Agent-based modeling
Recent papers in Agent-based modeling
Purpose—The paper uses part of the distributed cognition literature to study how employees cope with organizational plasticity, in an attempt to identify the characteristics of cognitive plasticity. Design/methodology/approach—Evidence... more
Mate selection is central to reproduction, the driving engine of biological evolution. This fact has motivated much research on human mate preferences,
The term “behavioral” has become a hot topic in recent years in various disciplines; however, there is yet limited understanding of what theories can be considered behavioral theories and what fields of research they can be applied to.... more
Agent-based social simulations are typically described in imperative form. While this facilitates implementation as computer programs, it makes implicit the different assumptions made, both about the functional form and the causal... more
This poster describes a simulation investigating the interaction and effectiveness of individual and social learning in producing workable budgeting strategies. It is motivated by an attempt to understand interview data about money... more
The aims of this research are focused on the construction of intellectualized equipments for people with moving disabilities to help them in sustainable integration into environment. The problem is to reveal main components of diagnosis... more
Archaeological remains around the world are testament that large-scale construction projects have been successfully carried out for millennia. This success is particularly evident through the great infrastructural works of the Roman... more
The work reported in this paper is motivated towards the development of a mathematical model for swarm systems based on macroscopic primitives. A pattern formation and transformation model is proposed. The pattern transformation model... more
Social relationships such as friendship and partner choice are ruled by the proximity principle, which states that the more similar two individuals are, the more likely they will become friends. However, proximity, similarity, and... more
This paper proposes a computer simulation framework for investigating the role of built form – specifically physical venues-in the dynamics of neighborhood integration and segregation. Looking to Schelling's classic work (1971) and the... more
We built a multiagent simulation of urban traffic to model both ordinary traffic and emergency or crisis mode traffic. This simulation first builds a modeled road network based on detailed geographical information. On this network, the... more
Institutional frameworks powerfully determine the goals, violence, and trajectories of identitarian movements—including secessionist movements. However, both small-N and large-N researchers disagree on the question of whether... more
Despite efforts to control fraud in public assistance programs, the perception and realities of the problem persist. Serious barriers related to data collection and research methods impede the understanding of how and why fraud occurs,... more
This chapter shows that white collar crime can be approached using an agent-based model. Fraud in public delivery programs often involves several entities that are loosely interrelated and interact dynamically. However, the crime... more
The emerging field of Normative Multi-Agent Systems has the twin goals of providing tools for simulating human societies and coordinating activities among heterogenous autonomous software agents in an open environment. Norms are... more
Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS) is an effective and trustful method to solve the complex problems of today’s world. High competition in international markets, reduced product life cycle, and increased customer requirements are... more
The Danish government has produced a public document to announce that deviations from societal values were tolerated no more. They denounced the presence of "alternative values" areas (called "parallel societies"), located mostly in areas... more
In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become well known. It has attracted much attention thanks to its powerful application in different fields. Currently, billions of IoT devices are connected. The massive rise in the number... more
Agent-Based Modeling is a research method that represents theories of social behavior as computer programs of a particular kind, rather than narratives (as ethnography does) or equations (as regression models do). Like existing research... more
This research focuses on justifications in an audit context. An argumentation framework based on the formal model of justification logic is applied for audit dialogues in the fish industry. Different forms of justifications used in audit... more
Estimating the effort required in resolving an incident for a production support engagement has been a long standing problem. Although, a lot of work has been done in software engineering field in estimating effort required for software... more
The goal of this thesis is twofold. First, intention recognition is studied from an Artificial Intelligence (AI) modeling perspective. We present a novel and efficient intention recognition method that possesses several important... more
Объектом диссертационной работы являются количественные исследования международных отношений. Целью исследования является выявление роли количественных методов в получении максимально достоверных результатов в прикладном исследовании... more
Mesa is an agent-based modeling framework written in Python. Originally started in 2013, it was created to be the go-to tool in for researchers wishing to build agent-based models with Python. Within this paper we present Mesa's design... more
Today’s trends are the ever growing competition with increased globalization and sustainability. Together with ongoing technological developments it has made it easier to demand right quality of products and services, this has also... more
The construction of computer models is becoming an increasingly useful and popular way of testing theories in the cognitive sciences. This paper will present a brief overview of the methods available for constructing and testing computer... more
We set up an agent-based simulation to test Carlo M. Cipolla's theory of human stupidity. In particular, we investigate under which hypotheses his theory is compatible with a well-corroborated theory like natural evolution, which we build... more
Four successive tropical cyclones hit the Philippines and brought damages to several towns in the provinces of Quezon and Aurora between November 14 and December 4 in 2004. The municipalities of Infanta, Real, and General Nakar were... more
MSc thesis. Visit the Leiden University Repository (link) for the file with appendixes and higher resolution images. Over the past decades, space syntax has already proven to be of added value for archaeological research. However, for... more
Lecture on comparing Agent-Based Modeling vs. System Dynamics modeling methods. Pros and cons are discussed, and finally some novel system dynamics modeling approaches are presented and hybrid modeling strategies are discussed.
How do blockbusters dominate competition in entertainment platforms? Traditionally, entertainment industries incur in high market concentration and extreme uncertainty on product sales. Today, with the disruption of the platform... more
The main research idea of this thesis is to develop a strategic IT investment framework using primarily military concepts as a basis. On the one side we discuss the most influencing military thinkers in Belgian Defense Carl von Clausewitz... more
Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a technique that allows us to explore how the interactions of heterogeneous individuals impact on the wider behavior of social/spatial systems. In this article, we introduce ABM and its utility for studying... more
Using a Peircean theory of meaning, agency may be theorized in terms of flexibility and accountability, on the one hand, and knowledge and power, on the other. In this theory, residential agency, which is closest to notions such as... more
Due to the complex nature and numerous interacting factors that contributes to the increased vulnerability of supply chains, traditional methods have been found to be inadequate for Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM). Agent-Based... more
In this heavily annotated article the provocative thesis is submitted that there is something fundamentally wrong with Western Sinology, or 'Chinakunde', or 'Zhongguoxue' (as distinct from 'Hanxue', which is a kind of old-fashioned... more
Massive diffusion of green technologies is significant for building a cleaner world. However, the process of technology diffusion is usually slow and complex. An in-depth understanding of the mechanism regarding green technology diffusion... more