A phylogenetic analysis of the Briza Complex was carried out using three DNA regions (ITS, GBSSI ... more A phylogenetic analysis of the Briza Complex was carried out using three DNA regions (ITS, GBSSI and trnL-trnL-trnF, a total of 2980 bp). The searches were performed by three distinct phylogenetic methods, using plastid and nuclear data in separate matrices. All methods produced similar trees per matrix. However there were conflicts when trees resulting from distinct datasets were compared. Phylogenetic relationships were found did not completely fit any circumscription previously proposed for the complex. The early divergence of the Eurasiatic species (B. media, B. maxima and B. minor), and the monophyly of the South American group (including Erianthecium, Rhombolytrum and Gymnachne) support Briza L. sensu stricto, and a single genus for the American group. Briza sensu lato is not supported in most trees, and the American genera cannot be split due to unresolved polytomies. Conflict between chloroplast and nuclear data suggests past reticulation events, although lineage sorting or ITS paralogy cannot be ruled out. Polytomies in the American group may indicate rapid species radiation.
Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) leaves are popular for consumption as an infusion, which provides vari... more Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) leaves are popular for consumption as an infusion, which provides various health benefits due to its nutraceutical properties. Leaf samples oxidize after harvesting, requiring special handling to avoid DNA damage or degradation by enzymatic or oxidative activities. The objectives of this work were to evaluate several methods for sample storage and DNA extraction to identify practical and efficient protocols to guarantee the DNA quantity and integrity for molecular studies of mate. Total DNA was extracted from fresh leaves and compared with DNA extracted from leaves stored in silica gel at room temperature for 14 days or in CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) buffer. The leaves were cleaned with absorbent paper and stored in 50 mL Falcon tubes containing approximately 25 g of silica gel or in 2 mL Eppendorf tubes containing approximately 1 mL of CTAB buffer. Samples treated with silica gel were stored at room temperature for 14 days, and the ones with CTAB buffer were stored either at 4°C for 14 and 90 days or at room temperature for 90 days. The DNA was quantified using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer and agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA purity (with regard to the presence of enzyme inhibitors) was tested by PCR amplification of fragments of the plastid gene, trnL-trnF. Samples of
Resumen La urbanización global y masiva de los territorios es el más importante fenómeno ecológic... more Resumen La urbanización global y masiva de los territorios es el más importante fenómeno ecológico de la actualidad. Los estándares de crecimiento urbano son determinantes para la conservación de la diversidad biológica, y asimismo para el grado de calidad de vida aceptable de las poblaciones urbanas. Contrariamente a la percepción de los biólogos y de otros académicos, de las ciudades como ambientes estériles y opuestos a la naturaleza, el reciente desarrollo de la ecología urbana, ciencia necesariamente interdisciplinaria, nos demuestra que ciudades son ecosistemas heterotróficos que necesitan ser planeados para que sus impactos en la biosfera sean disminuidos, y que en paralelo su capacidad de sostener la biodiversidad sea incrementada. Abstract The global and massive urbanization of territories is one of today's most important ecological phenomena. The standards used in urban growth are vital for the conservation of biological diversity, and also affects the provision of a reasonable quality of life for urban populations. Contrary to the perception held by many biologists and other academics, where cities are sterile environments and the opposite of natural, the recent development of urban ecology, a necessarily interdisciplinary science, shows that cities are heterotrophic ecosystems that need to be planned in a manner that reduces their impacts on the biosphere, and that in parallel increases their ability to sustain biodiversity.
The genetic variability and genetic versatility of plants belonging to Poaceae provide morphophys... more The genetic variability and genetic versatility of plants belonging to Poaceae provide morphophysiological responses that allow these individuals to adapt to environmental changes, especially in relation to soil moisture. Urochloa plantaginea and U. platyphylla are grasses typical of dry environment, also found as weeds in rice fields, where there are high amounts of water in the soil. The objective of this work is to analyze the development of these two species in different environments, subjecting them to three different amounts of water in the soil. Morphological parameters were analyzed in order to verify and quantify which suffered alteration with respect to water variation. Caryopsis of the two species were collected in a commercial irrigated rice crop. Seeds were sown in pots containing a substrate-sand system, and housed in a greenhouse, where during the experiment the control of different moisture contents (shallow water table, 100% of field capacity and 50% of field capacity) took place. Weekly evaluations were carried out according to the parameters analyzed. The following parameters were evaluated: duration of the vegetative and reproductive life cycle, number of the inflorescences per plant, number of branches per inflorescence, number of spikelets per branch, number of seeds per plant, and dry mass production. The U. plantaginea cycle had shorter duration under the shallow water table, while for U. platyphylla the shorter duration was under the condition 50% of field capacity. Both species produced higher dry mass of shoots under the condition of 100% of field capacity. The main responses observed for both species, due to the flooding, were the change of the cycle, reduced dry matter production, and reduced seed production.
The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) was established by the Conference of Parties in... more The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) was established by the Conference of Parties in 2002 to decrease the loss of plant diversity, reduce poverty and contribute to sustainable development. To achieve this overarching goal, the GSPC has established a series of targets, one of which is to ensure that plant diversity is well understood, so that it can be effectively conserved and used in a sustainable manner. Brazil hosts more than 46,000 species of plants, algae and fungi, representing one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth, and playing a key role in the GSPC. To meet the GSPC goals of Target 1 and facilitate access to plant diversity, Brazil committed to preparing the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora (2008–2015) and the Brazilian Flora 2020 (2016–present). Managing all the information associated with such great biodiversity has proven to be an extremely challenging task. Here, we synthesize the history of these projects, focusing on the multidisciplinary and collaborative approach adopted to develop and manage the inclusion of all the knowledge generated though digital information systems. We further describe the methods used, challenges faced, and strategies adopted, as well as summarize advances to date and prospects for completing the Brazilian flora in 2020.
A vegetação nativa de Santa Maria, assim como em todo estado do Rio Grande do Sul, é composta por... more A vegetação nativa de Santa Maria, assim como em todo estado do Rio Grande do Sul, é composta por florestas e campos. Tendo em vista que os campos ainda são poucos conhecidos pela população, em sua real importância, foi escolhida para este estudo uma área de vegetação campestre para o levantamento da família Poaceae. O Morro da Pedra de Lagarto se localiza no Distrito de Santo Antão, ao norte do município de Santa Maria, RS. O estudo foi realizado no período de agosto de 2014 a setembro de 2015, através de expedições quinzenais, nas quais foram coletados espécimes na fase reprodutiva. Após a herborização, foi realizada a identificação das espécies em laboratório através de chaves, obras de referência, consultas a meio eletrônico e revisão do herbário SMDB. Ao todo, foram 58 espécies confirmadas, distribuídas em 33 gêneros e 13 tribos. Foi constatada a presença de uma espécie ameaçada de extinção, bem como espécies exóticas no local. Este trabalho apresenta uma listagem com todas as espécies coletadas no local, vouchers e fotos. Constatou-se que no morro da Pedra do Lagarto há uma grande diversidade em espécies nativas da família Poaceae, predominando espécies do Bioma Mata Atlântica.
A floristic survey of the Asteraceae was carried out at the Pedra do Lagarto, Santa Maria, centra... more A floristic survey of the Asteraceae was carried out at the Pedra do Lagarto, Santa Maria, central region of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Field expeditions were conducted from August 2014 to September 2015. A total of 106 species were recorded, with 6 listed in the endangered species list of the state of Rio Grande do Sul: Moquiniastrum mollissimum(Malme) G. Sancho, Trixis pallidaLess, Calea clematideaBaker, Aldama megapotamica(Malme) Magenta & Pirani, Chromolaena angusticeps(Malme) RM King & H. Rob., and Isostigma peucedanifolium(Spreng.) Less. This paper presents a list of recorded species from this site
A taxonomic revision of the Briza complex was carried out, including the genera accepted by past ... more A taxonomic revision of the Briza complex was carried out, including the genera accepted by past authors as subgenera or sections of Briza s.l. (Briza L., Calotheca Desv., Chascolytrum Desv., Lombardochloa Roseng. & B. R. Arrill., Microbriza Parodi ex Nicora & R´ugolo, and Poidium Nees) as well as other related genera (Brizochloa V. Jir´asek & Chrtek, Erianthecium Parodi, Gymnachne Parodi, and Rhombolytrum Link). As a result of the morphological analysis presented here, confirmed by other studies with molecular data, Briza is accepted with three Eurasian species, Brizochloa is accepted with one species, and a new circumscription for the genus Chascolytrum is proposed. This new circumscription includes all the accepted South American species that were previously assigned to the other genera cited above. Descriptions and illustrations of three species and one variety of Briza, one species of Brizochloa, and 22 species and two varieties of Chascolytrum are provided, as well as IUCN conservation status for most species. A new status is proposed for Briza media f. caucasica Marcow.: Briza media var. caucasica (Marcow.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies. The following name is newly transferred: Chascolytrum rufum var.sparsipilosum (Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies [[ Briza rufa var. sparsipilosa Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.]. Keys for genera and species are also provided. Lectotypifications are provided for Briza neesii D¨oll and Briza triloba Nees.
Este artigo expõe um breve relato de dois projetos de extensão realizados no herbário SMDB, da Un... more Este artigo expõe um breve relato de dois projetos de extensão realizados no herbário SMDB, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. O referido herbário apresenta, atualmente, um acervo de 16.800 espécimes vegetais e de fungos. Representa a flora regional, incluindo espécies do Pampa e da Mata Atlântica. Um dos projetos desenvolvidos, constituiu-se em receber estudantes de ensino fundamental e médio, apresentando-se o herbário e sua importância no registro da biodiversidade e no auxílio a projetos de pesquisa e conservação da flora. Em dois anos foram recebidos 900 estudantes e 56 professores. Outro projeto dedicou-se à disponibilização de dados através da colaboração com o Projeto INCT-CRIA do Herbário Virtual de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil. Primeiramente, foram incluídos dados no sistema BRAHMS, e depois foram disponibilizados em rede. Em 2016, houve 305.219 registros de consulta aos dados disponibilizados. Os projetos possibilitaram a participação de diversos acadêmicos, que apresentaram seus resultados na Jornada Acadêmica da UFSM (JAI-UFSM).
Th is paper presents a morphological analysis of the fl ower and fl oral trichomes of three rare ... more Th is paper presents a morphological analysis of the fl ower and fl oral trichomes of three rare species of Dyckia: Dyckia ibicuiensis, D. polyclada and D. racinae. Flowers at anthesis were collected from natural populations and subjected to morphometric and microscopic analysis. Among the most representative features for Dyckia are: morphometrics of individual fl oral parts; the general confi guration of the androecium and gynoecium; the degree of fusion of the stigmatic lobes; the morphology of the ovules, especially in relation to the chalazal appendix; and the presence and constitution of peltate trichomes in the perianth, which exhibited a polymorphism not previously reported for Dyckia. Th e characters were eff ective at describing each species, proposing phylogenetic inferences and recognizing infrageneric groupings. We propose two species groups, which are consistent with previous hypotheses about the relationships among the species of the genus. Th e objective of this study was to provide fl oral morphological data useful for characterizing these three rare species, delimiting the genus and forming phylogenetic hypotheses.
Article: Flower and floral trichome morphology of species of Dyckia Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae, Pi... more Article: Flower and floral trichome morphology of species of Dyckia Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae), and their
importance to species characterization and genus taxonomy
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento das espécies campestres da família... more O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento das espécies campestres da família Leguminosae no morro Pedra do Lagarto, distrito de Santo Antão, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, a fim de contribuir para o conhecimento da flora da região central do estado. Tal estudo se faz necessário devido à singularidade fitogeográfica da região de Santa Maria, que se encontra em uma região de tensão ecológica entre os biomas Pampa e Mata Atlântica. Por meio de coletas quinzenais, no período de agosto de 2014 a maio de 2016, foram confirmadas 27 espécies e 17 gêneros, sendo 20 espécies pertencentes à subfamília Faboideae Rudd e sete à Mimosoideae DC. Os gêneros com maior número de espécies são Mimosa L. (seis) e Desmodium Desv. (cinco). Além da lista de espécies, este trabalho fornece dados fenológicos, fotografias e chaves analíticas para identificação dos táxons.
I n stit u t o d e B io c i ê ncias U FRGS Plantas medicinais utilizadas no município de Palmeira... more I n stit u t o d e B io c i ê ncias U FRGS Plantas medicinais utilizadas no município de Palmeira das Missões, RS, Brasil RESUMO: (Plantas medicinais utilizadas no município de Palmeira das Missões, RS, Brasil). O presente estudo consiste de um levantamento etnobotânico quali-quantitativo das plantas utilizadas como medicinais por moradores do município de Palmeira das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com listagem livre das plantas e obtenção dos dados socioculturais. As espécies foram identificadas no local, com coleta de testemunhos sempre que possível. Os testemunhos foram depositados no herbário da UFSM/Palmeira das Missões. Foram registradas 128 espécies pertencentes a 53 famílias distintas. As famílias com maior número de espécies citadas foram Asteraceae e Lamiaceae. Foram registrados usos de espécies tanto nativas quanto exóticas. Os usos medicinais predominantes estão associados aos sistemas digestório, sanguíneo e respiratório, sendo as folhas as partes mais utilizadas na forma de chás por infusão e decocção. Houve predomínio de mulheres informantes (90%), em geral mais idosas (média superior a 55 anos), conforme já observado em outros estudos. Os resultados demonstram uma grande diversidade de espécies vegetais utilizadas, e o papel das plantas medicinais não apenas como agentes curativos/ profiláticos da cultura popular, mas como uma forma de integração e cuidado mútuo nas comunidades. Palavras-chave: etnofarmacologia, etnobotânica, fitoterapia, medicina popular. ABSTRACT: (Medicinal plants used in Palmeira das Missões, RS, Brazil). This work describes an ethnobotanical quali-quantitative survey of medicinal plants used by the population living in Palmeira das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews, with spontaneous list of plants.
A phylogenetic analysis of the Briza Complex was carried out using three DNA regions (ITS, GBSSI ... more A phylogenetic analysis of the Briza Complex was carried out using three DNA regions (ITS, GBSSI and trnL-trnL-trnF, a total of 2980 bp). The searches were performed by three distinct phylogenetic methods, using plastid and nuclear data in separate matrices. All methods produced similar trees per matrix. However there were conflicts when trees resulting from distinct datasets were compared. Phylogenetic relationships were found did not completely fit any circumscription previously proposed for the complex. The early divergence of the Eurasiatic species (B. media, B. maxima and B. minor), and the monophyly of the South American group (including Erianthecium, Rhombolytrum and Gymnachne) support Briza L. sensu stricto, and a single genus for the American group. Briza sensu lato is not supported in most trees, and the American genera cannot be split due to unresolved polytomies. Conflict between chloroplast and nuclear data suggests past reticulation events, although lineage sorting or ITS paralogy cannot be ruled out. Polytomies in the American group may indicate rapid species radiation.
Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) leaves are popular for consumption as an infusion, which provides vari... more Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) leaves are popular for consumption as an infusion, which provides various health benefits due to its nutraceutical properties. Leaf samples oxidize after harvesting, requiring special handling to avoid DNA damage or degradation by enzymatic or oxidative activities. The objectives of this work were to evaluate several methods for sample storage and DNA extraction to identify practical and efficient protocols to guarantee the DNA quantity and integrity for molecular studies of mate. Total DNA was extracted from fresh leaves and compared with DNA extracted from leaves stored in silica gel at room temperature for 14 days or in CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) buffer. The leaves were cleaned with absorbent paper and stored in 50 mL Falcon tubes containing approximately 25 g of silica gel or in 2 mL Eppendorf tubes containing approximately 1 mL of CTAB buffer. Samples treated with silica gel were stored at room temperature for 14 days, and the ones with CTAB buffer were stored either at 4°C for 14 and 90 days or at room temperature for 90 days. The DNA was quantified using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer and agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA purity (with regard to the presence of enzyme inhibitors) was tested by PCR amplification of fragments of the plastid gene, trnL-trnF. Samples of
Resumen La urbanización global y masiva de los territorios es el más importante fenómeno ecológic... more Resumen La urbanización global y masiva de los territorios es el más importante fenómeno ecológico de la actualidad. Los estándares de crecimiento urbano son determinantes para la conservación de la diversidad biológica, y asimismo para el grado de calidad de vida aceptable de las poblaciones urbanas. Contrariamente a la percepción de los biólogos y de otros académicos, de las ciudades como ambientes estériles y opuestos a la naturaleza, el reciente desarrollo de la ecología urbana, ciencia necesariamente interdisciplinaria, nos demuestra que ciudades son ecosistemas heterotróficos que necesitan ser planeados para que sus impactos en la biosfera sean disminuidos, y que en paralelo su capacidad de sostener la biodiversidad sea incrementada. Abstract The global and massive urbanization of territories is one of today's most important ecological phenomena. The standards used in urban growth are vital for the conservation of biological diversity, and also affects the provision of a reasonable quality of life for urban populations. Contrary to the perception held by many biologists and other academics, where cities are sterile environments and the opposite of natural, the recent development of urban ecology, a necessarily interdisciplinary science, shows that cities are heterotrophic ecosystems that need to be planned in a manner that reduces their impacts on the biosphere, and that in parallel increases their ability to sustain biodiversity.
The genetic variability and genetic versatility of plants belonging to Poaceae provide morphophys... more The genetic variability and genetic versatility of plants belonging to Poaceae provide morphophysiological responses that allow these individuals to adapt to environmental changes, especially in relation to soil moisture. Urochloa plantaginea and U. platyphylla are grasses typical of dry environment, also found as weeds in rice fields, where there are high amounts of water in the soil. The objective of this work is to analyze the development of these two species in different environments, subjecting them to three different amounts of water in the soil. Morphological parameters were analyzed in order to verify and quantify which suffered alteration with respect to water variation. Caryopsis of the two species were collected in a commercial irrigated rice crop. Seeds were sown in pots containing a substrate-sand system, and housed in a greenhouse, where during the experiment the control of different moisture contents (shallow water table, 100% of field capacity and 50% of field capacity) took place. Weekly evaluations were carried out according to the parameters analyzed. The following parameters were evaluated: duration of the vegetative and reproductive life cycle, number of the inflorescences per plant, number of branches per inflorescence, number of spikelets per branch, number of seeds per plant, and dry mass production. The U. plantaginea cycle had shorter duration under the shallow water table, while for U. platyphylla the shorter duration was under the condition 50% of field capacity. Both species produced higher dry mass of shoots under the condition of 100% of field capacity. The main responses observed for both species, due to the flooding, were the change of the cycle, reduced dry matter production, and reduced seed production.
The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) was established by the Conference of Parties in... more The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) was established by the Conference of Parties in 2002 to decrease the loss of plant diversity, reduce poverty and contribute to sustainable development. To achieve this overarching goal, the GSPC has established a series of targets, one of which is to ensure that plant diversity is well understood, so that it can be effectively conserved and used in a sustainable manner. Brazil hosts more than 46,000 species of plants, algae and fungi, representing one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth, and playing a key role in the GSPC. To meet the GSPC goals of Target 1 and facilitate access to plant diversity, Brazil committed to preparing the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora (2008–2015) and the Brazilian Flora 2020 (2016–present). Managing all the information associated with such great biodiversity has proven to be an extremely challenging task. Here, we synthesize the history of these projects, focusing on the multidisciplinary and collaborative approach adopted to develop and manage the inclusion of all the knowledge generated though digital information systems. We further describe the methods used, challenges faced, and strategies adopted, as well as summarize advances to date and prospects for completing the Brazilian flora in 2020.
A vegetação nativa de Santa Maria, assim como em todo estado do Rio Grande do Sul, é composta por... more A vegetação nativa de Santa Maria, assim como em todo estado do Rio Grande do Sul, é composta por florestas e campos. Tendo em vista que os campos ainda são poucos conhecidos pela população, em sua real importância, foi escolhida para este estudo uma área de vegetação campestre para o levantamento da família Poaceae. O Morro da Pedra de Lagarto se localiza no Distrito de Santo Antão, ao norte do município de Santa Maria, RS. O estudo foi realizado no período de agosto de 2014 a setembro de 2015, através de expedições quinzenais, nas quais foram coletados espécimes na fase reprodutiva. Após a herborização, foi realizada a identificação das espécies em laboratório através de chaves, obras de referência, consultas a meio eletrônico e revisão do herbário SMDB. Ao todo, foram 58 espécies confirmadas, distribuídas em 33 gêneros e 13 tribos. Foi constatada a presença de uma espécie ameaçada de extinção, bem como espécies exóticas no local. Este trabalho apresenta uma listagem com todas as espécies coletadas no local, vouchers e fotos. Constatou-se que no morro da Pedra do Lagarto há uma grande diversidade em espécies nativas da família Poaceae, predominando espécies do Bioma Mata Atlântica.
A floristic survey of the Asteraceae was carried out at the Pedra do Lagarto, Santa Maria, centra... more A floristic survey of the Asteraceae was carried out at the Pedra do Lagarto, Santa Maria, central region of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Field expeditions were conducted from August 2014 to September 2015. A total of 106 species were recorded, with 6 listed in the endangered species list of the state of Rio Grande do Sul: Moquiniastrum mollissimum(Malme) G. Sancho, Trixis pallidaLess, Calea clematideaBaker, Aldama megapotamica(Malme) Magenta & Pirani, Chromolaena angusticeps(Malme) RM King & H. Rob., and Isostigma peucedanifolium(Spreng.) Less. This paper presents a list of recorded species from this site
A taxonomic revision of the Briza complex was carried out, including the genera accepted by past ... more A taxonomic revision of the Briza complex was carried out, including the genera accepted by past authors as subgenera or sections of Briza s.l. (Briza L., Calotheca Desv., Chascolytrum Desv., Lombardochloa Roseng. & B. R. Arrill., Microbriza Parodi ex Nicora & R´ugolo, and Poidium Nees) as well as other related genera (Brizochloa V. Jir´asek & Chrtek, Erianthecium Parodi, Gymnachne Parodi, and Rhombolytrum Link). As a result of the morphological analysis presented here, confirmed by other studies with molecular data, Briza is accepted with three Eurasian species, Brizochloa is accepted with one species, and a new circumscription for the genus Chascolytrum is proposed. This new circumscription includes all the accepted South American species that were previously assigned to the other genera cited above. Descriptions and illustrations of three species and one variety of Briza, one species of Brizochloa, and 22 species and two varieties of Chascolytrum are provided, as well as IUCN conservation status for most species. A new status is proposed for Briza media f. caucasica Marcow.: Briza media var. caucasica (Marcow.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies. The following name is newly transferred: Chascolytrum rufum var.sparsipilosum (Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies [[ Briza rufa var. sparsipilosa Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.]. Keys for genera and species are also provided. Lectotypifications are provided for Briza neesii D¨oll and Briza triloba Nees.
Este artigo expõe um breve relato de dois projetos de extensão realizados no herbário SMDB, da Un... more Este artigo expõe um breve relato de dois projetos de extensão realizados no herbário SMDB, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. O referido herbário apresenta, atualmente, um acervo de 16.800 espécimes vegetais e de fungos. Representa a flora regional, incluindo espécies do Pampa e da Mata Atlântica. Um dos projetos desenvolvidos, constituiu-se em receber estudantes de ensino fundamental e médio, apresentando-se o herbário e sua importância no registro da biodiversidade e no auxílio a projetos de pesquisa e conservação da flora. Em dois anos foram recebidos 900 estudantes e 56 professores. Outro projeto dedicou-se à disponibilização de dados através da colaboração com o Projeto INCT-CRIA do Herbário Virtual de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil. Primeiramente, foram incluídos dados no sistema BRAHMS, e depois foram disponibilizados em rede. Em 2016, houve 305.219 registros de consulta aos dados disponibilizados. Os projetos possibilitaram a participação de diversos acadêmicos, que apresentaram seus resultados na Jornada Acadêmica da UFSM (JAI-UFSM).
Th is paper presents a morphological analysis of the fl ower and fl oral trichomes of three rare ... more Th is paper presents a morphological analysis of the fl ower and fl oral trichomes of three rare species of Dyckia: Dyckia ibicuiensis, D. polyclada and D. racinae. Flowers at anthesis were collected from natural populations and subjected to morphometric and microscopic analysis. Among the most representative features for Dyckia are: morphometrics of individual fl oral parts; the general confi guration of the androecium and gynoecium; the degree of fusion of the stigmatic lobes; the morphology of the ovules, especially in relation to the chalazal appendix; and the presence and constitution of peltate trichomes in the perianth, which exhibited a polymorphism not previously reported for Dyckia. Th e characters were eff ective at describing each species, proposing phylogenetic inferences and recognizing infrageneric groupings. We propose two species groups, which are consistent with previous hypotheses about the relationships among the species of the genus. Th e objective of this study was to provide fl oral morphological data useful for characterizing these three rare species, delimiting the genus and forming phylogenetic hypotheses.
Article: Flower and floral trichome morphology of species of Dyckia Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae, Pi... more Article: Flower and floral trichome morphology of species of Dyckia Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae), and their
importance to species characterization and genus taxonomy
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento das espécies campestres da família... more O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento das espécies campestres da família Leguminosae no morro Pedra do Lagarto, distrito de Santo Antão, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, a fim de contribuir para o conhecimento da flora da região central do estado. Tal estudo se faz necessário devido à singularidade fitogeográfica da região de Santa Maria, que se encontra em uma região de tensão ecológica entre os biomas Pampa e Mata Atlântica. Por meio de coletas quinzenais, no período de agosto de 2014 a maio de 2016, foram confirmadas 27 espécies e 17 gêneros, sendo 20 espécies pertencentes à subfamília Faboideae Rudd e sete à Mimosoideae DC. Os gêneros com maior número de espécies são Mimosa L. (seis) e Desmodium Desv. (cinco). Além da lista de espécies, este trabalho fornece dados fenológicos, fotografias e chaves analíticas para identificação dos táxons.
I n stit u t o d e B io c i ê ncias U FRGS Plantas medicinais utilizadas no município de Palmeira... more I n stit u t o d e B io c i ê ncias U FRGS Plantas medicinais utilizadas no município de Palmeira das Missões, RS, Brasil RESUMO: (Plantas medicinais utilizadas no município de Palmeira das Missões, RS, Brasil). O presente estudo consiste de um levantamento etnobotânico quali-quantitativo das plantas utilizadas como medicinais por moradores do município de Palmeira das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com listagem livre das plantas e obtenção dos dados socioculturais. As espécies foram identificadas no local, com coleta de testemunhos sempre que possível. Os testemunhos foram depositados no herbário da UFSM/Palmeira das Missões. Foram registradas 128 espécies pertencentes a 53 famílias distintas. As famílias com maior número de espécies citadas foram Asteraceae e Lamiaceae. Foram registrados usos de espécies tanto nativas quanto exóticas. Os usos medicinais predominantes estão associados aos sistemas digestório, sanguíneo e respiratório, sendo as folhas as partes mais utilizadas na forma de chás por infusão e decocção. Houve predomínio de mulheres informantes (90%), em geral mais idosas (média superior a 55 anos), conforme já observado em outros estudos. Os resultados demonstram uma grande diversidade de espécies vegetais utilizadas, e o papel das plantas medicinais não apenas como agentes curativos/ profiláticos da cultura popular, mas como uma forma de integração e cuidado mútuo nas comunidades. Palavras-chave: etnofarmacologia, etnobotânica, fitoterapia, medicina popular. ABSTRACT: (Medicinal plants used in Palmeira das Missões, RS, Brazil). This work describes an ethnobotanical quali-quantitative survey of medicinal plants used by the population living in Palmeira das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews, with spontaneous list of plants.
decrease the loss of plant diversity, reduce poverty and contribute to sustainable development. To achieve this
overarching goal, the GSPC has established a series of targets, one of which is to ensure that plant diversity is
well understood, so that it can be effectively conserved and used in a sustainable manner. Brazil hosts more
than 46,000 species of plants, algae and fungi, representing one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth, and
playing a key role in the GSPC. To meet the GSPC goals of Target 1 and facilitate access to plant diversity,
Brazil committed to preparing the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora (2008–2015) and the Brazilian Flora
2020 (2016–present). Managing all the information associated with such great biodiversity has proven to be an
extremely challenging task. Here, we synthesize the history of these projects, focusing on the multidisciplinary
and collaborative approach adopted to develop and manage the inclusion of all the knowledge generated though
digital information systems. We further describe the methods used, challenges faced, and strategies adopted, as
well as summarize advances to date and prospects for completing the Brazilian flora in 2020.
do Sul state, Brazil. Field expeditions were conducted from August 2014 to September 2015. A total of 106 species
were recorded, with 6 listed in the endangered species list of the state of Rio Grande do Sul: Moquiniastrum mollissimum(Malme) G. Sancho, Trixis pallidaLess, Calea clematideaBaker, Aldama megapotamica(Malme) Magenta &
Pirani, Chromolaena angusticeps(Malme) RM King & H. Rob., and Isostigma peucedanifolium(Spreng.) Less. This
paper presents a list of recorded species from this site
sections of Briza s.l. (Briza L., Calotheca Desv., Chascolytrum Desv., Lombardochloa Roseng. & B. R. Arrill., Microbriza Parodi ex
Nicora & R´ugolo, and Poidium Nees) as well as other related genera (Brizochloa V. Jir´asek & Chrtek, Erianthecium Parodi,
Gymnachne Parodi, and Rhombolytrum Link). As a result of the morphological analysis presented here, confirmed by other studies
with molecular data, Briza is accepted with three Eurasian species, Brizochloa is accepted with one species, and a new
circumscription for the genus Chascolytrum is proposed. This new circumscription includes all the accepted South American
species that were previously assigned to the other genera cited above. Descriptions and illustrations of three species and one variety
of Briza, one species of Brizochloa, and 22 species and two varieties of Chascolytrum are provided, as well as IUCN conservation
status for most species. A new status is proposed for Briza media f. caucasica Marcow.: Briza media var. caucasica (Marcow.) Essi,
Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies. The following name is newly transferred: Chascolytrum rufum var.sparsipilosum (Roseng., B. R. Arrill.
& Izag.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies [[ Briza rufa var. sparsipilosa Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.]. Keys for genera and species
are also provided. Lectotypifications are provided for Briza neesii D¨oll and Briza triloba Nees.
importance to species characterization and genus taxonomy
fim de contribuir para o conhecimento da flora da região central do estado. Tal estudo se faz necessário devido à singularidade fitogeográfica da região de Santa Maria, que se encontra em uma região de tensão ecológica entre os biomas Pampa e Mata Atlântica. Por meio de coletas quinzenais, no período de agosto de 2014 a maio de 2016, foram confirmadas 27 espécies e 17 gêneros, sendo 20 espécies pertencentes à subfamília Faboideae Rudd e sete à Mimosoideae DC. Os gêneros com maior número de espécies são Mimosa L. (seis)
e Desmodium Desv. (cinco). Além da lista de espécies, este trabalho fornece dados fenológicos, fotografias e chaves analíticas para identificação dos táxons.
decrease the loss of plant diversity, reduce poverty and contribute to sustainable development. To achieve this
overarching goal, the GSPC has established a series of targets, one of which is to ensure that plant diversity is
well understood, so that it can be effectively conserved and used in a sustainable manner. Brazil hosts more
than 46,000 species of plants, algae and fungi, representing one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth, and
playing a key role in the GSPC. To meet the GSPC goals of Target 1 and facilitate access to plant diversity,
Brazil committed to preparing the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora (2008–2015) and the Brazilian Flora
2020 (2016–present). Managing all the information associated with such great biodiversity has proven to be an
extremely challenging task. Here, we synthesize the history of these projects, focusing on the multidisciplinary
and collaborative approach adopted to develop and manage the inclusion of all the knowledge generated though
digital information systems. We further describe the methods used, challenges faced, and strategies adopted, as
well as summarize advances to date and prospects for completing the Brazilian flora in 2020.
do Sul state, Brazil. Field expeditions were conducted from August 2014 to September 2015. A total of 106 species
were recorded, with 6 listed in the endangered species list of the state of Rio Grande do Sul: Moquiniastrum mollissimum(Malme) G. Sancho, Trixis pallidaLess, Calea clematideaBaker, Aldama megapotamica(Malme) Magenta &
Pirani, Chromolaena angusticeps(Malme) RM King & H. Rob., and Isostigma peucedanifolium(Spreng.) Less. This
paper presents a list of recorded species from this site
sections of Briza s.l. (Briza L., Calotheca Desv., Chascolytrum Desv., Lombardochloa Roseng. & B. R. Arrill., Microbriza Parodi ex
Nicora & R´ugolo, and Poidium Nees) as well as other related genera (Brizochloa V. Jir´asek & Chrtek, Erianthecium Parodi,
Gymnachne Parodi, and Rhombolytrum Link). As a result of the morphological analysis presented here, confirmed by other studies
with molecular data, Briza is accepted with three Eurasian species, Brizochloa is accepted with one species, and a new
circumscription for the genus Chascolytrum is proposed. This new circumscription includes all the accepted South American
species that were previously assigned to the other genera cited above. Descriptions and illustrations of three species and one variety
of Briza, one species of Brizochloa, and 22 species and two varieties of Chascolytrum are provided, as well as IUCN conservation
status for most species. A new status is proposed for Briza media f. caucasica Marcow.: Briza media var. caucasica (Marcow.) Essi,
Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies. The following name is newly transferred: Chascolytrum rufum var.sparsipilosum (Roseng., B. R. Arrill.
& Izag.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies [[ Briza rufa var. sparsipilosa Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.]. Keys for genera and species
are also provided. Lectotypifications are provided for Briza neesii D¨oll and Briza triloba Nees.
importance to species characterization and genus taxonomy
fim de contribuir para o conhecimento da flora da região central do estado. Tal estudo se faz necessário devido à singularidade fitogeográfica da região de Santa Maria, que se encontra em uma região de tensão ecológica entre os biomas Pampa e Mata Atlântica. Por meio de coletas quinzenais, no período de agosto de 2014 a maio de 2016, foram confirmadas 27 espécies e 17 gêneros, sendo 20 espécies pertencentes à subfamília Faboideae Rudd e sete à Mimosoideae DC. Os gêneros com maior número de espécies são Mimosa L. (seis)
e Desmodium Desv. (cinco). Além da lista de espécies, este trabalho fornece dados fenológicos, fotografias e chaves analíticas para identificação dos táxons.