Frank Jacob
MA 2010 Würzburg University
PhD 2012 Erlangen University
Aug. 2018- present
Professor of Global History (19th and 20th Centuries), Nord University, Norway
Aug. 2014-Aug 2018
Assistant Professor of World History, City University of New York (QCC), USA
Oct. 2013 - Aug. 2014
Assistant Professor of Modern History, Würzburg University, Germany
Visiting Instructor at Pratt Institute, New York, USA
Lecturer Europäische Ethnologie/Volkskunde, University of Würzburg, Germany
PhD 2012 Erlangen University
Aug. 2018- present
Professor of Global History (19th and 20th Centuries), Nord University, Norway
Aug. 2014-Aug 2018
Assistant Professor of World History, City University of New York (QCC), USA
Oct. 2013 - Aug. 2014
Assistant Professor of Modern History, Würzburg University, Germany
Visiting Instructor at Pratt Institute, New York, USA
Lecturer Europäische Ethnologie/Volkskunde, University of Würzburg, Germany
InterestsView All (61)
Books by Frank Jacob
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had realized the power of revolutionary movements within history, and considered them an essential step towards the creation of a classless society. Nevertheless, the number of failed revolutions is as high as the dreams and hopes usually related to a revolutionary change. As a global phenomenon of modernity, the history of revolutions needs to be written comparatively, and for this a comparative model is without any doubt a necessary tool.
Such a model, namely a comparative ten-step model will be provided in this book, to be then used to compare revolutionary case studies. Of course, the similarities among them are of special interest, while the diversity, related to regional or national preconditions, shall not be neglected. However, a comparison promises a better and critical insight into the historical developments of revolutionary processes as such.
Frank Jacob führt aus, welche Rolle Affen für die Selbstwahrnehmung des Menschen spielten und wie sie, etwa als Objekt in Forschung und Populärmedien, gleichermaßen als humanoides Tier begriffen wurden und werden. Er beleuchtet dabei schlaglichtartig eine Beziehungsgeschichte, die bis heute andauert, wobei die Intensität dieser Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Primat im Laufe der Jahrhunderte immer wieder neu definiert wurde.
In Band 6 der ›Kritischen Reflexionen‹ widmet sich Frank Jacob diesem globalen Phänomen der Moderne und beleuchtet einige grundlegende Fragen im Hinblick auf Ziele, Abläufe und Interessengruppen innerhalb revolutionärer Transformationsprozesse.
May 2022, will also be available in Open Access.
Will be available in Open Access as well.
BSI and Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
278 pages.
Extended, revised and peer reviewed, forthcoming in January 2024 in full Open Access. Spanish translation in preparation.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had realized the power of revolutionary movements within history, and considered them an essential step towards the creation of a classless society. Nevertheless, the number of failed revolutions is as high as the dreams and hopes usually related to a revolutionary change. As a global phenomenon of modernity, the history of revolutions needs to be written comparatively, and for this a comparative model is without any doubt a necessary tool.
Such a model, namely a comparative ten-step model will be provided in this book, to be then used to compare revolutionary case studies. Of course, the similarities among them are of special interest, while the diversity, related to regional or national preconditions, shall not be neglected. However, a comparison promises a better and critical insight into the historical developments of revolutionary processes as such.
Frank Jacob führt aus, welche Rolle Affen für die Selbstwahrnehmung des Menschen spielten und wie sie, etwa als Objekt in Forschung und Populärmedien, gleichermaßen als humanoides Tier begriffen wurden und werden. Er beleuchtet dabei schlaglichtartig eine Beziehungsgeschichte, die bis heute andauert, wobei die Intensität dieser Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Primat im Laufe der Jahrhunderte immer wieder neu definiert wurde.
In Band 6 der ›Kritischen Reflexionen‹ widmet sich Frank Jacob diesem globalen Phänomen der Moderne und beleuchtet einige grundlegende Fragen im Hinblick auf Ziele, Abläufe und Interessengruppen innerhalb revolutionärer Transformationsprozesse.
May 2022, will also be available in Open Access.
Will be available in Open Access as well.
BSI and Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
278 pages.
Extended, revised and peer reviewed, forthcoming in January 2024 in full Open Access. Spanish translation in preparation.
Co-ed. with Kim Sebastian Todzi
Co-ed. with Tobias Hirschmüller
Editorial 1.
1. Jeffrey Rop, Greek Military Service in the Ancient Near East, 401-330 BCE (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), pp. 265, ISBN: 978-1108499507. Sabine Müller (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany) 2.
2. Nicholas Morton, The Crusader States and Their Neighbours: A Military History 1099-1187 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 320, ISBN: 978-0198824541. Sean McGlynn (University of Plymouth at Strode College, UK) 5.
3. Kerstin von Lingen, “Crimes against Humanity”: Eine Ideengeschichte der Zivilisierung von Kriegsgewalt 1864-1945, Krieg in der Geschichte 102 (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoenigh, 2018), pp. 386, ISBN: 978-3506787750. Marcel Berni (Swiss Military Academy at ETH Zurich, Switzerland) 8.
4. Michael Geheran, Comrades Betrayed: Jewish World War I Veterans under Hitler (Ithaca, NY/London: Cornell University Press, 2020), pp. 294, ISBN: 978-1501751011. Nathaniel Parker Weston (Seattle Central College, USA) 10.
5. Stephan Jaeger, The Second World War in the Twenty-First-Century Museum: From Narrative, Memory, and Experience to Experientiality (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2020), pp. 354, ISBN: 978-3110661064. Christopher Thorsten Sommer (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany) 13.
6. Helen Fry, MI9: A History of the Secret Service for Escape and Evasion in World War Two (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2020), pp. 352, ISBN: 978-0300233209. Kevin T. Hall (Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Germany) 17.
7. Sönke Neitzel, Deutsche Krieger: Vom Kaiserreich zur Berliner Republik - eine Militärgeschichte, 2nd edition (Berlin: Propyläen 2020), pp. 816, ISBN: 978-3549076477. Frank Jacob (Nord Universitet, Norway) 19.
8. Pablo de Orellana, The Road to Vietnam: America, France, Britain, and the First Vietnam War (London: I.B. Tauris, 2020), pp. 258, ISBN: 9781784538972. Michael Holm (Boston University, USA) 25.
9. John-Mark Iyi and Hennie Strydom, eds., Boko Haram and International Law (Cham: Springer, 2018), pp. 429, ISBN: 978-3319749556. James Okolie-Osemene (Wellspring University, Benin City, Nigeria) 31.
A Satirical Legend or Transnational History:
The Vietnamese Royal Narrative in Thirteenth Century Koryŏ
David W. Kim
Redeploying American Tactical Nuclear Weapons to Counter
North Korea’s Nuclear Monopoly
Seong Whun Cheon
Japan Insuring Cooperation or Cooperating for Its Security?
María Elena Romero Ortíz and Carlos Uscanga
1. Globalizing the Bhadramahila:
Classical Legacies to Post-Colonial Afterlives
Senjuti Jash and Shuvatri Dasgupta
2. From Honor Killings to Medal Winnings:
Women in Indian Media
Suman Sigroha
3. “An ‘Excess of Liberation’?:
Terror and the Demonization of Women’s Political
Activity in 1970s West Germany”
Alan Rosenfeld
4. Am I Cait? Am I Abba?
From MultiChoice to No Choice: Nollywood
Representations of Transgender Identity
B Camminga
Full OA download of the volume:
This paper will present the transnational biography of Katayama Sen, an important Japanese intellectual who initially wanted to become a Christian missionary in Japan, but turned out to be a socialist and communist later. The article will follow him from Japan to the United States and his later stops in Mexico or the Soviet Union, to name just a couple of stations of Katayama's revolutionary life. During this reconstruction of his political and geographical journey it will be shown how, embedded into the global history of Japan, revolution, and the Communist International, Katayama's life evolved and how he tried to impact the course of history towards world revolution as a member of the Executive Committee of the Communist International.
Nøkkelord: globalhistorie, verdenshistorie, Immanuel Wallerstein, teori og metode
Proposals for monographs or anthologies, also in English, are always welcome. Open Access is possible.
Alternative | Demokratien. Studien zur Geschichte der Sozialdemokratie und des Sozialismus, 1
Full version available here
Bernhard Hemetsberger (University of Vienna, Austria)
Frank Jacob (Nord University, Norway)
Sebastian Engelmann (University of Tübingen, Germany)
Call for Publications
December 31, 2019
Subject Fields:
Intellectual History, Labor History / Studies, Philosophy, Political History / Studies, Political Science
Friedrich Engels was born on November 28, 1820 and should become, together with Karl Marx, one of the most influential philosophers and political thinkers of the 19th century. 200 years later his writings and ideas are still important. Therefore his impact and possible inspiration for the problems our current world is dealing with should be taken into closer consideration.
The present call for papers therefore addresses scholars (at all career stages and from all possible disciplines) working on aspects or questions related to Engels' work and ideas to submit a paper proposal (max. 300 words) and a short biography (ca. 100 words) to be considered for a volume that deals with Engels' role for the 21st century. Which of his ideas are still important and/or inspiring? Which ideas and thoughts have been missed in previous discussions. The proposals should be offering new approaches to Engels' works and how they can be connected to the essential problems of our time.
Proposals are due by December 31, 2019.
Authors will be informed about acceptance of their proposals by January 15, 2020.
The deadline for the final papers - 6,500 to 8,000 words, using footnotes (Chicago Manual of Style) - is March 31, 2020.
Proposals or queries should be sent to: [email protected]
Organized by
IHSF Arbeiterkammer Wien
Nord Universitet
International Rosa Luxemburg Society
New York University
Vor 200 Jahren wurde Friedrich Engels geboren und auch heute noch sind seine Texte von großem Wert, denn sie sind oftmals zeitlos und für unser Leben oft von nicht zu unterschätzender Aktualität, geben sie doch Anreize, sich kritisch mit den Problemen unserer Zeit auseinanderzusetzen.
migration of human beings and the interventions of state power. Therefore, we ask for paper proposals from all
fields of the humanities that will analyze the interconnectedness of migration and state power. Possible topics
might focus on but are not limited to:
– Migration and state prejudices
– Migration and politics
– Migration and hate crimes
– Migration and state restrictions
– Migration and daily life (limited by state power)
– Forced migration
– Limitations of migration
For a better planning of the next volume, we ask you to send in a short proposal (around 250 words) and a CV by
15 July 2015. Final papers, ranging from 5000 to 7500 words (using footnotes, stylesheets will be provided by the
editor) are due by 31 August 2015.
Please send all materials or inquiries to [email protected]
En el contexto de un resurgir de la historia militar, o más bien de su aparición bajo nuevos supuestos, la Guerra Civil española está llamada a ocupar de nuevo un lugar preeminente, pero solo a condición de que en la nueva agenda de investigación se la aborde de una forma distinta a la que ha dominado. La guerra en España fue crudelísima, pero eso no convierte su historia en excepcional: entre 1919 y 1949 hubo guerras internas, abiertas o larvadas, en casi todos los países europeos: Rusia, Finlandia, Hungría, España, Francia, Italia, el Reino de Yugoslavia, Polonia, Grecia... Tras la caída de los grandes paradigmas socioeconómicos, la historiografía ha vuelto la vista a las guerras europeas en busca de claves identitarias y culturales, descifrando los conflictos civiles o interestatales desde la perspectiva de, entre otras, la categoría de cultura de guerra. Uno de los grandes objetivos de la nueva historia militar pasa, así, por la revisión de algunos conflictos bélicos como el del 36-39 a la luz de las categorías interpretativas fuertes que se han venido generando en las últimas décadas alrededor, fundamentalmente, de las guerras mundiales del siglo XX.