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Actors in competitive environments are bound to decide and act under conditions of uncertainty because they rarely have accurate foreknowledge of how their opponents will respond and when they will respond. Just as a competitor makes a... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
During the last decades, many cognitive architectures (CAs) have been realized adopting different assumptions about the organization and the representation of their knowledge level. Some of them (e.g. SOAR [35]) adopt a classical symbolic... more
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      RoboticsCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
The proposed transdisciplinary field of ‘complexics’ would bring together all contemporary efforts in any specific disciplines or by any researchers specifically devoted to constructing tools, procedures, models and concepts intended for... more
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      SociologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
El modelado basado en agentes es una herramienta que en las dos últimas décadas está siendo cada vez más utilizada para el estudio de sistemas complejos en distintos ámbitos de las ciencias sociales y como ayuda para la toma de... more
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      Agent Based SimulationAgent-Based Computational Economics(Multi-) Agent TechnologyAgent-based modeling
Owens and Kantabutra. “Using Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) to simulate, within the context of the Intentionally-Linked Entities (ILE) database management system, missing information: To explain self-organization and emergence in world... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
Using a Peircean theory of meaning, agency may be theorized in terms of flexibility and accountability, on the one hand, and knowledge and power, on the other. In this theory, residential agency, which is closest to notions such as... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophy of AgencyActor Network TheoryDistributed Cognition
Agent-Based Modeling is a research method that represents theories of social behavior as computer programs of a particular kind, rather than narratives (as ethnography does) or equations (as regression models do). Like existing research... more
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      SociologyPsychologyEconomicsResearch Methodology
Europe's Lost Frontiers Summary report on research 2016-2017 Europe's Lost Frontiers is a 5 year research project (2015 - 2020), funded by the European Research Council, and brings together experts from the fields of archaeology,... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyGeophysicsClimate Change
How closely integrated were the commercial centres of the Roman world? Were traders aware of supply and demand for goods in other cities, or were communities of traders in cities protectionist and working opportunistically? Widely traded... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistorySocial NetworksPottery (Archaeology)
Changes in climate, food abundance and disturbance from humans threaten the ability of species to successfully use stopover sites and migrate between non-breeding and breeding areas. To devise successful conservation strategies for... more
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      ZoologyBehavioural ScienceBehavioral SciencesOrnithology
The construction of computer models is becoming an increasingly useful and popular way of testing theories in the cognitive sciences. This paper will present a brief overview of the methods available for constructing and testing computer... more
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      ReligionHistoryCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a technique that allows us to explore how the interactions of heterogeneous individuals impact on the wider behavior of social/spatial systems. In this article, we introduce ABM and its utility for studying... more
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      Agent-based modelingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
In this article we present an advanced version of Dual-PECCS, a cognitively-inspired knowledge representation and reasoning system aimed at extending the capabilities of artificial systems in conceptual categorization tasks. It combines... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceInformation Retrieval
A review, synthesis, and extension of various theories of agency (understood as flexible and accountable causality), with a focus on its distributed nature.
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      AnthropologyPhilosophy of AgencyMarxismPragmatics
This dissertation integrates ethnographic information and computational modeling to build theory about hunter-gatherer social networks and the relationships between the characteristics of those networks and patterns of variability in... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceSocial NetworksEthnographyAgent Based Simulation
In sociology, interest in modelling has not yet become widespread. However, the methodology has been gaining increased attention in parallel with its growing popularity in economics and other social sciences, notably psychology or... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingComputational ModellingAgent Based SimulationAutomatic Language Identification
A consideration of ethnographic data, computational model results, and archaeological data suggest that changes in family-level economics coincident with subsistence intensification contributed to the emergence of social complexity among... more
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      Collective BehaviorArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyComplex Systems Science
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      Dynamical SystemsAgent Based SimulationSystem Dynamics ModelingModeling and Simulation
Research from the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego) offers a rich ethnographic and historical record produced by the late inclusion of Tierra del Fuego in the industrial world (the Beagle Channel was discovered by R. Fitz-Roy in 1830).... more
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      ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologySimulation (Computer Science)Agent Based Simulation
An ever-growing number of IBMs have been developed by modellers, who aim to aid practitioners and inform a range of issues related to conservation, natural resource management, wildlife management and human socio-economic activities. The... more
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      ManagementLandscape EcologyZoologyEnvironmental Science
Computer models of the economy are regularly used to predict economic phenomena and set financial policy. However, the conventional macroeconomic models are currently being reimagined after they failed to foresee the current economic... more
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      MacroeconomicsComplexity TheoryEcological EconomicsModeling and Simulation
The main research idea of this thesis is to develop a strategic IT investment framework using primarily military concepts as a basis. On the one side we discuss the most influencing military thinkers in Belgian Defense Carl von Clausewitz... more
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      Military IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)Enterprise ArchitectureSystems Thinking
Natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis occur all over the world, altering the physical landscape and often severely disrupting people’s daily lives. Recently researchers’ attention has focused on using crowds of volunteers to... more
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      Agent-based modelingHumanitarian Assistance and Disaster ReliefGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Formal models of past human societies informed by archaeological research have a high potential for shaping some of the most topical current debates. Agent-based models, which emphasize how actions by individuals combine to produce global... more
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      ArchaeologyDigital ArchaeologyAgent Based SimulationModeling and Simulation
The general objective of our research is to develop the complex agent-based simulation of ancient Celtic society population, food production and economics. To achieve this we proposed the agent-based agricultural model of land suitability... more
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      Agent Based SimulationAgent-based modelingAgent Based Modeling and Simulation
Agent-based models and self-organisation: addressing common criticisms and the role of agent-based modelling in urban planning While planners have long been aware that the world they act upon is complex, there is now growing interest in... more
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      Urban PlanningGovernanceAgent Based SimulationUrban And Regional Planning
Recent decades have seen great advances in ecological modelling and computing power, enabling ecologists to build increasingly detailed models to more accurately represent ecological systems. To better inform environmental... more
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      Coastal ManagementEcosystems EcologyClimate ChangeDecision Making
For about a century, until the late 1920s, killer whales (Orcinus orca) and shore-based human whalers, both Aboriginals and those of European descent, in southeastern Australia cooperated to hunt large baleen whales. As is often the case... more
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      HistoryInformation ScienceHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital Humanities
The social web has become a major repository of social and behavioral data that is of exceptional interest to the social science and humanities research community. Computer science has only recently developed various technologies and... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophyWeb 2.0
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      Artificial IntelligenceAgent-based modelingArtificial Neural Networks
Contemporary societies are often " polarized " , in the sense that subgroups within these societies hold stably opposing beliefs, even when there is a fact of the matter. Extant models of polarization do not capture the idea that some... more
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      Social NetworksSocial EpistemologyAgent-based modelingPolarization
Reservoir systems with multiple operators can benefit from coordination of operation policies. To maximize the total benefit of these systems the literature has normally used the social planner’s approach. Based on this approach operation... more
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      Game TheoryReinforcement LearningWaterOperations Research
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      Traffic SimulationAgent Based SimulationAgent-based modelingEvacuation
SHEEP (Simulating Hominin Expansion in the Early Pleistocene) is an Agent-based model (ABM) of the first Out of Africa, designed to explore the spatial pattern of Lower Palaeolithic site distribution in Europe. The SHEEP model uses a... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyComplexity TheoryPalaeolithic Archaeology
This paper advances the hypothesis that a business can be regarded as a collection of interacting rule based processes, that are analogous to a set of rule based coordinating pervasive computing agents that make up intelligent... more
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      Graph TheoryBusiness ModelingBusiness Process ManagementAgent Based Simulation
Smart grid research has tended to be compart-mentalised, with notable contributions from economics, electrical engineering and science and technology studies. However, there is an acknowledged and growing need for an integrated systems... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComplex Systems ScienceComplexity TheoryAgent Based Simulation
In this paper, we describe a novel system for learning and adapting type-2 fuzzy controllers for intelligent agents that are embedded in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (UCE). Our type-2 agents learn online in a non intrusive manner and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceUbiquitous ComputingComputational IntelligenceFuzzy Logic
Research into the processes that form the archaeological record has become an important component of archaeological practice because formation processes are a key link between the materials that archaeologists study and prehistoric... more
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      ArchaeologyAgent Based SimulationLithic TechnologyAgent-based modeling
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      Complex Systems ScienceAgent-based modeling
In this heavily annotated article the provocative thesis is submitted that there is something fundamentally wrong with Western Sinology, or 'Chinakunde', or 'Zhongguoxue' (as distinct from 'Hanxue', which is a kind of old-fashioned... more
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      Model TheoryArea StudiesAsian StudiesComputer Science
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      Social SimulationAgent-based modelingMulti-Agent Systems
The process of model building is one of the fundamental means of scientific reasoning and assessment of theoretical constructs. Most of the theoretical models in social sciences (specifically in archaeology) are formulated through the... more
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      ArchaeologyAgent Based SimulationArchaeological TheoryAgent-based modeling
As the urban population rapidly increases to the point where most of us will be living in cities by the end of this century, the need to better understand urban areas grows ever more urgent. Urban simulation modelling as a field has... more
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      TransportationAgent-based modelingCities
The research proposes and evaluates a structured approach to the development of complex multiorganizational incentive architectures for complex sustainable supply chains. It is proposed that Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), a... more
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      Management Control SystemsSupply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementComplexity Theory
In this paper I examine the epistemic function of agent-based models (ABMs) of scientific inquiry, proposed in the recent philosophical literature. In view of Boero and Squazzoni's (2005) classification of ABMs into case-based models,... more
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      Agent Based SimulationModeling and SimulationAgent-based modelingExploratory
Introducing computational modeling as the way of "doing science" in K-12 classes can greatly increase students' participation in computing.3,4 But, how can K-12 science teachers, who may have little or no programming experience, teach... more
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      Computer ScienceProgramming LanguagesEducationEducational Technology
En éste trabajo se propone la arquitectura de un Sistema Tutor Inteligente que considera el estilo de aprendizaje del alumno y la Educación Basada en Competencias, integrando un agente inteligente para la selección de las estrategias de... more
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      MOODLELearning StylesIntelligent Tutoring SystemsAgent-based modeling
Cities are complex systems, comprising of many interacting parts. How we simulate and understand causality in urban systems is continually evolving. Over the last decade the agent-based modeling (ABM) paradigm has provided a new lens for... more
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      Agent Based SimulationAgent-based modelingCitiesBig Data
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      Agent-based modelingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)