Teachers often realize that the main cause of learning problems concerning students is a very bad... more Teachers often realize that the main cause of learning problems concerning students is a very bad reading literacy. It can be found out that the majority of students have problems reading; they often avoid textual exercises or read them slowly and confront with the problem of not understanding the text they have read. Reading literacy has been dealt with very often lately. Slovenia as a country takes part in some international projects and researches, trying to develop, improve and measure reading literacy. The following article is written to present the results of the 2009 PISA study on reading literacy, milestones for reading at the end of the third three-year cycle, the level of comprehension in reading and our findings on the functional literacy of elementary school pupils of one of Slovenian schools in teaching technical subjects. Key words: functional literacy, reading and learning strategies, technical science and technology, reading comprehension.
Literacy, in particular functional literacy in various fields and especially in the field of STEM... more Literacy, in particular functional literacy in various fields and especially in the field of STEM, is becoming an increasing problem in modern-day society. The question arises, can the school system develop the kind of functional literacy in students, which allows them to fulfil, in real life, their personal and professional needs related to the competence of reading and creating written texts from the field of science, technology and engineering? The present research aimed to explore how students in today's schools are trained in functional literacy, especially in the fields of technology and engineering, and what kind of literacies in the field of STEM they are able to (or should be able to) master competently. The present research showed that students achieve relatively poor results in the area of functional literacy, both regarding their science literacy, and especially their technology and engineering literacy, which is a result of a lack of competence on behalf of mother-t...
V clanku predstavljam projektno ucno delo, sodelovalno in raziskovalno ucenje pri predmetu tehnik... more V clanku predstavljam projektno ucno delo, sodelovalno in raziskovalno ucenje pri predmetu tehnika in tehnologija. Opisani pristopi k poucevanju pri ucencih razvijajo tehnicno ustvarjalnost, domisljijo, cut za skupinsko delo, vztrajnost, natancnost, likovno ustvarjalnost in cut za igro. Projektno ucno delo vnasa v solsko prakso nacin dela, ki ucencem in uciteljem omogoca bolj ustvarjalno in sprosceno okolje, cesar primanjkuje v nasi osnovni soli. S tem se otrok vsestransko razvija, torej uporablja um, telo, custva in duso.
Pismenost, se posebej funkcionalna pismenost postaja v sodobni družbi vse bolj pomembna. Ob tem p... more Pismenost, se posebej funkcionalna pismenost postaja v sodobni družbi vse bolj pomembna. Ob tem pa postaja tudi vse vecji problem. Danes, ko smo vse bolj odvisni od tehnologij in ko se te vse hitreje spreminjajo, se moramo z njimi seznaniti in jih usvojiti v cim krajsem casu. V okviru pouka tehnike in tehnologije v osnovni soli in razlicnih inženirskih predmetih v nadaljnem izobraževanju to pomeni sporazumevanje, branje in pisanje o problemih tehnike ter ucenje ucenja o tehniki in tehnologiji. V nalogi je posebej poudarjeno usvajanje bralnih strategij, ki se razvija (funkcionalizira) v zmožnost ucenja o tehniki, saj poznavanje bralnih ucnih strategij omogoca ucencu, da z branjem usvoji informacije in jih nato zna glede na namen tudi ucinkovito uporabiti. Ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti, pridobljene ob studiju literature, smo v najvecji meri poskusali odpraviti s sodobnimi didakticnimi metodami, s katerimi smo želeli ucence nauciti uporabljati razlicne studijske strategije, s pomocjo kat...
Science, technology and engineering functional literacy should be developed purposely in the scho... more Science, technology and engineering functional literacy should be developed purposely in the school system-like any other competence, it does not develop spontaneously. For this purpose, a didactic model, the Metacognitive Model for Developing Science, Technology and Engineering Literacy (McM_T&E), was developed. Apart from acquiring knowledge and skills from the field of technology and engineering, the McM_T&E is equally focused on developing functional literacy in the field of technology and engineering, as well as in the field of science, through the development of students' metacognitive knowledge about reading strategies for reading STE explicatory texts and for reading manufacturing instructions. The McM_T&E was implemented in a Technology and Technique' (T&T) class, grade six, in Slovenia. Results show that focusing on science, technology and engineering literacy in Technology and Engineering classes by using the McM_T&E model increases the students' science, technology, and engineering functional literacy, which is a fundamental competence in the 21st century.
Teachers often realize that the main cause of learning problems concerning students is a very bad... more Teachers often realize that the main cause of learning problems concerning students is a very bad reading literacy. It can be found out that the majority of students have problems reading; they often avoid textual exercises or read them slowly and confront with the problem of not understanding the text they have read. Reading literacy has been dealt with very often lately. Slovenia as a country takes part in some international projects and researches, trying to develop, improve and measure reading literacy. The following article is written to present the results of the 2009 PISA study on reading literacy, milestones for reading at the end of the third three-year cycle, the level of comprehension in reading and our findings on the functional literacy of elementary school pupils of one of Slovenian schools in teaching technical subjects. Key words: functional literacy, reading and learning strategies, technical science and technology, reading comprehension.
Literacy, in particular functional literacy in various fields and especially in the field of STEM... more Literacy, in particular functional literacy in various fields and especially in the field of STEM, is becoming an increasing problem in modern-day society. The question arises, can the school system develop the kind of functional literacy in students, which allows them to fulfil, in real life, their personal and professional needs related to the competence of reading and creating written texts from the field of science, technology and engineering? The present research aimed to explore how students in today's schools are trained in functional literacy, especially in the fields of technology and engineering, and what kind of literacies in the field of STEM they are able to (or should be able to) master competently. The present research showed that students achieve relatively poor results in the area of functional literacy, both regarding their science literacy, and especially their technology and engineering literacy, which is a result of a lack of competence on behalf of mother-t...
V clanku predstavljam projektno ucno delo, sodelovalno in raziskovalno ucenje pri predmetu tehnik... more V clanku predstavljam projektno ucno delo, sodelovalno in raziskovalno ucenje pri predmetu tehnika in tehnologija. Opisani pristopi k poucevanju pri ucencih razvijajo tehnicno ustvarjalnost, domisljijo, cut za skupinsko delo, vztrajnost, natancnost, likovno ustvarjalnost in cut za igro. Projektno ucno delo vnasa v solsko prakso nacin dela, ki ucencem in uciteljem omogoca bolj ustvarjalno in sprosceno okolje, cesar primanjkuje v nasi osnovni soli. S tem se otrok vsestransko razvija, torej uporablja um, telo, custva in duso.
Pismenost, se posebej funkcionalna pismenost postaja v sodobni družbi vse bolj pomembna. Ob tem p... more Pismenost, se posebej funkcionalna pismenost postaja v sodobni družbi vse bolj pomembna. Ob tem pa postaja tudi vse vecji problem. Danes, ko smo vse bolj odvisni od tehnologij in ko se te vse hitreje spreminjajo, se moramo z njimi seznaniti in jih usvojiti v cim krajsem casu. V okviru pouka tehnike in tehnologije v osnovni soli in razlicnih inženirskih predmetih v nadaljnem izobraževanju to pomeni sporazumevanje, branje in pisanje o problemih tehnike ter ucenje ucenja o tehniki in tehnologiji. V nalogi je posebej poudarjeno usvajanje bralnih strategij, ki se razvija (funkcionalizira) v zmožnost ucenja o tehniki, saj poznavanje bralnih ucnih strategij omogoca ucencu, da z branjem usvoji informacije in jih nato zna glede na namen tudi ucinkovito uporabiti. Ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti, pridobljene ob studiju literature, smo v najvecji meri poskusali odpraviti s sodobnimi didakticnimi metodami, s katerimi smo želeli ucence nauciti uporabljati razlicne studijske strategije, s pomocjo kat...
Science, technology and engineering functional literacy should be developed purposely in the scho... more Science, technology and engineering functional literacy should be developed purposely in the school system-like any other competence, it does not develop spontaneously. For this purpose, a didactic model, the Metacognitive Model for Developing Science, Technology and Engineering Literacy (McM_T&E), was developed. Apart from acquiring knowledge and skills from the field of technology and engineering, the McM_T&E is equally focused on developing functional literacy in the field of technology and engineering, as well as in the field of science, through the development of students' metacognitive knowledge about reading strategies for reading STE explicatory texts and for reading manufacturing instructions. The McM_T&E was implemented in a Technology and Technique' (T&T) class, grade six, in Slovenia. Results show that focusing on science, technology and engineering literacy in Technology and Engineering classes by using the McM_T&E model increases the students' science, technology, and engineering functional literacy, which is a fundamental competence in the 21st century.
Papers by Zvonka Cencelj