Cultivo Del Cacao
Recent papers in Cultivo Del Cacao
Identification of genetically diverse cacao with disease resistance, high productivity, and desirable organoleptic traits is vitally important to the agricultural crop's long-term sustainability. Environmental changes, pests, and diseases... more
Durante las primeras centurias coloniales, la ocupación de los valles de Tucaní, Castro o San Pedro, Mojaján, San Antonio, Santa María y Bobures estuvo impulsada por las favorables perspectivas para el desarrollo agrícola que los... more
Una vez que el agricultor ha logrado obtener una cosecha rentable como resultado de un apropiado manejo de su plantación, también se torna importante darle un tratamiento adecuado a los granos recolectados a fin de que éstos sirvan de... more
Edition, cover design and diffusion: Muriel Navarro Layout: Communications Office Photographical credits: Muriel Navarro and Jacques Avelino Satellite photo on cover: courtesy NASA Printed in Costa Rica, 2009, by Litografía e Imprenta... more
Durante las primeras centurias coloniales, la ocupación de los valles de Tucaní, Castro o San Pedro, Mojaján, San Antonio, Santa María y Bobures estuvo impulsada por las favorables perspectivas para el desarrollo agrícola que los... more
The history of cocoa and chocolate including the birth and the expansion of the chocolate industry was described. Recent developments in the industry and cocoa economy were briefly depicted. An overview of the classification of cacao as... more
Este estudio arranca de un análisis de los productos coloniales clásicos, es decir azúcar, café, cacao, plátanos y soja, para llegar a investigar el consumo de nuevos productos en las mesas del Norte global y los efectos de su cultivo en... more
Capítulo del libro: Consumos globales: de México para el mundo; coordinado por Carmen Bueno Castellanos y Stefan Ayora Díaz y publicado en México, por la Universidad Iberoamericana AC y la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, 2010: 37-65. En... more
Experiencias innovadoras en los modelos de conservación y desarrollo forestal agroforestal promovidos por PROCEJA en las cuencas hidrográficas de los ríos Mishquiyacu y Ponaza, provincia de Picota, San Martín OT. 15248 /... more
Presented by Michael Mathiowetz at Riverside City College, CA (November 2016)
El cacao es conocido hoy en día por ser el ingrediente principal del chocolate, manjar, postre y golosina apreciada en casi todo el mundo y consumido por personas de todas las edades. No obstante, antes de que el dulce chocolate... more
La descripción del sistema de riego se lo ejecutó en un cultivo establecido de cacao ubicada en la parroquia La Unión del cantón Babahoyo, en las coordenadas UTM 678355,1; 9810642,1 del Datum WGS-84. La superficie cultivada corresponde a... more
Este artículo presenta una propuesta de traducción e interpretación del término clásico iximte’el kakaw, con base en la revisión de documentos lingüísticos mayas de los siglos dieciséis y diecisiete. Aunque en el pasado algunos autores... more
En la entrevista realizada a los productores de cacao se presentó un rango de edades que va de 29 a 85 años de edad, con un promedio de 56 años, indicando que los agricultores dedicados a la actividad cacaotera tienen gran experiencia a... more
Talamanca is a border canton of Costa Rica that has been marked by a long history of appropriation and dispossession. First by the banana companies that installed an enclave system and recently by the processes of appropriation and... more
The aim of this thesis is to understand whether the two cacao cooperatives, COPRACAFUC and COSEMUCRIN, contribute to the development of sustainable rural livelihoods in the municipality of El Castillo. The municipality, located in the... more
This talk on the art, archaeology and history of social change in the US Southwest and Mexico was presented on November 1, 2016 in Archaeology Southwest's Archaeology Café lecture series in Tucson, Arizona. Please see the link in the... more
Productive cocoa farms were characterized in Tumaco, Nariño, located in 1°49´ latitude North and 79°46´ longitude West. The structure and function were determined in six productive plots. A simple random sampling, semistructured survey,... more
Adding to a thus far limited number of archaeological identifications of cacao residues in pottery in ancient Mesoamerica, this study presents the first such evidence from the southern Guatemalan piedmont in the Southern Maya Region. To... more
'Diego García' was the name given to a West African-born man who was brought to Costa Rica at the turn of the eighteenth century. His life history reflects many of the unusual features particular to the slave regime in that peripheral... more
The cacao has become an essential part of the fight against the effects of illegal crops and rural poverty in Colombia. Because of their bromatological characteristics, cocoa beans are preferred in markets. However, there are few studies... more
Adding to a thus far limited number of archaeological identifications of cacao residues in pottery in ancient Mesoamerica, this study presents the first such evidence from the southern Guatemalan piedmont in the Southern Maya Region. To... more
Random amplified microsatellite (RAMs) markers were used to characterize 93 genotypes of cocoa in Tumaco (Colombia). Hundred twenty seven bands were generated. The number of polymorphic loci varied between 11 and 25 for the AG and TG... more
The cacao has become an essential part of the fight against the effects of illegal crops and rural poverty in Colombia. Because of their bromatological characteristics, cocoa beans are preferred in markets. However, there are few studies... more
Random amplified microsatellite (RAMs) markers six were used to characterize 93 genotypes of cocoa in Tumaco (Colombia). Hundred twenty seven bands were generated. The number of polymorphic loci varied between 11 and 25 for the AG and TG... more