Acehnese history
Most downloaded papers in Acehnese history
"This book offers annotated translations of documents touching on Dutch admiral Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge and his voyage to Asia between 1605 and 1608. These translations are aimed at a contemporary English-speaking Asian readership... more
The Singapore and Melaka Straits are a place where regional and long-distance maritime trading networks converge, linking Europe, the Mediterranean, eastern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent with key centres of... more
The nineteenth century witnessed the emergence of new patterns of interaction between the Ottoman Empire and other parts of the Islamic world. This development became, especially during the latter part of the century, an important issue... more
This chapter analyses the neo-Sufi challenge by Abuya Shaykh Amran Waly and the Majelis Pengkajian Tauhid Tasawuf (MPTT), which I call the Tauhid Tasawuf movement, to official shariatisation by the state and shariatism in general.... more
Aceh dan Fathani (Pattani) memiliki hubungan sejarah yang panjang dan dinamis. Keduanya memiliki persamaan dan kekhassan, terutama dalam bidang keagamaan dan spiritualitas. Antara Aceh dan Fathani memiliki kesamaan visi untuk memajukan... more
Table of contents shown here; book can be ordered from Oxford University Press.
In: Mapping the Acehnese past, ed. R. Michael Feener, Patrick Daly & Anthony Reid. Leiden: KITLV, 2011, pp.105-139, 241-257.
This translation is for reading purpose only. For a quotation, please refer to the published book, Fathurahman, Tafsir Wahdatul Wujud bagi Muslim Nusantara (Bandung-Jakarta: Mizan-EFEO, 2012).
Syaikh Syamsuddin ibn Abdullah as-Sumatrani dikenal dengan nama Syamsuddin as-Sumatrani atau Syamsuddin Pasai. Syamsuddin as-Sumatrani hidup di Aceh antara akhir abad ke-16 sampai pertengahan abad ke-17 pada masa Sultan Iskandar Muda (w.... more
Tulisan ini bertujuan memetakan aliran sesat di Aceh secara tekstual dan kontekstual sesuai periodisasi paham keagamaan yang berkembang melalui karya Nuruddin Ar-aniry yang berjudul Tibyan fi Ma„rifat al-Adyan (TMA). Naskah ini ditulis... more
Oleh Panitia, saya diminta untuk mengisi topik mengenai toleransi di Aceh dengan kacamata sosial budaya. Topik ini agak berat, terutama saat mendiskusikan konsep-konsep keilmuan yang bukan berasal dari tradisi intelektual Aceh. Istilah... more
The enforcement of Sharia in Aceh has a different side, a side to – Indonesiaan, i.e. the enforcement of Sharia in Aceh aimed to prevent Acehnese not to secede from the State Union of Republic of Indonesia. From this side we can see that... more
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake is an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred, with an epicentre off the west coast of Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman... more
Terjemahan dari artikel berjudul: LASHING IN QANUN ACEH AND THE CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL Dalam Syariat Islam, dikenal hukuman cambuk untuk sebagian bentuk pemidanaan, dan oleh sebagian pihak hal ini dianggap... more
The essays in this volume provide a new perspective on the history of convicts and penal colonies. They demonstrate that the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were a critical period in the reconfiguration of empires, imperial... more
“The conquest of Atjeh would give the Spanish-Portuguese Crown the economic resources where with to destroy not only ‘the Heresiarchs and their followers’, but to recover all Christian territory lost to the Muslims (including Jerusalem),... more
This is the edited version of an Arabic Sufi treatise by the Acehnese scholar, Shaykh Abdurrauf ibn ‘Ali al-Jawi al-Fansuri (1615-1693) entitled Tanbih al-mashi al-mansub ila tariq al-Qushashi [Direction for the traveller of the... more
This article discusses the early modern Acehnese epic tradition to demonstrate the emergence of an individualized Muslim ethics. From the late seventeenth century onwards, a protracted decline of Acehnese royal power initiated a process... more
This report examines factions within the former rebel movement GAM and its political party, Partai Aceh. It notes how the old diaspora elite is losing influence, with control over resources and institutions mattering more than closeness... more
This book provides primary sources of the Shaṭṭārīyah silsilah in Southeast Asia as developed in Aceh, Java, and Mindanao. It examines the networks of the Order between the 17th and 19th centuries, arguably the most important formative... more
This article investigates the ways in which the Dutch colonial state dealt with a phenomenon known as the Atjeh-moorden (‘Aceh murders’), the persistent suicide-attacks directed at the lives of Dutch residents, committed by Acehnese... more
Sultan Aceh ‘Alauddin Muhammad Syah (1206 H/ 1791 M) harus bekerja keras dalam penanganan krisis pangan, khususnya sektor pertanian (padi). Pada periodenya tersebut telah terjadi hama tikus yang menyerang pertanian Aceh secara... more
1. Makalah ini merupakan pengembangan dari ide yang pernah digagas oleh penulis dalam salah satu harian surat kabar di Banda Aceh tentang Menggagas Paradigma Keilmuan UIN Ar-Raniry. 2 Ihwal perubahan IAIN Ar-Raniry ke UIN Ar-Raniry... more
Phobia and prejudice toward Islam in America and Europe are contributed by a small particular group that name their violence and movement on behalf of Islam. In fact, Islam is a religion that calls for peace and harmony. But these... more
This paper describes a figure called Farid Husain who actively involves in the effort towards the peace of Aceh. This figure is believed to be very successful in playing his role upon searching for peace in Aceh, that he could bring peace... more
Although Indonesia is not an Islamic state, it uniquely granted the province of Aceh permission to officially implement sharia law in 2001. This was an effort to win over the Aceh people, who are known to be deeply religious Muslims,... more
Tahun 2004 menjadi titik balik Aceh berbenah dan bangkit dari keterpurukan. Sebagai daerah kaya potensi alam dan warisan sejarah dan budaya masa lampau, Aceh bergulir dalam beragam cuaca politik dan kebijakan, mulai dari periode... more
This paper traces the history of "Adat" (custom) as it emerged as an anthropological and legal category in the Dutch East Indies through the work of two of the Netherlands' most prominent colonial scholars: Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje and... more
The religious polemics of seventeenth-century Aceh are usually presented as an indication of the high level of Islamic scholarship in this period. On the evidence of unpublished manuscripts, we will, on the contrary, defend the idea that... more
This article presents a study of the Acehnese religious identity in responding to the issues of sharî'ah application in the province, Chirstian mission, deviant sects, and Western hegemony. These themes somehowe play a role in defining... more