3 Adımda Yaratıcı-Etkili Okuma


STUDENT MATERIALS WORLD HISTORY PROJECT THREE CLOSE READS Name: Date: Directions: Before you read, look at the “Pay Attention to” and “Questions” columns. Write your answers in the third column. Article Title: Era/Unit #: Article Author: Lesson #: Overall question or idea to think about as you read: Reading 1: Skimming for Gist This will be your quickest read. It should help you get the general idea of what the article or essay will be about. Pay attention to ... Questions Title and headings What is this article going to be about? Images, image captions, graphs, tables How do these add to your idea of what the article is going to be about? Your answers S-1 STUDENT MATERIALS WORLD HISTORY PROJECT THREE CLOSE READS Name: Date: Reading 2: Understanding Content In this read, you will pay attention to the information that most helps you understand the article. Pay attention to ... Questions Vocab Are there words you don’t understand or recognize? Write those words here, and then annotate the text with a definition or synonym of each word. Or, as an alternative, add them to your vocab tracker. Major claim and key details What is the main idea of this article (that is, what is the major claim or thesis statement)? Your answers In addition to the major claim, what do you think are the three most important details from this article? Explain these key points on the right. Alternatively, your teacher may give you a more specific set of questions to answer about the main details. Analysis and evidence What evidence does the author use to support and extend the main idea or major claim? Provide two to three examples. S-2 STUDENT MATERIALS WORLD HISTORY PROJECT THREE CLOSE READS Name: Date: Reading 3: Evaluating and Corroborating The third reading is really about understanding how the article relates to the idea or question you thought about as you read. Pay attention to ... Questions Overall argument In what ways were the author’s arguments logical and credible? Support What facts or ideas from this article confirmed what you already knew about world history or the era question? Your answers S-3 STUDENT MATERIALS WORLD HISTORY PROJECT THREE CLOSE READS Name: Extend In what ways did this article deepen your thinking about a topic or topics in world history? This article added to my understanding of … by… Challenge How did this article change or challenge your thinking about a topic or topics in world history? At first, I thought… Now, I think… Or: My thinking on… changed when… Date: S-4