Jacob Boehme
Recent papers in Jacob Boehme
In: G. Quispel (ed.), De hermetische Gnosis in de loop der eeuwen, Haarlem 20034, 383-394. German translation: ‘Gisbertus Voetius, Hermes Trismegistos und Jakob Boehme, in: G. Quispel (ed.), Die hermetische Gnosis im Lauf der... more
En este artículo, mostraré que emprender una lucha por el reconocimiento resulta problemático para los grupos que son objeto de discriminación y recriminación por razones de su deseo o de su condición sexual. Posteriormente desarrollaré... more
Chapter from The Sinister Side: How Left-Right Symbolism Shaped Western Art (OUP 2008), with new interpretation of the circles in the Kenwood Self-Portrait.
"This is a study of the most fascinating and idiosyncratic of all seventeenth-century figures. Like its famous predecessor The Cheese and The Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller, it explores the everyday life and mental world... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN A great American psychologist summarizes one of the most difficult of subjects--the nature of dreaming--after decades of lifting matters out of the morass of Freudianism.... more
The term ‘conversion narrative’ lacks proper definition and can be understood more broadly than is often the case, underlining its fictive nature. I show this by reading William Blake’s Milton a Poem as a conversion narrative, exploring... more
Contrary to what has usually been argued, Boehme’s impact among many religious radicals and heterodox figures during the English Revolution was quite muted. Indeed, initially he seems to have mainly been read by continental Protestant... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The grinding and wearisome Spirit of War, a perversion of the oft-lamented but inescapable Struggle for Existence, is suddenly unmasked as the pathological reflection of... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The intellectual adventurer Franz Hartmann (1838-1912), writing in English in the late 19th century while residing in North America, felt moved to set forth his... more
Le présent ouvrage, issu d’une thèse de doctorat soutenue en Sorbonne, propose une analyse philosophique détaillée de l’œuvre de celui qui fut surnommé « le prince des obscurs ». David König étudie les thèmes fondamentaux de la pensée de... more
This paper is part of a wider study of contemporary Japanese discourses on education policy and work skills, which seeks to combine Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Theory with Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis to operationalise... more
Review of Andrew Week's new edition and facing page translation of Boehme's "Aurora."
Lux in Tenebris is a collection of eighteen original interdisciplinary essays that address aspects of the verbal and visual symbolism in the works of significant figures in the history of Western Esotericism, covering such themes as... more
Johann Jacob Zimmermann (1642–1693) is a forgotten proponent of heliocentrism in seventeenth-century Lutheran Germany. In "Scriptura Sacra Copernizans" (1690), he located himself within an unusual genealogy of Copernicanism, in which the... more
This study examines affinities between kabbalah and Böhme's theosophy. There are hints in Böhme's writings of an awareness of the esoteric dimension of Judaism, regarding the mystical-magical power of the name. For Böhme, the... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN Contemplation of a new book in Russian on the hypothetical linguistico-philosophical construct long ago named the “Language of Adam”—with its supposed extra-worldly powers... more
La historia, según una formulación bien conocida, es el camino de la razón que avanza, imparable, hacia el progreso, pese a recorrer también zonas de sombras y vías subterráneas. Astucias de la razón. Las revoluciones, en este sentido,... more
Brian Vickers once described John Dee’s Monas Hieroglyphica as “possibly the most obscure work ever written by an Englishman,” asking whether there were even ten references to it in the seventeenth century. This article considers Dee’s... more
Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism 18.1 (2018), 3-20. The article discusses the historiographic neglect of one of Germany's most influential authors, Jacob Böhme. Seventeenth-century philosophers such as Leibniz and... more
Tähän valikoimaan sisältyy synopsikset, alkutekstit, suomennokset ja kommentaarit seitsemästä kosmisen mystagogi William Blaken (1757-1827) varhaisimmasta eeppisestä runoelmasta eli nk. profetiallisesta draamasta. Teos keskittyy siis... more
"Résumé Henry Corbin a écrit qu’« un Maître Eckhart et un Jacob Boehme eussent parfaitement compris Ibn ʿArabî, et réciproquement. » Mais comment assurer ce dialogue et cette compréhension réciproque pressentie par Henry Corbin? Cette... more
This volume brings together for the first time some of the world’s leading authorities on the German mystic Jacob Boehme, to illuminate his thought and its reception over four centuries for the benefit of students and advanced scholars... more
This article is mainly concerned with the dissemination of Jacob Boehme’s writings rather than their reception and accordingly focuses upon the contribution of intermediaries, patrons, translators, biographers, printers, and publishers.... more
Ce mémoire s’articule autour de la notion d’imagination, identifiée comme une des constituantes importantes des courants ésotériques occidentaux. Il s’intéresse à dégager les formes et les thèmes que prend l’expérience spirituelle... more
Böhme is an important figure who connects the histories of early modern religious dissidence to Continental philosophy and later countercultural movements, yet he remains understudied. Challenging prevalent views that Böhme's writings are... more
There is a "MYSTERY" that the "church-at-large" has hidden from and deprived Christians the knowledge of almost since its inception !!! ** This "Mystery" (Secret) was fundamental to the teaching of Jesus Christ Himself and His early... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The concealed foundation behind all appearances ("the Idea") is schematically depicted for the first time since its detailed conceptual emergence within idealism in the... more
Freedom of religion generally resonates in the collective mind as a prized legacy of the European Enlightenment alongside most individual liberties and modern values. This assumption, however, is flawed as it tends to downplay centuries... more
a comprehensive philosophical reformulation); The Nuclear Thing (an analysis of the radioactive object of the imagination); The Trail of the Screaming Forehead (a critique of nihilistic egoism); Bitter Heritage (a historicophilosophical... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN According to Heidegger (1) the Greek concept of ‘logos’ enunciated by Heraclitus as we have him is inwardly triune (whether this was missed by Hegel in his 'Logik'... more
With a broad, vigorous brush a distinguished philologist, A.H. Armstrong (1909-1997), in the mid-20th century, set forth in a modest-sized volume the entire development of ancient idealism; its essential religious and philosophical... more
The dialectical relationship between `pedagogy' and `praxis', vis-à-vis the `women's question', has been a matter of great concern for pioneers of Women's Studies (WS). The need to study women's issues in academic institutions and to... more
This publication accompanies the exhibition "Light in Darkness: The Mystical Philosophy of Jacob Böhme, held 29 April-5 July 2019 in Coventry Cathedral. The volume includes sections about Böhme's life, his main philosophical concepts and... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN In this illustrated essay, correlation is made of deep intuitions from the celebrated idealist Jacob Boehme (d. 1624) on the created origin and self-destructive destiny of... more
Reprinted in part in: Being Human, Winter 2014/15, pp. 39-41. https://issuu.com/anthrousa/docs/bh13-final-web/s/11534799 Southern Cross Review, Number 97, November-December 2014:... more
From the seventeenth century through the first decades of the eighteenth century, a wave of millenarianism swept Europe. A range of authors across the religious spectrum discussed the coming „Final Judgement“ and offered competing... more
Excerpts from "Christian Visionaries: The British Isles" by Madonna Sophia Compton. This volume of visionaries in the Christian tradition includes early monastic influences in the British Isles, and mystics and visionary theologians from... more
In: Christopher Partridge (ed.), The Occult World, Routledge 2015, 119-127.
The essay focuses on Moller's role as an author of devotional works, who promoted meditation as a way to improve individuals, church and society. His attitudes foreshadow those of his friend and parishioner Jacob Böhme, who would develop... more