Anglo-Irish Literature
Recent papers in Anglo-Irish Literature
"Bowen’s Court has most commonly been confronted through methodological paradigms stressing its affinity to traditional Irish generic and historiographical conventions. In contrast, this essay reassesses Anglo-Ireland’s contribution to... more
This thesis will argue that time is central in Elizabeth Bowen’s Irish fiction because her novels and stories constitute a metafictional account of the dispossessed Anglo-Irish identity in the twentieth century. Within this account, Bowen... more
Music and song are both important influences on, and themes in, the poetry of Thomas Kinsella. His poetry also features several individuals associated with music, none more frequently than his close friend, the composer Seán Ó Riada, a... more
Review for Popular Music History journal (Vol 6, iss. 3, 2011): Why Pamper Life’s Complexities?: Essays on The Smiths, eds. Sean Campbell and Colin Coulter, 2010.
Grounded on three Cuchulain plays, this study explores the evolution of W.B. Yeats’s dramatic style from On Baile’s Strand to The Death of Cuchulain, with At the Hawk’s Well as a middle point. To study these plays in chronological... more
This article discusses Maria Edgeworth's first novel Castle Rackrent (1800) and focusses on the notion of instability, both on the plot level and the narrative structure of the text. Notions of degeneration and decay abound in the novel.... more
Sia la formazione di Tommaso Landolfi che la sua attività di traduttore dal russo, dal francese e dal tedesco hanno stimolato degli studi comparati all'interno di queste tre aree linguistiche. Meno studiato è invece il ruolo che la... more
АНОТАЦІЯ Сенчук І.А. Міфопоетика Вільяма Б. Єйтса. – Рукопис. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук за спеціальністю 10.01.04 – література зарубіжних країн. – Чорноморський державний університет ім. Петра... more
У статті досліджено теоретичні аспекти функціонування міфологічних моделей в літературі ХХ ст.: міф розглянуто як інструмент художньої організації матеріалу та як універсальну поетичну мову, за допомогою якої письменники намагаються... more
"The oldest records indicate that the performance of poetry in Gaelic Ireland was normally accompanied by music, providing a point of continuity with past tradition while bolstering a sense of community in the present. Music would also... more
У статті досліджено фігури зіставлення опозиційних понять та образів як характерну рису поетики Вільяма Б. Єйтса (1865–1939). Здійснений аналіз віршів зі збірки «Вежа» (1928) доводить, що в творчості Єйтса бінарним опозиціям належить... more
Статтю присвячено проблемі функціонування в поетиці ранньої творчості В.Б. Єйтса (1865–1939) кельтського міфу як основного джерела міфологічних символів твореної автором художньої реальності. Доведено, що Єйтс не переповідає, а художньо... more
Стаття присвячена проблемі формування національної літературної ідентичності і має на меті довести тезу про те, що художні тексти – зокрема поезії й драми – В.Б. Єйтса вплинули на творення ірландської ідентичності в соціологічному та... more
When people are asked about Irish folk music, their first thought usually goes to “Pub drinking songs”, or to the dancers all dressed in green that show rapid dance steps. However, Irish music is much more: its origins, its development... more
Целью этой статьи является прочтение как части постколониального художественного дискурса наследия ирландского англоязычного писателя Уильяма Б. Йейтса (1865-1939), жизнь и творчество которого невозможно отделить от культурной и... more
Ірина Сенчук Літературні образи В.Б. Єйтса як національні ідентифікаційні знаки Стаття присвячена проблемі формування національної літературної ідентичності і має на меті довести тезу про те, що художні тексти – зокрема поезії й драми –... more
Published in the American journal, Boundary 2, Feb. 2018. We are all post-revisionists now. After the centenary commemoration of the insurrection, it is helpful to move beyond a narrow focus on an event itself, and to consider 1916... more
Although Elizabeth Bowen was first praised as a writer of sensibility and classed with E. M.
Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh: An Oriental Romance (1817) was an immense commercial success on publication, but its critical reception has been almost entirely negative. Readers from William Hazlitt and W.B. Yeats to Terence Browne have... more
In John McGahern’s 1985 short story “Oldfashioned”, he ably demonstrates why a sensitive, bookish, Catholic young man raised in the repressive, anti-intellectual Irish Free State might be attracted to the way of life being led by the... more
У статті доведено, що три драми Вільяма Б. Єйтса – «Коло яструбиного джерела», «На Бейловім березі» та «Смерть Кухуліна» – артикулюють різні епізоди міфу про Кухуліна, які модифікуються у відповідності до авторського задуму, і мають... more
Dracula and Tropic Death: Imagined Maps, Transnational Communities The history of scholarship surrounding what manner of threat Bram Stoker’s Count Dracula represents to Britain has been a colourful and contested one. Though that threat... more
Review: Folklore and Modern Irish Writing. Edited by Anne Markey and Anne O'Connor. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2013, xi + 250 pp. What has become of Ireland’s renowned heritage of traditional oral culture? Scéalaíocht, the long tales... more
In 1897, six years after the death of Home Rule leader Charles Stewart Parnell, Anglo-Irish writer, Bram Stoker, put to paper his gothic novel Dracula. This novel is rich with allegorical symbolisms and carries its characters from the... more
A history of how the American Conference for Irish Studies championed Irish studies in U.S. Academia, established a network of regional an conferences, and fostered publication. Included are candid portraits of founders Emmet Larkin and... more
This paper argues that Wilde's play "Salomé", which he wrote in French, HAS been lost in translation (translation into English, that is). While just one translation, published in 1912, is undoubtedly close to a version which Wilde himself... more
In May 1921, Ireland was partitioned under British law by the Government of Ireland Act, which created Northern Ireland. Both sides agreed to a ceasefire on 11 July 1921 and the Irish War of Independence (Cogadh na Saoirse) came to an... more
Translations is a play written by Brian Friel between 1979 and 1980, represented for the first time in Derry during the September of that same year, in a moment when the violence of the Troubles was tearing the country apart. Although the... more
In diesen Abhandlungen stehen die wichtigsten Fakten zuden Literaturen von Irland, und zwar auf Deutsch um diese Fakten einem größeren Publikum leicht zugänglich zu machen. Wertvoll dabei sind die vielen Quellenhinweise, die z.T. auch... more
This chapter provides an assessment of the classically inflected literary output of Thomas MacDonagh, demonstrating how it generates a tension with the contemporary nativist movement with which MacDonagh also sympathized. The... more
"William Maginn and the Denial of Authorship: The text of the Colby Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals," University of Delaware, 2014
This article, published in vol. 2 no. 2 (Autumn 2018) of the Handel Institute Newsletter (pp. 7–10), attributes an anonymously published poem on Handel’s blindness to Thomas Newburgh (c.1694–1776), an Irish landowner and litterateur who... more
Current explorations of migration in fiction focus on innovative perspectives, linking memory and trauma with the concepts of exile and conflict. Personal memories ask for an understanding of what belonging and identity represent for the... more
Ciaran Carson has established a reputation as one of Ireland's most important poetic voices. However, Carson is also an accomplished musician whose work reflects the liminal borderland that has always existed between Irish music and Irish... more
У статті досліджено фігури зіставлення опозиційних понять та образів як характерну рису поетики Вільяма Б. Єйтса (1865–1939). Здійснений аналіз віршів зі збірки «Вежа» (1928) доводить, що в творчості Єйтса бінарним опозиціям належить... more