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In: Függetlenség, hitelesség, stabilitás - Popovics Sándor kora és a Magyar Nemzeti Bank alapítása. Szerk.: Lehmann Kristóf, Solti Ágnes, Spéder Balázs. ISBN 978-615-5318-97-9
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      HistoryNumismaticsHistory Banking
Az évforduló kapcsán korabeli naplórészletek idézésével kíséri végig a cikk a pengő hiperinflációját, a párhuzamosan forgalomban lévő többféle papírpénz hátterét. Bemutatja a megfeszített pénzkibocsátás és az új valuta előkészítésének... more
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    • Numizmatika
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      Early Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesMedieval ArtEarly Middle Ages (History)
RESUMEN El artículo analiza los aportes que realizó la artista costarricense Eulalia Bernard-Little a la práctica de la performance latinoamericana, a partir de la década de los años setentas, hasta entrado el siglo XXI. Se parte de una... more
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      Latin American StudiesPerformance StudiesCentral American History and CultureCentral American Literature and Visual Arts
This article focuses on two experimental films from the 1960s: Yvonne Rainer’s Hand Movie (1966) and Richard Serra’s Hand Catching Lead (1968). It scrutinizes the way both works exhibit a hybridized and indeterminate approach to artistic... more
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      ArtDance StudiesIntermedialityHybridity
La primera Casa de Gobierno del Estado Táchira.

Autor: Samir Sánchez
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      Art HistroyCapitolioTáchira stateTáchira
I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm e le copie fotostatiche) sono riservati per tutti i paesi del mondo.
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      Gender HistoryHistory of ArtArt Histroy
Framed by theories of the uttered voice, this chapter uses sound theory and theories of the archive to unpack the use of voice in feminist film. Through discussion of the Feminist Improvising Group and analyses of how their music is used... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm StudiesSound Design
THEMATICS (Theoretical Microscopic Titration Curves) is a simple, reliable computational predictor of the active sites of enzymes from structure. Our method, based on well-established Finite Difference Poisson–Boltzmann techniques,... more
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      BioinformaticsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsBiology
Opening concurrently these two exhibitions were a major retrospective including 54 pieces of work many of the pieces were borrowed back from private collections in Germany for the duration of the shows
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    • Painting
Temples were sacred structures that were indispensable in the Ancient Greek world and were committed to gods and goddesses.The goal of this research is to show how the architectural characteristics of Ancient Greek temples reflect their... more
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      ArchitectureGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek HistoryArt Histroy
The co-managing editors of Volume 3 of react/review wish to thank all the supporters and contributors who have helped bring this volume into being: in particular, our faculty advisors, Dr. Claudia Moser and Dr. Richard Wittman, for their... more
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      Landscape HistoryArchitectural HistoryAustralian HistoryPublic Space
L'interdit biographique des artistes de la « mauvaise génération »-Le cas de die Scholle d'après les dictionnaires encyclopédiques allemands Laurence DANGUY Collaboratrice scientifique à l'Université de Lausanne L'année 1907 est une date... more
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      German Art ModernHistoriography of Art HistoryJugend
THEMATICS (Theoretical Microscopic Titration Curves) is a simple, reliable computational predictor of the active sites of enzymes from structure. Our method, based on well-established Finite Difference Poisson–Boltzmann techniques,... more
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      BioinformaticsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsBiology ALAGÓN LASTE, José María, "La aportación del Instituto Nacional de Colonización a las artes plásticas en Aragón en la posguerra", en VV. AA., Aragón y las artes. 1939-1957, Zaragoza, Gobierno de... more
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      UrbanismArquitecturaHistoria de la ArquitecturaESCULTURA
Viviamo ormai nel Mediacene, un’era geologica caratterizzata dall’impatto cruciale delle tecnologie di percezione, informazione e trasporto sul contesto storico e ambientale in cui viviamo. Divenuti veri e propri ambienti vitali, i media... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesMedia EcologyEnvironmental Sustainability
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Proprietà letteraria riservata Gangemi Editore spa Via Giulia 142, Roma Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere memorizzata, fotocopiata o comunque riprodotta senza le dovute autorizzazioni. Le nostre... more
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    • Art Histroy
TOMORROW IS MONDAY comprehends a presentation of artworks of the esteemed neo-avant-garde artist Dragoljub Raša Todosijević, who was among the protagonists of an informal group of Belgrade conceptual artists. During the sixties and the... more
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      Contemporary ArtContemporary ArtsConceptual ArtAvant-Garde
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of architectureSpoliaMedieval Histroy
Pismo v verzih, ki ga piše Paris Heleni, spada v drugo skupino Ovidijevih Pisem junakinj in je verjetno nastalo med letoma 4 in 8: medtem ko je za prvo serijo pisem značilno, da gre za enostranska pisma razočaranih in večinoma zapuščenih... more
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In 2021, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with the Parco Archeologico di Leontinoi, carried out a short campaign in the archaeological site of Leontinoi (Sicily), whose preliminary results are illustrated in the present paper. The... more
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      ArchaeologyArcheologiaRoman PeriodArchaic Period
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance ArtFrench RenaissanceFrench Renaissance Literature
This article focuses on two experimental films from the 1960s: Yvonne Rainer’s Hand Movie (1966) and Richard Serra’s Hand Catching Lead (1968). It scrutinizes the way both works exhibit a hybridized and indeterminate approach to artistic... more
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      Dance StudiesIntermedialityHybridityGilles Deleuze
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The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden is pleased to present Sheldon Solo: Carol Haerer, The White Paintings, an exhibition featuring Carol Haerer's white paintings of the mid to late 1960s. This exhibition is the most... more
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    • Art
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      MultidisciplinaryPaintingsProteinsProtein Conformation
This monograph provides the first substantial analysis of the visual arts commissioned by Scots in France prior to Mary Queen of Scots. It examines how Scottish identity was represented and promoted through patronage of the visual arts.... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsScottish HistoryEarly Modern EuropeIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)
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      History of Science and TechnologyVisual HistoryArt Histroy
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      TextilesIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)Visual ArtsTextiles (Art History)
De zeventiende eeuw in de Nederlanden is een Fundgrube van liefde voor de oudheid. De welopgeleide klasse, die in de steden van Holland, Zeeland en de provinciën aanzienlijk was, deed zich volop tegoed aan klassieke kunst en literatuur.... more
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      Reception StudiesReception TheorySeventeenth CenturyReception
La mémoire de l’occupation italienne en Afrique est aujourd’hui au cœur de nombreuses créations dans les domaines artistiques et littéraires. L’observation des œuvres de Rossella Biscotti et du duo Invernomuto, caractéristiques de cette... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesDecolonial Studies
The Roman tomb at Milas of the 2nd century BCE, built after the style of the Mausoleum of Mausolus, one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World, is found with a ceiling decor that resembles the Hoysala style of India. This article... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArchitecture
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      Performing ArtsDesign HistoryArchivesArt Education
Özet: Sümerlerin bilgelik - su tanrısı Enki ve yardımcıları olan Yedi Bilgelerin gerçekleştirdiği inisiyasyon törenleri Mezopotamya sanatına özellikle Yeni Assur ve Yeni Babil Dönemlerinde damgasını vurmuştur. Enki Kültü, devletin en üst... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of Science
Joe Pinchot 2006 review of Joseph Nechvatal show at Butler Institute of American Art
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My undergraduate thesis tries to answer the questions which are linked to a specific work of art, namely Leda and the Swan, painted between 1936 and 1938 in Zagreb by a Croatian Secessionist painter Robert Auer. Taking a closer look at... more
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      SecessionPaintersInstitute for Historical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in DubrovnikArt Histroy
Terminology in the scope of painting materials has changed continuously over the course of centuries. Many of the ancient technical terms have vanished or have suffered a semantic change. This often complicates the interpretation of... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyManuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of TechnologyAtlantic World
Coming to prominence on the cover of the landmark 2014 book, "100 Painters of Tomorrow", New-Zealander André Hemer’s pigment-loaded canvases are instantly recognisable. In this interview for Artist Profile, Hemer speaks about maintaining... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPaintingEuropean painting
Adaptation is the means in which information is transferred, with varying degrees of loyalty to the source material. Adaptation is a form of repetition, but not necessarily replication (Hutcheon and O'Flynn, 2012: 7). These writings will... more
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      MemeticsArt HistroyJo Spence
A papírpénzek művészek, szakemberek kezei nyomán jöhetnek létre, ennélfogva elvárásként jelentkezik az esztétikum lehető legteljesebb megvalósulása az elkészült címletek kialakításában. E nagyfokú szépségre való törekvés eszköze lehet a... more
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      NumismaticsArt Histroy
"L’emprise des constructions de représentations et leurs discours hégémoniques en Occident ont poussé nombre de théoriciens, intellectuels, artistes et professionnels de l’art, depuis plusieurs décennies et sur différents continents, à... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesIndonesian StudiesIndonesiaDecolonisation
Les études postcoloniales latino-américaines participent au renouvellement des discours sur l'histoire du monde, sous l'angle d'une déconstruction qui met au jour les idéologies ayant orienté l'écriture de l'histoire et la fabrication de... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesDecolonial ThoughtLatin AmericaAmérica Latina
El Calvario que el escultor de Calatayud (Zaragoza) Pedro Martínez el Viejo (doc. 1579-1609) hizo en 1605 para el altar del racionero Domingo Moros en la colegiata de los Sagrados Corporales de Daroca (Zaragoza) es coetáneo de su... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissanceRenaissance Art
Spätestens seit 1992, dem Jahr, in dem Art Spiegelman mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichnet wurde, gilt Maus als Meilenstein der Holocaust-Literatur und als Wegbereiter für die Anerkennung der Comics als ernstzunehmende Kunstform. Man... more
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      Comics and Graphic NovelsArt SpiegelmanGerman-Jewish Studies
Schede delle opere:  pp. 258-261; 280-287; 302-309; 326-333; 340-343
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      Lombard ArtBergamoArt Histroy
Osijek funkcionalne i morfološke promjene KEY WORDS revitalization historic urban core
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      ArchitectureArt Histroy
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      Italian Baroque art17th Century Italian ArtSalvator Rosapittura napoletana del Seicento