International journal of academic research in progressive education and development, Dec 13, 2022
Augmented reality technology or better known as Augmented Reality (AR) has been widely used in va... more Augmented reality technology or better known as Augmented Reality (AR) has been widely used in various fields, especially in the world of education. The AR technology combines the virtual world and reality where it uses an interesting rendering technique for displaying three-dimensional objects, animation, audio, and video by simply scanning the smartphone camera towards a specific image that has been designed. This situation has caused many researchers to study foreign language teaching. However, not many researchers have tried to compile and do a systematic literature review on the same issue. To overcome this shortcoming, this article aims to write a systematic literature review on previous studies related to the study of foreign language teaching from the perspective of augmented reality. The process of writing this SLR refers to the PRISMA writing standard (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta Analysis). In order to find articles and related resources to be included in this SLR, two main databases namely Science Direct and Google Scholar were used. Based on the theme analysis, this SLR has three main themes which are knowledge, readiness, and perspective. By referring to this SLR, AR technology can have an impact on teachers to be fully integrated in foreign language teaching. This study suggests to future researchers to conduct a better systematic literature review in a wider scope, for example more diverse journal databases and more significant research questions.

International Journal of Advanced Research
In this booming era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the issue of teachers willingness to use in... more In this booming era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the issue of teachers willingness to use information technology in teaching Arabic is often debated. The emergence of new technologies, such as augmented reality technology applied in the education system, has had a positive effect on teaching. However, there is still a lack of research in the context of teaching a foreign language. Therefore, this study discusses the readiness of teachers from the aspect of their knowledge towards the use of augmented reality technology in teaching Arabic in primary schools. In addition, this study uses a quantitative study in the form of a survey method involving a total of 36 Arabic language teachers who were used as respondents in this study. The use of a set of questionnaires as a research instrument is the basis for data collection to identify their level of knowledge readiness. The data from this study were processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 26 (SPSS). T...

International Journal of Advanced Research
Knowledge of productive vocabulary is something critical in learning Arabic in Malaysia. A precis... more Knowledge of productive vocabulary is something critical in learning Arabic in Malaysia. A precise measurement tool is needed in order to know the level of students knowledge of productive Arabic vocabulary.Therefore, this research aims to validate the Arabic Productive Vocabulary Knowledge instrument at the IPT level (i-PVKA IPT). Through a quantitative approach, this test was distributed to 40 final year students of Selangor International Islamic University College (KUIS) and Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah International Islamic University (UniSHAMS) who are studying the Arabic language program.Next, the data were analyzed usingthe Rasch Measurement Model with the help of Winsteps version 5.2. The findings recorded a high item reliability index, which is at 0.86 and item separation index at 2.46.The noise level found is at 8.3% which is far from the ceiling value of 15%.Meanwhile, only seven items were found to be out of the mean square fit range, and those items were retained and...

2020 16th IEEE International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA)
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) defined that alcohol is a contributing factor t... more International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) defined that alcohol is a contributing factor that caused catastrophic health problems and the environment. Even 0.05% of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the human body could affect the gait of a person. Thus, this research aims to develop a recognition technique to identify drunken humans by their gait using an accelerometer and the gyroscope sensors. The abnormal gait detection of a drunk person is important for the early recognition of a drunk person to avoid bad incidents to occur. For the collection of the data, the sensor was placed on the right leg of the volunteer. The gait data were recorded before and after the volunteer consumes alcohol. The Deep Neural Network algorithms were implemented in this model to predict either the person drunk or normal. The objectives of this research were successfully achieved by capturing the people's gait walking patterns. The collection of data and identification of the best algorithms used in detecting the behavior of the person also achieved. From this, we can conclude that this study using the Deep Neural Network algorithm fits well on the test data by achieving approximately 79% of the accuracy.
Asia Pacific Online Journal of Arabic Studies, Aug 2, 2021

Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 2021
Kolokasi merupakan aspek bahasa yang ditemui oleh semua bahasa dan merupakan gandingan dua patah ... more Kolokasi merupakan aspek bahasa yang ditemui oleh semua bahasa dan merupakan gandingan dua patah perkataan (leksikal) atau lebih yang membawa maksud baru dan berbeza daripada maksud bagi perkataan tunggal (asal). Pelajar yang memiliki tahap penguasaan kolokasi yang tinggi diiktiraf sebagai individu yang mencapai tahap kompeten dalam komunikasi dan memiliki kefasihan yang tinggi. Kajian tinjauan ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan kolokasi Bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar university awam. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantittaif yang berbentuk tinjauan (cross-sectional) yang melibatkan seramai 344 responden daripada kalangan pelajar tahun akhir dari lapan buah universiti awam di Malaysia. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis secara dekskriptif menggunakan perisian SPSS. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap pengetahuan kolokasi Bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar universiti awam adalah masih di tahap yang rendah. Situasi ini menunjukkan bahawa kelemahan ini adalah diseb...

Kolokasi merupakan aspek yang penting dan perlu diberi perhatian dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. ... more Kolokasi merupakan aspek yang penting dan perlu diberi perhatian dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Untuk mengetahui tahap pengetahuan kolokasi dalam bahasa Arab memerlukan alat ukur yang jitu dari segi kesahan konstruk dan kebolehpercayaan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengesahkan instrumen bagi mengukur tahap pengetahuan kolokasi bahasa Arab dalam kalangan graduan bahasa Arab di universiti awam. Untuk tujuan tersebut, set ujian telah diedarkan kepada pelajar tahun akhir yang sedang mengikuti program pengajian bahasa Arab di KUIS. Instrumen yang dibangunkan ini diberi nama instrumen Pengetahuan Kolokasi Bahasa Arab (i-KAC). Seramai 61 orang pelajar awam telah dijadikan responden dalam kajian ini. Kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan dalam kajian ini diukur menggunakan Model Pengukuran Rasch menggunakan perisian Winstep versi 3.68.2. Tahap noise yang diukur adalah sebanyak 4.9% dan jauh daripada nilai terkawal maksima iaitu sebanyak 15%, namun tiada pasangan item yang mengelirukan timbul dalam s...

Issues in Language Studies, 2021
Saiz dan kedalaman kosa kata merupakan dua disiplin ilmu yang mempunyai perkaitan. Keterbatasan k... more Saiz dan kedalaman kosa kata merupakan dua disiplin ilmu yang mempunyai perkaitan. Keterbatasan kosa kata adalah antara punca kegagalan pelajar menguasai teks bacaan, berkomunikasi dan menghasilkan penulisan yang baik. Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji hubungan antara saiz kosa kata dan pengetahuan kolokasi bahasa Arab. Dua set ujian iaitu; ujian saiz kosa kata dan ujian kolokasi bahasa Arab telah diedarkan kepada pelajar tingkatan enam yang mengambil subjek bahasa Arab di sekolah menengah agama di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan persampelan bertujuan dengan memilih seramai 150 orang pelajar yang sedang mengikuti kurikulum Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) dari empat buah Sekolah Agama Bantuan Kerajaan (SABK) di Perak. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan hubungan antara saiz kosa kata dan pengetahuan kolokasi bahasa Arab berkorelasi secara signifikan (r = .76, p < .01) bahkan perhubungan positif yang kuat. Namun, hasil nilai varians r² membuktikan bahawa hanya 57.7 peratus corak peningkatan...

Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 2020
The aim of this study is to measure the level of engagement among the Arabic students' of public ... more The aim of this study is to measure the level of engagement among the Arabic students' of public universities. As such, two engagement dimensions were analysed: (a) inside the classroom and (b) outside the classroom. In this study, a total of 344 Arabic students were employed as respondents due to the nature of the study, which is crosssectional involving final year Arabic students from eight public universities. In order to achieve the aim of this study, a simple random sampling method was used in line with the sampling frame. IBM SPSS version 19.0 was used to analyse the data of this study descriptively, such as the mean, standard deviation, and percentage respectively. The findings showed that the engagement of graduates to study the Arabic in the classroom is at moderate level, and followed by lower level outside the classroom. Overall, it was discovered that the engagement of Arabic students at the Malaysian public university level is still moderate and as such the authorities need to take initiative to improve this situation. Thus, the students have to maximise their engagement inside the classroom and outside the classroom at the university. This is assumed to indirectly contribute to higher achievement in the Arabic as well as to produce competent Arabic graduates.
Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 2019
Sahrim. (2018). Tahap motivasi holistik, intrinsik dan ekstrinsik terhadap pembelajaran kosa kata... more Sahrim. (2018). Tahap motivasi holistik, intrinsik dan ekstrinsik terhadap pembelajaran kosa kata bahasa Arab dalam kalangan graduan universiti awam.

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, 2019
Strategi pembelajaran kolokasi merupakan strategi yang dipandang sepi dalam kurikulum bahasa Arab... more Strategi pembelajaran kolokasi merupakan strategi yang dipandang sepi dalam kurikulum bahasa Arab, namun para sarjana mengakui bahawa ia adalah strategi dominan yang digunakan dalam kalangan pelajar bahasa asing yang mempunyai keupayaan di tahap sederhana. Kajian ini meninjau tahap penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kolokasi bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar bahasa Arab di universiti awam Malaysia. Untuk tujuan itu, satu set soal selidik jenis skala Likert telah diedarkan kepada pelajar bahasa Arab yang sedang mengikuti pengajian di universiti awam dan sudah berada pada tahun akhir pengajian. Kajian ini menggunakan pensampelan rawak mudah. Seramai 344 orang pelajar daripada lapan buah universiti awam menyertai kajian ini. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa strategi pembelajaran kolokasi dalam bahasa Arab adalah dominan walaupun berada pada skala penggunaan yang sederhana. Kajian ini mencadangkan strategi pembelajaran kolokasi bahasa Arab yang baru berdasarkan substrategi pengecaman, masteri teknik (kefahaman, pengulangan, penonjolan, kamus, sosial dan imejan) serta aplikasi. Selain dari itu, dapatan kajian ini juga menunjukkan bahawa strategi pembelajaran kolokasi perlu dimanfaatkan oleh pelajar terutamanya dalam memainkan peranan autonomi bagi meningkatkan kompetensi dalam penggunaan bahasa Arab terutamanya aspek kolokasi.

Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 2018
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengesahkan dan memeriksa kebolehpercayaan instrumen strategi pembelaj... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengesahkan dan memeriksa kebolehpercayaan instrumen strategi pembelajaran kolokasi bahasa Arab. Seramai 5 orang panel pakar telah terlibat bagi mengesahkan instrumen ini. Untuk tujuan tersebut, soal selidik telah diedarkan kepada 61 pelajar tahun akhir yang sedang mengikuti program pengajian bahasa Arab di universiti awam sebagai responden dalam kajian ini. Perisian Winsteps Version telah digunakan untuk pemeriksaan ke fungsian item dari aspek kebolehpercayaan dan pengasingan item-responden, polariti dan kesesuaian item mengukur konstruk serta nilai korelasi residual terpiawai. Ia juga membenarkan penyingkiran atau pemurnian item berdasarkan polariti item, kesesuaian item dan menentukan nilai bersandar berdasarkan nilai korelasi residual terpiawai. Analisis akhir mendapati tiada item disingkarkan. Instrumen akhir menunjukkan sebanyak 40 item yang sesuai digunakan untuk mengukur konstruk strategi pembelajaran kolokasi. Dapatan daripada analisis telah berjaya membuktikan secara statistik bahawa item-item ini mempunyai tahap kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi dan wajar digunakan untuk para pelajar di peringkat IPT.

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
The era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 has brought the debate of teachers' willingness to use infor... more The era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 has brought the debate of teachers' willingness to use information technology in teaching Arabic. Thus, new technologies have emerged with a positive effect on teaching, such as augmented reality technology applied in the education system, especially in teaching. However, there is still limited research with regards to teaching in a foreign language. Therefore, the present study discusses the readiness of teachers from the aspect of knowledge and their attitude towards the use of augmented reality technology in the teaching of Arabic in Malaysia. The study was carried out using quantitative methodology with the use of survey questionnaire that is distributed to 36 Arabic language teachers as respondents. The usage of questionnaires as a research instrument forms the basis for data collection to identify respondents' level of readiness. Afterwards, data analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 26 (SPSS). The results of the study show that the level of readiness of the teachers in terms of their attitude towards the use of augmented reality technology in the teaching of Arabic in Malaysia is at a moderate level. Nevertheless, teachers' attitudes and knowledge are still found to be at a low level, especially for veteran teachers who have no experience in information technology to influence their enthusiasm towards the use of technology in their teaching. The implication of the current study is hoped to be useful and beneficial as a guide to stakeholders who are responsible for ensuring the process of teaching and learning Arabic which is based on augmented reality technology can be implemented in a meaningful way, thereby improving the performance of students in mastering the Arabic language.

Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS)
Background and Purpose: The role of collocation learning strategies is less of a concern as media... more Background and Purpose: The role of collocation learning strategies is less of a concern as mediator. Although several correlation studies of bivariate factors have provided the relationship between the variables, many cannot answer the question of how the relationship exists. Also, a lot of studies have taken into account the variables of collocation learning strategies as mediator factors and have not illustrated clearly the relationship between independent variables (motivation) and dependent variables (collocation knowledge). As such, the aim of the present study is to identify the knowledge of Arabic collocation by taking several factors, namely; motivation and collocation learning strategies that have the potential to increase the knowledge of Arabic collocation in Malaysia. Methodology: In this study, a cross-sectional design was applied. Simple random sampling was used, where a total of 344 final year Arabic language students from eight public universities in Malaysia too...