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Japanese Generation 1 cartoon timeline

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The timeline of the Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity is a dense and multi-layered epic that charts billions of years of history, from before the beginning of time to the distant future, all the way to the very end of the universe. The continuity is primarily organized around the first three seasons of the original The Transformers cartoon and its various Japan-exclusive continuations: these include, but are not limited to, The Headmasters, Super-God Masterforce, and Victory, as well as Beast Wars, Beast Machines, and a slew of ancillary media, which includes Robotmasters and Micromaster.

From 2006 to 2007, the Kiss Players franchise published two official chronologies (which can be read here) that amalgamated most of the stories that had come before into a grand, unified timeline. Along with linking existing events from these series together, they recorded several new events and retconned other developments to make everything fit more or less together, and in doing so provided a foundation for future authors to build around these pre-existing stories.

Within the fictional Transformers multiverse, the Japanese cartoon continuity frequently crosses over with other universes—most often with the comedic inhabitants of the Legends World, but also the BT World, a notable splinter timeline that branches off from the "main" Japanese cartoon universe just before the events of The Transformers: The Movie, and the advanced Cybertronians who inhabit the Cloud World. Given the vast breadth, depth, and scope of this timeline, some inconsistencies are unavoidable—in 2015, the Ask Vector Prime Facebook feature handwaved some of these details away by explaining that MegaZarak's destruction of Cybertron destabilized the fabric of reality, and that any inconsistencies can be blamed on an unseen observer's haphazard attempts to repair the local space-time. (Although it should be noted that Ask Vector Prime was not accessible to a Japanese audience and created plot points that were disregarded by later fiction.) In the real world, authors and artists have generally developed a much tighter approach to canon and continuity. Subsequent stories throughout the 2010s and 2020s have more-or-less adhered to this chronology of events—stories such as Legends, Generations Selects, and Ask Vector Prime have filled in notable gaps in the timeline by telling interquel tales weaving in and around the various cartoon "eras".

1,000,000,000+ years ago

Original multiverse

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Reality is made up of seven disparate universes, each dominated by their own variation of Star Power, which is derived from "G One". This being, also known as "the One" appoints the Angolmois Energy-based being known as the Oracle as protector of this multiverse, granting him a new body made of Golden Power. Rechristened as "Primus", he goes on to found the Primus Vanguard, a peacekeeping force made up of seven suborganizations, safeguarding their respective colored universe under their own leaders. Those leaders each have their own Matrix filled with a specific color of Star Power, with unique abilities—Primus himself holds the Silver Matrix, which can collect and contain the seven Star Powers to become the Zodiac and restart reality.

However, the Primus Vanguard receives a recurring enemy, the Specters, who are "inversions of the Matrix spectrum" and take on ghostly visages based on deceased leaders. The Blue Order leader, Blue Brightes Convoy dies and passes on the mantle of the Matrix Sword and the Blue Matrix to Big, to self-assumed forerunner Chief Engineer Straxus's disapproval. To defeat the Specters for good, the Primus Vanguard collectively decide to unleash the full light of their Matrices, which has the side effect of unifying the seven universes into one. Finale Prelude Finale

Precursor World

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The singular universe comes under attack by the mysterious Vok. Unknowing of their origins, Primus uses the Black Matrix to peer into the future. Seeing a universe of ruin and war, Primus also discovers that the Vok are the evolved forms of the Specters from the future. Primacron, Primus's pet that acquired intelligence, contributes to Primus's spiral by revealing that he has extracted the "essence" of his Matrix, purifying it to become what he calls "Angolmois Energy". Desperate to stop what he sees as a terrible future, Primus begins a complex plan to avert the coming reality by restarting the universe himself. Finale Prelude

With his loyal cadre of followers, Primus begins by travelling to 2050 of the next world and acquiring the used-up Silver Matrix from the future. Abominus comic 2 Bringing in Optimus Prime and Galvatron from 2011, Primus gives Prime the older Silver Matrix and has him remove the Vok threat from this universe by tapping into his future self as Star Convoy. Star Convoy comic However, to gather the Star Powers from the unassisting Primus Vanguard leaders, Primus's envoy tasks Halfshell's Seacons to join forces with Turtler's Seacons from 2020. God Neptune comic 2 In the meantime, the Blue Order is destroyed from within by the still-vengeful Straxus twins and the Matrix Sword stolen by them. Blue Big Convoy dies in the process, Super Megatron comic 2 but his spark is infused in the sword. His death also evolves the drone MC11 into Magna Convoy. Cybertron Magna Convoy prequel comic


Through the exploits of the Seacons and Megatron Omega (an upgraded form of Galvatron), the Star Powers are gathered together in one spot, along with players like Primacron (who has turned the Blue Planet into the massive Neo Primus robot). With the past Silver Matrix, Primus collects all of the Star Powers and attempts to restart the universe, Finale Prelude but is interrupted by Primacron, who uses Neo Primus to shed the Oracle of his "Primus" body. Neo Primus is taken care of by the efforts of the Dinobots and the Terrorcons from 2050 and Primacron goes into hiding.

Megatron Omega takes in Golden Power for himself and evolves into Gold Megatron. He attempts to use his New Primus Vanguard and the Gold Matrix to take over all time, but he is foiled thanks to the actions of Star Convoy and the Megatron from 2050 (who possesses Green Megatron). After a brief detour to 2011 to stop Unicron's resurrection, the Oracle returns everybody to their proper time but not before erasing the appropriate memories. However, the Oracle ends up captured by the Straxus twins, who have a facility creating experimental Transformers and seek to take over in the devastation of the Primus Vanguard. Soundwave, a member of the Golden Age, plans to bring about the freedom of his leader and the restoration of the Primus Vanguard. Finale

Two of the Straxuses' experiments, Convobat and Megalligator, escape the villains' clutches. Megalligator joins up with Soundwave, Cybertron Convobat prequel comic while Convobat joins up with Magna Convoy. Cybertron Magna Convoy Eventually, the Primus Vanguard is restored, who continue protecting the universe until its end. Finale

15 billion BCE

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The Big Bang creates the current universe. The combined Star Power from the previous reality becomes the Zodiac, Finale which shatters into a supermineral spread across the universe. Roadfire Chapter

Only a handful of beings survive the violent birth of the universe, including Primacron, the Oracle, and the Three Wise Ones. Primacron imprisons his former master within the physical vessel known as the "Matrix" and taps the combined life energy of the previous universe through the Oracle and the Matrix to populate the universe with various robotic lifeforms. Finale

12 billion BCE


The Milky Way forms.[1] Primacron creates Unicron, a planet-sized robot that feeds on mechanical worlds and their inhabitants. Unicron rebels; after wounding his creator, he escapes into the wider universe, where he rampages unchecked for billions of years. Call of the Primitives The Oracle, with his apelike vessel destroyed, flees amidst the chaos and eventually reaches a desolate planet in the center of the universe, which he merges with and reshapes into a verdant paradise. Bonus Edition Vol. EX Finale The Oracle senses that Primacron will iterate on Unicron to create the energy-absorbing Tornedron in 2010, and summons Grimlock and many other "primitive" Transformers from the same time to defeat Primacron's creation. Call of the Primitives[2]


At some point after this, the Quintessons arrive on the Oracle's planet and use a device to terraform the planet into a mechanical factory world they call Cybertron. They obtain the empty Matrix, which absorbs their evil wisdom, and imprison the Oracle within the Vector Sigma supercomputer; the aliens control Vector Sigma through their mechanization device, which becomes the Key to Vector Sigma, and the Matrix. Bonus Edition Vol. EX Finale The Quintessons experiment with interdimensional travel and construct a portal to Menonia, through which they banish heretical Quintessons who practice magic. Madman's Paradise Alternation An early attempt at creating life yields the Trans-Organics, fusions between organic and machine life, but the malformed creatures are deemed failures and sealed away deep beneath the planetary surface. The Dweller in the Depths The genesis of the Trans-Organics marks the Oracle's first attempt at a techno-organic fusion between two radically different forms of life, but these early attempts only exemplify the worst attributes of both. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

The Quintessons turn their attention to mass-producing a race of robotic servants. The two product lines—consumer goods and military hardware—are the ancestors of the Autobots and Decepticons. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 A3 is the first of these robots to be constructed. Forever Is a Long Time Coming Cruel and abusive, the Quintessons mistreat their creations and force them to fight each other for their entertainment. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

At some point during or after these events, the Hate Plague ravages the universe. A "wise man" uses the knowledge within the Matrix to seal the maddening spores away inside a star, although the Matrix does not yet possess enough accumulated wisdom to eradicate the plague entirely. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2 The first Quintesson to posses the Matrix, who seemingly bears witness to these events, leaves an imprint of itself within the artifact. Finale

1,000,000+ years ago

11 million BCE


A lone Quintesson realizes that their Cybertronian slaves have the potential to evolve beyond their specifications, and foresees a day when they will claim independence from their creators. Mocked for his beliefs, he leaves Cybertron and dedicates himself to cataloguing all information in the universe; over millennia, he gradually evolves into an omnipotent being of pure data and becomes known as the "Seeker". A Treasure's True Worth Another rogue Quintesson by the name of Mara-Al-Utha is banished to Menonia, where he deposes the Golden One and adopts the identity of the "Red Wizard". Madman's Paradise

The Matrix is acquired from the Quintessons[1] and emptied of their evil wisdom, which takes the form of vengeful energy being. Bonus Edition Vol. EX The Matrix is possessed by an ancient robot, who passes it on to a powerful gladiator. The powerful robot is killed by the Quintessons for rebellion and so the Matrix is given to a brooding robot. Their wisdom and memories are collected in the Matrix, as are those of later bearers. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 Eventually, the Autobots rebel against their tyrannical masters, with A3 and Beta as leaders. At one point during the rebellion, future Quintessons from the year 2010 use a Time Window to try and change history—however, their interference sends the Autobots Wreck-Gar, Blaster, Ramhorn, Rewind and Blurr backwards in time while simultaneously displacing A3 to the future. Before time can unravel, the Autobots put things right and history continues along its proper course. Forever Is a Long Time Coming

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The victorious Cybertronians finally expel the Quintessons from their planet. However, this first conflict is but a prelude to a series of increasingly bloody wars fought between the autocratic Decepticons and the civilian Autobots. The Autobots, who lack the combat abilities of their Decepticon brethren, struggle to mount an effective counterattack, and many of them choose to flee Cybertron entirely. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2 On Antilla, the Thirteenth Legion showcase their presence by creating a giant Autobot symbol on the planetary surface that is visible from space. They create the Lightning Bug weapon and much other advanced technology, but they perish when a meteor shower infects their planet with Cosmic Rust. Cosmic Rust

The Matrix becomes a sigil associated with Autobot leadership. One early bearer of the Matrix dies early in the war and another inherits the Matrix. The Autobots fight back against the Decepticons by inventing transformation technology; aided by this new ability, the latest Autobot leader defeats the Decepticon warlord and ushers in a Golden Age of peace and prosperity. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

The scientists Starscream and Skyfire travel to Earth. Skyfire crashes into the Arctic and Starscream, unable to find his friend, returns to Cybertron. Fire in the Sky

9 million BCE

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According to a tale told by Giga, the Godmessenger Devil Z and the Godmaster entity come to Earth. Careering to the ground, Godmaster breaks into eight unrefined transtectors and falls into dormancy, with the largest component falling to the bottom of the sea. This component, along with two others, would be later acquired by Devil Z. A Strange Friendship: Cancer and Minerva

Megatron is built by the Constructicons and becomes the Decepticon Emperor of Destruction. The Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons begins. When Megatron kills the leader of the Autobots, A3, now going by the name "Alpha Trion", takes the Matrix until a suitable bearer is found. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 Soon enough, Megatron injures a young dockworker named Orion Pax; with the assistance of the time-travelling Aerialbots, Orion Pax is rebuilt into the Supreme Commander Optimus Prime, while his girlfriend Ariel becomes Elita One. War Dawn

Megaempress is constructed using some of Megatron's leftover parts. She creates Moonheart and Lunaclub as servants; Shockwave uses Flowspade in an attempt to bring down the group from within, but Flowspade goes rogue and swears fealty to Megaempress. When Megaempress uses her seduction powers to try and usurp Megatron, Shockwave puts Megaempress and Flowspade into stasis. Megatronia Chapter In the meantime, Megatron uses the Robosmasher to turn the Constructicons into Decepticons, who betray their friend Omega Supreme and destroy Crystal City. Omega Supreme destroys the Robosmasher before their new Devastator form can turn him into a Decepticon as well. The Secret of Omega Supreme

4 million BCE


A group of Cyberdroids led by Fortress escape Cybertron in search of a new home. Unfortunately, they crash on the hostile planet Master, where they struggle to survive. The Mystery of Planet Master When a temporally-displaced Brave Maximus crashes on Master, Fortress studies the gigantic Transformer's advanced physiology; thanks to this unexpected breakthrough, the citizens of Master develop Headmaster technology, which allows them to pilot transtector bodies. Eventually, Fortress bases the massive Battleship Maximus on Brave Maximus's design. Kiss Players #48 Bonus Edition Vol. 31 Many Cyberdroids physically and mentally train to be Headmasters, but some, like Jack, wash out of the program. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2)


The hot-headed Pointblank is expelled by Optimus Prime from the Autobots when he refuses a direct order not to pursue a battlefield vendetta. Duel on the Asteroid With Sureshot and Crosshairs, Pointblank takes this time to become a legendary warrior without personal attachments known for taking down hundreds of Decepticons in battle. They meet Wheelie, who they do not particularly like. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1)

Megatron creates the Poweredrons, who can use their Powered Engines to terraform planets into energy-producing colonies. However, they realize Megatron's evil and leave the Decepticons, but not before they steal a fleet of starships to bring civilians to Paradron, a world they secretly developed. Dai Atlas Chapter Fight or Flee They return to Cybertron and join the Autobots; leader Dai Atlas tells Optimus Prime of energy signs on the third planet of the Solar System. Dai Atlas Chapter

Three Decepticons board an escape pod and crash-land in southeast Asia. Their idento-computers reformat them into insectoid configurations, and the newly minted "Insecticons" spend the next millions of years subsisting upon organic matter. A Plague of Insecticons[3]

Perpetual war on Cybertron threatens to drain the planet's remaining resources entirely. Eventually, Optimus Prime gathers a team of Autobots and launches the Ark in search of new energy sources. Megatron and his Decepticons pursue them aboard the Nemesis and intercept them over prehistoric Earth. Most of the Decepticons board the Ark, but, in the chaos, both ships fall into Earth's gravity well. The Ark crashes into Mount St. Hilary, and all of the Transformers aboard enter a long period of stasis lock. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1

In Megatron's absence, Shockwave becomes steward of Cybertron, but an underground cell of rebellious Female Autobots led by Elita One contest his rule. The Search for Alpha Trion

3 million BCE

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The enigmatic Vok discover ancient Earth and use the planet as a vast laboratory for their mysterious experiments, which include the construction of Standing Stones Chain of Command, Brigadoon, The Trigger, Part 1 and a second moon. Other Voices, Part 2 A group of rogue Predacons led by Megatron aboard the Terror Crasher, following the instructions on a Golden Disk left by his namesake, travel back in time and crash-land on prehistoric Earth around a million years after their ancestors arrived.[4] They are pursued by Optimus Primal and a small group of Maximals on the Axalon, and both sides adopt beast modes to protect themselves from ambient energon radiation. Unaware of the planet's true nature, the Transformers refer to the planet as "Energoa". Beast Wars (Part 1) Only Megatron knows the truth; at some point, he finds the crashed Ark at Mount St. Hilary, but chooses not to go through with his ancestor's dangerous plan to kill Optimus Prime and change the outcome of the Great War. The Agenda (Part III) He buries the tunnel to his discovery with a bomb. The Agenda (Part 2) The two shipwrecked factions kickstart the "Beast Wars" as they struggle for control of the planet's abundant energon. Beast Wars (Part 2)

Starscream's ghost, adrift in time and space, arrives on prehistoric Earth and briefly possesses the hapless Waspinator before an energon explosion severs his disembodied spark from its host. Possession On another occasion, they cross paths with Maximals and Predacons from the distant future; Optimus Primal Chapter shortly thereafter, the Beast Warriors do battle with Autobots and Decepticons from another universe. Tigatron Chapter

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The invisible Atari Hitotonari and Star Dust try to acquire a fragment of the Allspark—in actuality Angolmois Energy—from Optimus Primal by kissing him, then jumping further into the future. Sparkbots Volume 2 Kiss Players #45 Optimus Primal finds himself displaced to other eras twice: the first occurs when he is pulled to Gaia in the far future to assist Lio Convoy; Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger! the second comes when he travels through the Blastizone in pursuit of Megatron, which briefly takes the pair to the year 2004. To War! Optimus Primal "Beast Megatron" leads the future Decepticons Change in Command: The Usurper Decepticon for a year, but both are eventually returned to their original time periods through the power of solitarium. And Then

The first phase of the Beast Wars conclude when the Vok decide that the Transformers have irrevocably damaged their experiments and activate the Planet Buster to sterilize the planet entirely. Optimus Primal destroys the device before it can scorch the Earth, but Megatron's sabotage ensures that Primal is also destroyed in the process. Other Voices, Part 2 The subsequent quantum surge mutates many Transformers into Fuzors and Transmetals, Aftermath, and Rhinox eventually resurrects Optimus Primal into a Transmetal body. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2) Protoform X reawakens on Earth and is forcibly enlisted to the Predacons as "Rampage". Bad Spark

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During the second leg of the Beast Wars, Megatron attempts to change history and alter the outcome of the Autobot-Decepticon war. The former Predacon Dinobot stymies his first attempt to do so by sacrificing himself to protect humanity's ancestors; Code of Hero The time-travelling Atari and Star Dust kiss Optimus Primal's Transmetal form to acquire the second fragment of the "Allspark" before jumping further in time. Sparkbots Volume 2 Kiss Players #45 When Agent Ravage of the Predacon Secret Police arrives to arrest Megatron, the captured Predacon persuades Ravage to his side and puts his final contingency plan into play: dig up the Ark, kill Optimus Prime, and change history. The Agenda (Part 2) Ravage perishes when the Maximals destroy his transwarp cruiser, The Agenda (Part III) but a copy of his consciousness survives in the ship's flight recorder. Ghosts of the Past Using datatrax obtained from Blackarachnia's copy of the Golden Disk, Megatron accesses the Ark, shoots Optimus Prime in the head, and triggers a devastating timestorm. The Agenda (Part III)

To Megatron's disappointment, the Maximals repair the damaged Autobot leader; when Primal takes his ancestor's spark into his body, the fusion upgrades his body into a powered "optimal" form. The Predacons destroy the Maximal base, forcing the Maximals and their new ally Blackarachnia to relocate to a new base inside Mount St. Hillary. Optimal Situation For the third and final time, Atari and Star Dust kiss Optimus Primal, but this time Primus snatches away her fragments of the Allspark. Sparkbots Volume 2 Kiss Players #45 Depth Charge, in pursuit of Rampage, follows his quarry to prehistoric Earth. Deep Metal Two Vok resurrect the Maximals Tigatron and Airazor as the powerful Tigerhawk. Other Victories They are banished from Tigerhawk's body, and remain active in the timestream for eons to come. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two

After several more adventures and close encounters with the Vok, an empowered Megatron, who has now acquired the spark of his namesake, Master Blaster acquires the Nemesis, which the deceased Tarantulas had previously discovered and refurbished, and launches it with the intent of destroying the Ark. The chaos surrounding the Nemesis results in casualties on both sides. Nemesis Part 1 Thanks to the assistance of a repentant Dinobot clone, the Maximals discover a hidden Autobot shuttle, which they use to fly through the deck of the Nemesis and incapacitate Megatron. The Nemesis crashes with Dinobot still on it, and the remaining Maximals capture Megatron and return to Cybertron. Waspinator rules over humanity's ancestors for a time, Nemesis Part 2 but the protohumans eventually grow tired of their capricious ruler and overthrow him. Revelations Part I: Discovery

"Several million years ago"


The Sparkbots travel to prehistoric Earth and release Unicron's Angolmois Energy to resurrect the Chaos Bringer. They are followed by Primus, formerly the Oracle, and the Kiss Players. Primus seals the still-weak Unicron, the Sparkbots, and the energy inside Earth and creates Brave Maximus to stand guard over the sealed Angolmois Energy. Primus creates a number of safeguards, including the OOParts, to ensure that Maximus's power will not be misused. Primus converts into Vector Sigma and transports the girls back to 2007. Sparkbots Volume 5 Kiss Players #51 Brave Maximus is buried under the landmass that will become Tokyo; the OOParts are scattered across the world and, over the eons, eventually find their way into various human monuments. The Ultimate Extreme! The Large Buddha Statue Transformer

A Cybertronian satellite containing a power core with the ability to alter weather patterns crashes on Earth. Trans-Europe Express

100,000+ years ago

500,000 BCE

The Decepticon Deathsaurus uses the terrifying Planet-Destroying Fortress in his quest to become a new Emperor of Destruction, but the young Autobot Star Saber and others drain its energies and seal it up in the gravity well of the Dark Nebula. It is a while before Deathsaurus's dreams of Decepticon leadership are achieved. Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress

100,000 BCE

While on Dread, Kup is captured by the Orbs and forced to work as a slave in the death crystal mines. He manages to escape and is about to free other slaves when the sudden appearance of Chaos scares him away. Ever since, Kup regrets allowing his fear to control him at that moment. Chaos

1,000+ years ago

"Thousands of years ago"

The Headmaster Grand of Planet Master meets up with the Autobot Pretenders. Shūta and Grand's Masterforce Super-Secrets! After a battle with the Decepticon Pretenders, the five Autobots crash on Stone Age Earth, and take the form of humans with their Pretender technology. Rise Up!! Pretenders The Decepticon Pretenders take on the form of monsters to harass early humans. Over the years, the Autobot Pretenders seal Blood in a pyramid in Egypt, Dauros in the Nazca Lines in Peru, and Gilmer in the undersea city of Atlantis. Terror! The Decepticons' Manhunt Another team of Autobots also come to Earth, this time from the 2030s, to activate Brave Maximus, but their spaceship crashes on Angel Mountain and the Autobots inside convert into a protoform state. The crash becomes the basis for human legends of UFOs. The Decepticons

A Powermaster body is created for Optimus Prime's use in G Nebula 89. The entity formed from the discarded Quintesson wisdom that was in the Matrix steals this and seven other Powermaster bodies at the nebula and brings them to Earth. There, the entity plants them into the planet to absorb its Zodiac and Angolmois Energy to become Godmasters. It also absorbs those energies and dubs itself Devil Zodiac, or "Devil Z" for short, and falls into a deep sleep. Shūta and Grand's Masterforce Super-Secrets![5] Bonus Edition Vol. EX

3,000 BCE

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The Quintessons invade the Legends World with an army of Overcharges, but are repelled back by the universe's denizens. The Quintessons declare that the universe's creators—the Zamojin in the future—require investigation, and an Overcharge is inspired by his future self living in the Legends World to become Blitzwing. Bonus Edition Vol. 59

Just as Niko Don is about to send his creation Nijika out to space, the Quintessons disable the Zamojin's telepathic abilities and place their planet under a quadrant lock. The event lives in infamy as "the Night of the Devils". The Face of the Nijika

100+ years ago


Spike Witwicky and several Cybertronians travel back in time through the mysterious Dragon Mound to Anglo-Saxon Britain. They briefly interfere in the territorial battle between Aetheling the Red and Wigend of Blackthorn, which is solved by the love between Nimue, Aetheling's daughter, and Wigend. Spike and the Transformers return to their original era with the help of the wizard Beorht, who dispatches a dragon in the process. A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court


The spaceship containing the Cybertronian weather control unit is unearthed by Persians. The device's activation causes a great disaster, and so the King of Persia seals its power core inside the Pearl of Bahoudin and buries it in the Galata Valley. Trans-Europe Express

Edo period (1600s–1800s)

While in Japan, Metalhawk and the Autobot Pretenders defend a pair of human children from Bludgeon and his group of Decepticon Pretenders. The experience rekindles Metalhawk's desire to stay and protect Earth. A Tale of the Pretenders[6]

20th century


During World War II, various military vehicles are abandoned on the island of Guadalcanal. Starscream's Brigade


The Voyager probe leaves Earth, carrying a golden disk should it encounter extraterrestrial lifeforms. The Agenda (Part 2)



Seeking Optimus Prime and the Matrix, a team of Autobot Cyberdroids leave Cybertron to track the Matrix's energy trail. A New Transformer Legend Begins!! While in space, a cross-dimensional shockwave from another universe strikes their ship; Ask Vector Prime, 06/01/2015 this mutates them into transforming and combining Micromasters, and some of the new Micromasters are further affected by the shockwave and become Decepticons. The ship crashes onto Earth and war breaks out between the two Micromaster factions. A New Transformer Legend Begins!! The Decepticons try to convert Autobots into Decepticons with a mind changer virus, but Joe and Sireen, help cure the infection. Enter the Urban Disaster Relief Specialists!! While the Wing Team attempts to steal away some unactivated Cyberdroid capsules from the Autobot base, Sixwing is shot with the Vaccine Program Gun. It does not have the intended effect of changing him into an Autobot, instead granting him a powerful state known as Berserker Sixwing. Enter the Decepticon Sixwing!! During the fight, six Cyberdroid capsules are shocked and split into two, creating an Autobot Sixbuilder and a Decepticon Sixbuilder. Sixbuilder the Ill-Fated Warrior!?

The Decepticon Micromasters are later found digging up the base of Mount St. Hilary until Sixtrain scares them away. The Autobots do some digging of their own and find a scrap of Cybertronian metal with the Predacon symbol on it—while they do not know the meaning of the insignia, they correctly deduce that Transformers have been on Earth before them. Sixtrain! Activate Red Mode!! The Autobots set up Metrobase to defend the site. Further digging reveals a pod that opens a dimensional rift, allowing the Multiforce to arrive from 2025. The Menace of Landcross's Combining Formation!

After their adventure in this time period, the Multiforce leave Earth and lay low for forty years, content to take "the slow path" back to their present and avoid any damage to the timestream. While in the Vega Sector, they encounter and subsequently defeat the villainous Praetorian. Ask Vector Prime, 06/01/2015


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After four million years of dormancy, the eruption of Mount St. Hilary reactivates Teletraan I, who in turn revives the Autobots and Decepticons. When the Decepticons attack an oil rig, the Autobots rescue and subsequently befriend Spike and Sparkplug Witwicky. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1 Optimus Prime and Megatron face off atop Sherman Dam, More than Meets the Eye, Part 2 whereupon the invisible, time-travelling Marissa Faireborn and Angela obtain a piece of the "Allspark" by kissing Prime. Sparkbots Volume 1 Kiss Players #40 The Decepticons attempt to return to Cybertron aboard the Victory, but Mirage sabotages the ship and causes it to crash-land in the ocean. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3 The Decepticons refurbish the crashed ship into a headquarters for their movement, Transport to Oblivion and human governments agree to cooperate with the Autobots. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3

Over the next year, the Decepticons re-establish contact with Shockwave, whose space bridge allows for easy transportation between Earth and Cybertron, Transport to Oblivion while the Autobots gain a valuable ally in Chip Chase. Roll for It Starscream finds his long-lost friend Skyfire in the Arctic, but Skyfire joins the Autobots. Fire in the Sky Wheeljack, inspired by dinosaur fossils, creates the Dinobots; originally a trio of powerful but dim-witted warriors, S.O.S. Dinobots they are eventually joined by Swoop and Snarl. War of the Dinobots

Megatron makes a deal with the human scientist Doctor Arkeville, and uses his hypno-chip to brainwash many humans and force them to construct a large space bridge that pulls Cybertron into Earth's orbit. The Ultimate Doom, Part 1 Earth's new satellite causes major disasters across the planet, The Ultimate Doom, Part 2 but the Autobots release a massive amount of energy to push Cybertron away from Earth and disable the hypno-chips. The Ultimate Doom, Part 3 Arkeville later finds himself not liking Starscream's plan to destroy Earth with the Doctor's Exponential Generator. His attempts to stop the plot damage his body, and Decepticon Medicroids rebuild him into a cyborg. Countdown to Extinction

The Decepticons join forces with the Insecticons in Bali; A Plague of Insecticons later, they add the Constructicons to their ranks. Heavy Metal War Megatron's subsequent schemes include invading New York City, City of Steel reprogramming the Autobots with the personality destabilizer device, Attack of the Autobots stealing electro-cells, Traitor and joining forces with King Nergill of Atlantis, Atlantis, Arise! and using TORQ III to control machines Day of the Machines On one such adventure, Spike meets Carly, his future wife. The Immobilizer


Doctor Fujiyama creates the robot Nightbird—the first in a long line of human-built robots—which Megatron alters to attack the Autobots. The Autobots eventually defeat the rogue robot and seal her away. Enter the Nightbird At one point, the Decepticons gather energy from Dinobot Island and cause temporal disruptions until the stolen energy is returned. Dinobot Island, Part 2 Human archeologists discover the crashed Nemesis in South America, and Megatron briefly claims the Heart of Cybertron before a team of Autobots disconnect the artifact from his body. Microbots In conjunction with Shawn Berger, the Decepticons began a successful smear campaign against the Autobots which ends in their banishment. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1 Spike clears their reputation, and the Autobots return to Earth in time to stop Megatron's latest plan. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2

Spike and Carly briefly venture to Cybertron in search of Cybertonium. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1 Later, Spike and some Autobots travel back in time through the Dragon Mound to 543 AD. A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court A space bridge accident sends Optimus and a small group Autobots to a planet of giant aliens; Child's Play on the way home, they run afoul of Lord Gyconi on Monacus, but Bosch takes them back to Earth. The Gambler

Megatron's experiments create an energy-based lifeform named Kremzeek, but the Autobots briefly subdue the electric pest in Tokyo with the assistance of Doctor Sōji Yoshikawa. Kremzeek! Over the next twenty years, Yoshikawa turns his attention to breeding the creatures in captivity. Kiss Players #2 The Autobots continue to foil various Decepticon schemes, which include an adventure on Tlalakan Sea Change and a conflict with the dastardly Lord Chumley where Optimus becomes the most dangerous game. Prime Target

On Cybertron, Shockwave finally becomes aware of the Female Autobots and captures their leader Elita One. Optimus travels to Cybertron to save her; in the ensuing rescue, Elita uses her power to stop time and drains her life force. With the assistance of Alpha Trion, Prime perform a power transfusion to heal Elita. The Search for Alpha Trion

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Megatron creates five new warriors, but needs Vector Sigma to bring them to life. Shockwave discovers the location of the computer and Soundwave steals the Key to Vector Sigma from Alpha Trion, and uses them to activate the Stunticons. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 To counter these new warriors, the Autobots create the Aerialbots; without the key, Trion sacrifices himself to bring them online, and the five Autobots help stop Megatron's plan to convert Earth into a metallic planet with the Key. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2 Some time later, the Aerialbots help destroy Megatron's Giant Purple Griffin; Aerial Assault although they are initially unsure of their role as Autobots, a freak accident sends them back in time to Cybertron's past, where they unwittingly assist the young Orion Pax as he rises to become Supreme Commander. War Dawn

At some point, Megatron hunts down the power core of the weather satellite that crashed millions of years ago and uses it to cause weather disasters across the planet before Bumblebee destroys it. Trans-Europe Express On Antilla, Megatron discovers the Lightning Bug, but becomes infected with Cosmic Rust. Through an elaborate plan, Megatron is cured by Perceptor with Corrostop and has the Autobots infected with Cosmic Rust. The Autobots cure themselves of the disease, then destroy the Lightning Bug. Cosmic Ruse

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Banished from the Decepticons, Starscream creates the Combaticons using five personality components and old World War II hardware. Despite their combined form as Bruticus, Starscream and his "army" are eventually defeated and again exiled, this time to a desolate asteroid. Starscream's Brigade The Combaticons fly off to exact revenge on both Cybertron and Earth, and nearly plunge the Earth into the Sun before an Autobot-Decepticon alliance thwarts their operation. The Combaticons are subsequently reprogrammed to serve Megatron, The Revenge of Bruticus and remain loyal even after Brawl's personality component becomes part of a high school science project. B.O.T.

During a battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron in his lab, Gregory Swofford is scarred by an explosion. The human then holds a deep grudge against all Transformers. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

In between his various madcap schemes, Megatron intercepts the Voyager and inscribes a message on its Sounds of Earth disc in case the Decepticons lose the war. Aware that his race will one day invent transwarp technology, he leaves a set of instructions for any Decepticon descendants who find his message—instructions on how to travel back in time, eliminate Optimus Prime, and change history. The Agenda (Part 2)

The discovery of many ancient Cybertronian artifacts on Earth prompts the United States government to establish the Intelligence and Information Institute to gather and catalog such items. They find the flight recorder of the future Ravage's transwarp cruiser, which they cannot figure out and dub "Schrödinger's Box". Ghosts of the Past



Inspired by a previous incident in which several Autobots combined, a team of Autobots led by Optimus Prime initiate the "Masquerade Project" by modifying their transformation cogs to adopt combiner forms. The group briefly combine into Optimus Maximus to defeat Slugslinger, but Megatron, accessing quantum surge energies left from his descendant and becoming a Transmetal, splits the super robot apart. Focused on punishing Slugslinger, Megatron flies away and spares the Autobots. Slugslinger's Ambition Destron Leader Megatron Black Ver.

Galvatron II, having travelled from 2038, keeps his true origins concealed and joins up with the Decepticons of this time. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part One

Humans and Autobots draw up plans for "Scramble City", a terrestrial headquarters for the Autobot faction. Metroplex is constructed under the leadership of City Commander Ultra Magnus, while the Decepticons construct their own cityformer, Trypticon. During a battle between the two factions' combiners, Metroplex is activated for the first time and he and Trypticon have their first battle. Scramble City: Mobilization Trypticon manages to tear out Metroplex's transformation cog, but he and his City Commander, Galvatron II, end up destroyed by Metroplex's antimatter beam projector. Trypticon's black box, manifest as the individual Full-Tilt, survives and is recovered by the Decepticons. Galvatron II survives as a spirit by using the power of his Creation Matrix. Ruination Chapter, Part Two LG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter


G.I. Joe is formed to battle the forces of Cobra, a human terrorist organization.[1] G.I. Joe operative D.R. Faireborn is stationed in New York City around this time, along with his daughter Marissa, who befriends Chinese immigrant Shaoshao Li when Li's parents open a restaurant in the city. The two become good friends, to the point where Shaoshao develops unrequited feelings for Marissa. Kiss Players #23

At some point around this time, Spike and Carly get married and have a son, Daniel. The Transformers: The Movie


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During one of Faireborn's missions, Optimus Prime rescues him and his daughter. Marissa becomes infatuated with Optimus; Shaoshao, who feels that her only friend has been taken away from her, begins to distrust all Transformers. Kiss Players #34 A reconciliation between the two friends does not happen, as Shaoshao's parents relocate their restaurant to Japan. Kiss Players #23


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Professor Felix Adle and his daughter Katua Adle are badly injured in a field test. Cybertronian science provides the pair with advanced prostheses that allow them to continue their work. Divided Views

Daichi Ōnishi discovers the existence of Brave Maximus, and the OOPArts needed to activate the giant. Arise! Cybertron City

The Autobots ally themselves with the United States government and supply the technology to construct the Trigger, an orbital warp gate capable of opening portals to distant star systems. However, a Decepticon collaborator in the crew betrays his comrades with the intent of handing the Trigger over to his Decepticon allies. They are stopped by a crewman and Optimus Prime before they can exploit the Trigger. First Contact

Further human-Autobot cooperation yields the C-X drones, robotic protectors created to reassure an increasingly doubtful populace. However, Starscream's time-travelling ghost briefly interferes with one of the C-X drones and causes it to go berserk; Optimus subdues the rogue drone, and Starscream's ghost goes to meet with the present-day Starscream. Divided Views The two Starscreams form an alliance and abscond to the Trigger with a stock of energon cubes; the future Starscream uses the energon to combine with his past self and the Trigger to assume a monstrous form with control over warp gates. Optimus and Megatron work together to subdue the threat: although they successfully destroy the Trigger, many of the Transformers are damaged or otherwise lost in the chaos, and only a few Cybertronians remain active on Earth. The Battle of the Star Gate


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An elite unit of Predacons known as the Destrongers led by Gigatron[7] from the future cross dimensions in search of Brave Maximus, and kidnap Daichi Ōnishi for his knowledge that will assist in their search. They are pursued by Fire Convoy and the Dimensional Patrol unit,[8] who use the Cybertron Net to traverse the planet. Hot-Blooded Warriors! Buildmasters During Fire Convoy and Gigatron's battle in New York City, First Deployment! Fire Convoy an invisible and time-travelling Shaoshao Li from 2007 kisses Fire Convoy to draw out the "Allspark fragment" that latched onto him. Kiss Players #47

The team establish a secret headquarters in Tokyo alongside their human friend Yūki, and promise to help him find his missing father. First Deployment! Fire Convoy The battle quickly evolves into a hunt for the OOPArts required to activate Brave Maximus, The Ultimate Extreme! The Large Buddha Statue Transformer and over the course of the conflict both sides gain powerful new allies, including God Magnus, Forced Fusion! God Fire Convoy Black Convoy, Foe? Friend!? Black Convoy the Spychangers, Ninja Robo! Enter the Spychangers and the Combatrons. Foe? Friend!? Black Convoy

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Brave Maximus is discovered when the Buildmasters evacuate under Tokyo and are affected by one of Primus's defenses. As they lack all of the OOPArts, the giant robot remains dormant. Arise! Cybertron City Nevertheless, the Autobots hide Maximus in a building. In the meantime, Gelshark's bumbling frees Ōnishi from the Destrongers. JRX versus Baldigus The Autobots find the remaining OOPArts, Gelshark's Trap and the seven pieces form a map to the Jurassic Globe, which in turn shows the location of Plasma, part of Brave Maximus's control system. Gigatron is upgraded by the Jurassic Globe into Devil Gigatron. The Final Key? Farewell, Ai Plasma is discovered in a temple and snatched away by the Destrongers. Black Convoy's first attempt at controlling Brave Maximus goes awry, but Yūki is able to order the giant to stop rampaging. Plasma Abducted

Black Convoy realizes that another one of Maximus's defenses includes only being able to be controlled by a human and so taps into the human aspect of his programming that he copied from Junko. His control over Maximus ultimately fails when many real human children give Maximus opposing orders. The Mystery of Brave Maximus The Destrongers then try to control Maximus with Yūki's friend Kenta, but the boy quickly gains control of the situation and the Destrongers flee. Black Convoy's Ambition

After the destruction of the Destrongers' mobile base, Brave Maximus's Rise! Devil Gigatron siphons energy from Brave Maximus and becomes super powerful. He then unleashes a swarm of Nanobats onto the children of the world as part of his ultimate plan to control the Earth's future. Counterattack! Devil Gigatron God Fire Convoy challenges Devil Gigatron to one final duel at the Earth's core, where Devil Gigatron reveals his true ambition of conquering fate itself. With the power of Earth's children channeled through Brave Maximus, the weakened God Fire Convoy is reenergized and defeats Devil Gigatron with his new Super God Sword. The Destrongers are captured and taken aboard Brave Maximus to stand trial before Vector Sigma, although Gelshark is left behind. Final Battle! Fire Convoy

21st century


Ginrai is born in Nagano, Japan.[9] Friend or Foe!? The True Form of the Monster!!


To overcome a new menace, Fire Convoy and his Autobots try to get past the absence of God Magnus by giving the Spychangers Spark Engines, allowing them to attain "Super" forms. The Secret of the Birth of the Super Spychangers

Some time after this, Optimus Prime, Megatron, and many other Transformers gradually return to Earth. Optimus Prime brings Crosscut to Earth to help negotiate the construction of Scramble City, Masterpiece Senator Crosscut bio which uses the returned Brave Maximus as its core. Humans and Transformers work together to found the joint-species Earth Defense Command,[1] and establish a Lunar Colony on Earth's Moon. Expose All of Evil's Designs! Realizing that Megatron is preparing for a push to take over Cybertron, the Autobots prepare by moving most of their forces from Earth to Cybertron. They are sidetracked when Swindle unleashes Cosmic Rust on the Autobots. The EDC begins the Binaltech Project, in which the world's top scientists and manufacturers come together to develop man-made Transformer bodies powered by Binaltech, allowing the afflicted Autobots to transfer their minds into healthy new forms. Binaltech Is... The safety of Earth is left to the Binaltech Autobots. Binaltech Is...


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The Binaltech Autobots steadily push the Decepticons out of the Solar System. Arise! Evil Binaltechs During the campaign, Megatron attempts to visit Earth via space bridge for a front-line review of the conflict against the Binaltech Autobots. However, his spark has been saturated with latent transwarp energy left behind by the explosion of the Trigger a decade earlier, and unexpectedly erupt during his trip through the space bridge. Adrift in time and space, Megatron transfers his spark to the body of Reverse Convoy, an Autobot from many centuries in the future, at the moment of his defeat by the evil Grand Scourge. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/14 In Megatron's absence, Starscream briefly takes command of the Earth-bound Decepticons. Change in Command: The Usurper Decepticon[10]

The sinister Doctor Arkeville infiltrates the Binaltech Project with Starscream's assistance, and the two use their resources to construct Binaltech-powered Decepticons. Arise! Evil Binaltechs Arkeville joins with other like-minded humans—Chumley, Shawn Berger, Jr., Count von Rani, and General Kreiger—to form the Concurrence and drive all Transformers from the Solar System. Expose All of Evil's Designs!


The powerful element solitarium is discovered and used in the construction of Scramble City, which the United Nations assist with. The New Battle Begins! They rewrite Brave Maximus's central systems accordingly.[1] A dimensional fissure called the Blastizone appears, which summons the Predacon Megatron and Psycho-Orb from 3,000,000 years ago. Clash! The Two Leaders "Beast Megatron" seizes leadership of the Decepticons from Starscream Change in Command: The Usurper Decepticon and causes trouble for the Autobots. Their savior comes in the form of Optimus Primal, who teams up with Optimus Prime against Beast Megatron. To War! Optimus Primal Starscream attempts to take back leadership by forging the Arsenal Force and using it against this new Megatron, but his coup fails. Starscream Grins 3 Times... The Decepticon Gigant Bomb travels through the Blastizone from the year 2025. Go! Star Saber He teams up with Smokesniper, but is pursued by through time by his foes Star Saber and Victory Leo. Go! Star Saber Bonds Stronger than Steel Another combatant joins in the form of Sideways, who helps Beast Megatron obtain massive amounts of solitarium. The ninja Road Rocket, who hails from Chaar, assists the Autobots in their missions. Defend the Solitarium!

To help bolster the Autobot ranks on Earth, the human-Transformer alliance develops the Genetronic Translink System to let a single Transformer intelligence occupy different bodies. GT Units Online! The GT System helps lead to the creation of Zoom-Zoom, the first man-made Transformer. Other parts of the alliance focus on rooting out the infiltrator and begin Operation: Carwash. The operation is headed by D. R. Faireborn and Jazz, who is linked to Zoom-Zoom. Operation: Carwash Through his investigations, Faireborn reveals the existence of the Concurrence and their mind-control technology. He disappears just as Concurrence agents burst into the room. Expose All of Evil's Designs!

On Cybertron, the Dinobots are attacked by the Unleashers, telepathic beings that reduce the quintet to savage beasts. To save him, Wheeljack transfers Grimlock's mind into a Binaltech body. Beast in the Machine


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Following the dissolution of Triple-I, a group of former employees abscond with Schrödinger's Box and find their way into the ongoing Binaltech Project. Using Binaltech, they extract a copy of Ravage's consciousness. This "Battle Ravage" tricks the scientists into constructing a new body for him, then eliminates his creators and sets out to change history on the eve of the climactic Unicron War. Ghosts of the Past Battle Ravage's attempts at altering history are picked up by Overdrive with his Quantum Dial. Reality Check

Lio Convoy comes through the Blastizone from Gaia in the future. He is struck with amnesia during his journey and manipulated by Beast Megatron into attacking Victory Leo. Lio Convoy Storms In The wayward white lion is eventually brought to his senses by his fellow Supreme Commanders. Together, the 4 Great Supreme Commanders

At some point during this time, another iteration of Ravage, this one from three hundred years in the future makes contact with Teletraan I in order to use the Transformers' "Bio and Tech Spec" data to manipulate the timestream and create a new future without unnecessary conflict. He is stopped by the humanoid computer Mobile Teletraan 15, who has traveled back in time from 2007. As a result, Teletraan I is damaged and the data is lost. 15 Volume: The Last Part To regain the lost data, Ravage takes on the identity of "Black Panther Man" and infiltrates the Autobots. Once accepted within his enemies, he creates the Information Administration operating out of the record satellite Nana. It is staffed by Teletraan 10 and the present's Teletraan 15. When Optimus Prime orders Black Panther Man to recover the data, Ravage instructs Teletraan 15 to travel to different eras via his transwarp cruiser. Information Administration Teletraan 15 Go! Go! Volume 1

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Megatron, in the guise of "Reverse Convoy", uses the Blastizone to return to his native time period, Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/14 and uses his new form to infiltrate the Autobot ranks. Strategic Meeting: The Mysterious New Warrior He soon reveals his identity as "Rebirth Megatron" The Dark Emperor of Destruction, Reborn and joins with Beast Megatron in one final battle against the Autobots. Injured in the battle over solitarium, Optimus Prime gains the power of the Energon Matrix and banishes the last of the Decepticons on Earth;[1] the Autobots then use the last of the solitarium to return the time-tossed heroes and villains to their respective time periods. And Then Megatron's original body rematerializes; after Megatron's spark is implanted into his old body, the real Reverse Convoy returns home. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/14

Battle Ravage makes his strike to alter history, creating an alternate timeline. Changing Lanes[11] The Autobots further along this timeline warn the Autobots of the proper timeline of Battle Ravage's machinations, and Operation: Distant Thunder sees most of his changes to the timeline undone. Binal Time At this point, a mysterious "Protector" intervenes and splits the universe into two separate timelines: in one, history continues along its normal path; in the other, Ravage's alterations to history persist, part of a long game that will culminate in the evolution of the Alternity. Darkest Hour At some point after this, the Binaltech Project is decommissioned. Unfinished Business, Part 1

The Interplanetary Personnel Exchange Program expands to include Red Alert, Sunstreaker, and other Binaltech Autobots.[1] They attempt to promote peaceful co-existence by partnering with Ai Kuruma, Junko Shiragami, and Lumina Hoshi, and perform various good deeds. Asterisk Story

On the aftermath of the battles involving the Blastizone, Megatron realizes that Optimus Prime will soon have a successor. Unsure who this will be, Shockwave produces dark clones of different candidates for the role to destroy them. One of them, Dark Hot Rod, battles Hot Rod, but the Crystal Fountain turns Dark Hot Rod to the side of the Autobots and transforms Hot Rod into "Crystal Rodimus". When the other clones threaten to overrun one of the Autobots' moonbases, Dark Hot Rod and Crystal Rodimus infiltrate Shockwave's lab to destroy the machine maintaining the dark clones' existence. Dark Hot Rod sacrifices his life to destroy the device, his essence fusing with Crystal Rodimus to recreate Hot Rod. Rodimus Wars

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As Optimus and his forces gather resources for an eventual push to retake Cybertron, the Unicron War begins with the Battle of Autobot City in which Optimus Prime and many other Transformers perish, and Megatron is fatally wounded. Starscream seizes command and hurls Megatron into space; there, Unicron reformats Megatron into Galvatron, and his deceased troops into new warriors, with the intent of seizing and destroying the Matrix from Ultra Magnus, to whom Optimus bequeathed the Matrix before his passing. The Transformers: The Movie Starscream's spark enters limbo, but emerges decades later in a ghostly form thanks to the flip-soul, attaining a form of immortality. MP-3G Destron Air Commander / Starscream Ghost Ver.

Galvatron's forces attack Autobot City and forces many of the Autobots offworld. They retreat in different directions and encounter the Junkions and the Quintessons. Galvatron obtains the Matrix from Ultra Magnus and attempts to use it on Unicron, but he is unable to release its power and only angers Unicron enough to attempt to destroy Cybertron. The young Autobot Hot Rod claims the Matrix and evolves into Rodimus Prime—in the final battle, he hurls Galvatron into space and destroys Unicron when he successfully opens the Matrix. The Transformers: The Movie An invisible Shaoshao Li from 2007 witnesses these portentous events. Kiss Players #41

The Angolmois Energy within Unicron is blown across time and space, parasitizing Autobot and Maximal leaders in various time periods. Although Galvatron's trajectory takes him toward the lifeless planet Thrull, Unicron's servants, the Sparkbots, secretly alter Galvatron's trajectory so that he will crash onto Earth. Kiss Players #51 With the Decepticons in disarray, the Autobots recapture Cybertron. The Transformers: The Movie Unicron's head winds up in orbit around Cybertron, replacing the planet's first moon. The Transformers: The Movie Optimus's faithful partner Roller winds up trapped between dimensions, where he grows to resent his former partner. Ruination Chapter, Part Two

Galvatron crash-lands in Tokyo, and the cataclysm kills millions—casualties include Shizuku Amaō, which begins her scientist mother's hatred of Transformers. Shizuku's soul is intertwined with Galvatron's Unicronian cells, which multiply using humans and machines as hosts: infected machines become the monstrous Legion, while female humans become Kiss Players. I, You, and the Spinning Earth Although humans and Autobots work together on rescue operations within the stricken city, Japan becomes the epicenter of a growing anti-Transformer sentiment.[1] In an effort to improve their public image, one Autobot uses human-built sentient metal to become Pepsi Convoy and shill Pepsi.[1][12]

Anti-Autobot sentiment spreads across the world thanks to Hitoshizuku Amaō, who is deliberately manipulating the situation so as to resurrect her daughter from Galvatron's cells, I, You, and the Spinning Earth and abetted by the shadowy manipulations of the Concurrence,[1] the EDC leads the efforts to declare Earth off-limits to the Transformers; in addition to rounding up all identified Kiss Players, they also deploy a planet-wide anti-electron field that renders the planet inhospitable to mechanical life.[1] Spike and Daniel Witwicky, known Transformers sympathizers, flee into space; Daniel gets into an accident and is put into cryogenic stasis. Autorooper packaging

Horrified by the collateral damage his actions have incurred, Rodimus Prime surrenders the Matrix to Ultra Magnus and returns to being Hot Rod for a time. Tonight's Big Catch!? Some civilians, such as Marissa Faireborn, oppose the EDC's xenophobic policies and form an underground resistance movement.[1]



The time-travelling Teletraan 15 returns to Nana to recuperate after a bad experience in the future. Galvatron Volume 3

Tokyo rebuilds quickly using Over-Technology.[1] In May, just as peace is restored, hordes of Legion search the cities of Earth for Unicronian cells, attacking Kiss Players for theirs.[1] In response to this menace, the EDC reverse-engineers Galvatron's cells to develop "Parasitech", a means of rapidly manufacturing an army of transforming Autorooper soldiers. When fused with a Kiss Player partner, the two can battle the Legion on equal ground.[1] Covertly, Hitoshizuku Amaō begins a regimen of sinister experiments involving Parasitech as part of efforts to resurrect her daughter in the top-secret "Genital System". Kiss Players #2

In June, Atari Hitotonari's parents are killed by Legion. Atari herself is soon attacked by a Legion. Shaoshao Li and her Ne-04 Autorooper arrive on the scene. Atari reveals herself to be a Kiss Player when she fuses with the Autorooper and destroys the Legion. Her nature revealed, Atari joins the EDC Tokyo Autorooper Team. Kiss Players #1 The existence of the Kiss Players surprises 10. Extra Volume?!

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Teletraan-15 returns to time travelling, Steeljaw Volume and Teletraan 10 makes a starling discovery Information Administration Teletraan 15 Go! Go! Volume 14 that her supervisor Kurohyō Man was present when the Bio and Tech Spec data was erased from Teletraan I. On her way back to Nana, 15 is possessed by the spark of Starscream, and Kurohyō Man is eerily familiar with him. Starscream? Volume

Starscream travels to Earth, Starscream? Volume 2 where he possesses Atari Starscream? Volume 3 and persuades Doctor Arkeville to build him a new body. Starscream uses Atari's Kiss Player powers to transfer his spark into this new form, but Autoroopers destroy the body shortly after its construction. Kiss Players radio drama #27 Back at Nana, Glit, Sundor, and Rosanna take up residence in the satellite, as the anti-electron field around Earth prevents the Information Administration from kicking them out. Kiss Players Position Volume The three eventually travel to the Moon and form the Cassette Players singing group. Kiss Players #37

Optimus Prime's dead body is transported from Scramble City to Tokyo. Fairborne's resistance attacks his the convoy carrying his corpse; in the ensuing battle, Marissa discovers she is also a Kiss Player, and uses her powers to regenerate Prime into a new body and restore him to life. Kiss Players #2 Shaoshao Li is held captive in the underground experimentation facility beneath the Tokyo EDC headquarters. A Legion attempts to fuse with her, but she is saved by the sudden appearance of Hot Rod. Hot Rod has a Parasitech fusion with the Legion, but is reformatted by Shaoshao's Kiss Player abilities. From this day forward, Shaoshao is forced to spend her life fleeing from the EDC Kiss Players #3

Together, Optimus Prime, Marissa, Hot Rod, and Shaoshao venture deep into the EDC's Genital System and stop Amaō's plan to resurrect her daughter in the body of Atari. Atari resists the procedure by merging with her Autorooper and taking off to space with Galvatron. The collapse of the Genital System kills Amaō; when Hot Rod destroys the anti-electron field generator, Galvatron's cells leave their Autorooper hosts and return to his body, deliberately pushing him into orbit and sending him flying towards Thrull. Without Unicron's cells, Optimus Prime returns to his original form and dies. You, I and the Spinning Earth At some point after this, Optimus Prime's remains are returned to the Cybertronian race and interred in an orbital mausoleum. Dark Awakening



Armed with the knowledge that Kurohyō Man was present during the sabotage of Teletraan's data, Teletraan 10 confronts her superior, but the cat is elusive in his answers. As this is happening, a wormhole forms and deposits the Sparkbots above Earth. Mysterious Falling Star Volume

Former Kiss Players Atari Hitotonari, Marissa Faireborn, and Shaoshao Li find new purpose when they join with the Cassette Players to form a singing idol group, the Kiss Players. Using their popularity, they promote friendship between Transformers and humanity. Kiss Players #39 During a concert at Brave Maximus in Scramble City, they are met by the Sparkbots, who present themselves as a force of good. They have the girls kiss them, and the six and Brave Maximus being their journey through time. The girls and their corresponding Sparkbots are sent to different time periods to collect the Angolmois Energy that parasitize Maximal and Autobot leaders. The Sparkbots lie and say the Angolmois energy is Allspark fragments. Marissa and Angela travel to Sherman Dam in 1985, Kiss Players #40 to after 2011 during Ginrai's first battle with Overlord, Kiss Players #43 and to the far future when Lio Convoy prepares to enter Nemesis. Kiss Players #46 Shaoshao and Zangetsu, on the other hand, go to Rodimus Prime's birth in 2005, the Galactic Olympics in 2010, Kiss Players #41 Star Saber's attack on the Planet-Destroying Fortress in 2025, Dai Atlas's time, Star Convoy's time, Optimus Prime's Nucleon quest, the time of the Cybertron Alliance, Battle Convoy's struggle with Megatron in the Mirtonian constellation, Kiss Players #44 and Fire Convoy's first battle with Gigatron in 2000. Kiss Players #47 Finallly, Atari and Star Dust travel to 2011 during the explosion of Mars Sparkbots Volume 1 Kiss Players #42 and three different points in the Beast Wars to obtain three fragments from all of Optimus Primal's forms. Kiss Players #45 The girls also make an accidental crash on an alien planet occupied by Quintessons in 2011. Kiss Players script reading

Back in 2007, the cassettes are left bemused by their partners' disappearance, but soon Ultra Magnus gives them a mission to perform on Nana. Sparkbots Volume 2 Primus, still unknown to the girls, takes the fragments and, in pursuing the god, the girls hit the Wall of Time and the girls are sent to various points in the timeline of another universe. Their vehicle, Brave Maximus, is sent crashing to Planet Master four million years ago. Sparkbots Volume 3 Primus gathers together the girls and reveals the true nature of the fragments. The Sparkbots escape with the Angolmois energy to several million years ago, with Primus and the girls in pursuit. Sparkbots Volume 4 After the threat of Unicron and the Sparkbots is quelled, Primus sends the girls back to 2007, where they can now rest easy and make their own futures. Sparkbots Volume 5 Marissa elects to join the EDC while Shaoshao accepts Marissa and Optimus Prime's deep bond. Kiss Players #51

Based on security footage of Teletraan I's sabotage, Kurohyō Man locks up Teletraan 15 and accuses her of being the saboteur. However, the mobile computer is freed by the cassette trio sent by Ultra Magnus. 15 speeds to the transwarp cruiser, where she destroys the data she has collected, angering Kurohyō Man. Before he can do much, 15 commanders the cruiser and travels to 2005. 10 Volume After they all return, Kurohyō Man commends them on foiling his plans and dumps them out of his ship before returning to his home time. 15 Volume: The Last Part

The Decepticon Soundwave decides to clone himself and secretly brainwash humans with music. Music Label He is stopped by a giant speaker in Optimus Prime's trailer. Bonus Edition Vol. 36


Prowl's spark from the BT World, thanks to a dimensional transfer gone awry, begins to appear in this universe. It is discovered by the Autobots and Bluestreak travels to the BT World to help in saving the spark after a plot by the Concurrence in the other universe destabilizes it. Unfinished Business, Part 1 With the assistance of Overdrive, the spark is saved, and Bluestreak brings over a Binaltech body for Prowl's spark to occupy on the journey back to his home universe. Unfinished Business, Part 2


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Skids proves the existence of particles that can cross dimensions and applies his discovery to himself. This grants Skids the ability to travel dimensions and universes and summon alternate versions of himself for aid. One Skids he summons from another universe is unable to return. Renamed Screech, he and the native Skids form a duo of "Quantum Operatives" policing the multiverse while searching for a way to get Screech home.[13][14] In one adventure, they run into Starscream's ghost, who is made to flee back to this universe. Starscream's New Body

Some point after this, Skids discovers the Legends World and, aghast with how many universal immigrants live there, tries to expel them back to their universes of origin, but is told off by that world's native denizens. Bonus Edition Vol. 20 The Insecticons attempt to consume the universe with their clones, but Skids and Screech stop them with powerful robotic insecticide. Bonus Edition Vol. 47


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Five years after the Tokyo incident, Hot Rod reclaims the Matrix and becomes Rodimus Prime once more.[1] By this time, the Decepticons have relocated to the planet Chaar, where they struggle to survive. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 At some point during the intervening decades, Cobra disbands and its former leader becomes a freelance arms dealer under the name "Old Snake". Only Human

During the Galactic Olympics at Athenia, Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 Shaoshao Li comes from the past year of 2007 to kiss Rodimus and draw out the "Allspark fragment" he carries inside his being. Kiss Players #41 Cyclonus travels to Thrull, where he discovers that exposure to the planet's plasma pools have driven Galvatron insane. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 The 2010 Wars Heroic Legend: 2010 Wars begin with an attack on the Autobots, orchestrated by the Quintessons. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 To destroy their captive Autobots and the Matrix, the Quintessons destroy Quintessa; Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 the Autobots survive, but become trapped on Goo #8739B. As part of their plan to reconquer Cybertron, the Quintessons buy the loyalty of the Decepticons on Chaar before Galvatron returns. The Quintesson-led Decepticons attack the Autobots at Goo; Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 when Galvatron arrives, the Quintessons quickly negotiate an alliance to destroy the heroes. Rodimus peers into the Matrix and discovers that the Quintessons are the creators of the Transformers. The Quintesson-Decepticon alliance attacks on two fronts: rebuilding and setting Trypticon loose on Earth LG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter and an invasion on Cybertron. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 Trypticon destroys the Ark but Metroplex battles the dinosaur, and defeats him. The true goal of the Quintessons is to pull the kill switch on Cybertron, which Galvatron unwittingly obliges. With every Transformer frozen, Spike saves the day by destroying the switch, sending the Quintessons panicking off the planet and the Decepticons into retreat. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

A Quintesson kidnaps Marissa, Ultra Magnus, Cyclonus, and Wreck-Gar to perform psychological experiments on them. His later ship is sucked into a black hole to a negative universe. The group soon escapes the negative universe and the Quintesson. The Killing Jar Later, during a mission on Dread to stop a Decepticon plot involving death crystals, Kup confronts Chaos and frees the slave robots he left behind thousands of years ago. Chaos


The Quintessons attempt to destroy the Matrix by resurrecting Optimus Prime as a zombie and manipulating Rodimus into surrendering the artifact. However, doing so allows Optimus Prime's personality to break through the reprogramming, and the former Autobot leader sacrifices himself to destroy a Quintesson trap. Dark Awakening Another Quintesson plot sees them use a Time Window to alter the outcome of the Transformer rebellion from 11 million years ago. Emanations from the Time Window threaten to destroy reality, but the Autobots eventually put things right and ensure history remains on its proper course. Forever Is a Long Time Coming

At some point, Octane is exiled from the Decepticons and becomes a freight hauler for the Autobots. When Galvatron sends out minions to kill Octane, Starscream's ghost saves Octane, and causes trouble by possessing Cyclonus and Scourge. Starscream's Ghost

The Autobots encounter another dimension when Daniel and Grimlock accidentally fall through a portal to Menonia. There, they encounter Mara-Al-Utha under the guise of the "Red Wizard". The Autobots help the Golden One retake control and banish Mara-Al-Utha elsewhere. Madman's Paradise

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Starscream's ghost makes a deal with Unicron to regain his body. To this end, Starscream, using Scourge and possessed Decepticons, steals parts from Metroplex and Trypticon to help repair Unicron's head. However, the Autobots successfully detonate a load of energon cubes to blast Starscream's ghost into space and send Unicron's head back into orbit before he can use Cybertron as his new body. Ghost in the Machine The Autobot-Decepticon-Quintesson conflict spreads to encompass many other worlds, including Eurythma, Carnage in C-Minor Lanarq and Xetaxxis, The Quintesson Journal and Paradron, which the Autobots reluctantly destroy to keep out of Decepticon hands. Fight or Flee

The Quintessons unleash the Trans-Organic Dweller on Cybertron, but their scheme ends with the Dweller atop the Quintesson ship. The Dweller in the Depths When Perceptor's generator goes awry, Grimlock bites it and gains increased intelligence (from Vector Sigma Volcanicus comic 2). He uses his smarts to build the Technobotss out of parts of Unicron's head and foil the Decepticon plot to use anti-electrons. His intelligence is transferred to Computron. Grimlock's New Brain To replace his wayward and destroyed creation, Unicron, Primacron creates the energy-absorbing Tornedron. The Oracle in the past senses this and calls out to the "Primitive" Transformers to travel to his cave in the past. Tornedron is ultimately defeated when Grimlock throws Tornedron's reverse polarity switch. Call of the Primitives Soon after, Zamojin is freed by the Autobots; Katsu Don, descendant of Niko Don; and Nijika from the thrall of the Quintessons. The Face of the Nijika

At some point, the Zamojin create the Legends World using spirit energy. They appoint Nijika's "little sister", Windblade, to destroy the world if necessary. Bonus Edition Vol. 12

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Rodimus Prime's sense of responsibility is tested when the Matrix is stolen by the Decepticons and comes into the possession of Scourge. Despite initial misgivings, Hot Rod battles Scourge for the right to the Matrix and wins. The Burden Hardest to Bear

On Christmas Eve, the Junkion Scrapheap discovers a piece of Optimus Prime's armor that has somehow drifted to Junk. Hope within the Scrapheap Kup and Rodimus Prime arrive in response to Scrapheap's call and realize the sentimental value of the piece of scrap. A Gift from the Planet of Scrap However, they are soon besieged by Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Scourge, who intercepted Scrapheap's message and have come seeking the "treasure", not realizing what it actually is. Unending Battle The Seeker, who seeks out unique lifeforms, kidnaps all six Transformers in the midst of battle and implants Rodimus, Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Scourge into machines A Treasure Lost that force them into the exact point where they were reborn—Hot Rod to Rodimus, Megatron to Galvatron, Thundercracker to Scourge, and Skywarp to Cyclonus. Eternal Moment Scrapheap frees the captured Transformers, Time to Move and the Transformers successfully destroy both the ship and the Seeker. Those Who Resist Galvatron finds the true nature of the "treasure" Scrapheap found and leaves in a huff. A Treasure's True Worth After the adventure, Rodimus invites Scrapheap to join the Autobots. Macrocosmic Seekers

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Jessica Morgan and Gregory Swofford discover Optimus Prime's corpse drifting in space. A Terrorcon attack leaves Jessica paralyzed, so her father and Gregory lure in the Autobots with Optimus's body to infect them with the Hate Plague spores found on the corpse. While the Hate Plague spreads like wildfire, the uninfected Autobots get an uninfected Quintesson to resurrect Optimus Prime in exchange for saving his life. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1 Also reborn is Bumblebee as Goldbug. Optimus Prime wrests control of the Matrix from an infected Rodimus Prime and uses it cure the universe of the Hate Plague, exhausting the Matrix of its accumulated wisdom in the process. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2

Using technology developed as a result of the Binaltech Project, Doctor Fujiyama and Atari Hitotonari work with Shibuya Electrical Manufacturing Corporation to develop human-made Transformers with train alternate modes. Their efforts yield six prototypes who transform into Japanese locomotives and combine into the powerful but sluggish G Liner. Afterwards, the six main Trainbots are constructed. After three of said Trainbots are activated, Fujiyama's errant creation Nightbird escapes captivity at Shibuya with the assistance of her "brother" Shadow; with the resources at hand, Nightbird upgrades herself into a new body. Using Shadow's cerebro-shell programming, the pair hijack G Liner and steal three of the unfinished Trainbots; Mach, Night, and Snow successfully rescue their comrades. The Train Wars: The Origin Nightbird escapes and rejoins her master, Megatron in his new form as Galvatron. Masterpiece Nightbird Shadow bio


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Still a disembodied head, Unicron creates Nemesis Prime, an evil clone of Optimus Prime, who infiltrates the Decepticon ranks. During a mission on Cybertron, the clone turns on the Decepticons and uses his Dead Matrix to try absorbing energy from the planet in an attempt to revive Unicron. Recognizing the greater threat, the Autobots come to the Decepticons' aid to try to stop Nemesis Prime. Story of Black Convoy The Matrix is left on Earth to recharge, absorbing the planet's energies. Its location is known only to Optimus Prime. The Mystery of Planet Master By this point, Sixshot has visited Master and killed Abel when he led a group to stop Sixshot from stealing energy. Terror! The Six Shadows

The Wheeljack and the Prowl of the BT World travel to the G1 World and take the place of their deceased counterparts when they are unable to return. Primacron is put to trial by the Quintessons—a feint so that the opportunistic aliens can harvest the genius's brain. The ancient being quickly turns the tables on his captors, but peacefully gives up to the Autobots. Before being transported to another universe, Primacron gives Wheeljack some words of wisdom that inspire the Autobot to find just what gives Transformers "life". Controverse

Unicron's disciples come together to create a new body for their master, which prompts the Autobots and Decepticons to decide to seal him away within the Triple Z Point, as a last desperate attempt to stop his resurrection. It is at this time that Optimus Prime and Galvatron are pulled to the Precursor World by Primus to play part in his complex plan. Super Megatron comic 1 Optimus Prime and Galvatron return with Primus in tow as his original Oracle form. With the Oracle's righteous Angolmois Energy counteracting Unicron's malicious Anglomois Energy, Unicron is finally sealed away for good. Finale

During their journey in time for the "Allspark fragments", the Kiss Players with Brave Maximus and the Sparkbots crash on an alien planet and meet the last of the Quintessons. The Quintessons put the crew on trial, but the girls are saved by Optimus Prime and Goldbug. The thankful girls and Sparkbots leave in Maximus to another time; the resulting time portal sucks in the Quintessons and strands them outside time. Kiss Players Picture Story Show

Scorponok exposes unwilling citizens of Master to plasma energy, taking away their ability of speech. Fortess discovers his unethical experiments and exiles him from the planet. Mutant Targetmaster Birth Chapter His followers are also banished. The Mystery of Planet Master The Horrocons are part of the rebellion and are banished to the depths of space. Daniel Faces His Biggest Crisis Ever!! Both rebel groups go off on their own, marauding planets till Scorponok's Headmasters join up with Galvatron's Decepticons. The Mystery of Planet Master

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The Decepticons attack Cybertron with their new Headmaster recruits to take control of Vector Sigma, which has destabilized due to the absence of the Matrix's energy. The good Headmasters arrive in Battleship Maximus to fight for the Autobots. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky To stabilize Vector Sigma, Optimus Prime goes deep into Cybertron to find the computer, leaving the other Autobots to discern the location of the Matrix on Earth. During a battle, Soundwave and Blaster both die. The Mystery of Planet Master Hot Rod discovers the hidden Matrix and brings it to Cybertron, where Alpha Trion's spirit re-energizes the artifact and transforms Hot Rod into Rodimus once more. However, Optimus Prime gives his life to bring Vector Sigma under control. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime Both Soundwave and Blaster are resurrected as Soundblaster and Twincast using Master technology. The Great Cassette Operation

Scorponok begins building his gigantic transtector, and the Decepticons conquer the planet Beast with the help of evil Beastformers. The opposing Beastformers try to fight back, but the power of the Decepticons is too mighty, and many are made slaves to build components of the transtector. Rebellion on Planet Beast The Decepticons also take over Daros, putting a hedonistic elite class in power in exchange for petroleum. The Decepticons put the Beastformer Tekna in a penal colony to hide the secret of the transtector's weakness—the Decepticon insignia on its chest. Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!! The Decepticons also kill Kane's parents, leaving the human boy stranded on Beast, where he joins the heroic Bastformers. The Decisive Battle of Planet Beast! Hedgehog and Rabbit Kid of Beast escape to space to find assistance to remove the Decepticon presence on the planet and they find the Autobots in Battleship Maximus. With the Autobots, the heroic Beastformers drive the Decepticons off Beast. Rebellion on Planet Beast

Scorponok lures the Autobot Headmasters into a trap set up at Praum, but it fails. The Four-Million-Year-Old Veil of Mystery Sixshot reveals his Six Changer abilities to the Autobots in a plot to acquire Earth's energy. Terror! The Six Shadows

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Soon after, Vector Sigma creates the amazing substance cybertonuron. Galvatron catches wind of this and invades Cybertron again, against the advice of Scorponok. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 To assure that none of his enemies obtain the cybertonuron and to generate plasma energy, Scorponok plants bombs in the Vector Sigma chamber that devastate the planet. Galvatron, who is in the chamber, seemingly perishes in the explosion. On the husk that used to be Cybertron, Rodimus Prime decides to partake in a personal mission to find a new Transformer homeworld. He is joined by Kup and Springer. Before leaving, Rodimus appoints Fortress the new Autobot Supreme Commander. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 Galvatron survives the explosion; rather than retake command, he decides to observe how the Decepticons perform in his absence. Return of the Immortal Emperor

Eventually, Hot Rod becomes a Micromaster; after years of searching the galaxy, he and his followers settle on a lush planet they dub “Micro”. Transformers 2015 Tailgate/G1 Mini-Con Chapter In the meantime, Vector Sigma reformats five Autobots into the Disaster Relief Team and charges them with repairing the devastated planet. Sky Reign Chapter

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With Galvatron gone, Scorponok appoints himself the Emperor of the Decepticons under the pretense that he is acting under a hidden Galvatron's orders. His first act as acting emperor is to steal the Sol 1 satellite to power his transtector on Zarak. The satellite is destroyed by the Autobots. The Shadow Emperor, Scorponok To distract the Autobots from Zarak, Scorponok has the volcano nearby Pan erupt The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts and the buridanka plant unleashed on both San Francisco and Athenia. To combat the plant, Fortress Head Ons to Battleship Maximus, forming Fortress Maximus for the first time and using his Master Sword to destroy the plant. Head On!! Fortress Maximus Using the plasma energy obtained from Cybertron's destruction, Scorponok destroys Mars to create more plasma energy. During this plot, Scorponok finally reveals his MegaZarak transtector and it is immediately put into action in fighting Fortress Maximus. The Master Sword proves too much for MegaZarak, and he retreats. Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears During Scorponok's coronation as the new Decepticon Emperor at Moon Stadium, Galvatron reveals himself and retakes Decepticon leadership. Return of the Immortal Emperor

Back in control, Galvatron has the Decepticons attack the Autobots to prevent they from giving their energy to the planet Sandra in another universe. SOS from Planet Sandra The Horrorcons join the Decepticons. Spike Witwicky, tiring of war, attempts to negotiate with Galvatron, but the talks are used as a stalling tactic to allow the Decepticons to prepare for a long stretch of interplanetary raids for Galvatron's plan. They destroy the space bridge network to further stall the Autobot response. The Autobots, having little choice, must follow the Decepticons in Battleship Maximus. Daniel Faces His Biggest Crisis Ever!! Over the course of the subsequent campaign, the Autobots travel to Hive, Fight to the Death on Planet Hive!! Twin Star, Battle for Defense of the False Planet and Daros, where the Autobots help depose the planet's corrupt ruling class. During their stay on the planet, they meet Tekna, who is killed on Scorponok's orders. However, he has hid data relating to Scorponok's transtector in microfilm hidden under his skin, which the Autobots find. Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!! The Decepticons soon try to get energy from Paradise Head Formation of Friendship and find the proton energy stored at the Pirate Planet. Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship Both operations are stopped, and the supposed proton energy is found to not exist.

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With Galvatron satisfied with the energy he has gathered, the Decepticons return to Earth so that Galvatron can incorporate it into his grand plan. On Earth, Sixshot kills Ultra Magnus. Ultra Magnus Dies!! Galvatron reveals his "Grand Galvatron" plan to Sixshot, explaining that it will take parts from the strongest Decepticon warriors, starting with Sixshot. Losing his devotion to Galvatron after this, Sixshot meets with Scorponok, who has been planting bombs on Earth to destroy it before Galvatron can use it, at Alaska. The two push Galvatron into a fight with the Autobot Headmasters and the Emperor of Destruction ends up buried in a glacier. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg With Galvatron gone again, Scorponok finally appoints himself as Emperor of Terror and sets out to destroy the Earth using the Pacific Ring of Fire. His efforts are stopped when the Autobots finally decode Tekna's data and find Scorponok's weak spot. With this information, the Autobots save the day. I Risk My Life for Earth

With her master dead, Nightbird leaves the Decepticons and joins the Six Clan to improve her ninjutsu. Conflating her and Shadow as one being, the leader of the Six Clan collectively refers to the two of them as "Nightbird Shadow". Masterpiece Nightbird Shadow bio

Seeking out the subjects of his former experiments, MegaZarak returns to Master and the six flee in a ship. Mutant Targetmaster Birth Chapter An elite trio of Autobots come to Earth to join Fortress's Autobots. In a battle against some Decepticons, plasma energy unleashed by the detonation of Scorponok's spaceborne bombs transforms them into Targetmasters. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2) Ricochet also becomes a Targetmaster when his metabolic functions are injured in an incident. An engineer from Master, Nebulon, becomes binary bonded with the larger robot. Transformers Collection Stepper bio

On Master, the Decepticons kidnap Wheelie in exchange for the Master Sword's secrets. In the battle, Scorponok sends out his new troops, the Duocons, and the Decepticons obtain the floppy disk containing the Master Sword's specifications. The Master Sword Is in Danger!! With this information, Scorponok constructs the Zarak Shield that can stand up to the Master Sword. The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide In the weapons' first meeting, the Zarak Shield stands triumphant and the Decepticons leave for Earth. Operation: Destroy the Decepticons


On the way to Earth, both Sixshot and Daniel become stranded on Daira and bond while trying to survive. Both are rescued when the Autobots find the planet and Sixshot leaves to rejoin the Decepticons. My Friend Sixshot! Scorponok, who had not cared for Sixshot while he was trapped on Daira and considers him untrustworthy, tries to kill him while the Six Changer duels Chromedome on Juno. Realizing that Scorponok cares little for his life, Sixshot saves Daniel and Chromedome, seemingly perishing when Juno explodes. Duel on the Asteroid

Scorponok puts his final plan for the destruction of Earth in motion, constructing Death Towers from the crysmagnetal found at Lemuria. The Death Towers emerge in locations around the world and threaten to blow up the planet so that the plasma energy released can be absorbed by a satellite. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1) Sixshot, who survived Scorponok's assassination attempt, works against the plot, as does the Autobots. In a final confrontation at the North Pole, Scorponok has Fortress Maximus trapped trying to cut through the Zarak Shield with the Master Sword. Seeing the opportunity, Scorponok and the Decepticons flee the planet, leaving behind the transtector. With the help of the Final Formation, Fortress Maximus cuts through the Zarak Shield, destroying the transtector and the centralized Death Tower structure.

The Autobots leave Earth to rebuild space. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)


The Rattrap of the Legends World visits the G1 World and meets Swerve and Tailgate. Bonus Edition Vol. 8 In the process, Swerve manages to destroy Trypticon, although Full-Tilt is again recovered by the Decepticons. LG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter

Rattrap also encounters Brainstorm, Bonus Edition Vol. 9 and the Autobot Headmasters hear rumblings of MegaZarak's reemergence. Transformers 2015 Brainstorm Chapter However, Brainstorm is able to defeat MegaZarak singlehandedly with a power boost from Rattrap's Beast Power and develops Getmaster technology to utilize this effect more effectively. Bonus Edition Vol. 39


Skids becomes a "dimensional investigator", seeking to bring order across the multiverse by expelling beings foreign to the universe they reside within. He attempts to do the same to the Legends World, but its residents disapprove of his methods after he seemingly kills Megatron. Skids leaves, but promises to continue to monitor the universe. Bonus Edition Vol. 20


Dissatisfied with his native Japan, Ginrai leaves for the United States and becomes a truck driver.[9] A Hero Is Chosen - His Name Is Ginrai


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The Chinese orphan Cancer is adopted by the sensei of the Chōryūken dojo. He is mocked by his classmates for being an orphan. God Ginrai - Save Cancer!?

Scorponok builds a new transtector for himself. Shūta and Grand's Masterforce Super-Secrets!

Devil Z, who had been asleep at the bottom of Earth's ocean, awakens and puts his plans into action. He kidnaps Scorponok and brainwashes him before he can Head On to his new transtector. He is built into the chest of the transtector and becomes BlackZarak. Controlling the Decepticon's Emperor allows Devil Z to control all of the Decepticons. He focuses his attentions on Earth, where he frees Blood, Gilmer, and Dauros to serve him. The entity also brings Giga and Mega under his thrall, bonding them with the Overlord transtector and creating the first human Transformers—the Godmasters—that can use all types of Chōkon Power. Shūta and Grand's Masterforce Super-Secrets!

With the space bridge gone, the Trainbots are one of the few modes of transportation between Earth and the Autobot headquarters on Athenia. On Earth, the Autobot Pretenders are revealed to the Trainbots. The Pretenders' leader, Metalhawk, is appointed as commander of the Earthbound Autobots. Sixshot catches wind of a new Decepticon leader and reports it to the Autobots while the Trainbots spot BlackZarak in an asteroid belt. To assist with the Earth front, the Athenian Autobots sent over six Headmaster Junior transectors and Master-Braces that allow young humans to become Transformers. However, the Decepticon Pretenders abscond with half of the transtectors and Master-Braces. The Headmasters Now!!

Cancer leaves the Chōryūken dojo to seek power and promote the Chōryūken martial art in an attempt to repay his sensei. The sensei, not realizing this, despairs and eventually dies. The dojo is abandoned. God Ginrai - Save Cancer!? Cancer knows nothing of what happened to his sensei and joins with the Decepticons. Birth! Headmaster Jrs

Wilder and Chris's gang, the Jack Boys are disbanded after the Cool Guys beat them up. Rage!! Little Devils with No Need for Rules Chris moves on with his life, Go, Goshooter - Showdown in the Wasteland but Wilder holds a grudge and joins the Decepticons. Birth! Headmaster Jrs


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Metalhawk works with Professor Gō, father of Shūta Gō, in defending against the Decepticon threat. The Decepticon Pretenders reveal themselves to Earth, as does their Autobot counterparts. Rise Up!! Pretenders The Decepticons soon steal corpses and use Devil Z's power to resurrect them as Destroids. When they fail, they decide to use living humans, kidnapping them from the Karin Islands, receiving the ire of Prince Cab. While the Autobots are busy at the Karin Islands, Blood attacks Professor Gō's research laboratory and kills the professor. The Autobots move to a hidden base. Terror! The Decepticons' Manhunt The Decepticons attempt to improve on the Destroid process by kidnapping the biologist Blanieux, but the Autobots stop them and the biologist's research develops a cure for Destroids. During this caper, Minerva becomes part of the Autobots' circle. Kidnapping!? The Targeted Jumbo Jet Confident in their young human friends, the Autobots grant Cab, Minerva, and Shūta the ability to become Headmaster Juniors. The Decepticons do the same to Bullhorn, Cancer, and Wilder. Birth! Headmaster Jrs

With his Headmaster Junior powers, Wilder takes revenge on the Cool Guys, Rage!! Little Devils with No Need for Rules and reforms the Jack Boys. He attempts to pull Chris back into the fold, but the Autobots interfere. Go, Goshooter - Showdown in the Wasteland The Decepticons try another plot, this time causing stampedes in Africa with Devil Z's power. The Autobots stop any further animal rages. Panic! Protect the Wild Animals!!

Devil Z or Giga and Mega discover two new Godmasters: the East German brothers Hydra and Buster. They are bonded with jet transectors that can combined to form Darkwings. The Decepticon Headmaster Juniors are introduced to the Godmasters and the Hydra brothers are sent to attack the Autobots. Despite their power, they retreat when all of the Autobots overwhelm them. Super Warriors - The Godmaster Brothers Hydra and Buster are put in action again to attack the tidal power plant on Viscas Island. Buster's spiritual weakness costs them victory. A Fierce Battle!! The Autobots Are in Trouble

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The Autobots finally receive a Godmaster of their own when Ginrai, a Japanese expat trucker in America finds Master-Braces in a truck. During an attack by Hydra and Buster on Diver, Ginrai bonds with the truck, in actuality a transtector meant for Optimus Prime. The Optimus Prime duplicate attacks the brothers till they flee. A Hero Is Chosen - His Name Is Ginrai Ginrai joins the Autobots when the Godmaster brothers attack other trucks and kill several of his friends. Ginrai: God On of Rage!! Ginrai discovers three additional pairs of Godmaster Master-Braces in his truck and brings them to Japan. When the Decepticon Headmaster Juniors attempt an assault, they fail miserably and Cancer is abducted by the Autobots to their secret base. Minerva's kindness reaches the troubled boy and they develop a bond before Cancer is returned to the Decepticons. A Strange Friendship: Cancer and Minerva Ginrai's troubles don't end when this truck is lured to a mine in Nagano Prefecture, where a mysterious black object becomes the trailer to the truck. Friend or Foe!? The True Form of the Monster!! The Decepticons continue to hunt down Ginrai, but he makes it easy when he appears on television asking any unknown Godmasters to come forward. Hydra and Buster attack the Autobot and attempt to turn the crowd against him, but are ultimately driven away. Eliminate the Godmaster Ginrai The Decepticons once again try to draw out Ginrai by kidnapping children. When Ginrai arrives on the scene, he is confronted by King Poseidon, who overwhelms the Godmaster till he combines with his trailer to form Super Ginrai. The powered Godmaster easily defeats the Seacon combiner in the first of many times. Heroism!! The Birth of Super Ginrai

At a point known as the "63-MF Spacetime", Hot Rodimus and SARA visit from the Cloud World while exploring the multiverse. They help the Autobots rescue people from a burning building before returning to their native universe. Wandering

Ginrai assists in the recruitment of more Autobot Godmasters, including automobile company heir Lightfoot Lightfoot: A Dramatic Encounter and Mountie Ranger. An Enemy? The Third Godmaster, Ranger Sixknight seeks to join the Decepticons, but is turned down due to his lack of Chōkon Power other than Tenchōkon. He is subsequently manipulated into fighting Ginrai, but the Godmaster proves the better combatant. A Powerful Foe!! Sixknight the Wanderer Another Godmaster joins the Autobots in the form of racer Road King. Assemble! The Four Godmaster Gunmen Sixknight, still aghast at a human defeating him, beats up the Decepticon Headmaster Juniors to prove his loyalty. He leaves, promising to meet Ginrai again.The Autobot Warrior, Sixknight?!

The Decepticons begin a series of attacks to lower human and Autobot morale; they begin by kidnapping doctors at the Karin Islands. Save the Little Girl! The Chōjin Warriors, the Godmasters They follow that up by threatening the life of Leftfoot, the father of Lightfoot. Prior to this, Grand meet with the Autobots after the space-based Autobots intercept communications about BlackZarak travelling to Earth. To fight against this threat, Grand gives the Earth Autobots the plans to the Bomber Project that would build a drone to combine with Super Ginrai. Life? Death? The Desperate Lightfoot

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Finally, Giga and Mega unleash the power of their transtector, Overlord, and defeat Super Ginrai, leaving him for dead. Super Ginrai Gets Blown Away in the Desert!? During the battle, an invisible Marissa Faireborn from 2007 kisses Ginrai to draw out the "Allspark fragment" in him. Kiss Players #43 Ginrai is recovered by the Autobots and put in a hospital. BlackZarak is soon to arrive, so Overlord is sent to rendezvous with him on the Moon. In the meantime, the other Decepticons attempt to attack the Bomber Project before it can reach completion. They fail Will the Bomber Project Be Destroyed!? and Godbomber is completed in time for Ginrai to combine with it to form God Ginrai and fly off to the Moon and fight Overlord. The battle is interrupted by the arrival of BlackZarak. God Ginrai - Into the Sky!! Despite being double-teamed, God Ginrai defeats the two giant Decepticons and BlackZarak flees into space. To make sure his threat doesn't spread, Grand follows. God Ginrai - Showdown on the Surface of the Moon Angry at their defeat, Giga and Mega lure Ginrai to a Middle-Eastern desert and try to kill him there. Despite creating a sand tornado, Overlord is defeated. Overlord - Terror of the Chōkon Tornado

During a Decepticon plan to destroy Godbomber, the Autobot Headmaster Juniors discover that they can act as an substitute for Ginrai's Chōkon Power and control Godbomber. Destroy Godbomber!!

The final Godmaster reveals himself when Clouder, who had discovered his transtector and Master-Braces some time ago, joins the Decepticons. Using his ability to assume Decepticon and Autobot modes, he acts as a double spy for the Decepticons in the Autobot ranks. Appearance!! The Final Godmaster Clouder reveals the location of the Autobot Base to his Decepticon comrades, but his cover is blown and Clouder is kept locked in a cell. Armed with Clouder's information, the Decepticons attack the base. Secret Orders! Destroy the Autobot Base!! Turtler sneaks in the base and rigs the core to explode, ignoring Clouder's pleas for a savior. All of the people in the base are rescued before it explodes. Clouder, realizing how little the Decepticons seemed to care for him, wanders off on his own to find his purpose. Disaster! The Autobot Base Explodes

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Soon, BlackZarak returns and Devil Z instigates Operation M1 to bring the Earth under the Decepticons' knee. The worldwide rampage ends in Japan when the Autobots finally converge on to the Decepticons' powerhouses. Devil Z, growing afraid of humanity's potential, calls for Operation M2 to be put into effect. BlackZarak - Destroyer from Space The Decepticons retreat into space to activate the Death Para-Machine to destroy Earth's atmosphere. The machine is destroyed with Grand's help. Crisis! The Day of Human Extinction The Decepticons again begin ground assaults; when BlackZarak is to attack China, Cancer rushes out to save his homeland and confronts his past when he meets his old friend, Chang. From him, Cancer finds out about the fate of his former sensei and dojo. When BlackZarak destroys the city with little concern for the harm that befalls Cancer, Minerva has the Autobot Headmaster Juniors save him. Cancer returns to the Decepticons, now beginning to severely question his beliefs. God Ginrai - Save Cancer!?

While the Autobots are seeking the Decepticon Base, Clouder appears to Shūta and takes him to the location of the base, only for both to be held hostage. Ginrai goes to save them; with a changed Cancer's help, the Autobots, Clouder, and Cancer escape the base. God Ginrai: Showdown at the Decepticon Base Now knowing where the Decepticon Base is and seeking to pay them back for the destruction of their own base, the Autobots launch an all-out assault on the base. As the Autobots make it into the base, Devil Z combines his being with BlackZarak, forming a powerful entity that leaves the Autobots to die in the soon-to-be-exploded base. In the nick of time, the Autobots escape, along with Bullhorn and Wilder, who were left behind by the other Decepticons. The Ultimate Combination!! BlackZarak, the New Lifeform Bullhorn and Wilder strike off on their own while Hydra and Buster request Devil Z to change them into fully robotic beings so that they can finally defeat Ginrai. The entity obliges and uses his Devil Power to reformat the two into robotic beings. As they have given up the power of humanity—Jinchōkon—the brothers can now never defeat Ginrai. Nevertheless, the tried Ginrai is forced into battle with Overlord afterward. Battle to the Death!! God Ginrai VS Darkwings Reborn While Overlord fights Ginrai in an attempt to prove humanity's worth to Devil Z, the betrayed Decepticon Headmaster Juniors and Clouder band to fight the Decepticons. However, as they try to join the battle, Devil Power strikes their transtectors and gives them life of their own. Autobots! Desperate Attack!!

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The remaining Decepticons converge on the Matterhorn, where Devil Z unleashes Devil Power thunders all over Europe. After another failure by the Godmaster brothers, Devil Z severely punishes them, giving Overlord and the Decepticon Pretenders second thoughts. The Pretenders leave the scene before Ginrai arrives and saves Overlord from one of Devil Z's punishments. Sixknight comes to the rescue to stall Devil Z and is killed himself. Malevolent and Inhuman! The True Form of Devil Z Ginrai and Devil Z have one final battle where Ginrai is assisted by many, including Grand and Overlord. As an ultimate punishment, Devil Z transforms the Overlord transtector into an individual on its own and kills Giga and Mega. Ginrai destroys BlackZarak, revealing Devil Z underneath and the Autobot Headmaster Juniors combine their energies with Ginrai to end Devil Z's existence once and for all. With the death of Devil Z, all of the Autobot transtectors become independent robots, and travel into space where they join the greater Transformer conflict. A Battle... and Then...

Left behind after his defeat by God Ginrai in the final conflict, the grumbling Turtler and his Seacons are recruited by Halfshell on the prompting of Primus's envoy. Both groups of Seacons travel to the Precursor World to unknowingly play their parts in Primus's plan. Seacons comic 5 At the conclusion of the adventure, Primus returns Turtler and the Seacons to their proper time. Finale

Flip Sides joins the Autobots, unbeknownst that she is a Decepticon sleeper agent. When her true nature is suspected, the unbelieving Twincast and her go on the run, forcing Road Rage to bring them in. Bonus Edition Vol. 27



After ten long years of reconstruction, Ruination Chapter, Part One Cybertron is finally restored to its full planetary form, Grand Galvatron Chapter which also brings Vector Sigma back to full strength, in a new form. Sky Reign Chapter

Having survived the Devil War, Scorponok leads a contingent of Decepticons against Fortress Maximus's Autobots. Detonating a black hole, Scorponok inadvertently afflicts most of those present with black balls that cause their bodies to shrink. The Headmasters are able to escape their bodies before they shrink into nothingness, but the non-Headmaster Transformers are forced to convert into being Headmasters to avert this fate. Knowing of the existence of the Legends World, both groups travel to it to acquire new transtectors. Headmaster Chapter Prologue

The Targetmasters are also present for the black hole battle, with the Decepticons trying to use the energies of the black hole to bond with the Autobots' partners. It does not go as planned, as the Targetmaster partners instead mutate into new forms and disappear to elsewhere. Targetmaster Chapter Prologue The Autobot Targetmasters manage to find the six partners, fused into a single mass. But before they can deal with the situation, they are pulled into the Legends World on the behalf of the Decepticon Targetmasters. Mutant Targetmaster Birth Chapter

To resurrect Optimus Prime, Grand Maximus and the living Autobot transtectors start the "Super Convoy Project" to create a new body similar to the one previously used by Ginrai. This body utilizes Getmaster, Godmaster, and Headmaster technology. Bonus Edition Vol. 35 Seeking new transtectors of their own, Cancer, Bullhorn, Wilder, and Clouder sneak into G Nebula 89, where they are caught by the Autobots defending it from Overlord's forces. For their safety, the four humans are sent to the Legends World. Shockwave, having heard rumors of Megatron's existence in the other universe, also travels there. LG24 Shockwave & Cancer Prologue

The results of the Super Convoy Project end up in the Legends World, and the human Ginrai follows. Bonus Edition Vol. 35 Rattrap dreams again to meet Brainstorm, and the Headmaster uses his new Getmaster procedure to help defeat Overlord in battle. Afterwards, he joins his comrades at the Legends World. Bonus Edition Vol. 39

The three remaining members of the 4 Guards free Megaempress and Flowspade from their prison, as the seal was broken in the devastation of Cybertron years earlier. Megatronia Chapter

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When Cyclonus goes to Galvatron's grave on Earth, the ghost of Galvatron II, passing himself as Cyclonus's master, takes over the Decepticon's body. Together, they go to the Triple Z Point, where they seek to use Unicron to create Grand Galvatron. Unicron instead uses Roller, Thrust, Breakdown, and Starscream (who is converted to a half-ghost form), to create a "Grand Galvatron" gestalt with Cyclonus/Galvatron II as the torso. Grand Galvatron Chapter Grand Galvatron arrives on the repaired Cybertron to conquer it, but is fought against by Sky Reign. To fight against this threat, Vector Sigma resurrects Optimus Prime in a new combiner body. Sky Reign Chapter Megatronia, made up of Megaempress and her subordinates, joins the fight. Megatronia Chapter Unicron takes action on his own, summoning the Combatrons from the G-2 era, who then try to unify Unicron's head with Cybertron. This change in history threatens the Combatrons' existence, so Unicron pulls in Grand Scourge to pretend to be Black Convoy to placate his new servants. Ruination Chapter, Part One This does not work, as the real Black Convoy shows up with Sky-Byte. Unicron's ambitions cause the timeline to become errant and Galvatron II and Grand Scourge are sent away in time portals. Together, the various combiners manage to end Unicron's plan and send him back to the Triple Z Point. The Destrongers leave to rescue Devil Gigatron in the future. Optimus Prime, having only gotten seven days of life, dies once again. Ruination Chapter, Part Two

Spike Witwicky becomes chairman of the Universal Peace Alliance. However, the Concurrence replace him with an imposter and send Shaoshao Li to retrieve the mutant Targetmasters for them, Bonus Edition Vol. 45 Mutant Targetmaster Birth Chapter while also imprisoning the legendary hero Star Saber on false charges. Bonus Edition Vol. 50

Sue Faireborn has a fight with her mother, EDC Commander Marissa Faireborn, and runs away. She is discovered by Kup on the streets of the Legends World, having gone there himself to get a new body. Bonus Edition Vol. 46


Hearing about Blowpipe's new cloning ability, Kickback tries to invade the Legends World with his clones, but fails. Bonus Edition Vol. 47 Sixshot and Daniel Witwicky free Star Saber from the Planet Micro Satellite Penitentiary and hide out in the Legends World. Bonus Edition Vol. 50

Starscream is decapitated by Lunaclub and journeys to the Legends World to become a Headmaster and obtain a new body. Bonus Edition Vol. 57 Meanwhile, Star Saber and Greatshot clear their name and defeat the Concurrence. Bonus Edition Vol. EX (Greatshot)


After returning from the Legends World, the Autobot Headmasters and Targetmasters put an end to the war between the Beastformers and Laser Beasts. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 1


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Under the leadership of Star Saber, the Autobot Brainmasters and Micromasters work with the Universal Peace Alliance to establish the Universal Defense Force to fight the Decepticons. They use Planet V as their base. They are opposed by the latest Emperor of Destruction, Deathsaurus and the elite Breastforce. The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber The Breastforce target the Micromasters' homeworld of planet Micro, where they liberate their teammate, Guyhawk, enabling the team to combine into the mighty Liokaiser and finally defeat Star Saber in battle for the first time. Rescue! Guyhawk

Despite the addition of the six-changing samurai Greatshot to their ranks, the Autobots are weakened by this turn of events, and when God Ginrai arrives on Earth to aid them, he is fatally wounded by Deathsaurus and recreated as Victory Leo. Ginrai Dies!! When Deathsaurus finally reactivates his fortress and turns it upon the Earth, Star Saber and Victory Leo combine into Victory Saber to end the threat of Deathsaurus once and for all. Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification

In the far reaches of space, Starscream, Bumblebee, Grimlock, and Jazz's battle continues."Hero Set" packaging blurb Wheeljack proves the existence of Transformer sparks at the cost of losing his memory. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 2


Greatshot almost dies in the Silvart War, but is rescued at the last moment. Bonus Edition Vol. EX (Greatshot)



Deathsaurus is reborn as the Dark Emperor and leads Decepticons in pursuit of the powerful Energon Z. Zone Project Story Dai Atlas becomes the next Supreme Commander, and initiates the Zone Project to terraform the planet Micro into "Planet Zone". Zone Part 1 The Vok, in the guise of “Dark Nova”, merge the souls of many fallen Decepticons into the monstrous Violengiguar, and task him with recovering Zodiac energy. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two As the new Emperor of Destruction, Violengiguar gathers nine notorious Decepticons to serve as his Nine Great Demon Generals, who rampage across the universe and begin construction of a "Decepticon Zone". Zone Part 1

On Saturn's moon Titan, Metrotitan is born from within the ground. He assists the Decepticons and performs sabotage activities like blocking transmissions. Zone Part 7

Violengiguar steals the Super Element Zodiac from Earth and returns to his birthplace, the Tenth Planet. He is destroyed by the new commander Dai Atlas and his warriors. The rainbow of Zodiac, which is the energy of constructing the universe, fills the 10th planet with life. Zone Part 12 The Jumpstarters use the Zodiac to create an alternate universe as a Zamojin experiment. They realize their creation is the Legends World, which due to space-time complications has already been interacting with their universe prior to being created. Bonus Edition Vol. 66

Meanwhile, Victory Saber pursues the Decepticon Gigant Bomb through the Blastizone, and both sides wind up transported back in time to 2004. Go! Star Saber



Following the destruction of Violengiguar, Dark Nova makes himself known and unleashes a horde of Galaman warriors. In response, Dai Atlas tasks the Battlestars to seek out Optimus Prime's body, which had previously been stolen by Decepticons. The Battlestars Part 1 Using Zodiac power, Optimus Prime is reborn as Star Convoy, The Battlestars Part 4, and Dark Nova revives Galvatron as Super Megatron. The Battlestars Part 6

Super Megatron evolves into Ultra Megatron, The Battlestars Part 8 then fuses with Dark Nova to become “Star Giant” The Battlestars Part 9 before Star Convoy destroys him from within and saves the day. The Battlestars Part 10

Nightbird, having heard of Megatron's resurrection, leaves the Six Clan before acquiring six modes to rejoin the Decepticons. She brings two disciples, Road Rocket and Road Pig, Masterpiece Nightbird Shadow bio and receives orders to take down Sixshot if she ever runs into him. Bonus Edition Vol. 50 Road Pig and Road Rocket develop a rivalry. LG-15 Nightbird Shadow Sequel


Scrash, a mysterious body-snatching Transformer, possesses the body of Skyquake. Badlands


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Cybertron suffers a great energy shortage. To alleviate the brewing energy crisis, Optimus Prime upgrades into a Powermaster body equipped with a phase modulation shield, and travels into a black hole with Hi-Q in search of Nucleon.Nucleon Quest Super Convoy bio Metrowars

The Fallen attacks Cybertron in an attempt to steal Vector Sigma, which transforms into its "Oracle" form and empowers Overdrive. Although Overdrive's attempt to use the Quantum Dial to summon reinforcements from across time fail, Metroplex and many train Transformers help turn the tide of battle by using their combined Trainbot Omni-Car Joint to entangle the interdimensional villain before Shouki obliterates him with his new "Train Bazooka" attack. Train Wars 2

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Scrash becomes the latest leader of the Decepticons and leads Flashwing, Deathplay, Darkfly and Sharpedge to invade Earth. Operation Combination He and his minions attempt to steal the recently invented Power Core Combination technology and the first generation of Energon Matrices, The Mighty Bolt but Sixbuilder and several other heroes ultimately defeat him. Operation Combination One of Scrash's new troops is the mysterious Straxus, who has travelled to this universe from another. United EX Rollermaster bio Scrash takes possession of an Assaultmaster body created using Power Core Combination technology; in doing so, he unleashes a "Prime Mode Plague", in which the Autobots and their human allies suffer heavy losses. In response, humans seal away the prototype Energon Matrix system until the day when its powers can be used for good. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/17[15] Scrash is ultimately defeated when he is frozen by the Immobilizer and returned to Cybertron. Epiloge

Meanwhile, Metrotitan strikes at Metroplex, leaving the giant Autobot fallen. Straxus (busy trying to brainwash Ultra Megatron) leads an assault on Earth, but the rebuilt Metroplex is able to repel the invasion. Optimus Prime returns, announcing his discovery of Nucleon. Metrowars He evolves further into an Action Master, and he and Metroplex are able to convince the recovered Megatron to lay down arms, the Decepticon leader having his heart softened by a friendly Decepticon who nursed him in his recovery. Bonus Edition (Metroplex)

The two leaders found the Cybertron Alliance. G-2 Part 3 In the wake of Scrash's invasion, many humans are skeptical of the organization; Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/29 when Megatron's friendly friend arrives on Earth, the human military guns him down. In turn, a vengeful Megatron begins planning to invade Earth once more. G-2 Part 3 With Megatron truly believing conquest is the only thing keeping his people safe, the Transformers fractionize again into Autobots and Decepticons, having upgraded into "Generation 2" bodies. Instead of over energy, the G-2 War is fought over ideology. Metroplex is weary of the continued fighting and finds himself called to the Legends World in 2015 by its denizens via the world's spirit energy Bonus Edition (Metroplex) to stop Windblade's attempted destruction of the world. Bonus Edition Vol. 12


Optimus Prime and Megatron follow the "Law of Cybertron" and have a one-on-one duel in the 17th District of the Mirtonian sector. Prime is defeated and destroyed, but is rebuilt into Battle Convoy by the power of the Matrix. G-2 Part 5 Megatron joins with Dreadwing and others, and a battle begins. In the end, the Autobots triumph and the Decepticons flee to the far reaches of the universe. G-2 Part 6

Galvatron II, who has come from a parallel world with that universe's Creation Matrix, threatens the galaxy with his mobile battle fortresses.[16] In response, Laser Ultra Magnus, who is revived by Alpha Trion acting as a substitute Matrix, LG14 Ultra Magnus Prologue establishes a mobile combat team and prepares for battle.[17] Battle Convoy gains a "black body" and uses new weaponry to engage Galvatron II in battle. Hybrid Style Convoy Black Version

Galvatron II becomes leader of the Decepticons, making Megatron his subordinate. The Autobots develop new remote-controlled Eldedroids based on Prime's new black body. Masterpiece Convoy Black Version bio One is sent as part of an Autobot unit to investigate a Decepticon underwater base. MP-1B Cybertron Commander / Convoy Black Ver.

A ship of Autobot protoforms is sent to Earth's past to find and reactivate Brave Maximus. Foe? Friend!? Black Convoy Those protoforms become the Combatrons in 2000. The Dimensional Patrol brings them back to this era, and the native Autobots sentence them to be reverted to Autobot protoforms. However, Unicron from 2021 appears and brings them to his time to serve his plan to take over Cybertron. Ruination Chapter, Part One

Megatron, hearing of a world of legends, finds a portal to the Legends World, where he remains for some time. Legends Vol. 23 He takes Nightbird Shadow with him. Bonus Edition Vol. 15 Ultra Magnus is brought to the Legends World at the call of Alpha Trion, who infiltrated the world a bit prior. Bonus Edition Vol. 14 Alpha Trion opens another portal, bringing Chromia over to help foil one of Megatron's plots. Bonus Edition Vol. 17

At some point, a heartbroken Springer eats his feelings, leading to mockery by his fellow Wreckers. When Roadbuster and Whirl inform him of the Legends World, he hops over to get a new body, LG19 Sprung Prologue but returns when turned down by that world's Arcee. Bonus Edition Vol. 19



The Great War finally comes to an end. Humans discover Angolmois Energy within the "Gaia Energy" of Earth and use it to revolutionize their civilization. Professor Hitotonari is member of Project Gaia, which leads to the creation of androids such as Artemis and Moon.

On Zone, a new kind of Transformer is born from protoform capsules infused with Beast Power. Realizing that those beings' descendants will one day fight in the past, Wheeljack gives them the same faction symbols as those Beast Warriors, to show that the future cannot be changed. Also on Zone, the Legends World is resurrected through the power of many artifacts, and Megatron himself is resurrected on the Legends World through its residents' wishes. After spending half a year there, Megatron returns to the G1 World and reestablishes the Cybertron Alliance with Optimus Prime. Epiloge


Hawking and Magnificus free Scrash by transferring him to Skyquake's body, but the three are confronted by the duo of Optimus Prime and Megatron. Epiloge



Humans have fully revolutionized Earth thanks to the bounty provided by Angolmois Energy. With its power, they create their own servant race, the Selectors. The evacuation of Angolmois leads to the presence of temporal incursions at Dinobot Island, allowing the Quintessons to be free of their dimensional prison. In the meantime, the Selectors, led by Rung feel the toil of slavery and petition Megatron to aid their cause, which the Decepticon leader accepts. The Autobots are at first opposed to this rebellion, Volcanicus comic 1 but Megatron manages to convince Optimus Prime to come over to their side. The Dinobots and the Technobots still fight for humanity, based on the Dinobots' friendship with Carly. However, Spike Witwicky allies himself with the Quintessons, who unleash the Terrorcons onto all sides. Volcanicus comic 2

Spike realizes the folly of allying with the Quintessons, but is shot through the chest for his troubles. Due to the evil influence of the five-faced aliens, Angolmois Energy starts erupting throughout the planet. As a last-ditch effort, Megatron uses his Unicron-enhanced body to absorb the Angolmois Energy, becoming his ultimate self—Megatron Omega. Abominus comic 1 Thanks to Rung, Spike manages to transfer his consciousness into "Neo Autobot X" and the attending Quintesson Judge is incapacitated by an energon enema. Megatron Omega loses control and simply seeks to consume all Angolmois to become mightier than Unicron, but a call from the Precursor World pulls the Dinobots and the Terrorcons there.

From earlier in the Precursor World, Primus and the Golden Age travel to Zone to crash Dai Atlas's reunification of the Zodiac fragments into the Silver Matrix and the god takes it for his own purposes. Abominus comic 2

Lio Convoy, acting on orders from the Vector Sigma of the future, arrives on Earth to seal away Megatron Omega's body, leaving a spark purified by righteous Angolmois Energy that is whisked away to the Precursor World. In the aftermath, the Dinobots and Terrocons are returned from their time in the Precursor World. Spike and Rung lead the humans and Selectors in leaving Earth, realizing that Angolmois Energy is too dangerous to use. They establish outposts on the Moon (leaving Artemis and Moon to act as observers there after wiping their memories) and Mars (leaving a planetary-destruction trigger there) to safeguard the Angolmois Energy should it be ever used for ill intent. In accordance to humanity's wishes, the Transformers seal or erase all data regarding Earth, and the planet becomes known as "Gaia", with a legendary green lion wandering it. Finale

24th century


Some three hundred years after the end of the Great War,[18] Cybertron is now ruled by the Maximals and Predacons: small, energy-efficient descendants of the Autobots and Decepticons. Unbeknownst to the Maximals, the Tripredacus Council have begun a secret re-armament campaign with the intent of one day overthrowing the Maximals. The Agenda (Part 2)

The Maximals attempt to clone Starscream's indestructible spark, but the violently insane “Protoform X” escapes Bad Spark and massacres the citizens of Colony Omicron. Four stellar cycles later, Depth Charge captures Protoform X and returns him to Cybertron; Deep Metal eventually, he is imprisoned aboard the research vessel ‘’Axalon’’ with explicit instructions to dump his stasis pod on a faraway asteroid over the course of their deep-space exploration mission. Bad Spark Other Maximals lead less eventful exploration missions—one Transformer, Botanica, leads a crew to observe the plant-based ecology of Regalis V Home Soil

An ambitious Predacon takes the name of “Megatron” based on the mythical harbinger of destruction foretold in the Covenant of Primus. Nemesis Part 2, Megatron and a group of Predacons steal the Golden Disk, which supposedly holds a map to an energon-rich planet—unbeknownst to anyone except Megatron, it ‘’also’’ holds a message from the Decepticon leader, instructions on how to travel back in time to prehistoric Earth and change history. The Agenda (Part 2))

Axalon captain Optimus Primal and his crew pursue them through transwarp through time and space to prehistoric Earth. The transwarp wavefront created by the destruction of the Planet Buster revertebrates across time and space; when it reaches Cybertron, the Tripredacus Council dispatch Ravage to assassinate everyone involved in the Beast Wars. The Agenda (Part 1) Some time later, Depth Charge hits a temporal anomaly and is transported back in time to the ongoing Beast Wars. Deep Metal


Following the end of the Beast Wars, the captive Megatron escapes during the transwarp flight and reaches Cybertron ahead of his former captors. In secret, he engineers a paralyzing virus and an army of Vehicons, which he uses to conquer the planet and extract the sparks of every living Cybertronian. When Optimus Primal and his crew arrive on the planet, they are infected with the virus and pursued by Vehicons—while Optimus, Cheetor, Rattrap, and Blackarachnia successfully escape, Rhinox and Silverbolt are captured by the Vehicons and have their sparks extracted. Descent Although their Transmetal bodies offer some degree of protection, exposure to the virus robs Primal and his crew of their upgrades, their ability to transform, and their short-term memories. Guided by the Oracle, Primal rescues the three remaining Maximals and leads them deep underground, where they discover the Oracle. The Oracle reformats them into technorganic bodies; to master these new forms, however, the Maximals must re-learn the lost art of transformation by finding their emotional still point. The Reformatting

Eventually, the Maximals ally with Nightscream, sole survivor of Megatron's attack, Forbidden Fruit and contend with three new "Vehicon Generals", sentient Vehicons created using the sparks of pre-existing Cybertronians. Fires of the Past Through a series of portentous visions and experiences, Optimus realizes that the Oracle orchestrated their voyage to prehistoric Earth in the knowledge that they’d bring organic beast bodies back to Cybertron. The Maximals discover remnants of ancient Cybertron's vanished biosphere, including a fossil cavern Survivor and concentrated organic matter; The Key eventually, Primal concludes that their mission is to revert Cybertron to its primordial, organic state. The Catalyst However, the Vehicon General Tankor— a shell program around Rhinox’s spark—attempts to play both sides against each other and deliberately manipulates both Optimus and Megatron into unleashing the Plasma Energy Chamber and the key to Vector Sigma. When they meet in final battle, the two opposing energies nearly destroy Cybertron entirely and Rhinox is killed. End of the Line


Optimus survives within the Oracle, where he undergoes a near-death experience that causes him to realize that his mission is to bring balance to Cybertron itself. Fallout Megatron survives within the body of a strange, organic creature, Savage Noble and eventually uploads his spark into the Grand Mal, a massive hovering battlestation. The Maximals free Silverbolt from his “Jetstorm” persona In Darkest Knight and welcome Botanica to the team after reformatting her into a technorganic body. Home Soil The Maximals successfully expel Megatron’s spark from his latest body, The Siege but an all-out Vehicon assault downs the captured Grand Mal. Endgame Pt. II: When Legends Fall The other Maximals are defeated and Megatron implants his spark into a copy of Optimus Primal’s old “Optimal” form and engages the Maximal leader in final battle. Their duel ends when Primal and Megatron plunge into Cybertron's exposed organic core, and the planet is reformatted into a technorganic paradise. Seeds of the Future

Through the power of Logos Prime, Primal and Megatron are reborn in another universe, The Mysterious Temple in Space where they gain new bodies on the planet Animatron. The Extraordinary Reformat Cheetor detects that Rhinox's spirit has been transported to the Legends World, and reformats Rattrap and Waspinator into new bodies to retrieve him. Bonus Edition Vol. EX Rattrap and Waspinator manage to bring back a resurrected Rhinox, Bonus Edition Vol. EX and everyone celebrates his return. Epiloge

10,000+ years from now


Over the intervening millennia, Cybertron becomes a paradise. Emissary of the Fourth Planet The Great Convoys become the planet's ruling body, Big Convoy, Move Out although they are subservient to Vector Sigma, who now resides in the Tower of Light. The Final Battle Eventually, however, Vector Sigma senses the presence of the villainous Blentrons, gathering Angolmois Energy in an attempt to resurrect Unicron. To prepare for a second Unicron War, Vector Sigma decides to revert Cybertron back into a purely mechanical form. Bonus Edition EX Blue Big Convoy

At some point afterwards, the Maximals and Predacons enter a period of open warfare. Both sides make use of mercenary warriors; during one such battle, Bigmos becomes indebted to the Predacon mercenary Autostinger and chooses to leave the war entirely. Autorollers Roll Out! Vector Sigma assigns the loner Big Convoy with a team of recruits, with Heinrad as an undercover operative to keep an eye on their activities. End of the Maximals!? The Thoroughbred Corps is wiped out in an assault on Magmatron's fortresss planet, leaving Mach Kick the only survivor. Mach Kick Voluntarily Enlists!?

During a lull in the fighting, Reverse Convoy leads an expedition to an abandoned robotic planet, which he dubs "Vehicon" based on the planet's automated factories. The Maximals colonize the planet and use it to generate vast quantities of energon to alleviate Cybertron's energy crisis. It is in this era that the time-tossed spark of the original Megatron emerges; when the dimension-hopping Grand Scourge defeats Reverse Convoy, Megatron implants his own spark into Reverse Convoy's critically wounded body, and travels back through the Blastizone to the year #2004, where uses his new identity to mislead the Autobots. At the end of the conflict, Megatron's spark is excised and Reverse Convoy returns home. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/14


During the conflict, a team of Predacons led by Galvatron travel to the planet "Gaia"—in reality, a post-apocalyptic Earth—to possess the dormant Angolmois energy, where they are pursued by Lio Convoy and a team of Maximals. To protect themselves from the planet's toxic atmosphere, the Maximals adopt protective beast modes. The New Forces Arrive! When Lio Convoy first lands on Gaia, he is rescued by a white lion, who brings him to a cave filled with Angolmois Energy. Convoy scans the lion, but the Angolmois duplicates his Energon Matrix and creates an entirely new Transformer, Lio Junior. Enter Lio Junior

Over the course of these "new" Beast Wars, the Maximals and Predacons encounter the Jointrons, The Combined Giant, Tripledacus the Autorollers, White Lion, Run! the Seacons, The Space Pirate Seacons!; during one notable adventure, the Maximals reunite with Lio Junior, who demonstrates the ability to combine with the recently arrived Santon and Skywarp to form Magnaboss. Enter Lio Junior


At some point, Lio Convoy is pulled back in time to the year 2005, where he becomes embroiled in the battle for Earth's solitarium. Lio Convoy Storms In On another occasion, Galvatron obtains a mysterious teleportation device and uses it to summon the monstrous Majin Zarak from another dimension. To counter the creature, the Maximals summon the legendary hero Optimus Primal from the distant past; by combining the power of their Energon Matrices, Optimus and Lio vanquish the threat before Primal returns to his own time period. Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!

Eventually, Galvatron summons the artificial planet Nemesis. Lio Convoy and his crew use the power of the Energon Matrix to seal the Angolmois energy into capsules and release them into space. Galvatron is destroyed. Farewell! Lio Convoy The destruction of Nemesis sends Lio Convoy into the distant past, where he witnesses Unicron devouring the planet Dinosaur. Illusion? Lio Convoy

The Seacons join force with the space pirate Duncan in search of proton energy, but are betrayed and left for dead. Primus's envoy finds them and makes a deal with Halfshell, sending him to 2020 to recruit the other group of Seacons for a plot in the Precursor World. God Neptune comic 2 Once their adventure is finished, the Seacons are returned by Primus. Finale

Several years later, Magmatron attempts to collect the Angolmois capsules, which have been scattered across the stars. Meanwhile, military instructor Big Convoy and his new recruits learn of the capsules via a message from Lio Convoy and make the capsules' collection their mission. The Maximals travel across the galaxy in the Gung Ho, pursued by the Predacons aboard the Dinosaur. Big Convoy, Move Out Both sides race to acquire as many capsules as they can, and their adventures occasionally bring them into contact with other heroes and villains across the galaxy—notable adventures include an encounter with Rockbuster on Flame, Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron Hydra on Porcupine, Lonely Hydra and Mach Kick on Comb, who joins up with the Maximals. Mach Kick Voluntarily Enlists!?


Although the Blentrons steal the capsules, The Stolen Capsules all is not lost, as the crew of the Gung Ho travel through a wormhole and rescue Lio Convoy. Illusion? Lio Convoy The Blentrons resurrect Unicron as an energy being, and the second Great War begins between the forces of Cybertron and Unicron. Unicron attacks Vector Sigma and is reborn as Vector Sigma Unicron, using Cybertron as his new body. Unicron's Ambition When Unicron returns to his energy-based form, Big Convoy and Lio Convoy use the Matrix Buster to permanently destroy him. Lio Convoy becomes Great Convoy and is promoted to the ruling body. After the graduation ceremony for the recruits, the Maximals and Predacons stop fighting and cooperate to rebuild Cybertron. Graduation Ceremony!!

The newly christened Great Lio Convoy travels the multiverse for a time; various adventures include assisting a dimension of GoBots from a universal cataclysm, Sunrise becoming a member of the Convoy in Axiom Nexus, Invasion Prologue, briefly travelling to a world imperiled by Unicron, and finally travelling to the Legends World, where Katsu Don reverts him to his pre-beast form. Bonus Edition Vol. 41 At the end of the Legends World's successive crises, Great Lio Convoy, now also Leo Prime, leaves for parts unknown; Epiloge at some point, he returns to his native time period and eventually passes away. Dark Amber Leo Prime (First)

Fire Convoy and God Magnus are created by Vector Sigma. However, only Fire Convoy gets an Energon Matrix, inspiring envy in his "brother". Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!

The Destrongers, an elite unit of Predacons, is led to 2000 by Gigatron, so that he can find and utilize the power of Brave Maximus. Surprise Attack! To protect the past, the Autobot Dimensional Patrol led by Fire Convoy follows the Destrongers to 2000. Car Robots catalog Seeking the Energon Matrix for himself, God Magnus also goes to the past to confront his brother. Ultra Magnus At the end of this conflict, Devil Gigatron is taken back to his proper time. The Final Battle Black Convoy is able to escape and steal an Energon Matrix from Vector Sigma. He subsequently goes to the Legends World's 2015 to recruit Sky-Byte to rescue their leader. Bonus Edition Vol. EX The two then go to the G1 World's 2021 to pick up the Combatrons. Ruination Chapter, Part Two

At some point, Brave Maximus is replaced by Neo Brave Maximus by Vector Sigma. With Zebres and Master as new control units and solitarium as a power source, Brave Maximus is sent back to the 2000s. Skids starts working with the Dimensional Patrol. To free Devil Gigatron from the Dimensional Patrol, Black Convoy leads his newly recovered troops in invading Neo Brave Maximus. They find that Gigatron has turned to the Autobot side to assist in protecting the multiverse from threats like the Cloud World and the Zamojin. When Black Convoy disapproves, Devil Gigatron drains his evil, reducing him to a small, heroic protoform. LGEX Scourge Prologue Black Convoy then leads a Dimensional Patrol troop to take over the Legends World in search of the Combatrons, but is eventually reverted to his evil self and he takes his troop off to spread the flowers of evil elsewhere. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

The Dimensional Patrol acquires the rest of the beast Destrongers, and it continues to fight to protect the multitude of dimensions. Epiloge

100,000+ years from now

In the distant future, the universe has been drained of its energy and Earth is a barren wasteland. The Maximal Bluebolt travels to Earth, in hopes to use the last of Unicron's Angolmois Energy within the planet to resurrect Leo Prime; the result is instead the chaotic "Dark Amber Leo Prime". Dark Amber Leo Prime (First) Dark Amber Leo Prime uses his Unicron energy to restore life to the dying Earth and, with Bluebolt and Untite, begins a journey to save the rest of the cosmos. Dark Amber Leo Prime (Second)

Alternate timelines

As is expected of such a long-running and expansive fictional universe, it has found its share of events that don't fit the "main" timeline, deliberately so, or otherwise. They are chronicled here.

TV Magazine comics

The original set of Transformers manga series started with Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers and end with The Battlestars. Writer Masumi Kaneda and artist Ban Magami, key creatives for the Japanese-original series, attempted to add events to the original cartoon continuity. However, beginning with Super-God Masterforce, the creative team started ignoring the cartoons, preferring to create their own twist on the narrative. This also aligned with TV Magazine's story pages, which were run by the same duo. As such, it seems that the entirety of their TV Magazine work is not incorporated into the "official" timeline, with the exception of Zone and Return of Convoy, due to the lack of alternative fiction for those franchises.

The years given are based on those used for the cartoons, with the exception of Masterforce, as the human children in that series are shown to be around the same age in the following series, Victory.

"Countless years ago"

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What's needed: Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Prologue
4.5 billion BCE

The Earth is formed. Gods? Demons? The Pretenders

4 million BCE

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"Thousands of years ago"

The Pretenders arrive on Earth. The Autobot Pretenders are revered as gods while the Decepticon Pretenders are mythologized as demons. The Autobots successfully imprison the Decepticons. Gods? Demons? The Pretenders


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What's needed: The Headmasters story pages


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What's needed: The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers The Great Transformer War


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What's needed: Transformers: The Headmasters


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What's needed: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce Headmasters VS Masterforce


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What's needed: Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Victory


From here the events of the Zone, Battlestars and Operation Combination comics and story pages (mostly) play out as chronicled above.

BT World

Created by the machinations of Battle Ravage and maintained by the Protector in Story of Binaltech, the BT World is a deliberate divergent timeline which continued the development of Binaltech, culminating in the birth of the universe-travelling Alternity.[11]

21st century


Battle Ravage hijacks Wheeljack's shuttle to Cybertron, and shows the engineer his knowledge of the upcoming Unicron War in which many of his comrades and himself die. Project: Bodyshop On Cybertron, Battle Ravage uses the Kronosphere to shunt Megatron and his Decepticon armada into limbo. To organize the remaining Decepticons, Ravage places Shockwave into a Binalech body to act as leader. Changing Lanes

To avert Autobot deaths if the timeline is corrected, Wheeljack experiments with the GT System; allowing lifeforces to exist in subspace, Wheeljack reasons they can live on even if their bodies expire. Wheeljack uses himself as a guinea pig, creating Alpha, Beta, and Omega Units—actually a way to integrate his lifeforce with the entirety of Earth's information network and power grid—for his own use. Project: Bodyshop Wheeljack's work accelerates the number of Binaltech bodies available. However, an accident with the GT System has Prowl's life core lost in subspace, and Chip Chase offers his own lifeforce to transfer into the body meant for Prowl, creating a composite being known as "Prowl 2". Prowl & Chase

Passing through the time zone of 2005 on their way to their proper time, the Maximals on Autobot Shuttle Omega Delta are affected by Battle Ravage's temporal manipulations. Their ship is detected by Unicron and destroyed. Outlier An EDC shuttle carrying three spare Binaltech bodies for an GT experiment is abducted by Unicron, who Shockwave believes should strike soon. One of those bodies is filled with the spark of the disappeared Blackarachnia and another uses an evil laser core to create Decepticharge. The two, acting as emissaries for Unicron, confront the rioting Decepticons and order them to follow Unicron's desire to destroy the Matrix or else. Widow's Edge Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/08

The Alternity of the future direct the other Maximals caught in the explosion to Viron 102.0 Beta, where they fight their Megatron and Optimus Primal becomes one of the Alternity's Protectors. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30

Battle Ravage is apprehended by the Autobots, but he manages to manipulate the situation by having Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus confront Unicron, who has begun his attack on the Transformers. In the meantime, the Autobots attempt to use the time energies of Dinobot Island to pull off Operation: Distant Thunder to revert Battle Ravage's changes to the timeline. Darkest Hour Optimus Prime is injured in battle, so Ultra Magnus ultimately uses the Matrix to defeat Unicron. Binal Time


Doctor Arkeville creates an evil Binaltech copy of Optimus Prime known as Nemesis Prime. Operation: Distant Thunder is pulled off, but it causes spacetime to destabilize. In the nick of time, the BT World's duplicate of Optimus Primal, tasked by the future Alternity as a "Protector" to preserve this timeline, possesses Nemesis Prime and stablizies the timeline to preserve the Alternity's past. However, Nemesis Prime's personality asserts itself and the Protector is ejected from his body. Arkeville manages to tap into an evil and hungry force lurking in subspace for an appropriate lifeforce. Binal Time

As the Protector's actions restore the original timeline while maintaining the existence of this timeline, the proper version of himself and his friends continue back to their native time unabated, while the lost versions of those Beast Warriors still exist in the BT World. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/08

Megatron and his forces return from limbo, Binal Time and manage to easily overcome the weakened Autobots. In a last-ditch effort to defeat the Decepticons, Mirage activates the kill switch, immobilizing all Transformers across the universe not in Binaltech bodies. As one of the last remaining Decepticons active, Nemesis Prime takes control of the villainous army. Kill Switch


With the seeming victory of the Autobots over the Decepticons, the EDC shuts down the Binaltech Project and its information is released to the public, resulting in numerous knockoff technology causing headaches for the Autobots. The Bluestreak of the G1 World arrives in the BT World, informing his alternate friends that the life core of Prowl from this world ended up on his. Unfinished Business, Part 1 The Autobots investigate, and find that Prowl's lifeforce is being exploited by the Concurrence with assistance from Swindle. The Concurrence is shut down and Prowl 2 transfers Chip Chase's lifeforce back into the human so that Prowl's intended Binaltech body can be transferred to the "Official World". Unfinished Business, Part 2

The Protector guides the Autobots in further experiments to lead to the Alternity, but sabotage by Shockwave results in the Protector being captured during an experiment. Nevertheless, the experiment is successful in producing alternium. Unfinished Business, Part 3 Other proposed experiments included the Critias Gate, which was planned, but not utilized. Alternation Using the Omega Unit, Wheeljack and the EDC put a stop to all illegal Binaltech experimentation by humans. Nemesis Prime, with the Protector captive, seeks to create a synthetic Matrix using the human minds of an Australian city trapped in a crystalline containment vessel. The Autobots put a stop to this plan and Nemesis Prime is destroyed through the teamwork of the Protector and Optimus Prime. Unfinished Business, Part 4


In 2010,[19] Blackarachnia and Decepticharge, still seeking to destroy the Matrix, come to Earth to finish the job. Grimlock, falling to the effects of the Unleasher attack on his mind, tussles with Blackarachnia till Carly Witwicky uses the Psychedevice to evolve into a higher being. Using her new abilities, Carly cures Grimlock of his mental Unleasher scars and Blackarachnia of her forced devotion to Unicron. Blackarachnia and the Protector reunite, while the Dinobots are finally cured of their mental affliction.

In deep space, the Quintessons, fearing the evolution of Binaltech and humanity, place Earth under Quadrant Lock. Outlier

9021st century

Further experiments into higher planes of existence allow the Binaltech to evolve into the mighty Alternity. They break through the Quadrant Lock, but Earth remains in its 2010 state. Alternation With newly powerful Optimus Prime at the helm, many of the Autobots become superpowered beings and recruit other versions of themselves from different universes to participate in their multiversal peacekeeping operation, along with different beings as part of their Protector defense system. From Here to Alternity The Megatron of the BT World awakens to this unfortunate turn of events and sets out to attain the same power as his enemies have. Through a complex plan, Megatron fuses with Hytherion, the Beast of Time. To Mega Therion He recruits others to his side, Foreshadows and has them seek out the Planicrons.

Once Skywarp finds the Planicrons, Hunt for the Planicrons Megatron executes his plan of using their fused form as the Cosmic Driver to destroy the Alternity's higher-dimensional gestalt consciousness. Before he can fully end the Alternity, Thundercracker inadvertently releases the Planicrons from Megatron's control and they are directed by Vector Prime to the Critias Gate in the BT World. Passing through this two-dimensional gate, the Planicrons evolve into higher-dimensional forms, taking down the Megatron Aggregate and replacing the Alternity as guardians of the multiverse. Reduced to their original selves, the Autobots continue to do what they can to preserve the peace. Alternation

Ask Vector Prime

In 2015, Fun Publications began an Ask Vector Prime column on Facebook, where "Vector Prime" would take in readers' questions and attempt to answer them. As expected, some of them concerned the Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity. However, due to lack of access (or deliberate ignoring) on both sides of the Pacific, those answers would often find themselves contradicting Japanese-made material made before and after. For the sake of completion, those incongruous events are noted here.

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  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Kiss Players timeline
  2. Sky Lynx's line in the English version, "we are being called to a very ancient and sacred place", is localized in the Japanese dub as "called by ancient voices, I feel as I am travelling to a secret world of the past". Subsequent timelines and stories would take this line as literally indicting time travel.
  3. The Japanese dub confuses Megatron's poorly phrased line of "This is a Decepticon escape module launched before our own starship crashed on Earth four million years ago" as meaning that the Insecticons took off long before the Nemesis crashed on Earth.
  4. "Sixtrain! Activate Red Mode!!" notes that the Maximals and Predacons arrived three million years prior to the setting of that story in the early 1980s.
  5. This contradicts the earlier account of Devil Z as the "Godmessenger" and the Godmasters originating as a singular being known as "Godmaster". The earlier account is the one used in the animated series itself, but was later apparently retconned, replaced with the version of the story noted here. This version appears in the later timeline and subsequent fiction and may be assumed to take precedence in canon.
  6. The dating here is based on Metalhawk's human clothes, which are taken from rōnin stereotypes of the Edo period.
  7. Car Robots D-001 Gigatron bio
  8. Car Robots C-001 Super Fire Convoy bio
  9. 9.0 9.1 The year is extrapolated from the 2020 date set for Super-God Masterforce by Generations Selects Special Comic and "A Hero Is Chosen - His Name Is Ginrai" noting that Ginrai moved to the United States when 17 years old and had lived there for two years by the time Masterforce occurs.
  10. The official timeline orders the events of Binaltech and Robotmasters based on release date. However, this causes a discrepancy on the presence of Megatron, who is presumed disappeared at the beginning of Robotmasters, but is continuously present as leader of the Decepticons during Binaltech. We have adjusted the chronological placements of stories so that Megatron's timeline makes sense.
  11. 11.0 11.1 "バイナルテックの物語で起きた歴史改変は、その後BT-13の章でのラヴィッジの行動を阻止する事で取り消されました。従って、『OG世界』ではレーザーウェーブと以降のBT機体は存在しません(BT-19ブルーストリークを除く)が、それ以前の出来事はOG・BTどちらの世界でも歴史に残っています(という想定)。"—Hirofumi Ichikawa, Twitter, 2025/01/24
  12. Pepsi Convoy bio
  13. Skids's toy bio
  14. Screech's toy bio
  15. Ask Vector Prime specifically dates the outbreak of the Prime Mode Plague to 2036, rather than 2035. Other information specifically puts Scrash's invasion of Earth at 2035, but it’s ambiguous as to whether or not Scrash deliberately unleashed the Plague, or if it spread on its own at some later date.
  16. Galvatron II's toy bio
  17. Laser Ultra Magnus's toy bio
  18. The Kiss Players timeline takes this date from the original English broadcast of the episode "Dark Designs"; the relevant conversation was not translated into the Japanese dub.
  19. While this story should logically take place right after 2008's events, "Alternation" notes that Earth was put under Quadrant Lock in 2010.
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