Jacques Ranciere
Recent papers in Jacques Ranciere
Bonne analyse des enjeux de la recherche-création, bien recherchée-Pour pousser l'analyse plus loin, il faut porter plus d'attention sur les spécificités processuelles de la science et des arts (D/G développent une telle tentative dans... more
In the wake of new museology and constructivist learning theories, the traditional unidirectional educational role of the museum has been contested and challenged. Museums have the potential to be progressive pedagogical sites and are an... more
This article is an attempt at presenting Jacques Rancières literary theory. French philosopher proves that an aesthetic dimension is inherent to politics and that the arts have a political dimension: their forms propose new paradigms of... more
La monographie Image et pouvoir. Entretiens avec les penseurs français pré- sente sept entretiens avec les personnalités françaises reconnues en phi- losophie, sociologie et anthropologie. Menée par le désir de comprendre les différents... more
Einleitung zu: Drehli Robnik, Thomas Hübel und Siegfried Mattl: Das Streit-Bild. Film, Geschichte und Politik bei Jacques Rancière. Wien, Berlin: turia+kant 2010
in: Krisis 2018 (2) – Marx from the Margins : A Collective Project, from A to Z. July 2018 – Krisis: Journal for Contemporay Philosophy. http://krisis.eu
prologue, intro and afterword of book Publication date: October 20, 2016 Abstract: Restrictive border protection policies directed toward managing the flow of refugees coming into neoliberal democracies (and out of failing nation-states)... more
Revue Europe, septembre-octobre 2020, p. 114-131 : https://www.europe-revue.net/produit/n-1097-1098-jacques-ranciere-andrei-platonov-sept-octobre-2020/ Le rire imprévisible de Rancière esquisse en creux tout ce contre quoi sa pensée en... more
After a short introduction I will present some important concepts in the work of Jacques Rancière (part 2). After that I concentrate especially on his work "Politics, Identification, and Subjectivization" (1992) in order to understand the... more
This introductory essay outlines some of the issues that surround contemporary engagements with the ‘‘popular’’ as a site of political struggle and change. This piece notes that in the 30 years since Stuart Hall published his seminal... more
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
Contemporary theorizations of neoliberalism are framed by a false dichotomy between, on the one hand, studies influenced by Foucault in emphasizing neoliberalism as a form of governmentality, and on the other hand, inquiries influenced by... more
布爾迪厄對康德的美學進行了「通俗批判」,他以社會學方法駁斥了無關乎利害等美學思想,主張品味的形塑與社會的構成有高度關係,而個體透過「幻化-遊戲感」在社會場域中實踐。但在洪席耶看來,布爾迪厄的理論將主體的品味與自主性限縮在社會框架裡,忽視了人在事物前得以「懸置」,在「警治」內得以「政治」的「自由遊玩」的美學可能性。兩人看法的差異,涉及結構觀點與行動視角的多重辯證,也有哲學美學與社會學美學不同側重的角力。本文試圖釐清兩者的主張,並透過「幻化遊戲」及「懸置遊玩」這組概念,與三種層次... more
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
Une réflexion autour des noms donnés à la dissidence religieuse étudiée aboutit à proposer l'emploi d'une nouvelle dénomination, celle d'"hérésie des bons hommes". Historiquement erronés, même s'ils reprennent parfois la terminologie... more
D'autres Continents - Mouvances du cinéma présent, J. Baron (dir.), Nantes, Festival des 3 Continents, 2018.
Książka przynosi pierwszą całościową prezentację filozofii Jacques’a Rancière’a na gruncie polskiej humanistyki. Tego rodzaju synteza musi jednak uwzględnić kilka specyficznych czynników. Po pierwsze, Rancière’a to myśliciel... more
Note: This is a talk for a public festival of philosophy. Accordingly, I have endeavoured to make it as accessible and thought provoking as possible, rather than worrying too much about academic protocols.
Despite the multitude of filmmakers and characters that wander these urban environments, locating revelatory findings in its spatial-imaginary as they do, the flâneur remains a surprisingly underdeveloped concept in film theory. A... more
Sympathetic readers of Arendt might be surprised by Rancière‟s claim that Arendt‟s political thought, in fact, represses politics in a way paradigmatic of the tradition she sought to escape from. On the contrary, it might appear that... more
In her influential discussion of the plight of stateless people, Hannah Arendt invokes the ‘right to have rights’ as the one true human right. In doing so she establishes an aporia. If statelessness corresponds not only to a situation of... more
Kapitola predstavuje tvorbu Jacquesa Rancièra, výraznej postavy súčasnej francúzskej politickej filozofie, ktorá je dosiaľ u nás len málo známa. V českom preklade mu zatiaľ vyšla len kniha Nezhoda. Politika a filosofie. Do slovenského... more
Contemporary geographical thought is constrained by a political economic imagination rooted in binarism, which is exemplified in debates surrounding neoliberalism. Neoliberal proponents call for decentralization and increased capital... more
This paper intends to examine Jacques Rancière’s reflections on education, especially in his writing The ignorant schoolmaster. To this purpose, I will focus on the problems that Rancière observes behind the logic of explanation and how... more
Every politics is an aesthetic. If necropolitics is the (accelerated) politics of what is usually referred to as the ‘apolitical age’, what are its manoeuvres, temporalities, intensities, textures, and tipping points? Bypassing... more
Subjectivity and Identity Politics: contributions of Jacques Rancière for Political Psychology Subjetivación Política e Identidade: contribuições de Jacques Rancière para a Psicologia Política Subjectivité et Identité Politique... more
Análisis del fenómeno carismático y su relación con la conducta humana y los cambios sociales Charles Lindhholm
More than a quarter of a century after Louis Althusser's heyday, one wonders how this rather troubled French professor managed to create such a buzz with the publication of only two books -Reading Capital and For Marx. The fi rst was... more
"This book takes on the political by developing a practice and a thought we call ‘polemicization’. We draw from the work of Jacques Rancière, for whom a polemic or disagreement does not refer to the case when one interlocutor says white... more
Recent histories of human rights have shown that the turn to human rights as a form of politics occurred as a placeholder for utopian energies at the end of history, coinciding with a retreat of the organised left, the abandonment of the... more
Petite histoire politique et poétique de l'anarchie en France dans les années 1890
Translation of Eric Alliez's critical essay on Nicolas Bourriaud's The Relational Aesthetic, An earlier version by Alliez was published in the Turkish journal 'Plato' 6 (September-December 2006): 74 - 79.
Not published yet. It is argued that agonistic democracy fails to fully distinguish itself from delibertive democracy and so it shares similar shortcomings. basically, agonistic democracy is unable to think about conflict as radical... more
El trabajo de muchos de nosotros nunca hubiera sido igual sin la influencia intelectual de Ernesto Laclau, uno de los pensadores políticos más lúcidos de su generación. Es difícil no dejarse cautivar por su prosa -los giros de lenguaje,... more