Recent papers in Alsace-Lorraine
This article provides hitherto unpublished information about the lives of the men who translated Caspar Brulow’s plays from Latin into German. The five men, namely Isaak Fröreisen, Johann Georg Wolckenstein, Johann Christoph Stipitius,... more
Uluslararası İlişkiler literatürüne 1980'lerde giren "Demokratik Barış Teorisi", bir devletin iç egemenlik biçiminin dış politikasındaki davranışlarını belirlediği anlayışından hareket etmektedir. Buna göre iç egemenlik biçimi demokrasi... more
Between 1830 and 1914, about ten thousand Jews are reported to have immigrated to America from the regions of Alsace and Lorraine in northeastern France. However, in the past, scholars have paid little attention to this migratory stream.... more
YouTube: HAL: IMMEUBLE DE LÉON JAUSSELY, dit Hall de la Dépêche du Midi à Toulouse, 42 bis rue d’Alsace Lorraine, 15 rue Rivals, création 1926 – 1932. IMMEUBLE DE BUREAUX / DE RÉGIE DE... more
GREAT collection of 388 books on French numismatics. Rare books and works about coins, tokens and médals, royal and féodal. GRANDE collection de 388 livres sur la numismatique française. Des livres et des ouvrages rares sur les... more
Distribution électronique pour Les Belles lettres.
Lors du grand débat autour de l’Alsace-Lorraine en 1870/71 s’affrontèrent deux conceptions de la nationalité qui étaient incompatibles. L’argument de la langue a joué un rôle central notamment du côté des savants allemands (David... more
The small city of Nancy, France, is arguably the center where Art Nouveau architecture had the most lasting impact. Nancy’s Art Nouveau was a divergent form of modernity that was defined by regionalism and a distinct sense of place, which... more
Landolt 2014 : M. LANDOLT, Quelques vestiges des abris de la défense passive dans l’agglomération messine (1937-1944), Le Pays Lorrain, 95-1, mars 2014, p. 71-78.
Ernst Robert Curtius is well known as an advocate of European literature, which transcends national boundaries. Most importantly, he is recognized as a literary historian, who wrote European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages... more
Archéologie des enceintes urbaines et d e leurs abords en Lorraine et en Alsace (Xlf e-XV e s.) , p. 395-43 7 (26 e supp l. à la RAE ), © SAE 2008 424. Étu des micro-topographiques ( LAME s t) et un caro ttage à Vaudémont (SRA de... more
Cet article fait le point sur la connaissance des enceintes de hauteur de la moitié nord du massif vosgien, et en propose une étude sur la base de leur modalité d'implantation, notamment déterminées à l'aide d'analyse issus d'un SIG et... more
One of the founding fathers of the European Union, Robert Schuman embodies the most genuine spirit of European reconciliation. A convinced Christian Democrat of German education and French heart, and a profoundly committed Roman Catholic,... more
Art Nouveau design is one of the principal markers of the identity of the French city of Nancy, which became internationally renowned as one of the most important centres for the development of this artistic style around 1900. Like other... more
Kendinden önceki bütün savaşlardan farklı özellikler taşıyan, kitleselliği ve cephe önü ile gerisini birleştiren, savaşın askeri, diplomatik ve ekonomik, kültürel, ideolojik yönlerini birleştiren Büyük Savaşı savaşın 100.yılında nasıl... more
Brimming with details of inheritance disputes, commercial transactions involving Jews and non-Jews, and recourse to non-Jewish courts, the records of the Metz bet din (rabbinic court) have much to say about the status of Jewish women in... more
La SENA (Société d’études numismatiques et archéologiques)
et le Musée de La Cour d’Or – Metz Métropole coorganisent un colloque sur « Le monnayage à Metz et en Pays lorrain de l'Antiquité à nos jours » du 27 au 30 septembre 2018.
et le Musée de La Cour d’Or – Metz Métropole coorganisent un colloque sur « Le monnayage à Metz et en Pays lorrain de l'Antiquité à nos jours » du 27 au 30 septembre 2018.
Presented here to the public for the first time, the Pinkas of the Metz Beit Din is the official register of civil cases that came before the Metz rabbinic court in the two decades prior to the French Revolution. Brimming with details of... more
Kendinden önceki bütün savaşlardan farklı özellikler taşıyan, kitleselliği ve cephe önü ile gerisini birleştiren, savaşın askeri, diplomatik ve ekonomik, kültürel, ideolojik yönlerini birleştiren Büyük Savaşı savaşın 100.yılında nasıl... more
Can an act of implied rejection actually be an act of affirmation? Is it possible to remain faithful to one’s country by leaving it? In the mid to late nineteenth century, Jews left the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine in eastern France... more
FOREWORD THE War of 1914, exciting interest ia past problems as well as in a stormy present, has turned the attention of the general public to the make-up of Etiropean nations. This is the excuse for giving a large subject short shrift,... more
[…] rusticus expectat dum defluat amnis; at ille labitur et labetur in omne volubilis aevum. Horatius, Epist. I.2, 42-43 European nationalism was born on the Rhine, that great faultline dividing and linking the twin cathedrals of... more
The loss of the provinces of Alsace-Lorraine to the German Empire in the aftermath of the disastrous Franco-Prussian War in 1870-71 was a serious blow to French national pride, one which the majority of the nation's citizens tried... more
Recension des Pensées d'un soldat du général Hans von Seeckt, à la tête de l'armée allemande de 1920 à 1926. Un texte classique de l'entre-deux-guerres.
Büyük Savaşın doğu ve batı cepheleri, Gelibolu ve Alsace Lorraine hafıza mekânları. Her iki örneğin tarihsel, kültürel, özgül koşullarından doğan farklılıkları var. En büyük benzerlikler milliyetçilik alanında ortaya çıkıyor. Savaş... more
Mots Résumé La Porte des Allemands figure parmi les derniers vestiges encore en élévation de la fortification médiévale de la ville de Metz. Construite au xiii e s., sa forme actuelle résulte de transformations et d'ajouts datés... more
Art nouveau design is one of the principal markers of the identity of the French city of Nancy, which became internationally renowned as one of the most important centres for the development of this artistic style around 1900. Like other... more
Alsace - Lorraine; Fransa, Federal Almanya, Belçika, İsviçre arasında bulunmaktadır ve sınır bölgesidir. Rhine Irmağı dışında; doğuda sınırları belirsizdir. Federal Almanya ile sınır oluşturan Rhine’in yanı sıra Moselle, Saar ve İli... more
Hugo von Hofmannsthal was distinct from the other contemporary Viennese writers. Since Hofmannsthal studied Romanic Literature at the University of Vienna, he could peruse Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Provençal textes at will. In all... more
Sur YouTube : Sur HAL: Au 30 juin 2007, l’avenue-rue Alsace-Lorraine voit la fin de la circulation à double sens des bus et voitures sur trois voies depuis l’après-guerre. Une maquette... more
Presented here to the public for the first time, the Pinkas of the Metz Beit Din is the official register of civil cases that came before the Metz rabbinic court in the two decades prior to the French Revolution. Brimming with details of... more
Kendinden onceki butun savaslardan farkli ozellikler tasiyan, kitleselligi ve cephe onu ile gerisini birlestiren, savasin askeri, diplomatik ve ekonomik, kulturel, ideolojik yonlerini birlestiren Buyuk Savasi savasin 100.yilinda nasil... more
Energy resources since the industrial revolution have been paramount for both developing and developed countries. Therefore, the urgent need for and control over energy resources in order to have an advantage against rivalries have become... more