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Museums are local-to-global organizations operating in a digitized, distributed, and diverse 21st century world. Museums leaders face significant challenges in achieving broader relevance, meaningful engagement, and equitable outreach.... more
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      Museum EducationBiological Collections
In this paper we discuss aspects of interdisciplinary Museology and Biology, based on Zoology's collections and museums. Thus, from a clipping within natural science collections, we question the similarities between Museology and Biology... more
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      InterdisciplinarityPatrimonio CulturalBiologiaMuseus
The natural history collections are important repositories of biodiversity and fundamental reference systems. They document the diversity of the natural world, allowing to reconstruct a “memory” of natural patterns and processes,... more
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      Natural History MuseumsBiological Collections
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
Two separate assessments on bats diversity were conducted in Bako National Park for about 12 trapping-nights. Our first assessment was conducted from 8 th to 12 th February 2005 followed by the second assessment on the 28 th August to 3... more
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
With our ever-increasing footprint, humans now affect even the most remote corners of Earth. Because an estimated 86% of species on the planet remain unknown (13), our goal should be to document biodiversity as rigorously as possible... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)MuseumsBiological Collections
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      ConservationSoutheast AsiaMuseologyBats
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A three-week field survey was conducted to sample bat species diversity in Malaysia. The survey sampled five localities during August 2006, including one in Peninsular Malaysia and four in Borneo. A total of 259 specimens representing at... more
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      ConservationSoutheast AsiaMuseologyBats
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
We surveyed bats near the Hornbill Golf and Jungle Club Resort in the highland area of Mount Penrissen from 27 to 29 January 2005. We caught 38 individuals of 8 species in ten mist-nets and one harp-trap during two trapping nights. These... more
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
Una colección científica consiste en un acervo sistematizado de material biológico en donde se resguardan, preservan y se estudian los ejemplares curados de un grupo taxonómico, por ejemplo, las plantas o fauna en general. Algunas... more
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      Biological CollectionsBacterial cell culture
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
De acuerdo a la información histórica disponible para Honduras, el Jaguar se distribuía a lo largo del territorio nacional. Actualmente, se tiene conocimiento que su hábitat se limita a la franja del Caribe y la región de La Mosquitia... more
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
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      Entomology (Coleoptera)Biological Collections
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyWildlife ConservationMuseology
In a recent paper ), we published a statistical model for predicting invasiveness of exotic woody plant species in New England. A dataset was compiled of 28 biological/ecological characters for each of 248 exotic trees, shrubs, and lianas... more
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      BotanyPlant EcologyClimate ChangeClimate Change Adaptation
This article introduces an important group of ethnographic, biological, and unpublished archival materials deriving from two expeditions to Madagascar by American naturalist William Louis Abbott (1860–1936). The first was from February to... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyMuseum StudiesHistory of Anthropology
EPIC Bioscience is an online learning environment designed to engage students in authentic STEM research aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), using digitized specimens and sedimentary archives (microscopic fossil remains)... more
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      MycologyEntomologyEducationMuseum Education
Blarina hylophaga (Elliot, 1899) is a soricid commonly called Elliot's short-tailed shrew. A short-legged, robust shrew with a long, pointed snout and a short tail; it is 1 of 4 species in the genus Blarina. It occurs throughout most of... more
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      ZoologyNatural HistoryMammalogyMuseology
for the outstanding work they have been making for the last four years (2015)(2016)(2017)(2018)(2019). We received the SBI directorship with great honor and thank for all the help provided during this transition. We hope to continue the... more
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      IchthyologyNatural history collectionsBiological Collections
Este artigo expõe um breve relato de dois projetos de extensão realizados no herbário SMDB, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. O referido herbário apresenta, atualmente, um acervo de 16.800 espécimes vegetais e de fungos.... more
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      HerbariumExtensión UniversitariaBiological CollectionsBiological collections online
The eastern gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis, is one of the world's most recognized sciurids and a highly successful human commensal. Historically restricted to eastern North America, gray squirrel populations are now established in... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementInvasive species ecologyMammalogyInvasive Species
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
A study on the ecology of rodents and insectivores on Mount Chilalo and the Galama Mountain range was conducted during August, 2007-April, 2008. Study grids were marked in nine randomly selected habitats. Sherman live traps and snap traps... more
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
Resumen De acuerdo a la información histórica disponible para Honduras, el Jaguar se distribuía a lo largo del territorio nacional. Actualmente, se tiene conocimiento que su hábitat se limita a la franja del Caribe y la región de La... more
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      GeographyMuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small Mammals
e surveyed bats near the Hornbill Golf and Jungle Club Resort in the highland arca of Mount Penrissen ftom 27 to 29 January 200r. \We caught 38 individuals of eight species in ten mist-nets and one harp-trap during two trapping nights.... more
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
wo separate assessments on bats diversity wefe conducted in Bako National Park for 12 trapping-nights. Our first a(sessmenl was condu( lell lrom d to lZ l(brudr) ZUU-\ followed by the secood assessment from 28'h August to 3'd September... more
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      MalaysiaBiologyBiodiversityBats (Mammalogy)
La transferencia de la enorme colección de organismos del Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio) al Museo Nacional de Costa Rica aumentó en 3.5 millones de especímenes las colecciones del museo. Este artículo de opinión describe los... more
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      BiodiversityBiodiversidadColecciones BiológicasBiological Collections
First records of myxomycetes in the North region of Brazil go back to the 19 th century. Nevertheless, the myxobiota of this region is still largely unexplored, with only 42 species recorded, distributed in 20 genera and seven families.... more
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Borneo: Arielulus cuprosus, Hesperoptenus tomesi, Kerivoula lenis, and Myotis adversus the second record of Hipposideros doriae earwigs collected from an Eonycteris major glands on male Hipposideros ater and H. galeritus skin and skull... more
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      ConservationSoutheast AsiaMuseologyBats
are characterized by divergent karyotypes and are genetically distinct. Blarina species are similar morphologically but, in most cases, can be distinguished morphometrically. Blarina distributions tend to be parapatric along well-defined... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)EcologyBiological CollectionsHerbaria
"Desde la antigüedad el ser humano se ha caracterizado por coleccionar objetos. Un ejemplo de esto son las colecciones científicas, que alrededor del mundo guardan el trabajo sistemático de más de tres siglos y que presentan una gran... more
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      ArachnidaNatural history collectionsMuseum Collections (Research)Biological Collections
We studied the chromosomal distribution of telomere repeats (TTAGGG) n in 8 species of Sigmodon (cotton rats) using chromosome paints fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) from Sigmodon hispidus. In 2 species with the proposed... more
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      MammalogyMuseologyChromosomal RearrangementsChromosome Evolution
This article inquires the automatization and siste- matization of the setup and processing of information extracted from microscopy slides, from the wide aplication of neural networks for image processing and organize biocollection in the... more
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      Image ProcessingArtificial Neural NetworksBiological Collections
Biological collections are central in understanding and preserving life on Earth. In Brazil, the most representative collections are kept by natural history museums, whose primary focus is in invertebrates, vertebrates and vascular... more
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      Natural history collectionsMuseum Collections (Research)Natural History MuseumsBiological Collections
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyNatural HistoryMammalogy
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementInvasive species ecologyMammalogyInvasive Species
Field survey was conducted in Mount Silam (Gunung Silam), Lahad Datu, Sabah in September 1995 to inventory the diversity of mammals. A total of 23 species of mammals representing 15 families were recorded. The most captured small mammal... more
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      GeographyMuseologyTropicalBiological Collections
First records of myxomycetes in the North region of Brazil go back to the 19th century. Nevertheless, the myxobiota of this region is still largely unexplored, with only 42 species recorded, distributed in 20 genera and seven families.... more
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Resumo: Sistemas de informação são fundamentais para o gerenciamento dos acervos biológicos das instituições de pesquisas em biodiversidade, uma vez que elas vêm fazendo investimentos significativos nos processos de informatização e... more
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      HerbariumBiological CollectionsHerbariosSistemas de gerenciamento de coleções científicas
Desde la antigüedad el ser humano se ha caracterizado por coleccionar objetos. Un ejemplo de esto son las colecciones científicas, que alrededor del mundo guardan el trabajo sistemático de más de tres siglos y que presentan una gran... more
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      ArachnidaNatural history collectionsMuseum Collections (Research)Biological Collections
Desde la antigüedad el ser humano se ha caracterizado por coleccionar objetos. Un ejemplo de esto son las colecciones científicas, que alrededor del mundo guardan el trabajo sistemático de más de tres siglos y que presentan una gran... more
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      ArachnidaNatural history collectionsMuseum Collections (Research)Biological Collections
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
Undercover. Many Alpheidae shrimps live deep in the reef and are impossible to collect nonlethally.
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)HerpetologyMuseum StudiesConservation Biology
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      MuseologyBiological CollectionsEcology of Small MammalsMammals In General
Este artigo expoe um breve relato de dois projetos de extensao realizados no herbario SMDB, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. O referido herbario apresenta, atualmente, um acervo de 16.800 especimes vegetais e de fungos.... more
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      GeographyPhysicsHerbariumExtensión Universitaria