Ancient Jewish Diaspora
Recent papers in Ancient Jewish Diaspora
This article examines the evidence of ancient authors on the unofficial nicknames of Achaemenid Persian kings. It pays special attention to the interpretation of the nickname of Μακρόχειρ. Two variants are considered for its translation.... more
The Jewish exile communities in Rome embraced a unique burial practice, utilizing an underground tunnel system known as catacombs. This distinctive burial system was employed by the Jewish population in Rome between the third and fifth... more
This essay proves that a war between Iran and Israel would not be justified, at least ethnically: they are one people; they have common ancestors, namely the ancient people of Israel. The name of the Iranian state also points in this... more
My analysis is mainly based on Genesis 6: 2, 4 on the terms the sons of God, the daughters of men and the Nephilim. On the other hand are the Giants as KJV calls them the same as the sons of God? Nonetheless, according to Donat Poulet... more
Table des matières Versions grecques et araméennes de la Bible La disparition de la tradition juive dans la transmission des évangiles Figures bibliques à travers les âges Littérature rabbinique et patristique Les bibles hébraïques... more
This note supplements my article in this journal (2005), where argued that the “Decree of Delos” of 49 BCE quoted by Josephus at AJ 14.231–32 is not a decree and cannot be from Delos. Here I point out that the document must be from... more
It is not typical to draw conclusions from a translation regarding an ancient social and political issue. However, I will attempt to do it in this paper: on the basis of one of the most freely translated book of the Septuagint, the... more
The synagogue has cultural significance for Jewish people who worshipped Judaism before and in the diaspora (Levine, 2005). Their dispersion to both western and eastern regions of the ancient world led them establishing communities to... more
The synagogue has cultural significance for Jewish people who worshipped Judaism before and in the diaspora (Levine, 2005). Their dispersion to both western and eastern regions of the ancient world led them establishing communities to... more
This article features an inscribed stele from Bersis in western Cyrenaica, on the territory of ancient Taucheira (Tokra), which was discovered in 2018. The stele, which has been re-cut for re-use, has three distinct inscriptions: one in... more
Long recognized as a literary fiction, the Epistle of Aristeas has variously been dated from the 3rd cent. BCE to the 1st cent. CE. As a result, its epistolary features, and especially those in which the putative author, Aristeas,... more
In the bulk of this paper I will focus on several Jewish inscriptions that seem to me to be reflecting the active negotiation process — and generally in congenial terms — for Jews living in Roman and Greco-Roman cities. The difficulty,... more
In this article, dedicated to problem of Azerbaijani mugam very serious conclusion is drawn. According it mugam was created by Manna, later-by Median and Zoroasrtrian oracles as a hymn, which was sung by magicians for centuries. All these... more
For centuries the idea that John wrote the Book of Revelation to comfort Christians suffering Roman imperial persecution dominated the interpretation of the text's social setting. Due to the lack of archaeological and literary evidence,... more
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
- by Stuart Weeks
Nor is it difficult to see how the Greeks could have derived the name Themistokles from the Hebrew name, Nehemiah.
Encyclopedia Entries in Christopher Baron (ed.) The Herodotus Encyclopedia. 3 Vol. (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021) © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Borderland (N Korean Refugees) (źródło: Internet). Literatura zbiorcza * tź = tekst źródłowy/teksty źródłowe.
Exile, displacement, wandering, loss: in Biblical tradition and in later rabbinic commentary, in the medieval poems of Yehudah ha-Levi and the modern political screeds of Theodor Herzl, the idea of diaspora has dominated Jewish identity.... more
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ 1 -Песах 2 -Лаг ба-омер 3 -Шавуот 4 -Тиша б-Ав 5 -Рош hаШана 6 -Йом Кипур 7 -Суккот 8 -Ханука 9 -Ту би-Шват 10 -Пурим
The celebration of Vernal Equinox and arrival of spring is the most sacred and joyous of all Zoroastrian religious holidays. It is called Hamas.paθ.maaedÿa in Avesta, the sacred lore of the Zoroastrians. The Avestan term Hamas.paθ.maaedÿa... more
This is the completely redone, second edition of Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters, the classic textbook original edited by Bob Kraft and George Nickelsburg and published in 1986.
The contribution “Opferterminologie im Sirachbuch” explores references to cultic topics in the Greek book of Sirach with special attention to differences to the Hebrew text, wherever it is extant. Various terminological peculiarities... more
In scholarly literature, one frequently encounters the claim that Artapanus supplies the only reference to the building of the Temple of Onias in the entire extant corpus of Jewish-Hellenistic literature. While this assumption has found... more
Цель статьи – выявить и классифицировать факторы, приводящие к появлению противоречий в правилах грамматики иврита. Процедура и методы исследования. Авторы провели детальный анализ сформированных Академией языка иврит сводов правил по... more
This is my contribution to a conference honouring Professor Lucio Troiani in Pavia. It is about to appear in Livia Capponi, ed., Tra Politica e Religione: I Guidei nel Mondo Greco-Romano. Studi in onore di Lucio Troiani (Milan:... more
This is the final typescript (AAM) of a chapter that will appear in Nicholas Allen, ed., Passion, Persecution and Epiphany in Early Jewish Literature. After surveying the range of senses of Greek pathos, from suffering to emotion,... more
This is the final typescript (AAM) of a chapter now in press in George van Kooten and Jacques van Ruiten, eds., Intolerance, Polemics, and Debate in Antiquity in Antiquity : Politico-Cultural, Philosophical, and Religious Forms of... more
The series focuses on the evolution of Jewish language, literature, communal life and religious ideology outside of the Land of Israel and in relation to it. The approach is inter-disciplinary with an emphasis on mutual infl uences... more
Pendant le Haut-Empire, les autorités romaines s'opposèrent aux Juifs par trois fois, d'abord lors d'une première révolte qui eut pour théâtre la Palestine entre 66 et 73/74 et qui trouva son point d'orgue avec la chute du second Temple... more
This article represents a response to the excavation report by Seyer and Lotz. Weiss discusses the location of the Limyra building within the city as well as its building constructions and its raw materials. Weiss compares the Limyra... more
Библейская генеалогия в сочетании с археологическими и эпиграфическими данными позволяет судить о политических и культурных процессах, характерных для кочевых и полукочевых групп западно-семитского происхождения в эпоху противостояния... more
The diverse descriptions in the Hebrew Bible of Judahites/Israelites in Egypt reflect the dynamics of the geo-political relations between Yehud and Egypt, mainly during the Persian period. The different descriptions of the Judahite... more
Konferenz PRIENE VON DER SPÄTKLASSIK BIS ZUM MITTELALTER. ERGEBNISSE UND PERSPEKTIVEN DER FORSCHUNGEN SEIT 1998 26.-28. 03. 2018 Frankfurt am Main, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, organisiert durch Wulf Raeck, Hörsaalzentrum HS 8,... more
in A. J. Boyle and W. J. Dominik (eds.), Flavian Rome: Culture, Image, Text (Leiden: Brill, 2003), 559-90.
As poet T.S. Eliot observes about tradition, it incorporates " the historical sense. .. [which] involves a perception, not only of the past, but of its presence; the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own... more