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Bu çalışmada performans sanatının iletişimsel bağlamı Marina Abramovic'in performansları üzerinden incelenmektedir. Bu inceleme yapılırken önce İletişim kavramının bileşenleri, türleri, modelleri ve kuramları; Sanat kavramının bileşenleri... more
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      Marina AbramovicİLetişim KuramlarıKitle iletişim kuramlarıPerformans Sanatı
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      Contemporary ArtCuratorial Practice (Art)Visual ArtsArt Installations, Performance Art and Art Happenings
Yaratıcı bir çalışma sürecinde sanatçı, belirli bir an içindeki duygularını, bilinç ya da bilinçdışı etkilerle benlik durumunu ve tüm duygusal yansımaları yapıtına aktarır ve anlık durumlar birer deneyim olarak yapıtı biçimlendirir.... more
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      SanatHeykelçağdaş SanatDoğaçlama
Maddenin Halleri köşemde bu hafta organik olmayan yaşam kavramı etrafında bir madde ekolojisinin imkânını ve sanatın buradaki yerini tartışıyorum.
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      PhilosophyContemporary Art
En los últimos veinte años el campo de la conservación de arte contemporáneo ha explorado las posibilidades y metodologías para preservar el arte efímero dentro de los espacios institucionales. Siendo un tema netamente abordado por... more
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      Performance ArtArt ConservationOralityRe performance and reenactment in performance art
In a necessarily self-critical approach to Artist-Led practice, this paper looks theoretically at the implications of artist-led practices on a broad scale. Considering galleries theoretically as the space in which the private activities... more
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      Artist Run InititiativesArt GalleryArt Collectives
Sanatta bedenin araç olarak kullanılmasıyla kurgulanan tepkisel performans pratikleri, günümüz sanatçıları tarafından da bitmeyen bir arzu nesnesine dönüşmüştür. Son dönem performans sanatının örnekleri arasında sanatçının bedeni, mekân... more
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Sanatta bedenin araç olarak kullanılmasıyla kurgulanan tepkisel performans pratikleri, günümüz sanatçıları tarafından da bitmeyen bir arzu nesnesine dönüşmüştür. Son dönem performans sanatının örnekleri arasında sanatçının bedeni, mekân... more
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The Avala telecommunication tower was destroyed during the NATO bombing in 1999. The construction of the new tower at the same place started in 2007. The new tower consists of reinforced concrete part, with a total height of 142 m, and... more
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      Computer ScienceTelecommunicationsReliabilityTower
Multi-vocality and sustainable frameworks for artistic development: Interview with Miriam Frandsen and Dina Vester Feilberg from ToasterIn 2021, Toaster was established as a new stage in Copenhagen for curated guest performances and for... more
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    • Sustainable Development
Resumo: O presente artigo visa discutir os desdobramentos na produção fotográfica de Tina Modotti, no México, em meados de 1920. Parte-se da ideia de que os diversos contatos de Tina com o povo mexicano, com artistas e intelectuais... more
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      Estudiantes UniversitariosBellas ArtesArte peruanoHistoria del arte peruano
Die 12. nordische  Momentum Biennale fragt nach den Möglichkeiten von Gemeinschaftsbildung
The 12th Nordic Momentum Biennale asks about the possibilities of community building
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      Culture and Democracy, Artists CollectivesArt CollectivesArt BiennialsNorwegian Contemporary Art
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      SociologyMusic and identityArtistic ResearchSubjectivity
I traveled to Amsterdam with a group of students from IZK - Institute for Contemporary Art at Graz University of Technology, my colleague Philipp Sattler and friend, curator, Andrea Popelka, to view the exhibition Charging Myths by the... more
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      Art HistoryRenewable EnergyContemporary ArtLithium
Looking to the near past, Jason Waite shows how the 2011 Fukushima meltdown destabilized Japan’s economic and political order and prompted the country’s largest social movement since the 1960s. A loose cultural collective called Amateur... more
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryContemporary ArtAnarchism
İzmir çok kültürlülüğünün yanı sıra yavaş şehir olma özelliğini içinde barındıran bir şehir olmasına rağmen tüketim toplumunun birey üzerindeki yıkıcı etkilerinden muaf değil. Hal böyleyken belki de bu yıkıcı/yakıcı etkileri bir nebze... more
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      Visual ArtsArtist CollectivesSanatArt Collectives
In the 1960s through the 1970s, and afterwards, a number of Vietnamese artists travelled to the Soviet Union to study at prestigious Soviet art and film academies. While Vietnamese artists did not develop a considerable body of work that... more
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      Vietnamese HistoryVietnamese Contemporary ArtVietnamese studies
O presente artigo visa discutir os desdobramentos na producao fotografica de Tina Modotti, no Mexico, em meados de 1920. Parte-se da ideia de que os diversos contatos de Tina com o povo mexicano, com artistas e intelectuais mexicanos e... more
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Diagnóstico participativo y lineamientos para la planificación en una organización autónoma y autogestiva de México, Distrito Federal. Ofrece articulación entre las nociones de comunicación y autonomía, comunicación y arte, comunicación y... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceComunicaciónAutonomía
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Disputes over historical representations often revolve around competing narratives about the past, but the processes through which these narratives are constructed are often neglected. In this paper, we extend the concept of collective... more
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      SociologyCollective MemoryZapatismoSocial Marking
This article reviews some new directions in the history of writing practices, concentrating on Western Europe and the Americas in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. I identify some major intellectual influences on the field,... more
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      Contemporary ArtArtist Collectives
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    • Art
SPACE PLAN began in November 1968 with a manifesto, and the members produced work that took on styles of Minimalism. While showing work at civic halls and galleries, the members also actively attempted to organize outdoor exhibitions in... more
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      Land Art20th century Avant-GardeMinimalism (Art)Modern and Contemporary Art
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      The SixtiesCuban RevolutionArt and PoliticsArt Collectives
En una sociedad globalizada con tendencias a la homogeneización se corre el peligro de provocarse una indiferenciación espacial, un desvanecimiento de la especificidad de los sitios y la consiguiente pérdida de singularidades y... more
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מאמר המסכם את פעילותה של קבוצת 'הם' והדאדא הפסיכיאטרי
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArt TheoryContemporary Art
Tina Modotti registró la actividad mural llevada a cabo en la ciudad de México en la década de los veinte. Su obra ayudó a difundir e internacionalizar el movimiento que para la década de los treinta se había ya solidificado. Máximo... more
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      Mexican MuralismHistoria de la fotografíaFotografíaTina Modotti
Resumen La construcción de la identidad del artista viene íntimamente ligada a la idea de práctica artística. En el estudio que presentamos a continuación, pretendemos identificar, dar visibilidad y cuestionar los discursos patriarcales... more
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      SociologyArtistic ResearchArt CollectivesArtistic Practice
Rossana Reguillo Cruz conversó largo con nosotr@s el 20 de mayo de 2021, en medio de una trágica pandemia. Ella en Ciudad de México, Eduardo Álvarez Pedrosian en Montevideo (E.); Juan David Zapata Agudelo en Medellín (J.D.) y Ximena Póo... more
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      AnthropologyUrban StudiesAntropologíaSocial Communication
O presente artigo analisa as ações anti-racismo “Monumento Horizontal” (2004), intervenção urbana realizada na cidade de São Paulo, e “Bandeiras” (2005), série de bandeiras abertas em diversas partidas de futebol. Ambas foram realizadas... more
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      Performance StudiesContemporary ArtPerformance ArtJacques Rancière
A presente Tese de Doutorado investiga algumas das relações entre arte, política e movimentos sociais que permeiam nosso presente, partindo de uma constelação insurgente composta por exposições, ações, trabalhos de arte e de ativismo... more
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      Collective ActionJacques RancièreAesthetics and PoliticsJacques Ranciere
A presente Tese de Doutorado investiga algumas das relações entre arte, política e movimentos sociais que permeiam nosso presente, partindo de uma constelação insurgente composta por exposições, ações, trabalhos de arte e de ativismo... more
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      Jacques RancièreAesthetics and PoliticsArt and PoliticsEstética Y Política
Sanatın tüm sınırlarını yok etmeyi amaçlayan performans sanatı, bedenin sınırlarını da zorlayacak uç noktalara ulaşmış ve mesaj kaygısını farklı biçimlerde vermeye çalışmıştır.Sanatçılar tarafından yeniden keşfedilecek bir coğrafya olarak... more
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      Performing ArtsContemporary ArtModern ArtFluxus
In 1928 the French journal La Renaissance de l’art français et des industries de luxe published the first images of Diego Rivera’s SEP murals to circulate in Paris. Accompanying the photographs was a condensed and translated reprint of an... more
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      Mexican MuralismDiego Rivera
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    • Art Collectives
La relación entre la mirada extranjera y la perspectiva estética nacionalista y de vanguardia de las revistas culturales mexicanas es el tema principal de este trabajo, en que analizo las fotografías de Weston y Modotti publicadas en las... more
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Preface to special issue of Peripeti - Tiddskrift for dramaturgiske studier on "Collective" - English version
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      Performing ArtsMedia ArtsLiterary AwardsCommunity Art
Preface to special issue of Peripeti - Tiddskrift for dramaturgiske studier on "Collective"
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      Performing ArtsMedia ArtDigital Media And New LiteraciesVisual Arts
Fran Ilich (1975) Fran Ilich es un escritor y artista de medios mexicano que trabaja principalmente en la teoría y la práctica de los medios narrativos. A principios de la década de 1990 cofundó el colectivo Contra-Cultura (menor) y... more
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      NetartAlternate Reality GamesTactical mediaArte contemporáneo
Este capítulo piensa la representación del barrio de Tepito a partir de lo que aquí denominamos "la mirada artística posrevolucionaria", es decir, la figuración estética heredera tanto del realismo como de las vanguardias que confluyen a... more
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      Tina ModottiVanguardias ArtísticasTepitoMariano Azuela
ENTREVISTAS GALO COCA PREGUNTAS: 1. Como nacen los conceptos de tus proyectos? 2. Que tomas en cuenta al implementar un tipo de arte? 3. Que das a entender a la gente con el arte que realizas? 4. En cuanto tiempo realizas tus... more
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Nuria es consultora económica y fiscal de negocios online. En este episodio hablamos con ella sobre de qué manera condicionan nuestras emociones a nuestra economía. Publicado en Conocer la propuesta de... more
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      EconomiaEconomíaSaludRegulacion Emocional
Although eluding, the rawness of Serbia, as an effect of uncertain existence, within the contradictory territory, is implied. To point to these unrefined factors of Serbia means to manage to spot, capture and present through photographic... more
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      Cultural StudiesEastern European StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPhotography
היצירה 'מתבן 1 ' מורכבת מ- 70 בדי ציור, שבהם מופיעות חבילות קש מצוירות, שנוצרו על ידי 72 )מ(ציירים ו)מ(ציירות על פי הזמנתה של האמנית, ולפי הוראות ביצוע מדויקות שמסרה להם. למכלול ציורי זה הוסיפה האמנית אלמנטים אישיים וטקסיים משלה. באורח... more
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      Art CollectivesParticipatory Art Practices
W hen scholars first came to Vietnam to study contemporary Vietnamese society in the early s, they were interested in the "new" globalizing Vietnam, the Vietnam that was opening its doors to the West.  This was certainly the case in... more
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    • Vietnamese Art
En este artículo describiré la organización del Sindicato de Obreros Técnicos, Pintores y Escultores, cuya eficacia como corporación fue más hipotética que práctica, pero posicionó a un grupo de artistas mexicanos como actores dentro del... more
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    • Historia
“Ambición profesional y vocación universal sudamericanas. París como arena cultural para la abstracción geométrica de la posguerra a los años sesenta”, en Serge Guilbaut (cur.), París pese a todo. Artistas extranjeros 1944-1968, Madrid,... more
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      Latin American ArtHistoria del Arte