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When people are asked about Irish folk music, their first thought usually goes to “Pub drinking songs”, or to the dancers all dressed in green that show rapid dance steps. However, Irish music is much more: its origins, its development... more
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      Irish StudiesMusic HistoryIrish LiteratureWilliam Butler Yeats
Although Elizabeth Bowen was first praised as a writer of sensibility and classed with E. M.
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      Irish StudiesGender StudiesEnglish LiteratureWomen's Studies
"The oldest records indicate that the performance of poetry in Gaelic Ireland was normally accompanied by music, providing a point of continuity with past tradition while bolstering a sense of community in the present. Music would also... more
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      Irish StudiesMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
"Bowen’s Court has most commonly been confronted through methodological paradigms stressing its affinity to traditional Irish generic and historiographical conventions. In contrast, this essay reassesses Anglo-Ireland’s contribution to... more
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      ProfessionalismGothic LiteratureElizabeth Bowen (Elizabeth Bowen)Affect (Cultural Theory)
The way the complexities of fictional dialogue are creatively exploited in a play, a film or a novel can reveal much about the management of ordinary conversation. Although it is evident that fictional dialogue and naturally occurring... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIrish StudiesIrish LiteratureDialects of English
Ciaran Carson has established a reputation as one of Ireland's most important poetic voices. However, Carson is also an accomplished musician whose work reflects the liminal borderland that has always existed between Irish music and Irish... more
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      Irish StudiesMusicIrish LiteraturePerformance Studies
As a child, Shaw was horrified by the appalling poverty of the Dublin slums, and, while working in a Dublin estate office as a teenager, he actually had to collect slum rents. What's more, both sides of Shaw’s family were tied to the... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish DramaIrish Theatre and DramaGeorge Bernard Shaw
This article discusses Maria Edgeworth's first novel Castle Rackrent (1800) and focusses on the notion of instability, both on the plot level and the narrative structure of the text. Notions of degeneration and decay abound in the novel.... more
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      18th CenturyIrelandAnglo-Irish LiteratureMaria Edgeworth
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      Travel WritingTravel LiteratureAnglo-Irish LiteratureTravel
Tongue-in-cheek literary history of the Irish 'obsession' with water against a background of anti-austerity protests in Ireland. With images by Conci Mazullo
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      Irish StudiesGaelic LiteratureLiteratureContemporary Irish fiction
In John McGahern’s 1985 short story “Oldfashioned”, he ably demonstrates why a sensitive, bookish, Catholic young man raised in the repressive, anti-intellectual Irish Free State might be attracted to the way of life being led by the... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureShort story (Literature)Anglo-Irish Literature
Сенчук І.А. Міфопоетика Вільяма Б. Єйтса. – Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук за спеціальністю 10.01.04 – література зарубіжних країн. – Чорноморський державний університет ім. Петра Могили.... more
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      William Butler YeatsAnglo-Irish Literature
У статті досліджено особливості функціонування та еволюцію образу Кухуліна в драматургії Вільяма Б. Єйтса. Доведено, що у центрі трьох обраних для аналізу п’єс – «Коло яструбиного джерела» (1916), «На Бейловім березі» (1904), «Смерть... more
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      William Butler YeatsAnglo-Irish Literature
Целью этой статьи является прочтение как части постколониального художественного дискурса наследия ирландского англоязычного писателя Уильяма Б. Йейтса (1865-1939), жизнь и творчество которого невозможно отделить от культурной и... more
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      William Butler YeatsAnglo-Irish Literature
The article focuses on the research of the narrative structure and the exposure of thanatological motifs as the compositional and narrative principle in William B. Yeats’s play «Deirdre». It aims to prove that literary motifs as the... more
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      William Butler YeatsAnglo-Irish Literature
У статті досліджено особливості функціонування євангельської легенди про божественну й людську сутність Ісуса Христа і його смерть на хресті заради людства як оповідної та понятійної структури драми Вільяма Б. Єйтса «Голгофа». Простежено... more
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      William Butler YeatsAnglo-Irish Literature
У статті досліджено фігури зіставлення опозиційних понять та образів як характерну рису поетики Вільяма Б. Єйтса (1865–1939). Здійснений аналіз віршів зі збірки «Вежа» (1928) доводить, що в творчості Єйтса бінарним опозиціям належить... more
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      William Butler YeatsAnglo-Irish Literature
Ірина Сенчук Літературні образи В.Б. Єйтса як національні ідентифікаційні знаки Стаття присвячена проблемі формування національної літературної ідентичності і має на меті довести тезу про те, що художні тексти – зокрема поезії й драми –... more
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      William Butler YeatsAnglo-Irish Literature
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      English LiteratureAnglo-Irish Literature
This paper proposes that at a time when Northern Ireland increasingly descended into civil strife and crisis, Seamus Heaney looked to landscape, and to a lesser but comparable, extent traditional music, to articulate a distinctive voice,... more
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      Cultural StudiesIrish StudiesIrish LiteraturePoetry
Sia la formazione di Tommaso Landolfi che la sua attività di traduttore dal russo, dal francese e dal tedesco hanno stimolato degli studi comparati all'interno di queste tre aree linguistiche. Meno studiato è invece il ruolo che la... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureItalian LiteratureTwentieth Century Literature
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      Critical TheoryIrish StudiesGender StudiesEnglish Literature
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      Elizabeth BowenAnglo-Irish LiteratureAutobiography and life writing studies
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      Elizabeth BowenAnglo-Irish Literature
Music and song are both important influences on, and themes in, the poetry of Thomas Kinsella. His poetry also features several individuals associated with music, none more frequently than his close friend, the composer Seán Ó Riada, a... more
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      Cultural StudiesIrish StudiesIrish LiteraturePerformance Studies
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      French LiteratureIrish LiteratureSamuel BeckettAnglo-Irish Literature