Traffic Simulation
Recent papers in Traffic Simulation
Congestion is everywhere. It arises in human activities of all kinds, and its consequences are usually negative. Peak demands for goods and services often exceed the rate at which that demand can be met, creating delay. That delay can... more
Traffic congestion has become a great challenge and a large burden on both the governments and the citizens in vastly populated cities. The main problem, originally initiated by several factors, continues to threaten the stability of... more
The first step has been taken in the effort to develop a microscopic simulation model of mixed motor vehicle and bicycle traffic over an entire network. The primary objective was to develop the main algorithm of BICycle SIMulator and... more
Now a day's traffic congestion issues in Chittagong city is becoming worse day by day. This happens due to the slow-moving vehicles, occupied footpath, unauthorized car and bus/truck lay over, traditional traffic signal timings Government... more
Streszczenie: Praca opisuje pomysł na system zarządzania ruchem pojazdów w dużej skali (np. miasta wielkości Warszawy i większe) bazujący na zastosowaniu symulacji komputerowej w modelu mikroskopowym, metaheurystyk (np. algorytmów... more
Large-scale network simulation is widely used to facilitate development, testing and validation of new and existing network technologies. To ensure a high-fidelity experimental environment, we often need to embed real devices and have the... more
Detailed specifications of urban traffic from different perspectives and scales are crucial for understanding and predicting traffic situations from the view of an autonomous vehicle (AV). We suggest a data-driven specification scheme for... more
—Adaptive traffic control system is the latest generation of traffic control systems that operates, manages and control the signalized intersections with/without coordination. ATAK is one of the adaptive traffic control system that is... more
We built a multiagent simulation of urban traffic to model both ordinary traffic and emergency or crisis mode traffic. This simulation first builds a modeled road network based on detailed geographical information. On this network, the... more
As no exact model of traffic flow exists due to its high complexity and chaotic organisation, researchers mainly try to predict traffic using simulations. Within this field, many simulation packages exist and differ in their software... more
Rechtlichen Anforderungen an automatisiertes Fahren basieren unter anderem auf dem Wiener Übereinkommen über den Straßenverkehr von 1968, das einen Rechtsrahmen für nationale Straßenverkehrsgesetze vorgibt. In Deutschland erfolgte mit... more
Recent air quality studies have highlighted that important differences in pollutant concentrations can occur over the day and between different locations. Traditional exposure analyses, however, assume that people are only exposed to... more
This paper presents an overview of the concept and features of the CORSIM traffic simulation program and the TSIS package that provides an integrated, user-friendly interface and environment for executing CORSIM. The new functions and... more
English summary: An area of action analysis for 13 jointly selected application cases has been performed in order to evaluate the efficiency of simTD systems with direct influence on safety of road traffic concerning accident scenarios... more
Traffic congestion is an important socioeconomic problem that swelled in the last few decades. It affects the social mobility of people, length of trips, quality of life, and the economy of countries. As a major problem in most countries,... more
The primary objectives of this study are to develop two roundabout entry capacity models using a regression-based multiple non-linear regression model (MNLR) and artificial intelligence (AI)-based ANFIS (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference... more
Este artículo encuentra su origen en el marco del desarrollo de un modelo estratégico de transporte y usos del suelo (modelo LUTI) para Bogotá y su región, desarrollado por el Grupo de Estudios en Sostenibilidad Urbana y Regional (SUR) de... more
This paper reviews a recent RedfishGroup project for the City of Santa Fe Fire and Police Department integrating wildfire simulation and agent-based modeling of traffic dynamics. Visualizations of the evacuation dynamics were used to... more
Traffic simulators have great advantages in tactical and operational planning and the analyzes produced by the simulators allow to evaluate a series of possible scenarios in a virtual environment, thus avoiding the expenditure of economic... more
Traffic control (TC) is a challenging problem in today’s modern society. This is due to several factors including the huge number of vehicles, the high dynamics of the system, and the nonlinear behavior exhibited by the different... more
In 2010, an inner city tramline (Spårväg City linje 7) was introduced in Stockholm city connecting the Central Square, Sergel torgs to Djurgården, an island southeast of the city center. This was the first inner city tram since 1967.... more
The primary objectives of this study are to develop the two roundabout entry capacity model by utilizing regression based Multiple Non-linear Regression model (MNLR) and artificial intelligence based ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference... more
The purpose of this research is to develop an empirical model for total delay time prediction at roundabouts as a function of influence traffic and geometric features. Four roundabouts of fifteen approaches with different characteristics... more
This paper discusses how Traffic Circulation Plan (TCP) in City of Groningen has been developed during the times and to study the effects and amendments of that plan in the City and inhabitants. Trying to cover recent traffic challenges... more
Over the last century the number of vehicles engaged in the road traffic have been increasing rapidly. Traffic congestion and traffic jams became a serious problem, especially in big agglomerations. Various concepts are being applied to... more
Lane closures during paving operations on rural two-lane roads usually restrict the continuity of paving operations, causing delay in paving time and thus affecting the production rates. This paper presents a simulation model that was... more
This study investigates the relationship and effect of geometric variables such as curve radius (Horizontal and vertical), road width, median width, shoulder width and super-elevation on the frequency of accident in highways. Accident... more
Road design/Verkehrsplanung/Specifikimi teknik
University i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
University i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
Intersections are critical places which experience high levels of accidents due to the availability of vehicle movements from different directions. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that significantly contribute to... more
Innovative air traffic management concepts can be effectively evaluated using fast-time computer simulations, which require air traffic control models. This paper presents a literature survey of the state-of-the-art in air traffic... more
Traffic flow theories seek to describe in a precise mathematical way the interactions between the vehicles and their operators (the mobile components) and the infrastructure (the immobile component). The latter consists of the highway... more
Universiteti i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
Indonesia merupakan Negara berkembang yang memiliki jumlah penduduk dan potensi keanekaragaman yang tinggi. Perguruan tinggi sebagai salah satu institusi sentral dalam pembangunan Indonesia, secara terus menerus dihadapkan kepada berbagai... more
TIGA 1. LATAR BELAKANG Pada umumnya, tujuan dari dibuatnya proyek ini adalah untuk membuat suatu rangkaian logika yang menciptakan sesuatu yang berguna. Untuk menampakkan hasil, proyek ini akan mensimulasikan suatu kondisi Traffic Ligft... more
Abstract: The increase to the number of registered motorcycles in Vietnam is partly blamed for the serious traffic congestion in its main cities. Motorcycles share to its two main cities, i.e. Hanoi and Hochiminh, is 90 % of the total... more
We propose that features of static visuals can lead to perceived movement (via dynamic imagery) and prepare the observer for action. We operationalize our research within the context of warning sign icons and show how subtle differences... more
Traffic congestion has become a major concern for many cities throughout the world. Simulations provide useful tools for engineer to plan traffic systems and government to make decisions. This seminar work will study some existing... more