Papers by Annick Koulibaly
En Afrique tropicale, les savanes occupent de vastes surfaces dans la region soudanaise et sa zon... more En Afrique tropicale, les savanes occupent de vastes surfaces dans la region soudanaise et sa zone de transition avec la region guineo-congolaise. Durant les dernieres decennies, differentes formes d'activites humaines ont affecte ces ecosystemes et des problemes sont apparus suite a l'exploitation croissante des ressources naturelles. Ce travail evalue les consequences anthropiques sur la diversite floristique, la structure et la phytomasse des savanes herbacees a boisees en comparant les milieux proteges et exploites. Des perspectives d'amenagement sont proposees. Les sites d'etude sont localises dans les regions du Parc National de la Comoe (PNC) et de la ville de Korhogo dans le nord de la Cote d'Ivoire. Plusieurs parametres de vegetation ont ete etudies avec des methodes ecologiques standardisees dans 19 surfaces de 1000 m 2 . Dans les deux regions, les familles les plus importantes en termes de nombre d'individus sont les Fabaceae, Rubiaceae et Caesalpiniuceae. Cependant la diversite floristique specifique etait deux fois plus elevee au PNC. A Korhogo, il y a une plus grande proportion d'especes appartenant a d'autres regions floristiques et comprenant des especes nouvellement introduites. Dans cette region, la degradation de la structure de la vegetation est perceptible par l'absence ou la faible couverture des strates superieures en contraste avec la region du PNC. L'aire basale et la biomasse des parcelles de savane etudiees au PNC etaient plus elevees que dans la region de Korhogo, indiquant la presence de quelques individus de gros diametre pouvant contribuer a la biomasse totale d'une parcelle jusqu'a 89%. Dans les deux regions, seulement les especes protegees (et utilisees) dans les traditions locales etaient representees par les individus gros les plus âges. La protection traditionnelle par la population locale fait apparaitre, a l'etat relictuel, ce qu'etait la vegetation en des temps plus anciens, c'est a dire avant son utilisation; l'application probable de ce type de protection dans le PNC, avant qu'il ne soit etabli en reserve, donnera le meilleur resultat. Une protection complete des surfaces ayant subi des coupes intensives conduit a la restauration de la biomasse ligneuse de facon considerable. Ces faits peuvent etre utilises pour accroitre la sensibilisation des populations locales a une meilleure gestion des ressources naturelles.
This study evaluated some parameters of Water quality and phytoplankton growth in order to ascert... more This study evaluated some parameters of Water quality and phytoplankton growth in order to ascertain its seasonality in the lake Taabo (South East of Côte d'Ivoire). Seasonality was mainly due to significant variations in parameters such as conductivity, turbidity, transparency and nutrients (mean values of nitrate and orthophosphate were respectively equal to 1.62 and 10 mg/L). The lake downstream presented some features: oxygenation and mineralization were higher than upstream, at the time. Chlorophyll a ranged from 4.8 to 16.5 mg/L. For algal species composition, 118 taxa distributed into 5 main groups and 45 genera were identified. The algal assemblage was dominated by Chlorophyceae (30.5%), followed by cyanobacteria (27.1%). Conditions prevailing in this biotope favoured a massive phytoplankton growth, dominated by Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria. Spatial and temporal analysis of nutrient and the composition of phytoplankton community revealed a seasonal variability in the ecosystem of the lake of Taabo which was under anthropogenic stress. This hydro system is growing towards a dystrophic state, thus implies an urgent need for restoration, followed by rehabilitation and process of elimination of solid materials in the lake catchment.
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 2018
Cote d’Ivoire is the first world producer of cocoa beans and represents 42 % of the world offer. ... more Cote d’Ivoire is the first world producer of cocoa beans and represents 42 % of the world offer. A current reduction of the production is due to numerous constraints and particularly, to diseases and vermin of cacao tree. Documentation dedicated to cacao tree’s enemies in the Centre-West region of Cote d’Ivoire is almost non-existent while this region is the second main cacao zone production. Our study aims to contribute to a better knowledge of the impact cacao tree’s enemies. Three sites of plantations were choosed because of their degraded sanitary state and their easy access for a better follow-up. In 25 squares of 4 m aside, after the floristic inventory, the degree of attack was evaluate by direct observation on each tree. 343 trees were observed and 8 enemies were identified. The strongest infestations are Brown rot, other mushrooms and Mosses (77 - 90%), Swollen shoot (> 50%) and Ants (> 50%). The Swollen shoot and the Brown rot which establish the most alarming enemie...
In Cote d'Ivoire, tree crops are an important source of agricultural income. Unfortunately, t... more In Cote d'Ivoire, tree crops are an important source of agricultural income. Unfortunately, the disquieting expansion of Loranthaceae is observed on many annuity crops like cocoa trees, coffee trees and rubber trees. This situation can harm the economy generated by the activity out coming from these speculations. The aim of this study is therefore, to know the diversity of Loranthaceae and to determine the extent of their infestation on crops, in rural area on the periphery of the University Jean Lorougnon Guede. The inventories were carried out by surface and roving survey methods coupled with direct observations on individuals of cocoa trees, coffee trees and rubber trees. In total, 3 species of Loranthaceae: Globimetula danglagei, Phragmanthera capitata var. capitata and Tapinanthus bangwensis (T. bangwensis) were inventoried in the plantations. T. bangwensis is the most abundant parasite on crops. Forty-one host species divided into 34 genera and 21 families have been identi...
Cote d’Ivoire became the first world producer of cocoa beans in 1970 by reducing forest cover and... more Cote d’Ivoire became the first world producer of cocoa beans in 1970 by reducing forest cover and by losing biodiversity. The West-central region of the country was a former production site of cocoa, and contributed strongly to the annual supply of cocoa beans, but today, the plantations are old and the soils are poor, especially in the region of Daloa. To increase the yield of production, farmers use artificial fertilizers and the effect on cocoa trees is not really known. Our study aims to determine the agronomic characters improved by the application of the artificial fertilizer. In the plantations of the villages Dibobly, tien-oula and Zitta, non-experimental and experimental plots were installed and measures on cacao trees on a surface of 2 400m2 were realized. The results showed that the cover of flowers by feet and the number of fruits had significantly increased with fertilizer. However, the fertilizer had no really effect on the size of fruits, the mass of fruits and the nu...
American Journal of Life Sciences, 2014
We aimed to characterize 83 endophytic bacteria isolated from roots (73 isolates coded IRC) and e... more We aimed to characterize 83 endophytic bacteria isolated from roots (73 isolates coded IRC) and epicotyls (11 isolates coded IEC) of young Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) seedlings. These seedlings were obtained from seeds collected in several regions in Morocco. 30 IRC and 4 IEC were selected on the basis of PCR-Pep for the further analyses. All the strains exhibited a wide tolerance to NaCl and 30 % tolerated well concentration up to 11 % NaCl. Strains showed also a wide tolerance to the variable pH. 60 % of strains grew well at pH4. Most of the strains were resistant to different antibiotics but were sensitive to kanamycin and tetracycline. The strains showed a resistance to heavy metals except mercury chloride that was toxic at a low concentration 50 µ According to their phenotypical features, the associative bacteria were very similar to eight symbiotic bacteria previously identified by Missbah in 1996 and used in this work.
This report describes a program for improving the on-task behavior of at-risk students to increas... more This report describes a program for improving the on-task behavior of at-risk students to increase their academic achievement. The targeted population consisted of high-school students in a growing middle-class community located in a rural area of a midwestern state. The problems of academic under-achievement were documented through data including teacher-made tests, standardized tests, subject area progress reports, and teacher observation checklists. Analysis of probable cause data revealed that students' low achievement was related to low/no motivation, poor work habits, low self-esteem, and continuous academic failure. Faculty discussion revealed that students failed to stay on task and did not accurately complete assignments. Review of instructional strategies revealed an over emphasis on information giving by teachers. A review of solution strategies and an analysis of the problem setting resulted in the selection of the following interventions: the use of a writer's workshop and the use of portfolio assessment and student self assessment. As a result of implementing writer's workshop, cooperative learning, and portfolio assessment, at-risk students showed measurable improvement with on-task behavior. This improvement resulted in successful academic achievement for the targeted at-risk students. (Contains 52 references, and 9 tables and 3 figures of data. Appendixes present survey instruments, checklists, rubrics, and teacher-made tests.) (Author/RS)
Cote d'Ivoire became the first world producer of cocoa beans in 1970 by reducing forest cover... more Cote d'Ivoire became the first world producer of cocoa beans in 1970 by reducing forest cover and by losing biodiversity. The West-central region of the country was a former production site of cocoa, and contributed strongly to the annual supply of cocoa beans, but today, the plantations are old and the soils are poor, especially in the region of Daloa. To increase the yield of production, farmers use artificial fertilizers and the effect on cocoa trees is not really known. Our study aims to determine the agronomic characters improved by the application of the artificial fertilizer. In the plantations of the villages Dibobly, tien-oula and Zitta, non-experimental and experimental plots were installed and measures on cacao trees on a surface of 2 400m 2 were realized. The results showed that the cover of flowers by feet and the number of fruits had significantly increased with fertilizer. However, the fertilizer had no really effect on the size of fruits, the mass of fruits and t...
La production de feves de cacao est a la base de la prosperite economique et sociale de la Cote d... more La production de feves de cacao est a la base de la prosperite economique et sociale de la Cote d’Ivoire, premier producteur mondial de cacao. La culture du cacaoyer est realisee sur 56% des terres consacrees aux cultures de rente, entrainant des changements profonds dans l’utilisation des terres. Une dynamique d'extension sur les fronts pionniers par abattage de la foret et brulis a permis au verger de cacaoyer, de connaitre une progression historique et geographique de l'Est vers l'Ouest du pays. Nous assistons a une perte de la phyto-diversite due a la cacao-culture alors qu’elle joue un role important dans la vie des populations locales. Notre etude a pour objectifs de decrire la phytodiversite des regions cacaoyeres, de montrer son importance pour les populations locales et de faire des recommandations. Des releves floristiques dans une centaine de plantations de 1 a 40 ans, dans des jacheres et forets environnantes, au Centre (Region de la Reserve de Lamto) et l’O...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the diversity of source species of NWFP exploited in the... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the diversity of source species of NWFP exploited in the Yapo-Abbe classified forest, and to determine the influence of forest block management on the preponderance of NWFP source species. Ethnobotanical investigations among 95 resource persons belonging to three riparian villages and surface surveys in the forest blocks served as a methodological basis. The results obtained indicate that 62 plant species are exploited by the populations. Five are commercial species replanted. Annickia polycarpa, Landolphia owariensis, Khaya ivorensis, and Eremospatha macrocarpa, the most important species, are threatened by logging, mainly used for NWFP collection. In forest blocks, the diversity and average number of useful species do not vary significantly, despite their difference in degree of exploitation. The Abbe block, the most degraded, but also the most reforested and enriched, has a high proportion of useful species (F = 4.53, p = 0.016). The avera...
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
In the context of the global change, the loss of biodiversity in the forests-savannas mosaic zone... more In the context of the global change, the loss of biodiversity in the forests-savannas mosaic zone of West Africa constitutes a growing problem. The sale of cashew nuts remains one of the main economic resources of Côte d'Ivoire which is the first world producer. In the Northeast of the country, the Comoé National park region presents several hectares of cashew plantations. The interrelations between the development of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) and plant diversity were rarely studied. The consequences of this culture and the evaluation of the potential of species regeneration inform about the possibilities of land management. Vegetation mapping and land investigation help us to show that 4 or 5 % of forests were transformed into cashew plantations in which the regeneration of the natural species showed a strong regeneration potential in the first steps. However this floristic potential is represented by species like Annona senegalensis and Bridelia ferruginea adapted to less humid conditions. The agricultural activities certainly accompanied with fire, outside of the park lead to open low strata in the forests and also, regeneration of the main forests species such as Cola millenii, Anogeissus leiocarpus and Dialium guineense is compromised by the absence of adults or juvenile plants. All these consequences could drive to a severe reduction of the forest surface and to a loss of biodiversity. Agroforestry systems and the control of bush fires are to be recommended for the resources management. RESUME: Dans le contexte actuel du changement global, la perte de la biodiversité dans la zone de mosaïque forêts-savanes en Afrique de l'Ouest, constitue une problématique grandissante. Dans la région du Parc National de la Comoé au Nord-Est de la Côte d'Ivoire, s'étendent des hectares de plantations d'anacardier. Les interrelations entre le développement de l'anacardier (Anacardium occidentale L.) et la diversité végétale ont été rarement étudiées alors que la vente des noix de cajou demeure l'une des principales ressources économiques du pays, qui est devenu le premier producteur mondial en 2015. Les conséquences de la culture de l'anacardier et le potentiel de régénération des espèces naturelles, informent sur les possibilités d'aménager ces milieux. A l'aide de la cartographie et des relevés de surface, nous avons montré que 4 à 5 % des forêts ont été transformés en plantations dans lesquelles la régénération des espèces naturelles montre un potentiel fort dès le jeune âge. Cependant ce potentiel floristique est représenté par des espèces comme Annona senegalensis et Bridelia ferruginea adaptées à des conditions moins humides. La propagation des feux de brousse lors de l'installation des plantations a entrainé l'ouverture des strates basses des forêts. Aussi, la régénération des espèces principales des forêts telles que Cola millenii, Anogeissus leiocarpus et Dialium guineense est compromise par l'absence d'adultes ou de juvéniles. Toutes ces conséquences pourraient conduire à une réduction sévère de la surface forestière et à une perte de la biodiversité. Les systèmes agroforestiers et le contrôle des feux de brousse sont à recommander.
A large band of forest-savanna mosaic extends between the Sudanian (dry) and Guinean (humid) regi... more A large band of forest-savanna mosaic extends between the Sudanian (dry) and Guinean (humid) regions in West Africa and undergoes bush fires, agriculture and logging, in the central parts of Côte d'Ivoire, especially in the Lam to Reserve region. Former studies showed a remarkable degree of vegetation dynamics in this region with forests advancing against savanna. However, the floristic components of the mosaic and the relevant tree species involved in the regeneration dynamics were not identified. Vegetational data were recorded along eight forest-savanna transects by distinguishing segments inside or close to the border zone for each type of vegetation. Our results showed a continuous floristic variability between forest and savanna but a real distinction between floristic compositions of transects segments. Six pioneer tree species like Trichilia prieureana, Erythroxylum emarginatum, Holarrhena floribunda were identified as responsible of the forest progress on savanna in the Lam to Reserve region. This regeneration was realized in a broad transition belt of 60 m in length between forest and savanna. These results allow making a warned choice of the know more about the conditions of forest regeneration in the forest-savanna mosaics. Copyright©2016, Koulibaly Annick et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Côte d'Ivoire became the first world producer of cocoa beans in 1970 by reducing forest cover and... more Côte d'Ivoire became the first world producer of cocoa beans in 1970 by reducing forest cover and by losing biodiversity. The West-central region of the country was a former production site of cocoa, and contributed strongly to the annual supply of cocoa beans, but today, the plantations are old and the soils are poor, especially in the region of Daloa. To increase the yield of production, farmers use artificial fertilizers and the effect on cocoa trees is not really known. Our study aims to determine the agronomic characters improved by the application of the artificial fertilizer. In the plantations of the villages Dibobly, tien-oula and Zitta, non-experimental and experimental plots were installed and measures on cacao trees on a surface of 2 400m 2 were realized. The results showed that the cover of flowers by feet and the number of fruits had significantly increased with fertilizer. However, the fertilizer had no really effect on the size of fruits, the mass of fruits and the number of cocoa beans. Also, the varieties of cocoa trees like Forastero and Criollo, had a different productivity for the same application of fertilizer. The productivity of the cocoa trees depends of the quality of the fertilizer but also of the cultivated variety. The results could allow improving the quality of the fertilizer and use it consequently. RESUME: La Côte d'Ivoire est devenue depuis 1970, le premier producteur mondial de fèves de cacaoyer. Cette ascension s'est faite au dépend du couvert forestier et de la biodiversité. Le Centre-Ouest du pays, ancienne centre de production du cacao, contribue encore aujourd'hui à la fourniture annuelle de fèves de cacao, mais les plantations âgées et les sols épuisés ont entrainés une baisse du rendement, surtout dans la région de Daloa. Pour augmenter le rendement des plantations, le paysan à recours à l'utilisation d'engrais chimiques dont l'effet sur le cacaoyer n'est pas véritablement connu. Notre étude a pour but de déterminer les caractères agronomiques améliorés par l'application de l'engrais chimique. Dans les plantations des villages de Dibobly, Tien-oula et Zitta, des parcelles expérimentales et témoins ont été installées et des mesures sur des pieds de cacaoyers couvrant une surface de 2 400m 2 ont été réalisées. Les résultats ont montré que la couverture en fleurs des pieds et le nombre de cabosses ont significativement augmentés en présence d'engrais. Cependant, l'engrais n'a pratiquement pas eu d'effet sur la taille des cabosses, la masse des cabosses et le nombre de fèves. Aussi, les variétés de cacaoyers Forastero et Criollo, ont une productivité différente pour un même apport d'engrais. La productivité des plantations de cacaoyers est fonction de la qualité de l'engrais mais aussi de l'espèce cultivée. Les résultats pourraient permettre d'améliorer la qualité de l'engrais et de cibler son action pour une meilleure production cacaoyère. MOTS-CLEFS: Agrobiodiversité, agroforesterie, aménagement, culture de rente, économie. Effet des engrais chimiques sur les caractères agronomiques des variétés de cacaoyers dans la région de Daloa (Centre-Ouest, Côte d'Ivoire)
In the context of the global change, the loss of biodiversity in the forests-savannas mosaic zone... more In the context of the global change, the loss of biodiversity in the forests-savannas mosaic zone of West Africa constitutes a growing problem. The sale of cashew nuts remains one of the main economic resources of Côte d'Ivoire which is the first world producer. In the Northeast of the country, the Comoé National park region presents several hectares of cashew plantations. The interrelations between the development of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) and plant diversity were rarely studied. The consequences of this culture and the evaluation of the potential of species regeneration inform about the possibilities of land management. Vegetation mapping and land investigation help us to show that 4 or 5 % of forests were transformed into cashew plantations in which the regeneration of the natural species showed a strong regeneration potential in the first steps. However this floristic potential is represented by species like Annona senegalensis and Bridelia ferruginea adapted to less humid conditions. The agricultural activities certainly accompanied with fire, outside of the park lead to open low strata in the forests and also, regeneration of the main forests species such as Cola millenii, Anogeissus leiocarpus and Dialium guineense is compromised by the absence of adults or juvenile plants. All these consequences could drive to a severe reduction of the forest surface and to a loss of biodiversity. Agroforestry systems and the control of bush fires are to be recommended for the resources management. RESUME: Dans le contexte actuel du changement global, la perte de la biodiversité dans la zone de mosaïque forêts-savanes en Afrique de l'Ouest, constitue une problématique grandissante. Dans la région du Parc National de la Comoé au Nord-Est de la Côte d'Ivoire, s'étendent des hectares de plantations d'anacardier. Les interrelations entre le développement de l'anacardier (Anacardium occidentale L.) et la diversité végétale ont été rarement étudiées alors que la vente des noix de cajou demeure l'une des principales ressources économiques du pays, qui est devenu le premier producteur mondial en 2015. Les conséquences de la culture de l'anacardier et le potentiel de régénération des espèces naturelles, informent sur les possibilités d'aménager ces milieux. A l'aide de la cartographie et des relevés de surface, nous avons montré que 4 à 5 % des forêts ont été transformés en plantations dans lesquelles la régénération des espèces naturelles montre un potentiel fort dès le jeune âge. Cependant ce potentiel floristique est représenté par des espèces comme Annona senegalensis et Bridelia ferruginea adaptées à des conditions moins humides. La propagation des feux de brousse lors de l'installation des plantations a entrainé l'ouverture des strates basses des forêts. Aussi, la régénération des espèces principales des forêts telles que Cola millenii, Anogeissus leiocarpus et Dialium guineense est compromise par l'absence d'adultes ou de juvéniles. Toutes ces conséquences pourraient conduire à une réduction sévère de la surface forestière et à une perte de la biodiversité. Les systèmes agroforestiers et le contrôle des feux de brousse sont à recommander.
In the context of the global change, the loss of biodiversity in the forests-savannas mosaic zone... more In the context of the global change, the loss of biodiversity in the forests-savannas mosaic zone of West Africa constitutes a growing problem. The sale of cashew nuts remains one of the main economic resources of Côte d'Ivoire which is the first world producer. In the Northeast of the country, the Comoé National park region presents several hectares of cashew plantations. The interrelations between the development of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) and plant diversity were rarely studied. The consequences of this culture and the evaluation of the potential of species regeneration inform about the possibilities of land management. Vegetation mapping and land investigation help us to show that 4 or 5 % of forests were transformed into cashew plantations in which the regeneration of the natural species showed a strong regeneration potential in the first steps. However this floristic potential is represented by species like Annona senegalensis and Bridelia ferruginea adapted to less humid conditions. The agricultural activities certainly accompanied with fire, outside of the park lead to open low strata in the forests and also, regeneration of the main forests species such as Cola millenii, Anogeissus leiocarpus and Dialium guineense is compromised by the absence of adults or juvenile plants. All these consequences could drive to a severe reduction of the forest surface and to a loss of biodiversity. Agroforestry systems and the control of bush fires are to be recommended for the resources management. RESUME: Dans le contexte actuel du changement global, la perte de la biodiversité dans la zone de mosaïque forêts-savanes en Afrique de l'Ouest, constitue une problématique grandissante. Dans la région du Parc National de la Comoé au Nord-Est de la Côte d'Ivoire, s'étendent des hectares de plantations d'anacardier. Les interrelations entre le développement de l'anacardier (Anacardium occidentale L.) et la diversité végétale ont été rarement étudiées alors que la vente des noix de cajou demeure l'une des principales ressources économiques du pays, qui est devenu le premier producteur mondial en 2015. Les conséquences de la culture de l'anacardier et le potentiel de régénération des espèces naturelles, informent sur les possibilités d'aménager ces milieux. A l'aide de la cartographie et des relevés de surface, nous avons montré que 4 à 5 % des forêts ont été transformés en plantations dans lesquelles la régénération des espèces naturelles montre un potentiel fort dès le jeune âge. Cependant ce potentiel floristique est représenté par des espèces comme Annona senegalensis et Bridelia ferruginea adaptées à des conditions moins humides. La propagation des feux de brousse lors de l'installation des plantations a entrainé l'ouverture des strates basses des forêts. Aussi, la régénération des espèces principales des forêts telles que Cola millenii, Anogeissus leiocarpus et Dialium guineense est compromise par l'absence d'adultes ou de juvéniles. Toutes ces conséquences pourraient conduire à une réduction sévère de la surface forestière et à une perte de la biodiversité. Les systèmes agroforestiers et le contrôle des feux de brousse sont à recommander.
This study evaluated some parameters of Water quality and phytoplankton growth in order to ascert... more This study evaluated some parameters of Water quality and phytoplankton growth in order to ascertain its seasonality in the lake Taabo (South East of Côte d'Ivoire). Seasonality was mainly due to significant variations in parameters such as conductivity, turbidity, transparency and nutrients (mean values of nitrate and orthophosphate were respectively equal to 1.62 and 10 mg/L). The lake downstream presented some features: oxygenation and mineralization were higher than upstream, at the time. Chlorophyll a ranged from 4.8 to 16.5 mg/L. For algal species composition, 118 taxa distributed into 5 main groups and 45 genera were identified. The algal assemblage was dominated by Chlorophyceae (30.5%), followed by cyanobacteria (27.1%). Conditions prevailing in this biotope favoured a massive phytoplankton growth, dominated by Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria. Spatial and temporal analysis of nutrient and the composition of phytoplankton community revealed a seasonal variability in the ecosystem of the lake of Taabo which was under anthropogenic stress. This hydro system is growing towards a dystrophic state, thus implies an urgent need for restoration, followed by rehabilitation and process of elimination of solid materials in the lake catchment.
Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2015
Papers by Annick Koulibaly