Recent papers in Condorcet
Book review about "The philosophy of Sophie de Grouchy" published in Thémata. Revista de Filosofía
This survey article (in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) offers an introduction to the field of social choice theory. It covers: (i) the history of social choice theory; (ii) three formal arguments for majority rule (procedural,... more
Nicolas de Condorcet was a French philosopher, scien st, poli cal gure of the XVIIIth century and one of the few Enlightenment ideologues who has not only witnessed the French Revolu on, but also ac vely par- cipated in the poli cal... more
This article focuses on the alleged direct acquaintanceship between Condorcet and Adam Smith. Mistaken infor-mation about this issue was repeated many times in the literature of the late 1800s and 1900s. It is presumed that they met in... more
This paper makes a claim about Constant's intellectual sources in order to throw additional light on the nature of his liberalism. It assesses Constant's views against the background of a tradition of political rationalism. Constant both... more
Springer Handbook of the Historiography of Science - Call for Contributions. A new book in the Springer Series on the Historiographies of Science seeks proposals for chapters. Title: Handbook of the Historiography of Science Guest... more
Tesis doctoral centrada en conocer la vida y el pensamiento de Sophie de Grouchy, fundamentalmente su empirismo gnoseológico, su teoría ética de la simpatía, sus propuestas sociales y el pensamiento feminista ilustrado.
Key Enlightenment minds are often juxtaposed with their iconic foes, religious conservatives. When discussing the subject of women's rights, however, this comparison creates a false impression that Enlightenment male thinkers held ideas... more
This work addresses bell hooks’s call for the development of an alternative to patriarchal masculinity which she calls feminist masculinity. Patriarchal masculinity has convinced most men and women that the development of different forms... more
Constitutional democracies have allowed for patterns of accumulation of wealth at the top, leading to acute inequality and dangerous oligarchization of power. Moreover, the theoretical tools that liberal constitutionalism offers are... more
Notre intérêt pour une l'amitié intellectuelle entre Condorcet et Sieyès repose sur le souci de mesurer l'ampleur de leur débat philosophique investi dans la politique, et des divergences qui s'y expriment, sans a priori sur leurs... more
Um clássico do pensamento político, por: Condorcet , Jean -Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat (1743-1794 ; marquis de).
Este texto es la segunda publicación sobre la teoría weberiana de la racionalización, que ya precede a la introducción de este autor. En este capítulo abordamos el concepto de racionalización: cómo se estructura y se desarrolla este... more
In: Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie
Table of Contents
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Democracy was in the margins both as an idea and as a political force in the eighteenth century. Even in the 1790s, ‘democracy’ was hardly the defining notion of the revolutionaries’ political visions. The small states as much as the... more
Der Wohlstand Frankreichs im 18. Jahrhundert verdankte sich zu einem Großteil dem Kolonialhandel und der Plantagenwirtschaft, die auf Sklavenarbeit beruhte, die in flagrantem Widerspruch zu elementaren Menschenrechten stand. Um... more
This paper includes a chapter with the abstract and the final conclusions of the thesis: The Philosophy of Sophie de Grouchy: Theory of Knowledge, Ethical Theory, Political and Social Philosophy and Feminist Thought.
Modern democracy is an inclusive, egalitarian and universalistic manner of doing many things, such as governing, thinking or living together. Ancient demokratia is rather the executive power (kratos) of the people (demos). This power was... more
The article presents a plebeian strand of republican constitutional thought that recognises the influence of inequality on political power, embraces conflict as the effective cause of free government, and channels its anti-oligarchic... more
Resumen: La filósofa Sophie de Grouchy realiza una teoría del conocimiento empirista basada en la importancia del placer y el dolor físico. Además, rechaza la ética de Adam Smith y defiende que el dolor físico y moral crea vínculos entre... more
Sadece çifte devrimler çağı olarak adlandırılacak dönem itibari ile değil kadının rolü dünya siyaset tarihinde itici bir güç olarak yer tutmaktadır. Çifte Devrimlerin bir yüzü olan Fransız Devrimi ile birlikte kadın ve modernizm ilişkisi... more
本稿では「人間科学および社会科学への確率論の応用可能性」という問題を中心に、G.-L. L.ビュフォン (Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon, 1707-1788)と J. ダランベール(Jean le Rond d’Alembert, 1717-1783)、そして後続の世代である M. J. A. N.コンドルセ(Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de... more
Artículo para la publicación extremeña Paradoxa sobre la propuesta educativa de Sophie de Grouchy y Nicolás de Condorcet, de inspiración republicana y con una evidente vocación igualitaria en lo que respecta a la situación de las mujeres... more
The aim of the research is to give a contribution and an insight on the complex field of stakeholder involvement in transport planning, by analysing the role of decision-support methods and agent-based modelling in guiding a participation... more
The term 'mixed mathematics' originally derived from the Aristotelian framework of sciences in which mathematics treated abstract entities and could be 'mixed' with sensible properties in varying proportions. Its history is deeply... more
Depuis les Lumières, la capacité de l'Homme à s’améliorer ou la reconnaissance de sa perfectibilité est la caractéristique fondamentale de l'individu. Le terme de « perfectibilité », apparu pour la première fois dans le dictionnaire... more
Artículo propedéutico centrado en la definición, alcance y contenidos de lo que Jonathan Israel denomina Ilustración radical. Se desglosan sus antecedentes, rasgos paradigmáticos e ideas principales de algunos de sus máximos exponentes:... more
Starting from the Age of Enlightenment, a person’s ability of self-improvement, or perfectibility, is usually seen as a fundamental human feature. However, this term, introduced into the philosophical vocabulary by J.-J. Rousseau,... more
Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume/fascicolo di periodico dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633.
This paper considers the contribution positive political theory has made to the resolution of “Hobbes’ Problem”—the problem of describing the nature of artificial persons, such as states. This problem plays a central role in both... more
The paper presents a synthetic survey of the most relevant Enlightment contributions on the topic of freedom of expression. I focus on the main arguments elaborated by a selection of authors -Condorcet, Filangieri, Fichte -in some of... more
Les primaires socialistes viennent de s'achever avec la victoire de Ségolène Royal qui devient la candidate officielle des socialistes pour les élections présidentielles de 2007. Lors des débats internes, une divergence s'est accentuée... more
Panel 1-Théorie du droit : les philosophes anarchistes Présentation journée d'étude & Restitution groupe de lecture Salle Jeannie de Clarens, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume PROGRAMME Panel 4-Droit constitutionnel : les publicistes anarchistes... more
This paper presents the relation of Kenneth Arrow's 1950 'Impossibility Theorem' to the idea of the 'Condorcet's Paradox'. It shows that Arrow's theorem indeed theoretically proves that democracy is either arbitrary or impossible, and... more
This essay, accompanying and drawing on the publication of seven original sketches made by Albert Robida for Pierre Giffard’s feuilleton La guerre infernale (1908), locates Robida’s work within a broader history of imagined future wars... more
L’historiographie récente montre que l’idée d’utilité des sciences est devenue un topos des discours scientifiques depuis la Renaissance, tant lors d’interventions orales que dans les publications . La notion de l’utilité, utilitas, était... more
This chapter explores the place of remorse in Sophie de Grouchy’s moral theory, as presented in her 1798 work, Letters on Sympathy, which was originally published with her translation of Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments. I argue... more
Starting from the Age of Enlightenment, a person's ability of self-improvement , or perfectibility, is usually seen as a fundamental human feature. However, this term, introduced into the philosophical vocabulary by J.-J. Rousseau,... more