Recent papers in Orphism
Complete English translation of the article published originally in Russian (2015). Summary It is commonly believed that the epic Theogony of Epimenides of Crete derives from the corpus of pseudepigrapha... more
This paper examines the Dyonisian and Orphic symbolic and ritual iconographical aspects of a Centuripe vase from Southern Italy from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Measuring 70.5 by 34.5 centimeters, the basic form of the vase is that... more
The palimpsest manuscript Sin. ar. NF 66 is one of the treasures of the Monastery of Saint Catherine located in the Sinai Peninsula. Nowadays it consists of a few fragmentary parchment sheets, but originally it was a larger codex of ca.... more
A fascinating study on social movements, religion and behaviour in ancient greece. One may wonder what has changed in the realm of social relations over the past two thousand years...
Many of the fascinating little gold leaves which have come to light by now are characterized by a peculiar mixture of verse and rhythmical prose. The lines in rhythmical prose have a distinctly performative ring and may be divided into... more
PowerPoint presentation at the MYTH AND THE AUDIOVISUAL CREATION international conference, Madrid, 2018 ABSTRACT: Aronofsky’s Mother! (2017): The disturbing power of syncretic mythical paradigms Metka Zupančič, Professor Emerita,... more
The inseparable relationship between the cult of Dionysus and politics in antiquity emerged as early as in archaic poleis and continued to evolve until late-antique times. Surprisingly enough, most monographs dealing with Greek and Roman... more
Sinaiticus arabus NF 66 is made up of six fragmentary folia and three tiny parchment scraps. These were originally part of a codex of ca. 300 folia containing the Arabic translation of several lives of monastic Saints connected to the... more
Ce document constitue une avant-publication, dans le cadre de l'édition à venir des fragments poétiques du IIIe s. de n. è.
Pochi hanno indagato con solerzia gli intimi legami fra mitologie greche e fenomeni estatici quali lo "sciamanesimo". Gli orfici conoscevano delle "mappe" per aggirarsi nell'aldilà: erano geografie della coscienza affini ai sentieri... more
In: Revealing and Concealing in Antiquity: Textual and Archaeological Approaches to Secrecy, edited by E. Mortensen & S. G. Saxkjær, 161-178. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2015.
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
The figure of Orpheus has been a constant source of fascination, sparkling the imagination of philosophers, artists, theologians, and laypeople alike. He has been variously presented as a dubious and possibly menacing fringe character, an... more
Despite the amount of literature written on the subject of mystery cults and their relationship to death, Classical underworld scholars have yet to consider the topography of Hades. Based on the writings of Archaic Greek authors, this... more
My three-year degree thesis, which is a brief study on a possible common mythology between Greece and the Near East from the point of view of literariness. Thanks to my mentor, professor G. Avezzù.
Praca ta jest próbą znalezienia możliwych przyczyn niejedzenia mięsa w starożytności. Skupiając się i bazując na źródłach dotyczących ruchu orfickiego oraz pitagoreizmu, wymienia kilka przyczyn religijnej proweniencji, jak wiara w... more
This book deals with the Greek cure of the soul, focusing in particular on Socrates, who turned this idea into the core of his own philosophy. The first chapter offers an overlook of the different meanings of psyche from myth to Homer,... more
El objetivo de este estudio es reunir una serie de referencias literarias, epigráficas e iconográficas concernientes a la vestimenta de los iniciados y analizar sus características, implicaciones y evolución a lo largo de la historia del... more
Why must Music challenge Philosophy in Plato’s Phaedo? Apollo’s injunction in Socrates'dream, asking the philosopher to compose "demodè mousikê" instead of philosophy (the greatest of musics), means that it is impossible to control moral... more
Orphic ideas on soul transmigration: texts and comments.
The unknown author of the Derveni Papyrus tries to discover the hidden meaning of the Orphic poem he is commenting by using the method of allegory and etymology. According to his view, the names of some gods (as Cronos and Demeter) hint... more
RESUMEN: El mito del descenso de Dioniso al Hades para rescatar a su madre Sémele es narrado o mencionado por varios autores griegos y latinos desde el final del helenismo y sobre todo en la época imperial. Además, la iconografía ofrece... more
Association de psychanalystes "Antigone à Grambois" Juillet 2008 (initialement accessible sur le site www.dissonancesfreudiennes.fr) Me voici aujourd'hui invitée à parler, selon une suggestion de Jacques Félician, de la divination grecque... more
Los procesos que signaron los orígenes de la tradición occidental pertenecen a la categoría de polythrýleta, “cosas muy discutidas”. La causa de ello radica en que la experiencia griega está transida de una mutación conceptual de... more
A un secolo di distanza, questo libro volge lo sguardo a uno tra i grandi protagonisti delle avanguardie artistiche. La produzione di Léger, negli anni cruciali prima del conflitto mondiale, è setacciata in maniera capillare: non solo i... more
For the last century, scholars have discussed the existence of one or more Orphic poems about the rape and rescue of Persephone. Today, the Berlin Papyrus BKT 5. 1, pp 7-18 nº I 2, dated to the 2nd-1st B.C.E., is commonly recognized to... more
La ricchezza e la precisione delle indicazioni strumentali nell'Orfeo di Monteverdi ci mostrano un uso degli strumenti che segue da un lato gli affetti, dall'altro l'idea drammaturgica, oltre a una funzione imitativa ricca di madrigalismi... more
El presente trabajo se basa en una clasificación y comentario de todos los epítetos que recibe el dios griego Dioniso en los Himnos órficos. Este corpus hímnico se caracteriza por presentar una extensa lista de epítetos que pretende... more
Capitolo 1 del volume "L'antica natura titanica", Napoli 2016-
Entre Dioniso y Orfeo existen relaciones de diversa índole: obras órficas en que Dioniso tiene un papel importante, mitos sobre Orfeo en los que interviene el dios o coincidencias en detalles de los mitos referidos a ambos o en sus... more
Se estudia la tipología de las laminillas órficas, su función y sus posibles usos.
L'articolo esamina la presenza di immagini che rappresentano figure circolari (il ciclo, la corona) nelle lamine auree rinvenute in un contesto funerario della Magna Grecia, il cosiddetto "Timpone piccolo" nella zona della colonia di... more
In 1856 Pinder observed that the two snakes, shown on the reverses of the Cistophoric coinage, have different sexes, which provides a better understanding of these coin types. It will be argued that the knot the two snakes are forming is... more
Contrary to the hypothesis of the northern or "shamanistic" origin of the ancient Greek doctrines of the reincarnation and immortality of the soul, a completely new theory of Aegean origin is argued in this work based on the fact that all... more
Alberto Bernabé, Platón y el orfismo – Diálogos entre religión y filosofía, Madrid, Abada
Editores, 2011, 397 páginas.
Revista Synthesis, 19 (2012), pp 142-150 – FHyCE –UNLP
ISSN 0328-1205.
Alberto Bernabé, Platón y el orfismo – Diálogos entre religión y filosofía, Madrid, Abada
Editores, 2011, 397 páginas.
Revista Synthesis, 19 (2012), pp 142-150 – FHyCE –UNLP
ISSN 0328-1205.