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1991, Acta endocrinologica
6 pages
1 file
The capacity of steroidal regulatory influence on benign and malignant mammary tissue in cats was investigated. Estrogen, progestin, and (in some cats) androgen receptor levels in the cytosol were measured by a multiconcentration dextran-coated charcoal method in non-affected mammary tissue (NAMT) and in benign and malignant mammary lesions from 34 cats. Receptor levels less than 5 fmol/mg protein were considered negative. Since 3 out of 4 NAMT samples had low-positive estrogen receptor and progestin receptor levels, we considered specimens in which tumour cells were intermeshed with NAMT separate from "pure" tumour specimens. The variation in estrogen receptor expression between the different tissues was moderate, there being 9/17 malignant lesions (without NAMT) estrogen receptor+ as compared with 6/6 benign lesions (without NAMT) (p less than 0.05). The variation in progestin receptor expression was greater (p less than 0.02), with only 5/17 malignant lesions-(without N...
ISRN veterinary science, 2012
Steroid hormones are found to play a major role in the genesis and progression of mammary tumors. The aim of this study was to immunohistochemically detect the presence of estrogen receptor alpha (ER α ), estrogen receptor beta (ER β ), and progesterone receptor (PR) and also to study the association between these markers in 29 cases of benign (11) and malignant (18) canine mammary tumors. ER α immunostaining was noticed in only one case of carcinosarcoma specifically in the nuclei of epithelial and a few myoepithelial cells. ER β immunostaining was noticed in the nuclei and cytoplasm of epithelial cells and smooth muscles lining the blood vessels. Immunoexpression of ER β was 82% in benign tumors and 78% in malignant tumors. PR immunostaining was expressed in the nuclei of epithelial cells in both benign and malignant tumors. Among the 15 PR+ cases, 6 (55%) were of benign type, and 9 (50%) were of malignant type. The most common group of hormone receptor was the ER α -/PR+/ER β + (...
Oestrogen (ER) and progestin receptors (PR) were measured in cytosols from histologically normal mammary tissues (n=30), and in benign (n=59) and malignant mammary lesions (n=49) from female dogs. Receptor levels .5 fmol mg- 1 protein were considered positive. The presence of histologically normal mammary epithelium within specimens of primary tumours was noticed as a factor that may cause falsepositive receptor results. Receptor levels in non-malignant tissues, and the receptor status of primary cancers did not vary significantly with regard to the phase of oestrous cycle (anoestrus/metoestrus) or the influence of exogenous progestins. ER- or PR-positivity was more frequent and levels of both receptors were higher in 'normal' tissues and in benign lesions than in primary cancers (P<0.001). ER and PR levels were higher in benign lesions of dogs also developing malignant mammary tumours than in benign lesions of dogs that did not (P<0.02 and P<0.05, respectively). Regional and distant cancer metastases were frequently receptornegative. In some dogs heterogeneity of receptor status was found between different sites of the same cancer. These findings indicate that in non-malignant mammary tissues of adult female dogs expression of the genes encoding ER and PR is common. In malignant tumours this property may become lost, in particular in advanced states of disease.
Research in veterinary science, 1996
The concentrations of receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGF-R), oestrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) were measured in 108 samples from canine mammary tumours and 132 samples of normal mammary tissue removed surgically from 84 bitches. The history and clinical signs were also recorded. Binding sites of high affinity were detected in 70 per cent of both types of tissue and no significant variations in EGF-R concentrations or positivity were observed with the histology, location, size or number of mammary tumours or the age of the animal. A significant direct correlation (P = 0.002) was observed between the concentrations of ER and EGF-R only in malignant tumours. The concentrations of EGF-R were significantly correlated (P = 0.04) in normal mammary tissues adjacent to and distant from the lesions, but not between normal tissue and tumour tissue. No significant differences were observed in the expression of EGF-R in normal and neoplastic tissues from the same bitches. The direct c...
BMC Cancer, 2010
Background: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. Intraepithelial lesions (IELs), such as usual ductal hyperplasia (UH), atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) are risk factors that predict a woman's chance of developing invasive breast cancer. Therefore, a comparative study that establishes an animal model of pre-invasive lesions is needed for the development of preventative measures and effective treatment for both mammary IELs and tumors. The purpose of this study was to characterize the histologic and molecular features of feline mammary IELs and compare them with those in women. Methods: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens (n = 205) from 203 female cats with clinical mammary disease were retrieved from the archives of the Purdue University Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory and Veterinary Teaching Hospital (West Lafayette, IN), and the Department of Pathology and Veterinary Clinic, School of Veterinary Medicine (Sassari, Italy). Histologic sections, stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE), were evaluated for the presence of IELs in tissue adjacent to excised mammary tumors. Lesions were compared to those of humans. Immunohistochemistry for estrogen receptor (ER-alpha), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2/neu) and Ki-67 was performed in IELs and adjacent tumor tissues.
Mammary tumors are among the most common neoplasms in intact female dogs. They have a complex morphology, usually affecting middle age and older bitches. Almost 50% of the mammary tumors in dogs are malignant neoplasms. Prognosis is based on several factors: stage, age, tumor size, metastasis, histopathology, ovariectomy status and hormone-receptor activity. Immunohistochemical (IHC) measurement has become increasingly an important diagnostic and prognostic parameter, with the development of monoclonal antibodies against nuclear estrogen and progestin receptors. The aim of this study was to detect the presence of ER receptors in malignant canine mammary tumors and to identify their association with the clinical course of the tumor. Mammary tumor samples have been obtained by mastectomy from dogs presented at our clinic. Detailed clinical examination, CBC and basic serum biochemical profile were performed in all patients. Surgery was the only treatment. Histopathological examination ...
Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2012
ContentsProgesterone exerts its effect by binding to specific progesterone receptors (PR) within the cell. In dogs and cats, no data are available on PR isoforms as found in other species. We therefore investigated the sequence of the PR gene and encoded protein in dogs and cats, the expression of PR isoforms in mammary tissue using Western blots and the presence of PR in mammary tissue using immunohistochemistry. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of the canine and feline PR with human PR revealed major differences in the PR‐B‐specific upstream segment (BUS). However, the essential activation function 3 (AF3) domain was intact in the cat but mutated in the dog. The DNA and ligand‐binding domains were highly similar among the species. In cats with fibroadenomatous hyperplasia (FAH), high expression of PR mRNA together with growth hormone (GH), GH receptor (GHR) and IGF‐I mRNA was found in comparison with feline mammary carcinomas. Immunohistochemical analysis showed strong nuclea...
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2015
This study evaluates the expressions of Estrogen Receptor (ER), Progesterone Receptor (PR) and Ki-67 antibodies in canine mammary tumours and their prognostic values in regard to their histomorphologic subtypes. For this purpose, 60 tissue samples suspected as canine mammary tumour were examined and classified according to World Health Organisation's (WHO) criteria. Samples were labelled with anti ER, PR and Ki-67 using immunohistochemistry while ER, and PR values were showed significantly higher in benign tumours (P<0.001, P<0.001, respectively), contraversely Ki-67 value was significantly greater in malignant tumours (P<0.001). The statistical difference between malignant tumour types according to ER, PR and Ki-67 expressions were significant (P<0.001, P<0.01, P<0.001, respectively). Among malignant tumours, solid carcinomas and spindle cell carcinomas had the highest Ki-67 and lowest ER and PR expressions, complex adenocarcinomas and carsinosarcomas had the lowest Ki-67 and highest ER and PR expressions. It is concluded that presentation of immunohistochemical expression of differences between ER, PR and Ki-67 in canine mammary tumours, will provide contribution to the evaluation of tumours and determination of treatment processes in veterinary clinical pathology.
Espaces et modes de vie, marqueurs archéologiques de distinction sociale au début du Moyen Âge (Ve - IXe siècle) Ces 44e journées de l’AFAM interrogeront les marqueurs qui amènent les archéologues à distinguer différents groupes sociaux et niveaux de richesse (en identifiant certains comme « privilégiés »), en milieu urbain comme en milieu rural, et dans les situations les plus variées (en contexte laïc ou religieux, d’habitat ou d’activité humaine, funéraire…). L’appréciation par les archéologues de la stratification sociale à une époque donnée repose sur différents critères : sitologie, types de structures d'habitat, techniques et matériaux de construction, structures funéraires ou présence d’un mobilier particulier ; la présentation et la confrontation de ces observations devraient permettre, en précisant les contextes, de mieux évaluer la pertinence des indices retenus. La chronologie proposée, qui court du Ve au IXe siècle, devrait permettre de suivre l’évolution de ces repères, entre la fin du monde romain et la mise en place progressive des sociétés médiévales, avant le plein épanouissement de la féodalité. Un des angles d’approche pourrait être la confrontation ville / campagne : les marqueurs diffèrent-ils entre ces deux milieux, et le cas échéant, reflètent-ils des situations fondamentalement différentes, ou tiennent-ils aux conditions pratiques d’intervention des archéologues ? Les exemples issus de villes anciennes, d’origine romaine (ou de leur périphérie immédiate), offrent-il des traits distincts de ceux provenant d’éventuelles agglomérations apparues durant le haut Moyen Âge ? Les études sur des sites de hauteur, dont la plupart est récente et livre des ensembles clos importants, sont également susceptibles de renouveler la méthodologie pour mieux appréhender ces marqueurs de distinctions sociales. On privilégiera l’analyse de sites (ou de vestiges susceptibles d’illustrer un site plus large), en donnant autant que possible la priorité, notamment pour le monde rural, à la présentation de sites inédits ou à de nouvelles lectures de certains déjà connus - et bien sûr à des problématiques nouvelles. Mais on pourra aussi proposer des synthèses thématiques ou régionales, sur tout type de sites ou de mobiliers. Comme il est habituel au cours de ces journées, une session sera également consacrée à l’actualité régionale. Elle concernera l’actuelle région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté et ses marges, prenant en compte l’ensemble du bassin de la Saône jusqu’à ses franges jurassiennes et lyonnaises. Cette séquence devrait permettre de présenter des recherches de terrain ou de laboratoire, préventives ou programmées, ainsi que des travaux universitaires récents, consacrés à l’habitat, au monde des morts ou aux productions matérielles de la période. Comité d’organisation : Antoine Guicheteau, Nadine Mahé-Hourlier et Benjamin Saint-Jean-Vitus Comité scientifique : Sylvie Balcon-Berry, Brigitte Boissavit-Camus, Luc Bourgeois, Madeleine Châtelet, Vincent Hincker, Damien Martinez, Edith Peytremann.
La Tempestad, 2024 El pasado 26 de septiembre, durante la marcha del décimo aniversario de la desaparición forzada de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa, me quedé pensando que las resonancias auditivas son una invitación a redimensionar lo político. La activación sonora, tanto en las calles como en las expresiones artísticas, juega un papel fundamental, pero poco explorado, de cara a las atrocidades que hemos presenciado en México, incluyendo la desaparición forzada de los estudiantes. Ocupa un lugar distinto a la producción visual más conocida, que desde un inicio acompaña a las movilizaciones contra la impunidad.
In the last decades a chain of scandals fuelled a growing popular awareness of the relevance of corruption as an hidden factor which may negatively affect political and economic decisionmaking in public policies -in terms of growing ineffectiveness and inequality -not only in less developed and authoritarian regimes, but also in advanced capitalist democracies. This article offers a critical review of the three main theoretical paradigms of analysis of corruption, the economic, cultural and neo-institutional approach, focusing on the latter. A typology provides a general scheme of interpretation of the "institutional" equilibria within systemic corruption, which may provide also a guide for anticorruption policies. Reversing the neoliberal logic which recommends a reduction of the State's role, popular mobilization from below can be considered as the potentially most effective anticorruption strategy in order to break down the robust equilibria of systemic corruption, increasing politicians' responsiveness to the public expectation of stronger integrity in the public sphere.
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London Review of Education, 2018
Tribun Timur (2 Juli), 2024
Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, 2024
Anais do Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação – ciki, 2017
InKoj. Interlingvistikaj Kajeroj An Academic Journal on …, 2012
Problems, Perspectives and Challenges of Agricultural Water Management, 2012
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Retrospektive, 2024