Elizabeth Bowen
Recent papers in Elizabeth Bowen
A reading of Elizabeth Bowen's short story by June Barrie about the importance of emotional expression.
Elizabeth Bowen's fiction from World War II is among the most celebrated of the era. As most readers know, her remarkable collection of wartime short fiction, The Demon Lover and Other Stories, joins war writing with the gothic. This odd... more
Despite Elizabeth Bowen's emergence as a seminal figure in several key areas of contemporary study, much of her fiction is still considered difficult and resistant to interpretation. In large measure, this is because Bowen's past... more
Om att använda litteraturen som teori för att begrunda världen. Istället för att använda teori för att begrunda litteraturen.
In autumn 1962, Sylvia Plath considered moving to the west of Ireland after the break-up of her marriage with Ted Hughes. In an attempt to fix it, the couple spent a few days in Cleggan, Connemara, with Irish poet Richard Murphy. They... more
Description This piece of literary geography examines the relationship between landscape and identity in the works of nine Irish writers who published English language novels between 1929-1946. Focusing upon the distinct lebenswelt... more
This chapter deepens a period of disappointed love, homelessness, serious illness, and continued writing in her life. Having abandoned the fantasy that Bowen’s Court would shelter her and Charles Ritchie, Bowen bought a modest house in... more
This chapter re-orients consideration of realist elements in Bowen’s short stories by framing readings according to a series of ‘recesses.’ The first is as a building feature designed to conceal and display, which frames a discussion of... more
Children’s Play in Literature: Investigating the Strengths and the Subversions of the Playing Child fits into an analytical vacuum regarding the relevance of play in the cultural and social context. Indeed, in the introduction, Joyce E.... more
Cet article propose d’explorer la mise en place d’une dramaturgie de la voix dans cinq nouvelles d’auteures modernistes et de montrer comment l’utilisation presque exclusive du mode discursif de la conversation s’accompagne d’une... more
... Bowen further hints at the possibility that the brand of nationalism signified by the cottage faces potential political failure in visual terms: Dannie Regan's cottage has a “doorway that yearned up the path like an... more
This chapter addresses Bowen’s obnoxious adolescents, arguing that she brings together the operations of language and the critical function of affect in questions of meaning and being, and connects what she sees as the figure of the queer... more