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In the blanket of fog that separates us from the historical experience of the Shoha, there are many empty spaces, stories not told or only touched upon, characters whose human, ethical, pedagogical substance risks being dissolved in the... more
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      HistoryNarrativeDignityMemory Work
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      Visual propagandaComics StudiesChild SoldiersFirts World War
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By Royal Order of 1846, the Vic City Council promoted the creation of a geometric map of the city to draw a plan of street alignments. In this article we explain the difficulties that arose in the preparation of the map, which lasted from... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban HistoryHistory of Cartography
The Japanese army’s capture of Hong Kong in December 1941 profoundly shocked the Western world. In Canada, the almost complete destruction of Canadian army forces stationed there and the subsequent 44 months of imprisonment of the... more
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      History of CanadaSecond World WarHong KongInternment Camps
A 20. század első éveiben Robert Baden-Powell angol katonatiszt a városi fiatalok számára kidolgozta az iskolán kívüli tevékenységre vonatkozó nevelési elveit, hogy felnőve a társadalom értékes polgáraivá válhassanak. Megszervezte az első... more
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A century of change in the content of history teaching is traced, first in the elementary schools of England and Wales before World War II, then in the new creations of Primary Schools as the 1944 Education Act was implemented. Relatively... more
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      Children and WarPalestinian-Israeli conflictUNICEFPalestine Gaza
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      ViolenceWar StudiesTrauma StudiesGraphic Novels
In the EFL primary and secondary-school classroom there will be found a huge diversity of readers and reading practices. Although most young students on entering secondary school will already have a sense of story, and functional literacy... more
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      Children's Literature & CultureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureFolk and Fairy Tales
Researchers have focused on the influence of cultural mobilisation on the population of a belligerent state. Yet, such mobilisation can spread abroad, affecting foreigners who sympathise with the goals of military campaigns led by other... more
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      Children and WarSouth African War (1899-1902)Cultural MobilisationAnglo-Boer War 1899-1902
L’Archivio comprende i disegni realizzati dagli alunni del maestro Cesare Ghezzi, nella scuola elementare di San Quirico, dall’anno 1958 all’anno 1994. Non sono i disegni dei praticelli e dei fiorellini, delle casette e dei campanili, non... more
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    • Pedagogía
Assistance for displaced people inside Burma, sent from Thailand or other neighbouring countries, is by definition illegal as it challenges the sovereignty of the Burmese government (which most cross-border actors in fact consider... more
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      GeographyForced MigrationHumanitarian AidInternally Displaced Person
Una collezione permanente a Milano dove si possono ammirare appunti e note di scolari provenienti da diverse culture e generazioni. «Al mondo d'oggi ci sono persone con gravi problemi di lavoro: tra queste ci sono gli operai... more
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      MuseologiaScuola Ed EducazionePsicologia E Scuolaquaderni storici
In stage dialogue and correspondence (Dutch), Chrétien Schouteten reconstructs part of the scientific and personal lives of the physicists Dirk Coster (1889 - 1950) and Lise Meitner (1878 - 1968). Goudmerels: Golden blackbirds. In 1938,... more
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      Wetenschap En EthiekToneelLise Meitner
Монографічне видання є черговою спробою висвітлення окремих проблем історії Покуття як краю пограниччя крізь призму історичних, археологічних, етнографічних, краєзнавчих особливостей і граней дискурсу. Покуття розглядається в контексті... more
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      етнологіяУкраїнська історіографіядавня історія Україниполітична історія
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    • Philosophy
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    • Medicine
Nel mondo di legno di noce si viveva più a lungo". L'intérieur come fallimento dell'utopia nel romanzo La dimora di noce di Miljenko Jergović Enrico Davanzo ♦ eSamizdat 2020 (XIII), pp. 121-132 ♦ Se il futuro avesse fallito o se un giorno... more
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In the works of Bosnian Croat writer Miljenko Jergović (1966-) furniture and domestic things often play an essential role in defining the main characters' psychologies and relationship with the historical context. As furnishings are... more
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Anna Senye Ramisa (Manlleu, 1881-Barcelona, 1956) fou una dona de caracter aventurer que va tenir una vida poc convencional. Va escriure en diferents revistes i diaris catalans des de 1914 i durant la primera meitat del segle XX, com a... more
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n Zuid-Vlaanderen is het verhaal van een Vlaamse familie van kleine plattelandsadel die direct na de Tweede Wereldoorlog noodgedwongen en plotsklaps, de overstap moet maken van de negentiende naar de twintigste eeuw; van een nog... more
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    • Social History
The devastating effect of war has no limits in space and time, forces some people to migrate and sometimes hits so hard and lasts so long that it shapes the memory and everyday life of future generations. In this context of crisis,... more
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      Play TherapyDisaster StudiesDisaster ManagementChildren and War
To evaluate the comparative effectiveness of a classroom-based psychoeducation and skills intervention (tier 1) and a school-based trauma- and grief-focused group treatment (tier 2) of a three-tiered mental health program for adolescents... more
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      Clinical PsychologyMental HealthDepressionClinical Trial
The version presented here may differ from the published version. If citing, you are advised to consult the published version for pagination, volume/issue and date of publication Constructing the Child Soldier Crisis: Violence, Victimhood... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPhilosophy of AgencyApplied Ethics
Mothers' Darlings of the South Pacific: the children of indigenous women and US Servicemen, World War II (2015) is written 74 years after the arrival of United States servicemen to the Pacific Islands during the Second World War. The... more
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On 13 November 2023, a workshop was organised on behalf of the Human Rights Subcommittee focusing on the forcible transfer and deportation of Ukrainian children by Russia, which has taken place since 2014 and vastly intensified since the... more
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      Russian StudiesChildren and FamiliesUkrainian StudiesRussian Foreign Policy
La determinacio de la forma i dimensions de la Terra va trobar en la triangulacio un metode pertinent que va establir les bases de la geodesia. En aquest article s’incideix en les aportacions dels antics grecs, les d’alguns astronoms... more
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To consider the relationship between war and the media is to look at the way in which the media are involved in conflict, either as targets (war on the media) or as an auxiliary (war thanks to the media). On the basis of this distinction,... more
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      Media StudiesCensorshipPolitical SciencePolitics
In a qualitative study, 21 Ukrainian children (who had come to Germany as refugees) were asked about their experiences of the beginning of the war and their perceptions of the current situation. The article summarizes the role of the... more
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      Children and WarQualitative Study
Teacher educators might consider using high-quality picturebooks as partners to help teacher candidates understand and navigate today's painful world realities. From a critical perspective, these books also have the potential to reflect... more
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      PsychologyEducation SystemsEarly Childhood Teacher Education
Protection from violence, and access to formal education, are fundamental human rights for girls in conflict-affected societies. And yet, war exposes girls to an increased risk of Dedication vi Map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo... more
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      EducationViolencePolitical SciencePublic Health
Resumen Con la intención de describir como los niños usan las ilustraciones de los libros álbum para crear significados, este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio empírico (Mourão, 2012), que investiga como niños portugueses... more
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This paper addresses the human rights of 'children born of war' as measured against the standards formulated in the Convention of the Right of the Child. Taking five 20th century cases studies which cover different conflict and... more
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      Human RightsHistorical Studies
El 16 de maig de 2007, l'Assemblea General de les Nacions Unides proclamava 2008 com Any Internacional de les Llengües. Avui en dia més de la meitat de les aproximadament 6.000 llengües que es parlen poden desaparèixer segons la UNESCO.... more
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The following is an opinion-editorial published in my regional newspaper, the Press Enterprise, 11.11.23. It begins here: I understand that there are difficult issues with respect to the war over Gaza including the potential for Hamas to... more
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      Jewish StudiesTerrorismMiddle East StudiesIsrael Studies
Les conflits permanents, l'instabilité politique et la montée des radicalismes communautaires et religieux, dont Daesh en est le triste stigmate, caractérise l'Irak depuis de nombreuses années, notamment depuis la disparition de "l'homme... more
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      EducationCreativityEthnographyCitizen Journalism
This paper notes the ways in which conventional texts often construct limited reading positions and/or points of view. It argues that through the use of postmodern picturebooks and an understanding of metafictive strategies (as one aspect... more
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      SociologyNarrativePostmodernismReading Process
The dearth of knowledge about what life was like for different women and men, communities and institutions during conflict has caused many post-conflict developers to undertake reconstruction using standardised models that may not always... more
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      SociologyNarrativeArmed Conflict
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    • Psychology
Essay with one graph, two poems and three calligraphic quotes on World Childrens Day (20th Nov)
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      Children and FamiliesPoetryChildren and WarContemporary Poetry
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WelKom in Het marie KampHuis arcHief bent u op zoek naar een onderwerp of naar research-materiaal voor een artikel, scriptie of boek? Kom snuffelen in de collectie van het marie Kamphuis archief. daar vindt u de persoonlijke boeken en... more
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    • Political Science
New Medical Acronym 'Unique To Gaza': W C N S F "Wounded Child No Surviving Family." (Reported by Doctors Without Borders Dr, Haj-Hassan, BBC News'The Context) “Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children.” The UN Secretary General... more
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      Children and FamiliesWar StudiesIsrael/PalestineUnited Nations
Текст доступний на умовах ліцензії Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike; також можуть діяти додаткові умови. Детальніше див. Умови використання. Змагайтеся за призи у «Вікі любить пам'ятки»-подавайте фото/відео для Вікіпедії!
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    • Biography
Ce chapitre analyse les raisons pour lesquelles des parents prirent la décision, pendant la guerre d'Espagne, de faire expatrier leurs enfants. Dans le sillage du renouveau récent des usages de la quantification en histoire, nous faisons... more
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      Refugee StudiesQuantitative MethodsChildren and WarSpanish Civil War
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      HistorySocial WorkFirst World WarSpanish Civil War
This article examines the construction of the colonial security apparatus in Burma, within the broader British colonial project in eastern Asia. During the colonial period, the state in Burma was built by default, as no one in London or... more
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      HistorySociologySoutheast Asian StudiesPolitical Science