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      OvidIbisOvid (Classics)Ovidius
Tiberio Claudio Donato e le sue Interpretationes Vergilianae sono stati a lungo trascurati dalla bibliografia moderna 2 , e solo negli ultimi vent'anni hanno goduto di nuova attenzione 3 . Ciò ha permesso di far luce su molti aspetti... more
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      Late AntiquityVergilVirgilServius
At the end of their life, after transferring the kingdom to their grown-up sons, several kings of the Sūryavaṃśa chose to retire from the world and devoted their last years to asceticism and meditation. The verses of the Raghuvaṃśa... more
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      Sanskrit LiteratureAncient Commentaries
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich im weitesten Sinne mit dem Verhältnis zwischen einem Text, seinen Lesern und deren Kritikern. Ihr Gegenstand sind Anspielungen auf zeitgeschichtliche Ereignisse in antiken literarischen Texten und die... more
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      Latin LiteratureAristophanesLucanHorace
Lo scopo primario del presente lavoro consiste nell‟individuazione e nell'analisi dei principali filoni di interesse che caratterizzano nella sua peculiarità l'esegesi serviana alle Georgiche. Nonostante il carattere collettaneo del... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityVergilGeorgics
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      Late AntiquityVergilProbusVirgil
Alexander of Aphrodisias’s commentary (about AD 200) is the earliest extant commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, and it is the most valuable indirect witness to the Metaphysics text and its transmission. This study is a systematic... more
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      AristotleTextual CriticismClassical philologyAncient Philosophy
Edition of P.CtYBR inv. 4673, a set of unpublished fragments from the Yale papyrus collection. The text on the recto is a paraliterary work with quotations from the Iliad on the topic of Achilles' armour, while on the verso are remains of... more
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      PapyrologyGreek PapyrologyIliadParaliterary Papyri
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      Carolingian StudiesScholiaLatin Glossaries, Scholia, History of ScholarshipJuvenal
This chapter compares the readings of Cicero found in two of his ancient commentators, Asconius Pedianus and Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius. Asconius’ commentary, the earliest to survive in Latin, focuses on Cicero’s speeches, and offers... more
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      CiceroAncient ScholarshipAsconius PedianusMacrobius
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      ClassicsGreek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek Lyric Poetry
Strategie del commento a testi greci e latini Atti del Convegno [Fisciano 16-18 novembre 2006] a cura di Paolo Esposito e Paola Volpe Cacciatore Rubbettino © 2008 -Università degli Studi di Salerno © 2008 -Rubbettino Editore 88049 Soveria... more
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      Dante StudiesMedieval Latin LiteratureMedieval LatinLatin Glossaries, Scholia, History of Scholarship
The paper discusses the authenticity of one of the so-called "Fragments" of the Hippocratic Lexicon written in the I century A.D. by Erotianus (Fr. 19 in Nachmanson's edition), as It is transmitted by the scholia found in some Hippocratic... more
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      Greek LiteratureLexicographyClassical philologyAncient Commentaries
This paper focuses on the four preserved commentaries to a Pythagorean poem known as the Golden Verses. It deals with two Greek texts—Iamblichus' Protrepticus and Hierocles' Commentary to the Golden Verses—as well as two commentaries... more
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyHistory Of Platonic TraditionLate AntiquityPythagoreanism
III International Postgraduated Conference:
"Optanda erat oblivio": Selection and Loss in Ancient and Medieval Literature, 20-21 Dicembre 2018, Bari
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      Greek TragedyAeschylusGreek PapyriAncient Greek Literature
What makes a text a "commentary" ? The question is naıf enough to allow a complicated answer. In Sanskrit there is not a single word for "commentary". The present study focuses on an exemplary case-study, that of Venkatanatha's commentary... more
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      Indian PhilosophyCommentaries: History and TheorySouth Asian StudiesSanskrit language and literature
The belief in the immortality of the soul has been described as one of the “twin pillars of Platonism” and is famously defended by Socrates in Plato’s Phaedo. The ancient commentaries on the dialogue by Olympiodorus and Damascius offer a... more
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      PhilosophyClassicsHistory of ThoughtHistory of Ideas
Copertina: La Tholos di Delfi (santuario di Athena Pronaia, Delfi, 380-370 a.C.) © Foto Valeria Melis Studio ed elaborazione grafica copertina: Litteralia Impaginazione: Litteralia © Edizioni Saecula -Litteralia Zermeghedo (Vi)... more
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      Greek PapyrologyGreek EpigramAncient CommentariesGreek Literary Papyri
The following article deals with the knowledge transfer in Ammonios' commentary on the ninth chapter of Aristotle's de interpretatione.
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      PhilosophyAristotleNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyHistory of Science
As other commentaries on the Somnium Scipionis by Cicero, Favonius Eulogius’ develops an essay about the properties of the numbers one to nine. Among them, number seven is specially related to human beings and particularly to pregnancy.... more
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      MacrobiusAncient CommentariesSomnium Scipionis
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      MythologyClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan Poetry
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      Medieval LiteratureClassical philologyCommentary TraditionsAncient Commentaries
La costitutiva natura stratificata dei commenti rende spesso poco agevole valutare quale sia lo 'strato' a cui può risalire una singola esegesi, cioè la sua origine nella serie diacronica dei commenti confluiti nel testo a noi pervenuto.... more
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      Ancient CommentariesVirgil's AeneidAsinius Pollio
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      Textual CriticismGreek PapyrologyDerveni PapyrusOrphism
Scholia corpora which reached us share a common peculiarity: they contain particularly detailed notes on the myths told by the auctores in their texts. This field of research makes clear the relationships among the commentators and the... more
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      Classical Mythologyancient commentaries on VergilAncient CommentariesServius Maurus Honoratus
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      Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityVergilVirgil
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      Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityVergilVirgil
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureCommentaries: History and TheoryLate Antiquity
Amici complici amanti: Eurialo e Niso nelle Interpretationes Vergilianae di Tiberio Claudio Donato 1 12 Ed è questa un'innovazione rispetto al modello omerico. In Hom. Il. XXIII 773-777, infatti, Aiace-che è in testa-scivola e cade perché... more
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      Late AntiquityVergilVirgilServius
Some ancient readers of Plato's Phaedo were just as sceptical of the ‘final argument’ as many modern scholars are. The exchange between one of Plato’s most notorious critics in antiquity, namely Strato of Lampsacus, and, on the defence,... more
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      PlatoNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyDeathHistory Of Platonic Tradition
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      StraboHellenistic PhilologyAncient AstronomyAncient Commentaries
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      History of Classical ScholarshipSebastiano TimpanaroVirgilServius
According to Tiberius Claudius Donatus, in the struggle between Pyrrhus and Priamus in the second book of Vergil''s Aeneid the Trojan king causes of his own will the reactions of Achilles'' son, in order to be killed by him. His main... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityVergilVirgil
Conference at the University of Leipzig, September 26-28, 2019 Organized by Ute Tischer (Leipzig), Thomas-Kuhn Treichel (Heidelberg), Stefano Poletti (Pisa) From a hermeneutical point of view, referring to the author of a text is useful... more
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      ServiusLatin Glossaries, Scholia, History of Scholarshipancient commentaries on VergilHomeric Scholia
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      AssyriologyHistory of ScienceHistory of AstronomyHistory of Astrology
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      VergilProbusThe Reception of Vergilancient commentaries on Vergil
Classiques Garnier L'Énéide dans le commentaire de l'Eunuque de Térence attribué à Aelius Donat Citations éclatées ou fragments d'intertextualités ? Type de publication: Article de collectif Collectif: Stylus : la parole dans ses formes.... more
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      VergilAeneidRencontresTerence and roman comedy
The volume under review is the second edition of a collection of seminal papers on Philoponus originally published in 1987. With a striking cover image showing a detail from a larger fresco by the Renaissance painter Sodoma and a fine... more
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyHistory of ScienceAncient ScienceLate Antiquity
Table of Contents Introduction 7 Dorota Muszytowska Qumran Pesharim as an Example of an Accommodative Commentary 9 Marek Mejor Buddhist Tradition in Quest of the Authenticity and the True Meaning of the ‘Word of the Buddha’... more
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      Medieval StudiesCommentary TraditionsOriental StudiesAncient Commentaries
Im Benaki Museum, Athen, wird unter der Inventarnummer Ms. 46, (GA 2323; Diktyon 8081) eine beeindruckende, bisher noch weitgehend unbeachtet gebliebene Handschrift verwahrt. 1 Der Codex ist aus feinem Pergament erstellt und enthält 311... more
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      New TestamentTextual CriticismManuscript StudiesByzantine Studies
A partire dall'edizione di alcune pagine del commentario di Giorgio Sofista al περὶ εὑρέσεως dello Pseudo-Ermogene, il saggio si propone di ricostruire la teoria della προκατάστασις nella tradizione retorica imperiale e tardo-antica.
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      Ancient Greek RhetoricHermogenesAncient Commentaries
Globalizing Ovid An International Conference in Commemoration of the Bimillennium of Ovid’s Death Keynote speakers: Michael von Albrecht (Universität Heidelberg)... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryIntertextualityLatin Epic
Tous les lecteurs du commentaire de Térence par Donat 1 ont été frappés par l'abondance des références virgiliennes qui s'y trouvent, au point qu'on peut se demander si le Mantouan n'intéressait finalement pas davantage que le poète... more
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      VergilAeneidTerence and roman comedyAncient Commentaries
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      Medieval And Humanistic PhilologyPlautusMarginaliaScholia
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGalenClassical philology
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      Late AntiquityVergilVirgilancient commentaries on Vergil
In the olden days, as my children used to say and as now seems more and more appropriate, when I was a graduate student, I had a conflicted relationship with commentaries on classical Greek and Latin texts. When faced with what seemed to... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)ClassicsDigital HumanitiesNatural Language Processing
Ce volume s'inscrit dans la tradition de l'étude du commentaire, de la tradition et de l'autorité, qu'il explore dans une perspective comparatiste sur une longue durée, du monde antique jusqu'à l'époque contemporaine, et dans un espace... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityMedieval StudiesCommentaries: History and TheoryTextual Criticism
How does one go from words on a page, to visual images painted on canvas, set on stage, or merely pictured in one's mind? This talk was given as the 2017 Michael C.J. Putnam Lecture at Brown University. It focuses on two of Virgil's... more
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      Augustan PoetryVergilAncient Epic and DramaThe Reception of Vergil