Recent papers in Insurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)
In recent years, the idea of ‘swarming’ – that is, simultaneous multidirectional attack or maneuver by large number of independent or semi-independent small units – became a subject of a heated debate. Some believe this is the future of... more
This article examines the emergence of counterinsurgency doctrine in Coalition interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. While counterinsurgency is complimentary to the tenets forwarded by its classical military predecessors in several... more
One of the greatest security challenges confronting the Nigerian state after the Civil War is the current insurgency campaign led by the Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awatiwal-Jihad popularly known as Boko Haram in the North East of Nigeria.... more
This work is a beguiling prospect for anyone who has been involved in South Asia or has an interest in the region. The idea of analysing so many distinct insurgencies and counter-insurgency (COIN) campaigns within the covers of a single... more
Existing literature on terrorism and counterterrorism (CT) has overwhelmingly focused on the strategic and operational policies of major Western states such as the USA and the UK. It is predominantly based upon theoretical reflections,... more
Influence and persuasion are gaining increased attention in warfare, but often social psychology approaches remain underused or neglected while this academic field has provided useful insights into this approach, especially as a... more
Lalhlimpuii Pachuau and Rosie Vanlalruati Ralte (eds.), Revisiting Rambuai (Guwahati/Aizawl: LBS Publications/Government Aizawl College, 2019), 242-272.
Lalhlimpuii Pachuau and Rosie Vanlalruati Ralte (eds.), Revisiting Rambuai (Guwahati/Aizawl: LBS Publications/Government Aizawl College, 2019), 242-272.
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
Paper from a presentation at the International Congres in Sofia, Bulagaria about Afghanistan - MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIAG. S. RAKOVSKI NATIONAL DEFENSE ACADEMYCenter of Military History and Lessons LearnedBulgarian... more
I wrote this Essay in 2013 for Professor Wayne Cox's 200 level International Relations class at Queen's University. The assignment was to prescribe a solution to NATO's war in Afghanistan using the liberal international relations... more
Civil wars are often the product of low-level political violence that escalates, rather than emerging ex nihilo from a peaceful society. Therefore, it is important to focus on what causes the initial pattern of violence and why it... more
History books are so filled with stories of rebellion that it would seem that rebellion is a common thing. If we look at history as the flow of days and events, for most of those days for the vast majority of humans, rebellion has been a... more
Book Review of Not War, Not Peace? Motivating Pakistan to Prevent Cross-Border Terrorism. By George Perkovich and Toby Dalton.
A presença da OTAN no Afeganistão representa o primeiro caso de envolvimento uma organização internacional numa contra-subversão, algo que até agora pertenceu ao domínio exclusivo dos Estados. A participação da OTAN neste tipo de... more
Commissioned review, Military Review, accepted Spring 2016 for Spring 2017 publication
Investigation into the role of the Lyndon Larouche organization and Spain's Anti-ETA death squads in the 1980's.
The Iraq War’s enduring conflict has proven resilient in its on-and-off relationship with the US and international forces occupying. Streamlining a more sustainable counterinsurgency plan remains a critical link to securing stability... more
s stated purpose here is to explore the reasons for the shift in U.S. policy toward the Sandinistas [Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional, FSLN] from reasonably accommodating to outright antagonistic. The authors explicitly reject the... more
Voici la première étude sur la guerre civile syrienne faite à partir d’entretiens réalisés en Syrie même et dans les pays voisins. 2011 : des centaines de milliers de Syriens de toutes confessions et origines ethniques manifestent... more
Essay in memory of Martin Edmonds and Richard Holmes.
In the rush to analyse contemporary conflicts we continually forget what our fathers and forefathers achieved, and so each age has to re-learn the lessons of the past – often at great pain and sacrifice. Hopefully, as I begin to revisit... more
Why insurgent organizations stay together over time and why they maintain the fight under stress are questions of major concern for our understanding of war duration, conduct, and outcome. Structural integrity is the property of an... more
This paper examines the ethical dilemmas surrounding the Algerian War of Independence (1954 – 1962) against France. This war is considered one of the bloodiest wars post-WWII, with estimates of 1 – 1.5 million killed as a result. I use a... more
Afghanistan's future will continue to be defined substantially by Islamabad's mischief. Unless Pakistan is compelled by the international community to end its support to the Taliban and other extremist formations in Afghanistan, the... more
The primary goal of this paper is to investigate whether participation in terrorist activity can be linked to ignorance (measured through schooling) or to economic desperation (measured through poverty on the individual's level and... more
Whether or not charismatic leadership is essential to a successful insurgency is a question that depends on a variety of factors, and can therefore not be given a simple one-word answer. It is important to take into account the... more
Diyala can be said to be a microcosm of Iraq. It is the home to all three major ethnosectarian groups in the country. It has lush farmlands and mountain ranges. It also remains a battlefield between the security forces, militias and the... more
Palompo, Mariella S. AB Foreign Service, FS302 International Political Economy Sir. Jumel G. Estrañero February 25,... more
A MINUSTAH (Missão das Nações Unidas para estabilização no Haiti) contou com a liderança militar do Exército Brasileiro, de 2004 a 2017, e teve como objetivo restabelecer a segurança e a normalidade institucional no Haiti após sucessivos... more
The Malayan Emergency (1948–1960), one of the earliest conflicts of the Cold War, remains understudied despite the voluminous literature produced by specialists on the topic. Most of these works have focused primarily on unpacking the... more
... Following a firefight between the Mahdi Army and the Badr Organisation in Karbala in August 2007, Sadr called the ceasefire to reform his ... to the transfer by pointing to evidence of progress: the Iraqi Security Forces contained an... more
Diplomatic and peacekeeping initiatives by the international community in emerging cultures in conflict have failed to stem the violence and resolve the underlying conditions. Based primarily on political analysis, such initiatives do not... more
The term terrorism is as value-laden a descriptor as one will encounter in the contemporary period. Though it evokes a strong image of an Orientalist, colonized, brown body enacting brutal, theatrical violence from behind a balaclava, the... more
Abstrak Tindak Pidana Terorisme merupakan sebuah perjalanan panjang dari sebuah perang yang pada akhirnya akan berkepanjangan. Adanya konsep fundamentalis islam dan Insurgensi serta kesalahan pemikiran dalam pendefinisian lone wolf... more
The primary goal of this paper is to investigate whether participation in terrorist activity can be linked to ignorance (measured through schooling) or to economic desperation (measured through poverty on the individual's level and... more