Ahmad Fatih DeylamiNim : (3120220048)
Pendidikan Agama IslamFakultas Agama IslamUniversitas Islam Asy-syafiiyah
This research discusses the concept of educators and learners as described in the Qur'an.
The relationship between educators and learners in Islam is not only based on the transfer of
knowledge, but also the formation of noble morals and the improvement of spirituality. The
Qur'an provides many clues about the role of educators, learners, and ethics in the learning
process. Verses such as Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 31 which describes God's teaching to Prophet
Adam, Q.S. Al-Kahf: 66 about the interaction between Prophet Musa and Prophet Khidr, to
Q.S. Luqman: 13-19 which explains Luqman's advice to his son, is an important reference in
understanding this concept. Educators in the Qur'an act as mentors who are patient, wise,
and understand the needs of students. On the other hand, learners are encouraged to have
an attitude of tawadhu', enthusiasm for seeking knowledge, and readiness to accept advice.
This research emphasizes the importance of an integral approach that includes intellectual,
emotional, and spiritual values in the educational process. By understanding these values,
the interaction between educators and learners can create a more meaningful and blessed
learning environment, in accordance with the purpose of Islamic education, which is to form
a human being who is devoted to Allah.Keywords: Educators, learners, Al-Qur'an, morals,
spirituality, Islamic education, insankamil, tawadhu'.
In Islam, education is a comprehensive and integral process that aims to shape humans into
individuals who are devoted to Allah SWT. One of the important elements in education is the
relationship between educators and learners. The Qur'an as a guide to life for Muslims
provides clear direction regarding the roles and responsibilities of each in the learning
process. Educators and learners are not only seen as entities involved in the transfer of
knowledge, but also as part of character building and spirituality. The process of education in
Islam includes intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects that are integrated with each
other, so as to produce individuals who have intellectual intelligence, moral strength, and
awareness of their responsibilities as servants of Allah.(Hamid, 2023)
The concept of educators and learners in the Qur'an is described in various verses that
provide guidance on ethics, methods, and learning objectives. One of the most important
verses relevant to this theme is Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 31, which tells the story of how Allah
taught Prophet Adam the names of things as the first form of teaching to humans. This verse
shows that Allah as the first educator provides knowledge to humans as a provision for
carrying out their duties in the world. On the other hand, the learner, in this case the Prophet
Adam, shows a learning attitude that is full of acceptance and awareness of his limitations,
which is an example for every human being in studying.(Widiani, 2018) In addition, Q.S.
Al-Kahf: 66 which tells the story of the meeting between Prophet Moses and Prophet Khidr is
one example of the relationship between educators and learners that is full of lessons. In this
verse, Prophet Moses showed an attitude of tawadhu' (humble) and enthusiasm in
demanding knowledge, even though he himself was a prophet who had a high position.
Their interaction illustrates the importance of patience, respect, and trust in the relationship
between educators and learners. On the other hand, educators, as exemplified by Prophet
Khidr, are tasked with providing learning with wisdom, wisdom, and exemplary, without
leaving a compassionate attitude.
Research method
As an educator, Luqman provides direction that not only focuses on intellectual aspects, but
also instills the values of tawhid, noble morals, and a wise attitude in dealing with life. On the
other hand, learners, as exemplified by Luqman's children, are encouraged to listen, reflect,
and practice the knowledge given.(Hasanah et al., 2022) The importance of a good
relationship between educators and learners in Islam does not only lie in the transfer of
knowledge, but also in the formation of character and spirituality.Islamic education aims to
form insan kamil, which is a human being who is perfect in morals, knowledge, and devotion
to God. This can only be achieved through a harmonious relationship between educators
and learners based on mutual respect, compassion, and sincerity.
In the modern era, challenges in education are increasingly complex. Technological
developments and social changes require educators to have more abilities in educating
students. In this context, the values contained in the Qur'an are very relevant guidelines. The
ethics, methods, and goals of education taught by the Qur'an provide a solid foundation to
face these challenges. Educators need to emulate the qualities taught in the Qur'an, such as
patience, wisdom, and compassion, in carrying out their duties. Learners Through this
research, it is hoped that a deep understanding of the concept of educators and learners in
the Qur'an can make a meaningful contribution to the development of Islamic education. By
referring to the verses of the Qur'an, we can develop a holistic and integrated approach to
education, which not only improves intellectual intelligence, but also strengthens moral and
spiritual values.Thus, the ideal relationship between educators and learners can be realized,
creating a meaningful and blessed educational environment.Research Methodology
This research uses a qualitative approach with a libraryresearch method. The main focus of
the research is to explore the concept of educators and learners based on the guidance of
the verses of the Qur'an. This research aims to understand the relationship between
educators and learners in an Islamic perspective as well as the values contained in the
Qur'an that are relevant to the educational process. The primary data used are verses of the
Qur'an, especially Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 31, Q.S. Al-Kahf: 66, and Q.S. Luqman: 13-19.
Secondary data includes Qur'anic commentaries, Islamic education books, scientific
journals, and various other supporting literature. The data collection process is carried out
through in-depth study of the Qur'anic texts and their interpretations in various books of
commentaries, such as Tafsir Al-Misbah, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, and Tafsir Al-Jalalain. This
research also utilizes literature on Islamic education to identify key elements in the
relationship between educators and learners, such as learning ethics, teaching methods,
and educational goals in Islam. The data were analyzed using content analysis techniques,
i.e. studying the content of the Qur'anic verses to identify relevant educational concepts.
The research steps include identification of the main theme, data collection of relevant
Qur'anic verses, analysis of the context of the verse through the review of tafsir, and
interpretation of findings in the context of Islamic education. The results of the analysis are
presented in the form of a systematic explanation of the role of educators, the characteristics
of learners, and the relationship between them in the ideal learning process. This approach
is expected to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept of educators and
learners in the Qur'an and its relevance for Islamic education in the modern era.
ْ ﻼواااﻧﺑﺎرااا ْﻧ
ﺎاوااآاﻧ ْﯾﺳﱢﺎﻧ ْ ﱢﻧﺎآا ْﻧ ﱢ
ْ ﺄطﺎﺧ
ذﺧﺎؤا ُ َﺗﻼااﻧﺑﺎرا ۗ ْﺗ
ل ْﻣﱢﺢ ْا َﺗ
ﺑﺎﺳﺎﻛﺎاﻣﺎاھﺎاﻻھﺎﻋﺎﺳْ َُوﻻﱢاا ًﺳ ْﻔﺎ ﱡﻧل ﻻھﻔُﻠﱢﻛﺎ ُ َﯾل اﱢاآاﻧﯾْﺎﻟﻊ اا
ﺑﺎﺳﺎاﺗﻛﺎاﻣﺎاھﺎﯾْﺎﻟﻊ اوا ْﺗ
هٗ ا ﺗﻠﻣﺎ ﺣﺎف ُﻋْ ﺎواھﺑﱢﺎ اﻧﺎﻻةاﻗﺎطﺎمﻣﺎﻛﺎارً صْ ن ْااﻓﺎاﻧﯨﻠ ْوﻣﺎ ﺗﺎﻧﺎاااﻧﻣْﺣﺎ رْ اواااﻧﺎﻟرْ ﻓﻎ اوااا ﻧﻌﺎﻻ اﻣﺎااﻧﻠﻣﱢﺢ ا ُﺗﻼواااﻧﺑﺎراااﻧﻠﺑْﺎﻗﻧﻣﱢﻧﺎﯾْذاﻻﯨﺎﻟﻌﺎ
ْ ْﱢو
??٢ ٨اﻗﻼ ﯨﺎﻟﻌﺎا اﻧرْ صُ ا ر ﱢل ْٰﻛ ﱢﻔﻲ ْن ا
Allah does not burden anyone except according to his ability. To him is the reward for what
he has done, and to him is the punishment for what he has done. (They prayed,) "O our
Lord, do not punish us if we forget or err. O our Lord, do not burden us with a heavy burden
as You have burdened those before us. O our Lord, do not impose on us that which is not
We are able to bear it. Forgive us, pardon us, and have mercy on us; you are our protector.
So help us against the disbelievers." 286
r.” 286ﺿﻣﱢﺎم اا ر اح ْﻣﺎن ان ْت ال ا م ْو ال ُﻛﺎ ْون ْظ ات ااا ﻏﺎي ْا ل ْا ْ َﻟل ا ن ْاو ْان ْﺣﺎةٍف ق ف ۖه َ ﻟﱢف
ف ٰ ّﻟﻼﱢظ ًّب ﱢم ﱢل ﱢ ۚهُ ل ﱢب ﱢ ﱡ
ُه ُ ﱢﻓﮫ ُو ُِّ ف ۚ ﱢر ﱢا ْﱢوك اا ا ﻋْ ﻊ ا ْﻧم ْو اا س ْا ْﻏر ْل ا م ْو اش اار ْﻣْ ﺎ َل ْ ا ﻣْ ﺎذ ا ا ف ف ت ھﻰ ن اﱢ ٰا ّﻟﻼﱢه ح ِّﱡُ ٰ ّﯾل ﻻھﻧﺎ ْﯾﻠﱢ ﱢﻛو اﺗﻣ ُْﻼﺑﱡﻣْزا ﻋﺎل ْك
ااا١٥٩ا واﺗﺎﻓﺗﺎى اﻟﻌﺎ
So, by the grace of Allah you (Prophet Muhammad) were gentle with them. Had you been
harsh and hard-hearted, they would have stayed away from you. Therefore, forgive them,
ask forgiveness for them, and consult with them in all (important) matters. Then, when you
have made up your mind, put your trust in Allah. Verily, Allah loves those who put their trust
in Him. (The relationship between Q.S. Al-Baqarah Verse 286 and Q.S. Ali 'Imran Verse 159
with Educators and Learners in the Qur'anEducators and learners are two main components
in the educational process.In the Qur'anic perspective, the relationship between the two is
built on the basis of compassion, justice, and mutual respect. Verses in the Qur'an, such as
Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse286 and Q.S. Ali 'Imran verse 159, provide guidance on how
educators and learners should interact in the learning process. These two verses describe
the values that underlie the role of educators as mentors and learners as learners who seek
to understand knowledge.Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 286 states that Allah does not burden a
person beyond his ability. This verse is very relevant in the context of education. An educator
must understand that each learner has different abilities.
Identify learners' potential and limitations, then provide appropriate guidance. This is
important to create a comfortable and effective learning environment, where learners can
learn optimally without feeling pressured. This verse also gives a message to learners that
efforts made according to their abilities will be rewarded by Allah. Learners are reminded not
to give up in the face of learning difficulties, but to keep trying their best according to their
capacity. This principle encourages learners to appreciate the learning process, even though
they face challenges. Conversely, educators need to appreciate learners' efforts, not only in
the end result, but also in the process they go through.
In addition, this verse also teaches the importance of forgiveness and deliberation in the
relationship between educators and learners. In the learning process, learners may make
mistakes, whether intentional or not. As an educator, the ability to forgive such mistakes is
key in maintaining a good relationship. This approach will create a sense of security for
learners so that they are more confident to learn and dare to ask questions when facing
difficulties.Deliberation is also one of the important principles in this verse. In the world of
education, educators and learners can discuss with each other to reach a common
understanding. By dialoguing, educators can better understand the way students think and
provide explanations that suit their needs. The relationship between Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse
286 and Q.S. Ali 'Imran verse 159 reflects the balance between demands and compassion in
education. The first verse teaches the importance of justice in assigning tasks and
responsibilities, while the second verse emphasizes gentleness and deliberation in
educating. Both indicate that education in Islam is not only about the transfer of knowledge,
but also the formation of noble morals and character.
From these two verses, we can conclude that the role of educators in Islam is very complex.
Educators are not only responsible for imparting knowledge, but also guiding learners
towards spiritual and moral development. On the other hand, learners are also taught to try
their best, respect educators, and be open to learning. By understanding these principles,
the relationship between educators and learners can run harmoniously, creating a productive
and blessed learning environment. In practice, educators can apply the values of these two
verses by getting to know learners individually, adjusting teaching methods, providing
appropriate motivation, and being gentle in guiding them. Learners, in turn, are expected to
appreciate the educator's guidance, put in the effort, and have a humble attitude in pursuing
knowledge. The combination of these two roles will result in an educational process that is
not only oriented towards intellectual success, but also towards the formation of a perfect
person who believes and fears Allah.
In the Qur'an, the concept of educators and learners reflects a harmonious relationship
between the giver of knowledge and the recipient of knowledge based on Islamic values.
Educators are described as individuals who have the responsibility to guide, direct, and instill
moral and spiritual values. This role requires patience, wisdom, and exemplary, as
exemplified by God as the main educator (Rabbul 'Alamin) and the prophets, including the
Prophet Muhammad PBUH, who is tasked with improving the morals of the people. On the
other hand, learners in the Qur'an are positioned as knowledge seekers who are required to
have humility, enthusiasm for learning, and respect for educators. The ideal learners are
those who are willing to accept direction, as shown by Prophet Moses a.s. in his learning
with Prophet Khidr (Q.S. Al-Kahf: 66).The Qur'an emphasizes that the learning process is
not only aimed at improving intellectuality, but also shaping human morals and spirituality.
Daftar Pustaka
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