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Collection of contributions on the reception of ancient historiography in Early Modern Culture and Intellectual History. INDICE INTRODUZIONE I. G. Mastrorosa (Università di Firenze) Oltre ‘riscoperte’, Nachleben e ‘fortuna’:... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsRoman HistoriographyReception Studies
Il testo pubblicato nel volume costituisce la prima biografia pasoliniana degli anni 1922-1945 consolidata da ricerche in archivi sia pubblici sia privati.
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureHomosexuality and LiteratureHistory of Classical Scholarship
Ο τόμος φιλοδοξεί να προσφέρει στον αναγνώστη ένα πολύτιμο εργαλείο εμβάθυνσης στο πλατωνικό κείμενο αναπαράγοντας την ερμηνευτική έκδοση του Ι. Συκουτρή και εμπλουτίζοντάς την με στοιχεία που θα συμπληρώνουν την εικόνα για το πλατωνικό... more
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      ClassicsPlatoHistory of Classical ScholarshipPlatonism
In the last decades, pioneering studies argued that the debt owed by Vergil to the Homeric epic is not disjunct from a knowledge of the Hellenistic exegetical tradition on the part of the Latin poet. In more recent times, the same kind of... more
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      ClassicsHistory of Classical ScholarshipPindarOvid Metamorphoses
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      Greek Lyric PoetryHistory of Classical Scholarship
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    • History of Classical Scholarship
This paper sketches out a history of ancient and modern discussions on the aesthetic “imperfection” of the Iliad and the Odyssey. The views of, among others, Horace, Pseudo-Longinus, F.A. Wolf, F.W. Nietzsche will be examined, as well as... more
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      ClassicsHomerOrality-Literacy StudiesAncient Aesthetics
By courtesy of Editions Delga (Paris), I am pleased to offer to the public two chapters of a French partial translation that is actually in process, from "I classici nella storia della letteratura latina" (1994), by Luciano Canfora and... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman History
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      HistoriographyHistory of ScholarshipHistory of Classical ScholarshipHistory of Historiography
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      History of Classical ScholarshipTricksterPulcinella
Dione di Prusa, Boristenitico (Or. XXXVI), Introduzione, traduzione e commento di MICHELE DI FEBO, con un saggio introduttivo di GIULIO A. LUCCHETTA, Carabba (“Biblioteca del Leonardo. Testi e contesti” 1), Lanciano 2017, pp. 194, ISBN... more
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      Greek LiteratureSecond SophisticClassical rhetoricHistory of Political Thought
A 2011 (Nov. 18) conference for "Histoire de l'écrit à Paris au Moyen Âge" seminary, Paris (Cnrs-Irht), coorganized with Université Paris - I
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      ErasmusReformation HistoryHistory of UniversitiesCensorship (History)
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of Classical Scholarship
(N.B. solo frontespizio e abstract)
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      History of Classical ScholarshipConcetto Marchesi
Studying Aristotle’s Politics in the 15th century. Summaries and anthologies in the Greek manuscripts, in S. FARRINGTON (ed.), Enthousiasmos. Essays in Ancient Philosophy, History, and Literature. Festschrift for Eckart Schütrumpf on his... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryAristotleMedieval Studies
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureModern GreeceHistory of Classical Scholarship
Sir John Beazley, the world’s greatest scholar of Athenian figure-decorated pottery, held his first academic position at Christ Church, and the library houses rare and important books on ancient Greek art. The exhibition open in the Upper... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyHistory of ScholarshipStructuralism/Post-StructuralismHistory of Collections
One of Eldon J. Epp’s areas of expertise is the scholarly history of New Testament textual criticism. He offers an excellent overview of its different stages, including Bentley’s unfinished New Testament project. Yet, many aspects can be... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of Classical ScholarshipNew Testament Textual Criticism
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      Translation StudiesEnlightenmentAncient Geography18th Century French Literature
The article presents the biography and scientific achievements of the outstanding researcher of ancient culture, Margarete Bieber (1879-1978). At the same time, it is an example of women’s emancipatory aspirations in this region at the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyWomen's StudiesFeminismHistory of Classical Scholarship
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      Jewish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ScholarshipHistory of Classical Scholarship
This article is devoted to the treatise Esperienze intorno alla generazione degl’insetti (‘Experiments on the generation of insects’) published in 1668 by Francesco Redi. The latter is today celebrated as the first scientist to have... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of Biology
Classical Archaeology as a subject of study was established at the University of Poznań with the creation of the University itself in 1919, but as a key date in its development should be seen 30th April, 1923, when Mieczysława Sabina... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyHistoriographyHistory of higher educationHistory of Classical Scholarship
The article is concerned to Werner Jaeger’s Harvard Lecture (1958) on a few Greek conceptions of human immortality. This lecture is unique, because it shows not only difference between ideas of immortality, but also their synthesis in... more
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      HomerHistory of Classical ScholarshipImmortalityOswald Spengler
The eighteenth century was a critical period for the development of historical writing. Revolutions in archaeology, historical methodology and source criticism brought dramatic changes to our understandings of the ancient world. There... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory and Classical tradition studiesHistoriographyEighteenth-Century British History and Culture
Paper deals with the historical story of the advent of Christianity. Examines what Christianity had to offer Rome during its war with the Jews (placation of slaves & the poor, promise of life after death & "reward", making soldiers... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
Odysseus’ Scar and Erich Auerbach’s ‘Searchlight’ — Abstract The first chapter of E. Auerbach’s Mimesis (“Odysseus’ scar”) is an impressive tour de force in which the great German philologist lays out the principles and the tools of his... more
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      Comparative LiteratureClassicsHomerGreek Tragedy
25 cm. -Einheitssacht.: Le national-socialisme et l'Antiquité <dt.>. -Teilw. zugl.: Paris, Univ., Diss., 2006. -ISBN 978-3-8053-4768-6 : EUR 49.95, EUR 39.95 (für Mitgl. der Wissenschaftlichen Buchgesellschaft) [#3770]
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    • History of Classical Scholarship
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      Roman HistoryHistory of Classical ScholarshipAlexander the GreatAncient Greek History
In this paper, I reflect on the hurdles many students south of the Sahara encounter in taking a Eurocentric degree course.
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      ClassicsGhanaHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical Reception Studies
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      Latin LiteratureTextual CriticismHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical philology
Preface, Series, Brill' Companion to Classical Reception
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      Political PhilosophyClassicsHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical philology
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      German HistoryHistoriographyHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical Reception Studies
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    • History of Classical Scholarship
The occasion for this collection of papers is the centenary of the publication of "The Scholia on the Aves of Aristophanes" by John Williams White (Boston-London 1914), a book that played a seminal role in setting the debate on the... more
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      ClassicsHomerAristophanesHistory of Classical Scholarship
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      History of ScienceJohannes KeplerHistory of Classical Scholarship
From: The Blackwell Companion to Sophocles, ed. K. Ormand (Oxford 2012) 440–461
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      Intellectual HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyRenaissance Humanism
Vademecum per chi applica il metodo Ørberg o natura nei licei, ed. digitale rivista ed ampliata. N.B.: Un adattamento postumo (a. 2020) in spagnolo del medesimo vademecum è qui disponibile:... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureTeaching and Learning
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      PhilologyClassicsLatin LiteratureTranslation Studies
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      Renaissance StudiesNeo-latin literatureHistory of ScholarshipEarly Modern Intellectual History
Every other word in the epistles of Paul match those of Pliny The Younger exactly! Discovered by Abelard Reuchlin & Roman Piso.
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
Con estas tres antologías de los discursos de Cicerón, destinadas en un primer momento tanto a los alumnos del entonces Curso de Orientación Universitaria como a los de los primeros cursos de Universidad, pretendemos —tal como se señala... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryCicero
tico-testuali ai centoni virgiliani, in «Miscellanea di Studi in onore di Armando Salvatore», a c. di E. Flores-A.V. Nazzaro-L. Nicastri-G. Polara, Napoli 1992, 213-219. Più recentemente sono ritornate sul passo A. Fassina, Il "Iudicium... more
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      AristotlePoeticsHistory of Classical ScholarshipCatharsis
Anfang stellte sich die Situation für junge Wissenschaftler, die nach einer Professur strebten, nicht einfach dar. Ein anderer junger Althistoriker und Mitbewerber um eine althistorische Professur im deutschen Sprachraum, der schon früher... more
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    • History of Classical Scholarship
A set of questions to be amplified and addressed by session members.
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      PhilologyGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureRomance philology
Salomo Luria as a historian of science
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of Classical ScholarshipDemocritusHistoriography of science
Social change is caused by many issues, but none as clear as the changes brought on by technological advancement. The scientific revolution of the 19 th century introduced many new technologies which revolutionized people's lives. Through... more
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      HistoryHistory of Classical ScholarshipThe Industrial Revolution
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      ClassicsRoman ReligionAncient Mediterranean ReligionsWomen in the ancient world
Nel 1793 il domenicano Alessandro Garioni pubblicò a Milano un’edizione della Batracomiomachia corredata di traduzione letterale italiana e “parafrasi” poetica in milanese. Nell’introduzione, Garioni attribuisce con convinzione il... more
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      Greek LiteratureItalian LiteratureHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical Reception Studies
Michel'Angelo Giacomelli (1695-1774), Archbishop of Chalcedon, editor of pagan and Christian authors and friend of J.J. Winckelmann, began work in the early 1750s on an annotated verse translation of Aristophanes' Lysistrata, which was... more
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      AristophanesTranslation StudiesHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical philology