abbia garantito né un generale miglioramento materiale, né un soddisfacente equilibrio in termini di equità sociale. La seconda parte si focalizza sulla necessità di definire una nuova teoria dello sviluppo, rivolta al rinnovamento dei rapporti tra uomo e natura. Infine, nell’ultima parte, l’autrice suggerisce l’agroecologia come approccio innovativo che può ridefinire il quadro analitico dello sviluppo rurale con riferimento a tre aspetti: la relazione tra uomo e natura, i rapporti tra produttori e consumatori e quelli tra agricoltori e ricerca scientifica.
discussion started in the eighteenth century and, after a period of relative suspension, it was revived in the
nineteenth century. These debates, important elements in the design of reforms promoting the capitalistic
transformation of the economy and society, challenged the use of slave labour, because of its
incompatibility with the process of civilization and limited utility for landowners, in view of the lower
productivity of slaves compared to free workers. The paper highlights the dichotomous approach
developed on this issue. From the point of view of the pro-abolition arguments, beyond the ethicalreligious
or racial explanations, the Enlightenment thinkers and the nineteenth century intellectuals
provided convincing explanations on both the juridical (or legislative) and economic plane. However,
differences arose as regards the timing and modes of the abolitionist project: some advocated the
immediate and complete eradication of slavery, others theorized its gradual abolition. Some authors
considered it fair and necessary to ensure compensation to the plantation-owners losing slaves, while
others opposed this measure, since it would involve the recognition of an illegitimate property right (over
the slave).
This paper presents a project hypothesis which proposes to carry out an exploratory study that takes into account the fallout of environmental changes and climate change on the structure of migration flows taking place in the Mediterranean basin to analyze the correlation among climate change, human mobility and reconfiguration of economic and productive systems.
A turnabout it's urgent, in a perspective that combines the "sufficiency" principle with the efficiency one. This kind of attempt dates back to 80s, with the idea of sustainable project: but if in the original suggestion sustainability was the "respect of environment", in a few times that means "enduring development", pointing on the pure economic growth again. Back to the point of departure, it's necessary to create a new conception of social justice, that should be environmental protection compatible.
Game of Thrones has won the attention of several social scientists, including those dealing with economic issues. The way the author of the novels and the TV series showrunners deal with the subject of slavery reveals a far from superficial knowledge of the 18th century abolitionist debate. The paper aims to highlight the similarities between the ideas put forward in the dialogues of Game of Thrones characters and the
political, juridical and economic reflections that we find in the Enlightenment authors committed to the abolition of slavery. In both cases, it is clear that – without an adequate reconfiguration of the legislative structure and a rational reorganization of the economic system – the freeing of slaves can have uncertain outcomes.
Francesco Trinchera, well known above all for his contribution to the spread of some important European schools of thought in the juridical, philosophical and economic fields, has been neglected as the author of various economic works and speeches. This paper focuses on the following aspects: a) the significant role of Francesco Trinchera as an economist and historian of economic thought; b) his involvement in the methodological debate of his time about the role of Political Economy; c) his commitment to the process of economic and social development of the United Kingdom of Italy.
is for explaining the relationship between development problems, environmental imbalances and migration flows. While these problems, taken individually, are often the focus of public and political discussions, there is still no satisfactory analytical approach able to deal with their causal connections and social implications. This seems surprising, especially if one considers that the Enlightenment thinkers were already engaged in a rich reflection on these issues. In t
his paper we will try to demonstrate that a kind of analytical impoverishment occurred in the nineteenth century, with the adoption of the homo oeconomicus category and that such an impoverishment, nowadays, prevents us from explaining phenomena such as “enviro nmental migrations”, which are not yet fully and
unambiguously recognized in economic literature.
pone problemi significativi non solo riguardo all’uso della “cassetta di
strumenti” di cui dispongono gli economisti e le scienze sociali, ma anche circa l’utilità della strumentazione scientifica per la messa a fuoco di fenomeni e aspetti centrali nelle società dei nostri tempi. Bisogna prendere atto del fatto che quelle dotazioni scientifiche che abbiamo utilizzato, con indubbio successo per tanto tempo, sono state create in un contesto che poneva in primo piano problemi diversi e che riteneva non rilevanti sfide che oggi paiono in primo piano. Da questo punto di vista, l’atteggiamento dello scienziato sociale appare paradossale: da un lato ritiene, giustamente, che la conoscenza sia un processo infinito e che non possano essere perseguite “spiegazioni assolute” o “verità ultime”; per un altro verso, mantiene la ferrea convinzione che nuove
spiegazioni possano essere ottenute solo all’interno del paradigma scientifico che ha usato fino a oggi. Anche se le singole spiegazioni non sono convincenti o se viene trascurata una parte delle questioni importanti, il paradigma mainstream va considerato invariante. Il problema che emerge è che quella configurazione paradigmatica è stata
costruita per cogliere e analizzare una certa tipologia di questioni, per cui se è vero che essa è in grado di generare, in termini di scienza normale, nuovi problemi, è al contempo vero che questi dipendono dal punto di osservazione da cui si guarda la realtà. In particolare, proprio sul tema della giustizia sociale e degli effetti degli squilibri ambientali, si sperimenta quotidianamente la difficoltà crescente del paradigma usato ad affrontare le nuove sfide analitiche (e pratiche) utilizzando una logica puramente additiva, che, salvaguardando le assunzioni cruciali, tenti di allargare l’orizzonte coperto dal paradigma.
In questo contributo si cercherà di dimostrare l’inadeguatezza
dell’approccio scientifico mainstream con riferimento a due ambiti
1. quello dell’economia dello sviluppo;
2. quello relativo alla gamma di problemi posti dalla esigenza di equità
sociale e dalla cosiddetta “questione ambientale”.
Si è ritenuto utile anche inserire nel paragrafo 3 un riferimento ad alcuni
aspetti del dibattito illuministico per dimostrare che la scelta paradigmatica non è scaturita da una logica interna allo sviluppo scientifico, bensì dalla necessità di mettere a fuoco alcuni fenomeni, ritenuti essenziali per l’analisi economica. Si vedrà che quel ricco dibattito era aperto a percorsi diversi, anche se poi è prevalso quello che ha portato all’homo oeconomicus e alla logica del comportamento massimizzante degli individui, a prescindere da considerazioni sociali o etiche.
In Italy, de Grouchy is surely remembered for her relationships with Giulia Beccaria. As is well known, she hosted his son – Alessandro Manzoni – in her salon, with the French ideologues. The Lettres sur la sympathie was published only in 1995 (edited by Maria Alberta Sarti), with an introduction which lacks a systematic comparison between the ideas of Smith and the critical remarks of de Grouchy.
This paper is focuses on the reasons for de Grouchy’s interpretation of TMS . By starting from the translation of the original work (moreover not always completely faithful), Sophie de Grouchy reaches a different (and sometimes explicitly adverse) view of the Smithian category of sympathy. In order to explain the sources of such an interpretation, we will emphasize the following aspects:
1. the changes in the several editions of TMS and the way in which Sophie de Grouchy approached the reading of the sixth and last edition;
2. the analysis of the critiques that de Grouchy addressed to Smith, especially dwelling on the most significant differences between the two approaches;
3. the analysis of the elements of TMS neglected by de Grouchy, although they constituted the most innovative aspects of the last edition of Smith’s work.
L’articolo propone l’agroecologia come un primo passo verso una possibile alternativa al modello tradizionale di sviluppo. Nella prima parte, l’autrice illustra come la crescita economica, basata sugli automatismi di mercato, non abbia garantito né un generale miglioramento materiale, né un soddisfacente equilibrio in termini di equità sociale. La seconda parte si focalizza sulla necessità di definire una nuova teoria dello sviluppo, rivolta al rinnovamento dei rapporti tra uomo e natura. Infine, nell’ultima parte, l’autrice suggerisce l’agroecologia come approccio innovativo che può ridefinire il quadro analitico dello sviluppo rurale con riferimento a tre aspetti: la relazione tra uomo e natura, i rapporti tra produttori e consumatori e quelli tra agricoltori e ricerca scientifica.
discussion started in the eighteenth century and, after a period of relative suspension, it was revived in the
nineteenth century. These debates, important elements in the design of reforms promoting the capitalistic
transformation of the economy and society, challenged the use of slave labour, because of its
incompatibility with the process of civilization and limited utility for landowners, in view of the lower
productivity of slaves compared to free workers. The paper highlights the dichotomous approach
developed on this issue. From the point of view of the pro-abolition arguments, beyond the ethicalreligious
or racial explanations, the Enlightenment thinkers and the nineteenth century intellectuals
provided convincing explanations on both the juridical (or legislative) and economic plane. However,
differences arose as regards the timing and modes of the abolitionist project: some advocated the
immediate and complete eradication of slavery, others theorized its gradual abolition. Some authors
considered it fair and necessary to ensure compensation to the plantation-owners losing slaves, while
others opposed this measure, since it would involve the recognition of an illegitimate property right (over
the slave).
This paper presents a project hypothesis which proposes to carry out an exploratory study that takes into account the fallout of environmental changes and climate change on the structure of migration flows taking place in the Mediterranean basin to analyze the correlation among climate change, human mobility and reconfiguration of economic and productive systems.
A turnabout it's urgent, in a perspective that combines the "sufficiency" principle with the efficiency one. This kind of attempt dates back to 80s, with the idea of sustainable project: but if in the original suggestion sustainability was the "respect of environment", in a few times that means "enduring development", pointing on the pure economic growth again. Back to the point of departure, it's necessary to create a new conception of social justice, that should be environmental protection compatible.
à mieux comprendre ce changement social et, aussi, à le réaliser. Cet ouvrage propose une comparaison systématiquedes aspects distinctifs des deux intellectuels, pour souligner leurs multiples et profondes affinités. Sont notamment traitées les questions du libre-échange,
de la réforme du système fiscal et de l’abolition de l’esclavage,
éléments indispensables au processus de perfectionnement humain.
à mieux comprendre ce changement social et, aussi, à le réaliser. Cet ouvrage propose une comparaison systématiquedes aspects distinctifs des deux intellectuels, pour souligner leurs multiples et profondes affinités. Sont notamment traitées les questions du libre-échange,
de la réforme du système fiscal et de l’abolition de l’esclavage,
éléments indispensables au processus de perfectionnement humain.