Art Historian who researched architecture, cultural heritage, history of exhibitions and art in the 19th and 20th Century in Slovenian, Croatian and English language.žganec-388961152/
V pričujoči nalogi iz konservatorstva se ukvarjam s konservatorskimi in
restavratorskimi posegi, ... more V pričujoči nalogi iz konservatorstva se ukvarjam s konservatorskimi in restavratorskimi posegi, ki so bili izvedeni na vili Wettach oziroma današnjem veleposlaništvu Združenih držav Amerike v Ljubljani. Najprej predstavljam urbanistično okolje, v katerem se nahaja stanovanjska vila, saj so stavbe v tej vilski četrti imele –in še vedno imajo–predpisana pravila tako za izgradnjo same stavbe kot tudi za ureditev okolice (vrt, odmik stavbe od sosednje …). Gre za določila gabarita stavbe (tlorinsko in višinsko zasnovo) ter njenega zunanjega videza z vrtom. Sledi kratek pregled zgodovine stavbe in njenih sprememb tekom stoletja, od restavratorsko–konzervatorskih posegov v zgodnjih devedesetih letih, ko je znotraj stavbe delovala Centralna Tehniška knjižnica, pa do zadnjih restavratorskih posegov v poznih 90ih letih 20. stoletja. Na koncu se dotaknem tudi predelav, ki so potekale po letu 2000. Ker je vila Wettach zaradi razgibane fasade in eklektičnega sloga na ljubljanskem območju dokaj nenavadna, t. j. v Ljubljani podobna stavba ni bila nikoli dokumentirana, sem se odločila bolje poglobiti v raziskave in predstaviti sintezo posegov, ki so bili narejeni na sami stavbi. Pri tem sem poskušala opozoriti na konservatorskorestavratorske probleme, ki so se pojavili, ko je vila dobila javno funkcijo (Veleposlaništvo Združenih držav Amerike), za kar so bile opravljene dogradnje in predelave, ki danes »rušijo« estetsko skladnost njenega zunanjega videza.
My undergraduate thesis tries to answer the questions which are linked to a specific work of
art,... more My undergraduate thesis tries to answer the questions which are linked to a specific work of art, namely Leda and the Swan, painted between 1936 and 1938 in Zagreb by a Croatian Secessionist painter Robert Auer. Taking a closer look at the social, artistic and stylistic circumstances at the time, which affected the artist’s path, I also devoted myself to the broader context of Auer's life and his education, provided by famous professors at the prominent painting institutions in Zagreb, Vienna and Munich. Inside this framework, I tried to show the impacts and role-models that are essential for artist's eclectic style. Furthermore, I took a closer look at the story of Leda and the Swan and its origin in mythology, and tried to find and explain the various versions from different writers. Therefore, I gave an overview and an iconographic analysis of the motif in Central European Art – from preantics to the first half of the 20th century. In the end, supporting my research with iconographic and stylistic analyses, I tried to place the artwork inside the wide Bavarian – Viennese – Zagrebian »triangle«, and search for similar artwork among his colleagues and inside his own work.
My Master thesis focuses on the mostly unknown life, education and work of the Slovenian architec... more My Master thesis focuses on the mostly unknown life, education and work of the Slovenian architect France Tomažič. The thesis first presents his life and then the complex relationship between profesor Plečnik and assistant Tomažič in the second decade of the 20th century. The next chapter outlines Tomažič's independent work and in the last part a catalogue of his works is analysed. Tomažič's work left an indelible trace in Slovenian modern architecture, especially in the thirties, when he designed some of the first functionalist villas in Slovenia.
Sodobno kiparstvo v zbirki in vrtovih Avgusta Močnega v Dresdnu, 2017
Research paper in slovenian language about the collection of sculptures in the gardens o August I... more Research paper in slovenian language about the collection of sculptures in the gardens o August II The Strong in Dresden
Magistrsko delo obravnava življenje, šolanje in delovanje slovenskega arhitekta Franceta Tomažiča... more Magistrsko delo obravnava življenje, šolanje in delovanje slovenskega arhitekta Franceta Tomažiča. Najprej je predstavljen njegov življenjepis, potem šolanje in kompleksen odnos med profesorjem Plečnikom in asistentom Tomažičem v dvajsetih letih 20. stoletja. Temu sledi pregled Tomažičevega samostojnega delovanja in na koncu katalog njegovih del. Tomažičevo delovanje je pustilo neizbrisne sledi v slovenski modernistični arhitekturi, posebej v tridesetih letih 20. stoletja, ko je projektiral nekatere od prvih funkcionalističnih vil na Slovenskem.My Master thesis focuses on the life, education and work of the Slovenian architect France Tomažič. The thesis first presents his life and then the complex relationship between profesor Plečnik and assistant Tomažič in the second decade of the 20th century. The next chapter outlines Tomažič\u27s independent work and in the last part a catalogue of his works is analysed. Tomažič\u27s work left an indelible trace in Slovenian modern architectur...
V pričujoči nalogi iz konservatorstva se ukvarjam s konservatorskimi in
restavratorskimi posegi, ... more V pričujoči nalogi iz konservatorstva se ukvarjam s konservatorskimi in restavratorskimi posegi, ki so bili izvedeni na vili Wettach oziroma današnjem veleposlaništvu Združenih držav Amerike v Ljubljani. Najprej predstavljam urbanistično okolje, v katerem se nahaja stanovanjska vila, saj so stavbe v tej vilski četrti imele –in še vedno imajo–predpisana pravila tako za izgradnjo same stavbe kot tudi za ureditev okolice (vrt, odmik stavbe od sosednje …). Gre za določila gabarita stavbe (tlorinsko in višinsko zasnovo) ter njenega zunanjega videza z vrtom. Sledi kratek pregled zgodovine stavbe in njenih sprememb tekom stoletja, od restavratorsko–konzervatorskih posegov v zgodnjih devedesetih letih, ko je znotraj stavbe delovala Centralna Tehniška knjižnica, pa do zadnjih restavratorskih posegov v poznih 90ih letih 20. stoletja. Na koncu se dotaknem tudi predelav, ki so potekale po letu 2000. Ker je vila Wettach zaradi razgibane fasade in eklektičnega sloga na ljubljanskem območju dokaj nenavadna, t. j. v Ljubljani podobna stavba ni bila nikoli dokumentirana, sem se odločila bolje poglobiti v raziskave in predstaviti sintezo posegov, ki so bili narejeni na sami stavbi. Pri tem sem poskušala opozoriti na konservatorskorestavratorske probleme, ki so se pojavili, ko je vila dobila javno funkcijo (Veleposlaništvo Združenih držav Amerike), za kar so bile opravljene dogradnje in predelave, ki danes »rušijo« estetsko skladnost njenega zunanjega videza.
My undergraduate thesis tries to answer the questions which are linked to a specific work of
art,... more My undergraduate thesis tries to answer the questions which are linked to a specific work of art, namely Leda and the Swan, painted between 1936 and 1938 in Zagreb by a Croatian Secessionist painter Robert Auer. Taking a closer look at the social, artistic and stylistic circumstances at the time, which affected the artist’s path, I also devoted myself to the broader context of Auer's life and his education, provided by famous professors at the prominent painting institutions in Zagreb, Vienna and Munich. Inside this framework, I tried to show the impacts and role-models that are essential for artist's eclectic style. Furthermore, I took a closer look at the story of Leda and the Swan and its origin in mythology, and tried to find and explain the various versions from different writers. Therefore, I gave an overview and an iconographic analysis of the motif in Central European Art – from preantics to the first half of the 20th century. In the end, supporting my research with iconographic and stylistic analyses, I tried to place the artwork inside the wide Bavarian – Viennese – Zagrebian »triangle«, and search for similar artwork among his colleagues and inside his own work.
My Master thesis focuses on the mostly unknown life, education and work of the Slovenian architec... more My Master thesis focuses on the mostly unknown life, education and work of the Slovenian architect France Tomažič. The thesis first presents his life and then the complex relationship between profesor Plečnik and assistant Tomažič in the second decade of the 20th century. The next chapter outlines Tomažič's independent work and in the last part a catalogue of his works is analysed. Tomažič's work left an indelible trace in Slovenian modern architecture, especially in the thirties, when he designed some of the first functionalist villas in Slovenia.
Sodobno kiparstvo v zbirki in vrtovih Avgusta Močnega v Dresdnu, 2017
Research paper in slovenian language about the collection of sculptures in the gardens o August I... more Research paper in slovenian language about the collection of sculptures in the gardens o August II The Strong in Dresden
Magistrsko delo obravnava življenje, šolanje in delovanje slovenskega arhitekta Franceta Tomažiča... more Magistrsko delo obravnava življenje, šolanje in delovanje slovenskega arhitekta Franceta Tomažiča. Najprej je predstavljen njegov življenjepis, potem šolanje in kompleksen odnos med profesorjem Plečnikom in asistentom Tomažičem v dvajsetih letih 20. stoletja. Temu sledi pregled Tomažičevega samostojnega delovanja in na koncu katalog njegovih del. Tomažičevo delovanje je pustilo neizbrisne sledi v slovenski modernistični arhitekturi, posebej v tridesetih letih 20. stoletja, ko je projektiral nekatere od prvih funkcionalističnih vil na Slovenskem.My Master thesis focuses on the life, education and work of the Slovenian architect France Tomažič. The thesis first presents his life and then the complex relationship between profesor Plečnik and assistant Tomažič in the second decade of the 20th century. The next chapter outlines Tomažič\u27s independent work and in the last part a catalogue of his works is analysed. Tomažič\u27s work left an indelible trace in Slovenian modern architectur...
Drafts by Ines Žganec
restavratorskimi posegi, ki so bili izvedeni na vili Wettach oziroma današnjem
veleposlaništvu Združenih držav Amerike v Ljubljani. Najprej predstavljam urbanistično
okolje, v katerem se nahaja stanovanjska vila, saj so stavbe v tej vilski četrti imele –in še
vedno imajo–predpisana pravila tako za izgradnjo same stavbe kot tudi za ureditev okolice
(vrt, odmik stavbe od sosednje …). Gre za določila gabarita stavbe (tlorinsko in višinsko
zasnovo) ter njenega zunanjega videza z vrtom. Sledi kratek pregled zgodovine stavbe in
njenih sprememb tekom stoletja, od restavratorsko–konzervatorskih posegov v zgodnjih
devedesetih letih, ko je znotraj stavbe delovala Centralna Tehniška knjižnica, pa do zadnjih
restavratorskih posegov v poznih 90ih letih 20. stoletja. Na koncu se dotaknem tudi predelav,
ki so potekale po letu 2000. Ker je vila Wettach zaradi razgibane fasade in eklektičnega sloga
na ljubljanskem območju dokaj nenavadna, t. j. v Ljubljani podobna stavba ni bila nikoli
dokumentirana, sem se odločila bolje poglobiti v raziskave in predstaviti sintezo posegov, ki
so bili narejeni na sami stavbi. Pri tem sem poskušala opozoriti na konservatorskorestavratorske probleme, ki so se pojavili, ko je vila dobila javno funkcijo (Veleposlaništvo
Združenih držav Amerike), za kar so bile opravljene dogradnje in predelave, ki danes »rušijo«
estetsko skladnost njenega zunanjega videza.
art, namely Leda and the Swan, painted between 1936 and 1938 in Zagreb by a Croatian
Secessionist painter Robert Auer. Taking a closer look at the social, artistic and stylistic
circumstances at the time, which affected the artist’s path, I also devoted myself to the broader
context of Auer's life and his education, provided by famous professors at the prominent
painting institutions in Zagreb, Vienna and Munich. Inside this framework, I tried to show the
impacts and role-models that are essential for artist's eclectic style. Furthermore, I took a closer
look at the story of Leda and the Swan and its origin in mythology, and tried to find and explain
the various versions from different writers. Therefore, I gave an overview and an iconographic
analysis of the motif in Central European Art – from preantics to the first half of the 20th
century. In the end, supporting my research with iconographic and stylistic analyses, I tried to
place the artwork inside the wide Bavarian – Viennese – Zagrebian »triangle«, and search for
similar artwork among his colleagues and inside his own work.
Plečnik and assistant Tomažič in the second decade of the 20th century. The next chapter
outlines Tomažič's independent work and in the last part a catalogue of his works is analysed.
Tomažič's work left an indelible trace in Slovenian modern architecture, especially in the
thirties, when he designed some of the first functionalist villas in Slovenia.
Papers by Ines Žganec
restavratorskimi posegi, ki so bili izvedeni na vili Wettach oziroma današnjem
veleposlaništvu Združenih držav Amerike v Ljubljani. Najprej predstavljam urbanistično
okolje, v katerem se nahaja stanovanjska vila, saj so stavbe v tej vilski četrti imele –in še
vedno imajo–predpisana pravila tako za izgradnjo same stavbe kot tudi za ureditev okolice
(vrt, odmik stavbe od sosednje …). Gre za določila gabarita stavbe (tlorinsko in višinsko
zasnovo) ter njenega zunanjega videza z vrtom. Sledi kratek pregled zgodovine stavbe in
njenih sprememb tekom stoletja, od restavratorsko–konzervatorskih posegov v zgodnjih
devedesetih letih, ko je znotraj stavbe delovala Centralna Tehniška knjižnica, pa do zadnjih
restavratorskih posegov v poznih 90ih letih 20. stoletja. Na koncu se dotaknem tudi predelav,
ki so potekale po letu 2000. Ker je vila Wettach zaradi razgibane fasade in eklektičnega sloga
na ljubljanskem območju dokaj nenavadna, t. j. v Ljubljani podobna stavba ni bila nikoli
dokumentirana, sem se odločila bolje poglobiti v raziskave in predstaviti sintezo posegov, ki
so bili narejeni na sami stavbi. Pri tem sem poskušala opozoriti na konservatorskorestavratorske probleme, ki so se pojavili, ko je vila dobila javno funkcijo (Veleposlaništvo
Združenih držav Amerike), za kar so bile opravljene dogradnje in predelave, ki danes »rušijo«
estetsko skladnost njenega zunanjega videza.
art, namely Leda and the Swan, painted between 1936 and 1938 in Zagreb by a Croatian
Secessionist painter Robert Auer. Taking a closer look at the social, artistic and stylistic
circumstances at the time, which affected the artist’s path, I also devoted myself to the broader
context of Auer's life and his education, provided by famous professors at the prominent
painting institutions in Zagreb, Vienna and Munich. Inside this framework, I tried to show the
impacts and role-models that are essential for artist's eclectic style. Furthermore, I took a closer
look at the story of Leda and the Swan and its origin in mythology, and tried to find and explain
the various versions from different writers. Therefore, I gave an overview and an iconographic
analysis of the motif in Central European Art – from preantics to the first half of the 20th
century. In the end, supporting my research with iconographic and stylistic analyses, I tried to
place the artwork inside the wide Bavarian – Viennese – Zagrebian »triangle«, and search for
similar artwork among his colleagues and inside his own work.
Plečnik and assistant Tomažič in the second decade of the 20th century. The next chapter
outlines Tomažič's independent work and in the last part a catalogue of his works is analysed.
Tomažič's work left an indelible trace in Slovenian modern architecture, especially in the
thirties, when he designed some of the first functionalist villas in Slovenia.