The Reason for Sleep in Animal Life

2016, Academia.Edu (© R. Schleyer, M.A.)

Nothing can restrain subjectivity except sleep. Thus, animals would inwardly destroy themselves if not restrained by the chains of somnolence. The chains are forged with iron discipline in animals by vegetative being itself at the cellular level, where protection from the impetuous carnal will, which is capable of self-restraint only in moral behavior through conscious resignation (cf. Jacob Boehme), is needed most. The result is optimum tissue maintenance. Very important experimental validation of our thesis from 2016 was found by D. Zada, et al., "Parp1 Promotes Sleep, Which Enhances DNA Repair in Neurons," in 'Molecular Cell' 81 (Dec. 16, 2021), pp. 1-15. It is shown that sleep deprivation in animals is the equivalent of morbidity, and that complete deprivation of sleep, whether by intention or as a side-effect of some other morbidity or condition, will destroy the cellular life of the organism. The pertinent protein ("Parp1") has a dual role in DNA repair and in the direct maintenance of "sleep pressure," though the exact mechanism of sleep pressure is not yet elucidated. It is now clear from the foregoing that forced deprivation of sleep as a form of torture for national security purposes, which by hearsay is practiced by many so-called "civilized" countries, is reckless assault verging on attempted murder and should be prohibited by law, with the usual penalties, upon conviction after trial, for 1st degree assault and attempted murder, or if the subject dies, premeditated murder in the 1st degree.

THE REASON FOR SLEEP IN ANIMAL LIFE BRIEF EXPOSITION BY R. SCHLEYER, M.A. An important question that materialist neurology cannot answer is, “What is the core function of sleep?” For idealist biology, however, the response is fundamental and actually obvious, an integral part of the great conundrum of modern science, “What Is Life?” (cf. our sketch, ‘Music and the Great Chain of Being’). Even C. elegans, a little roundworm with a very busy (and short) life consuming bacteria, sleeps. The reason for sleep, then, is clear from our sources and research. Sleep is physiologically required to maintain homeostasis in all animals, whose impetuous (willful) incorporated subjectivity otherwise would lead them to perpetual over-stress and self-toxicosis, particularly within the cellular systems of “vegetative” life. Nothing else can restrain subjectivity except sleep. The systems of vegetative life in animals must have certain regulated time periods within which to recover molecularly, somewhat as plants need some darkness for health. During these periods, the subjective system floats free, as it were. In higher animals it passively dreams. (The source of the imagery of dreams is a separate question, not considered here.) Sleep deprivation is fatal for this fundamental reason. Plants, of course, have no psyche or will. Their “self” is in the Sun. Materialist neurology doesn’t distinguish between subjectivity (admittedly impoverished in the little roundworm called C. elegans) and objectivity--between the primitive psyche, orchestrated by the twenty neurons of the C. elegans pharyngeal system, which drive awake behavior (derived from the roundworm centriole), and the two hundred eighty-two neurons of the somatic system, which control and regulate the worm’s vegetative life. The important central idea here is that vegetative life in animals (as in plants, too) constitutes it own genus. Subjective life (focused hunting and eating behavior in C. elegans) is separately administered by the centriole system of the pharyngeal neurons, with probable extension to the muscle control system. Neuronal microtubule systems, which neurologists mistakenly imagine to be purely structural, are integral to the system of animal subjectivity, and fundamental, in higher animals, to the support of memory and imagination. (Mechanist neuroscience does not realize that its “working memory” is imagination.) The same applies in general to all animals, including humans. The living motion of the vegetative system originates deep within the trillions of nucleons supporting the entire vegetative being (remembering that life comes only from life) and is primary, uncontrolled, and uncontrollable psychically. It is not “automatic” but, rather, rests in the universal system of eternal life (“eternal” here simply means “the now”). Traditionally, it is the hypothesis of the “Anima Mundi,” and turns out to be true. Aristotle theorized that psychic actuality was indistinguishable from the living form, but this is true only of plants and the vegetative being of animals. The psychic being of animals (their subjectivity) is a separate system (thus essentially giving Plato the victory), and positively engages with (and overarches) vegetative life, but only during the awake state. The great idealist scientist G.W.F. Hegel (d. 1831), in his lectures on organic being, theorized that at the microscale, “subjectivity overwhelms objectivity.” This is true of both systems. It is the reverse of sleep, as it were. In fact, Prof. Hegel’s characterization of sleep overall is very much in tune with the thesis, representing it as one side of a kind of organic toggle switch. Sleep, he said, is immersion in the Universal. As for where the centriole system, which is composed of a mere billion nucleons, finds its subjectivity and carries it along, unchanged, through mitosis and meiosis (or through self-reproduction in some conditions of C. elegans life), exposition of this is part of the thesis of our book-in-process (’The Idea’), abstract available separately. A characterization of the centriole as a “psychic transducer” is found in our sketch, ‘Music and the Great Chain of Being.’ How the numberless nucleons of living systems are activated during development and metabolism is touched upon in the sketch, which speaks of an immaterial electromagnetic orchestration, “sensed” by incoming inorganic atoms as they are incorporated into the living system, primarily by means of the Casimir Effect, discovered in 1948, and known to be of molecular range. Everything mentioned here is straight microphysics, biophysics, and neurology, informed by the traditional insights of Absolute Idealism. # 2