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The article explores Boris Akunin's The Seagull (2000) as a postmodern detective story. Akunin exploits and simultaneously makes light of the basic concepts of post-modernism: parodic and intertextual stance, the erasure of the line... more
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      Anton ChekhovBoris Akunin
One hundred fifty years after his birth, Anton Chekhov remains the most beloved Russian playwright in his own country, and in the English-speaking world he is second only to Shakespeare. His stories, deceptively simple, continue to serve... more
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      ArtAnton Chekhov
An interpretation of Chekhov's story "The Darling" through the prism of the myth of Echo. Chekhov's concept of femininity. Chekhov and Tolsoy.
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      Russian LiteratureMythologyFemininityAnton Chekhov
Essays in Honor of Gier Kjetsaa on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, eds. Erik Egeberg, Audun J. Morch, and Ole Michael Selberg.
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      Russian LiteratureAnton Chekhov
THE number of local speech characteristics in fiction fulfilling expressive function can be exceedingly great. Taken together they create a unique emotional atmosphere without which a piece of writing would contain nothing but a record of... more
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      StylisticsLiterary TheoryAnton Chekhov19th Century Russian Literature
In Approaches to Teaching Anton Chekhov.  Ed. Michael Holquist and Michael Finke, 114-22.  New York: Modern Language Association, 2016.
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      Theater and filmModern DramaAnton ChekhovDrama and Film
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      Anton ChekhovGeorge Bernard Shaw18th & 19th century British drama and theatre culture
В статье предпринята попытка в ходе компаративного анализа установить генетическую связь между творчеством А.П. Чехова и турецкого писателя ХХ. в. Азиза Несина на материале сопоставления их рассказов "Двое в одном" и "Слава богу" и оценки... more
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      Russian LiteratureTurkish LiteratureAnton ChekhovAziz Nesin
原載於《海鷗:契訶夫經典戲劇新譯(修訂版)》(譯者丘光)一書的導論,探討 《海鷗》一劇為何聖彼得堡首演(1896)失敗,以及之後史坦尼斯拉夫斯基執導的莫斯科版(1898)得以成功的緣由。
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryAnton ChekhovStanislávski
A partir da análise das duas últimas peças de Anton Tchekhov, As Três Irmãs e O Jardim das Cerejeiras, pretendemos investigar as semelhanças entre as estruturas narrativas de ambas e como estas manifestam a poética do autor. From the... more
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      Anton ChekhovDramaturgiaTeatroAnton Tchekhov
The materials from the New York University archives as well as the author’s interview with actress Essie Borden who took part in the play, served as the material for the presented article, which tells the story of A.P. Chekhov’s Tatyana... more
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      Anton Chekhov19th Century Russian LiteratureJudson Dance Theater
Из всех аспектов раннего творчества Чехова жанровый состав является наиболее изученным. Большинство исследователей оставили свои замечания по поводу особенностей юмористических рассказов, сценок и «мелочишек» писателя (см.: [Александров;... more
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      Russian LiteratureAnton Chekhovрусская литератураЧехов
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      Child DevelopmentImaginationAnton Chekhov
This more human love <…> will resemble the one we are working towards with such difficulty, the kind of love that consists in this, that two solitudes defend one another, touch one another, and welcome one another. Rainer Maria Rilke
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      Anton ChekhovThe Cherry Orchard
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a estética de Tchekhov no que concerne seus contos breves. Para tanto, primeiramente examinaremos a noção de inteligibilidade e autonomia do conto, usando Decamerão como referência, uma vez que... more
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      LiteratureBoccaccioAnton ChekhovLiteratura
The clients that come to Counselling Psychology do not live in a vacuum. They are located in time and space and are faced with the particular challenges presented by their contexts and their interactions with these contexts. This essay... more
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      Existential PsychologyLiterature & PsychologyDeath AnxietyFinitude
С модерната драма "Чайка" на Чехов се засягат поне три възела на конфликт, базисни както за драматургичния жанр, така и водещи комплекси, т.е. сражения в самия модернизъм: 1. Традицията и новите форми, въпросът за приемствеността и... more
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      ShakespeareAnton ChekhovNarcissismPlay Within a Play
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      Russian LiteratureLiterary TheoryAnton Chekhov19th Century Russian Literature
Anton Chekhov - Ward Number 6, literature critical analysis - parallel between the Russian literature and society
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      HistoryRussian StudiesRussian LiteraturePhilosophy
Of any other Russian author, Anton Chekhov is the one who will bring to light the many facets of a marriage so that the marriage itself becomes one of the more significant aspects of the story itself, sometimes standing on equal ground as... more
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      Anton Chekhov19th Century Russian Literature
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      Anton ChekhovÖykü Çözümlemesi
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      Anton ChekhovAnton Pavlovic Cehov
All-solid-state flexible supercapacitor (AFSC) is a promising energy storage device due to its high flexibility, security, and environmental friendliness. However, high electrical resistance and low specific capacitance of electrodes... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesJewish StudiesReception Studies
A reading of Chekhov's last plat as a unique mode of lyrical expression.
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    • Anton Chekhov
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    • Anton Chekhov
Новая книга включает в себя размышления о русской словесности - письменности, орфографии, прозе и поэзии. Она сочетает вольные эссе о русской литературе, написанные от первого лица и исследовательские статьи о Карамзине, Болотове,... more
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      Russian LiteratureDostoevskyPushkinAnton Chekhov
Published in 'The Twilight of Realism: Russian Writers and the Fin-de-siècle,' ed. Katherine Bowers and Ani Kokobobo (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
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      Russian LiteratureGender and SexualityFin de Siecle Literature & CultureAnton Chekhov
This Introductory Essay presents to the general reader a few facts about Leon Shestov's life and thought. Little-known outside his native Russia, Shestov is one of the most significant philosophers and critics of modern Russia. He is at... more
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      Russian LiteraturePhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheRussian Philosophy
One of Chekhov's favorite plots in his early stories involves a clash between two kinds of characters, one sensitive, excitable, and desperate for recognition, the other reserved and emotionally inaccessible. When the little clerk,... more
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      Russian LiteratureSelf and IdentityTheories Of PersonalityAnton Chekhov
According to Anton Chekhov life -"just as it is"is tragic. The dramatic nature of everyday's life needs new theatrical and narrative conventions, which the Russian playwright develops to illustrate that existence is not populated by... more
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      Anton ChekhovAnton Chekhov Three Sisters
‘The Lady with the Dog’, written in 1899, is a short story by Anton Chekhov (1860 – 1904), the great Russian playwright and short-story writer. The story essentially describes a relationship between a married man and a married woman. In... more
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    • Anton Chekhov
In his work “Chekhov’s Art: A Stylistic Analysis” (1942) P. Bitsilli gives us no simple and clear answer to the question about the main idea of Chekhov’s “Gusev”. But P. Bitsilli’s observations on this short story and his research methods... more
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      PhilologyReligionCultural HistoryRussian Studies
A close reading of a Chekov short story with the emphasis on pictorial motifs.
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    • Anton Chekhov
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      Russian LiteratureRomanticismMeaning of LifeFriedrich Nietzsche
One hundred fifty years after his birth, Anton Chekhov remains the most beloved Russian playwright in his own country, and in the English-speaking world he is second only to Shakespeare. His stories, deceptively simple, continue to serve... more
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    • Anton Chekhov
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      PsychologyShort story (Literature)Anton ChekhovLeo Tolstoy
Ο Ιβάνοφ του Τσέχοφ (1887-1901), πρωτόλειο θεατρικό έργο του μεγάλου δραματουργού, γραμμένο την εποχή της «κρίσης του ‘δράματος’», τοποθετείται στο μεταίχμιο ανάμεσα στην κλασική δραματουργία του τέλους του 19ου αιώνα και στη μοντέρνα,... more
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      Theatre StudiesDramaturgyDramaGerman Theatre
Βίος και έργο Ο Αντόν Πάβλοβιτς Τσέχοφ (Ταγκανρόγκ 1860 -Μπαντενβάϊλερ 1904), εγγονός απελεύθερου δουλοπάροικου (μουζίκου) και γιος παντοπώλη που χρεωκόπησε στα 1876, κατέχει ξεχωριστή θέση στην παγκόσμια ιστορία του θεάτρου. Σύνθετη... more
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      Theatre StudiesAnton Chekhov
A short story by Anton Chekhov deals with a woman’s obsession with expensive clothing and her outlook. To connect the story with the context of Bangladesh, Muhammad Kamruzzamann points out the contribution of our garment industry and... more
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      Anton ChekhovReady Made Garments (RMG)
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      MythologyFamilyAnton ChekhovDelusions
İvanov Oyunun Dramaturjik Çözümlenişi
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      Theatre StudiesActing and DirectingAnton Chekhov
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      Short story (Literature)Anton Chekhov
Pyesin adı Rusiyanı simvollaşdırır, "Albalı bağı" obrazı zadəgan Rusiyasıdır, onun köməyi ilə Çexov gələcək dəyişiklikləri qabaqcadan göstərməyə çalışıb.
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      Anton ChekhovAzerbaijanRussiaEdebiyat
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      DramaChekhovDrama and TheaterAnton Chekhov
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesRussian StudiesRussian Literature
In “The Cherry Orchard” Chekhov demonstrates the contrast between aristocrats and the newly established intelligentsia in Russia. While the higher-class society finds themselves in a moral and financial crisis, the third estate was... more
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      Russian LiteratureLiterature20th Century Russian LiteratureAnton Chekhov