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Aging is a complex phenomenon, a sum total of changes that occur in a living organism with the passage of time and leads to decreasing ability to survive stress, increasing functional impairment and growing probability of death. Aging... more
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    • C. elegans
Organochalcogens are promising pharmacological agents that possess significant biological activities. Nevertheless, because of the complexity of mammalian models, it has been difficult to determine the molecular pathways and specific... more
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      C. elegansManganeseTellurium chemistrySelenium
All terrestrial animals must find a proper level of moisture to ensure their health and survival. The cellular-molecular basis for sensing humidity is unknown in most animals, however. We used the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuroethologySensory NeuroscienceCaenorhabditis elegans
Escape behaviors are crucial to survive predator encounters. Touch to the head of Caenorhabditis elegans induces an escape response where the animal rapidly backs away from the stimulus and suppresses foraging head movements. The... more
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      NeuroethologyEcologyC. elegansEscape responses
Background: During the fourth larval (L4) stage, vulval cells of C. elegans undergo extensive morphogenesis accompanied by changes in gene expression. This phase of vulval development, occurring after the well-studied induction of vulval... more
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      Developmental BiologyCaenorhabditis elegansC. elegansGene expression
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been a powerful model system for the study of key muscle genes relevant to human neuromuscular function and disorders. The behavioral robustness of C. elegans, however, has hindered its use in the... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansLocomotionNeurogeneticsC. elegans
Innate immunity is an evolutionary ancient defence strategy that serves to eliminate infectious agents while maintaining host health. It involves a complex network of sensors, signaling proteins and immune effectors that detect the... more
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      MycologyParasitologyImmunologyCellular Biology
Misfolded proteins in transgenic models of conformational diseases interfere with proteosta-sis machinery and compromise the function of many structurally and functionally unrelated metastable proteins. This collateral damage to cellular... more
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      C. elegansNeurodegenerative DiseasesProtein Misfolding and AggregationIGF
We describe herein our results on the synthesis and biological properties in Caenorhabditis elegans of a range of 4-organylsulfenyl-7-chloroquinolines. This class of compounds have been easily synthesized in high yields by direct reaction... more
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      PharmacologyToxicologyC. elegansOrganic Synthesis
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      ThermodynamicsAgingC. elegans
ed or-independent. Importantly, these two lifespan extension programs can be distinguished genetically. It will now be critical to tease apart these programs, because each may involve different longevity-promoting mechanisms that may be... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansAgingHealthC. elegans
Organochalcogens are promising pharmacological agents that possess significant biological activities. Nevertheless, because of the complexity of mammalian models, it has been difficult to determine the molecular pathways and specific... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansC. elegansTranscription FactorsManganese
An exhaustive study of the Sam/Frodo family of non-LTR retrotransposons in the Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae genomes demonstrated that C. briggsae contains 60 Sam/Frodo elements including a new subfamily designated... more
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      GeneticsCaenorhabditis elegansComputational BiologyC. elegans
Today HIV-1 infection is recognized as a chronic disease with obligatory lifelong treatment to keep viral titers below detectable levels. The continuous intake of antiretroviral drugs however, leads to severe and even life-threatening... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansImage AnalysisC. elegansMitochondria
The lack of cure to age associated Parkinson's disease (PD) has been challenging the efforts of researchers as well as health care providers. Recent evidences suggest that diabetic patients tend to show a higher future risk for PD... more
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      Parkinson's DiseaseDiabetesC. elegansNeurodegenerative Diseases
Small RNAs are important regulators of gene expression; however, the relationship between small RNAs is poorly understood. Studying the crosstalk between small RNA pathways can help understand how gene expression is regulated. One... more
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      MicroRNAC. elegansRNA interferencesmall RNAs
A key feature of escape responses is the fast translation of sensory information into a coordinated motor output. In C. elegans, anterior touch initiates a backward escape response in which lateral head movements are suppressed. Here, we... more
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      C. elegansEscape responsesNeurotransmittersTyramine
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      Synthetic BiologyC. elegansGenetic EngineeringPromoter
The BRCA1 tumour suppressor and its heterodimeric partner BARD1 constitute an E3-ubiquitin (Ub) ligase and function in DNA repair by unknown mechanisms. We show here that the Caenorhabditis elegans BRCA1/ BARD1 (CeBCD) complex possesses... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansBiologyC. elegansDNA damage
The passage of genetic information during meiosis requires exceptionally high fidelity to prevent birth defects and infertility. Accurate chromosome segregation during the first meiotic division relies on the formation of crossovers... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansBiologyCell BiologyC. elegans
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      MicrofluidicsC. elegansMicrobubbles
† Joint first author.
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      Computational BiologySystems BiologyTranscription RegulationC. elegans
Graphical Abstract Highlights d CEP-1 cooperates with HIM-5 to ensure meiotic crossover formation d CEP-1 and HIM-5 promote induction of programmed double-strand breaks d CEP-1 and HIM-5 ensure DSB repair fidelity by antagonizing NHEJ... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansC. elegansDNA repairP53
Nothing can restrain subjectivity except sleep. Thus, animals would inwardly destroy themselves if not restrained by the chains of somnolence. The chains are forged with iron discipline in animals by vegetative being itself at the... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansC. elegansInsulin-Like Growth FactorDauer
Early embryonic development involves complex events such as the regulation of cell division and the establishment of embryonic polarity. To identify genes involved in these events, we collected four-dimensional time-lapse video recordings... more
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      Developmental BiologyCaenorhabditis elegansC. elegansGene expression
Background: Temperature affects virtually all cellular processes. A quick increase in temperature challenges the cells to undergo a heat shock response to maintain cellular homeostasis. Heat shock factor-1 (HSF-1) functions as a major... more
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      GeneticsGenomicsAgingC. elegans
Discovery of trans-splicing in multiple metazoan lineages led to the identification of operon-like gene organization in diverse organisms, including trypanosomes, tunicates, and nematodes, but the functional significance of such operons... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansC. elegansRNA-seq AnalysisGenome evolution
C. elegans as a lncRNA model Create lncRNA system in C. elegans like Xist in mammalian cells find model lncrna to use c elegans tools to understand lncrnas Thousands of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been found in vertebrate animals... more
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      C. elegansNon Coding RnaNon coding RNAslncRNA
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      Comparative GenomicsC. elegansGene expression and regulation
Y95B8A.12 gene of C. elegans encodes RhoGEF domain, which is a novel module in the Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Alternative splicing increases transcriptome and proteome diversification. Y95B8A.12 gene has two reported... more
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    • C. elegans
Neurons constitute the most diverse cell types and acquire their identity by the activity of particular genetic programs [1]. The GABAergic nervous system in C. elegans[2] consists of 26 neurons that fall into six classes 3 and 4. Animals... more
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      C. elegansMicroarraysGene networks
Predator-prey interactions are vital determinants in the natural selection of behavioral traits. Gentle touch to the anterior half of the body of Caenorhabditis elegans elicits an escape response in which the animal quickly reverses and... more
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      NeuroethologyC. elegansFungiEscape responses
An exhaustive study of the Sam/Frodo family of non-LTR retrotransposons in the Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae genomes demonstrated that C. briggsae contains 60 Sam/Frodo elements including a new subfamily designated... more
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      C. elegansRetrotransposition