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1 Einleitung 3 2 Epistolares Erzählen im Wandel der Zeit 4 2.1 Der empfindsame Briefroman 4 2.2 Der zeitgenössische E-Mail-Roman 7 2.3 Der E-Mail-Roman als Briefroman des 21. Jahrhunderts? 9 1 Einleitung Obwohl der Begriff der... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheEpistolary literatureEpistolary NovelNeuere Deutsche Literatur
As a mostly straightforward mystery/ghost story, The Supernatural Enhancements qualifies as genre fiction yet opens itself up to uninitiated readers. In fact, expectations will probably only interrupt the gratification readers are likely... more
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      Cultural History Of GhostsEpistolary literatureEpistolary NovelBook Reviews
L'article propose une analyse du roman par lettres de George Sand "Jacques" de 1834, par le biais de la structure spécifique des personnages dans le roman épistolaire à voix multiples.
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesLiterary TheoryEpistolary NovelGeorge Sand
Par le Commentaire historique sur les ouvrages de l’auteur de la Henriade, publié en 1776, deux ans avant sa mort, Voltaire répond à une demande longtemps implicite, puis devenue publique et de plus en plus pressante, de donner l’histoire... more
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      French LiteraturePragmaticsAutobiographyIntellectual History of Enlightenment
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      Spanish Literature (Peninsular)The NovelNarratologyEpistolary literature
Mary Wollestonecraft was a leftist English philosopher and writer best known for her essay on women's rights entitled The Vindication of the Rights of Women. After a series of personal and financial events around the year 1795,... more
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      Travel WritingEnlightenmentEpistolary literatureThe Sublime
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      Film StudiesShame TheoryAdaptationFilm Adaptation
„Édes melankólia”: A Fanni hagyományai emberképéről. Studia Litteraria, 58(3–4), 59–72. Kármán József ’s Fanni hagyományai (Fanni’s Heritage) is one of the first Hungarian novels at the... more
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      MelancholyEpistolary NovelHistory of senses and sensibilityHistoire des sensibilités
Luhmann's theory on "Love as Passion. The Codification o Intimacy" is used to analyze the development of the unusual relationship between Pameal and Mr. B in Richardson's Pamela.
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      Epistolary literatureNiklas LuhmannEpistolary NovelSamuel Richardson
Resumé de la thèse de doctorat en français
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureEpistolary literatureGoetheJean-Jacques Rousseau
Abstract in italiano: questo saggio esplora i nessi intertestuali e i diversi paradigmi epistolari a cui rispondono tre capolavori della letteratura europea del Settecento e del primo Ottocento. La Nouvelle Héloïse vi è studiata sia come... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEnlightenmentJohann Wolfgang von GoetheEpistolary literature
How to write about the search for love when it happens mostly in the virtual world? In fact, a new kind of epistolary literature is being written in cell phones, emails, apps, and dating sites. How different is it in comparison with the... more
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      Epistolary literatureEpistolary NovelThe affects of online dating sites to human interaction/experiences
Questo articolo è una prima versione del 2° capitolo del mio libro: "Il dialogo dei tre massimi sistemi: Le "Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis" fra il "Werther" e la "Nuova Eloisa" L'articolo si basa sugli studi di Martelli e Terzoli, che... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIntertextualityEpistolary literatureCharles Taylor
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      Epistolary NovelKelemen Mikes
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      Spanish Literature (Peninsular)The NovelNarratologyEpistolary literature
Zusammenfassung der Dissertation auf Deutsch
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureGoetheJean Jaques RousseauUgo Foscolo
Contribution à une histoire de la réception littéraire européenne de "La nouvelle Héloïse": l'influence de la "Nouvelle Héloïse" sur "Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis" Contributo a una storia della ricezione letteraria europea della... more
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      Epistolary literatureJean-Jacques RousseauUgo FoscoloEpistolary Novel
Starting from Walter Binni’s article of 1959, Gigante looks at the influence that Christoph Martin Wieland’s Socrates out of his Sense or Dialogues of Diogenes of Sinope had on Foscolo’s early prose, namely on the first edition of Ultime... more
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureGoethe StudiesChristoph Martin Wieland
I delivered this talk as the Mel and Cindy Yoken Lecture at Brown University on April 27, 2015. Drawing on my experience of writing a memoir of my father based on letters I found in his closet when he died, I show how letters are not... more
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      AutobiographyMemoir and AutobiographyLife Writing (Literature)Epistolary Novel
A XVIII. század végi írásbeliségben a levél az egyik legfontosabb kommunikációs médium. Mi sem mutatja ezt jobban, hogy ez idő tájt számos korszakspecifikus szépirodalmi műfaj mintájává válik, így a levélregény és a heroida alapjává.... more
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      HeroidesJean Jaques RousseauEpistolary NovelHistory of senses and sensibility
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureEpistolary literatureEpistolary Novel
This study focuses on Lynne Ramsay's adaptation of Lionel Shriver's epistolary novel We Need to Talk About Kevin and argues that the film should be seen as an example of feminist horror that subverts and challenges cultural mother myths.... more
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      SociologyFilm StudiesShame TheoryAdaptation
This article analyzes two sets of late antique witnesses to the Abgar-Jesus correspondence: the discussion of the letters in the literary record of the 4th–6th centuries and the Coptic version of the correspondence, as preserved in... more
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      Early ChristianityCoptic StudiesEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureApocrypha/Pseudepigrapha
Speedfactory is a many-genred collaborative work about war, AIDS, love, sex, capital, cricket, dancing, toothache, border-crossing, books and erasure. And carrying all is speed -- manufactured speed.
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      New MediaAustralian StudiesEpistolary literatureFictocritical Writing
Revisiting Richardson's _Pamela_ as a site of "spatial formalism," this essay maintains that the notion of the domestic interior as a setting conducive to psychological interiority requires further materialist analysis. The interiority... more
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      Gender StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureMaterial Culture StudiesThe Novel
boundaries of his own works and even his own body. Hawthorne was not only Melville's role model, and his projected ideal reader, he was, particularly for a work like Moby Dick, practically his only reader. (In fact, one almost suspects... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesGender StudiesGender and Sexuality
A Törökországi levelekben található irodalmi eredetű miniatűr elbeszélések forrásainak feltárása több mint száz éves múltra tekinthet vissza. A 19. század végétől folyamatosan végzett összehasonlító tárgy-és motívumtörténeti vizsgálatok,... more
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      Epistolary NovelKelemen Mikes
Publié en 1804, deux ans après Delphine de Mme de Staël, qui est le dernier grand échantillon du roman épistolaire polyphonique français, le roman Valérie de Mme de Krüdener marque lui aussi un moment décisif dans l'évolution de la... more
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      RomanticismLiterature and MusicNarratologyTheory of the Novel
Κριτική κατάθεση για το μυθιστόρημα «Μπορείς;» (2017) της Έρσης Σωτηροπούλου. Εστιάζοντας στο «πώς» αναβαπτίζεται η επιστολική φόρμα από το ομώνυμο μυθιστορηματικό είδος του 18ου-19ου αιώνα στην ηλεκτρονική επικοινωνιακή συνθήκη του... more
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      Postmodern LiteratureEpistolary Novel
Resumen: En este trabajo, analizaremos el vínculo entre el artificio epistolar, bajo la óptica del cuento, y la ficción autobiográfica en Correspondencia privada (2001), de la editora y escritora catalana Esther Tusquets. Así mismo,... more
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      Epistolary literatureNarrative and IdentityContemporary LiteratureEsther Tusquets
L'entreprise romanesque est nécessairement ambiguë, dans la mesure où elle coïncide avec une tentative d'échapper aux critères de la vérité et du savoir. Dans la perspective qui est ici la nôtre, le paradoxe du romancier consiste à... more
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      NarratologyTheory of the Novel18th Century French LiteratureNarrative Analysis
Greek culture developed early on a complex and contradictory set of assertions about letters. They are inherently truthful, personal, and intimate (a window to the writer's soul, one side of a dialogue), but inherently untrustworthy and... more
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      History of Reading and WritingEpistolary literatureHistory of LiteracyEpistolography
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a typical character of Jane Austen is looking for a wedding, and Lady Susan Vernon is no exception. Lady Susan by Jane Austen has its creation dated around 1800, but its first publication took... more
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      English LiteratureJane AustenEpistolary Novel
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      NarratologyTheory of the NovelEpistolary literature18th Century French Literature
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      Theory of the NovelEpistolary literature18th Century French LiteratureHistory of the Novel
Werke : Gesamtausgabe / Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi. Hrsg. von Klaus Hammacher und Walter Jaeschke. -Hamburg : Meiner. -25 cm. -Früher im Verl. Meiner, Hamburg und Frommann-Holzboog, Stuttgart Bad-Cannstatt. -Aufn. nach Bd. 6, Anhang... more
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      Epistolary literature18th Century German (Literature)Friedrich Heinrich JacobiEpistolary Novel
A Mikes-kutatás kérdéseihez, II. Műfaj- és tárgy történet A Törökországi levelek műfajáról lényegében kialakult az egyetértés az utóbbi évtizedekben, s ma már senki nem vitatja, hogy olyan fiktív levélgyűjteményről van szó, melynek fő... more
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      Epistolary NovelKelemen Mikes
The story of the symbolic gifts sent by Darius to Alexander the Great (Alexander Romance 1.36-38) derives from a Hellenistic collection of fictional letters narrating the Macedonian conqueror’s expedition. A direct model of the narrative... more
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      Alexander the GreatHerodotusEpistolary NovelRiddles
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      English LiteraturePragmaticsSemanticsSociolinguistics
Questo articolo intende analizzare i collegamenti, le affinità e le divergenze tra il romanzo epistolare di J.M.R Lenz, Der Waldbruder (1776), e i Dolori del giovane Werther di Goethe (1774). L’articolo individua inoltre una serie di... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureJohann Wolfgang von GoetheEpistolary literature
Rozvoj digitálních komunikačních technologií na sklonku dvacátého století výrazně proměnil nejen běžnou interpersonální komunikaci, ale vyvolal změny rovněž v komunikaci literární. Vedle internetu vstoupila do poměrně silné interakce s... more
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      TechnologyNew MediaLiteratureDigital Media
Tra verità e finzione: 'La religieuse' di Diderot e l'arte della mistificazione
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      18th Century French LiteratureEpistolary NovelDIDEROT
Nombreux sont les récits du XVIIIe siècle qui se présentent comme une lettre ou une série de lettres envoyées à un destinataire unique. En épousant la structure épistolaire, la narration est lancée dans un circuit d’échange qui lui... more
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      French LiteratureLegitimacy and AuthorityScenographyTheory of the Novel
Model letters have always occupied an important place in the dictaminal tradition. In recent decades, scholars have noted the role of fictive qualities in models, both in Europe as a whole and in English vernacular works. From a... more
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      English LiteratureRenaissance StudiesHistory of English LiteratureEpistolary literature
Emma Riverola’s 2008 novel, Cartas desde la ausencia, juxtaposes the Franco and Stalin regimes and employs the epistolary mode to situate children at the center of an ideological battle between left and right authoritarian regimes. I... more
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      Spanish Literature (Peninsular)Children and FamiliesExileEpistolary Novel
Die Briefe aus der Tűrkei von Kelemen Mikes stellen ein Hauptwerk der ungarischen Literatur in der Frühaufklárung dar; sie gehören zugleich zum literarischen Erbe Europas.' Bisher wurden sie ins Bnglische.' Deutsche,' Italienische,"... more
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      Epistolary NovelKelemen Mikes
From Organic Supplements, ed. Jacobson and Park, University of Virginia Press, 2020
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      Book HistoryManuscript Studies17th-Century StudiesHistory of the Novel
Le livre présente une analyse de la construction spécifique des personnages dans les romans épistolaires parus en France de 1761 à 1782, sur un corpus de plus de 30 ouvrages.
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      French LiteratureLiterary TheoryTheory of the NovelEpistolary literature
By borrowing from computer coding strategies or computer-based communication tools and rules, by re-thinking typo-graphic and layout strategies, the digital or electronic short forms of twenty-first century e-pistolary novels are made of... more
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      Epistolary literatureFiction Novels And Short StoriesEpistolary NovelFiction and short stories
a cura di Luca Gandolfi 10 incontri settimanali il giovedì dalle ore 18,00 alle ore 19,30 dal 22/10/20 Programma: Il corso attraverserà i mutamenti radicali portati in Francia dall'illuminismo e i loro riflessi nella narrativa... more
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      French LiteratureFrench HistoryEnlightenmentEpistolary literature