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Shiden is an Autobot Combiner from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Train Wars Junction Shiden.jpg

The diagnostic "safe mode" Shiden (シデン) is the combined form of the Trainbots when it includes one or more of the first-generation medic Trainbots Yamabuki and Ginou, in contrast to Raiden, who is formed from the six finalized Trainbots.

In his original prototype form as "G Liner", his motion has lag, which can easily be exploited by a more swift opponent.

The original G Liner is the combined form of all six prototype Trainbots, while Shiden can incorporate the finalized Trainbots. The prototypes are:


Train Wars

After Nightbird broke free of her captivity (thanks to the rogue AI Shadow), the prototype Trainbots and the three activated units of the finalized Trainbots were sicced on her by their creator. After Nightbird escaped Doctor's clutches, the prototypes combined into G Liner, but the Combiner soon found itself under the control of Shadow's cerebro-shell program and was used to pilfer the three remaining unactivated Trainbots. To save all of their comrades, Mach, Snow, and Night managed to send two of themselves crashing at G Liner at full speed, breaking apart the Combiner and knocking out the brainwashing. The Train Wars: The Origin

Years later, Raiden was attacked by the Nine Great Demon Generals, and Shouki and Yukikaze were severely damaged. Yamabuki and Ginou arrived to assist, allowing the two prototypes and the four remaining Trainbots to form Shiden for the first time. The Train Wars: The Junction



Shiden pictured upper right.
  • ID number: MPG-03
  • ID number: MPG-04
  • ID number: MPG-05
  • ID number: MPG-06
  • ID number: MPG-07
MPG "Raiden Special Formation Shiden" is the secondary combined form of the MPG Trainbots using Yamabuki and Ginou in the traditional slots of Yukikaze and Shouki respectively. Designed in collaboration with TOMIX, the train department of TakaraTomy's scale model oriented subsidiary Tomytec, Shiden's train mode is made to HO scale,[1] which—whether or not intentional—puts the individual Trainbots at the right scale in robot mode with the Masterpiece figures, but leaves Shiden incredibly short by comparison, as the combined mode is approximately the size of a Combiner Wars gestalt.
The MPG Trainbots include accessories for Raiden himself (and thus Shiden) in the form of the "Train Bazooka" of his original toy, the "Kōken" (光剣, "Light Sword") broadsword pulled from its appearance in the fifteenth episode of the Headmasters cartoon, and another lightsaber-esque weapon pulled from its appearance in the thirteenth episode packed in with Suiken, Seizan, and Kaen respectively.
Each Trainbot was individually released, one by one, for 20 months. Whoof.
As for Shiden-specific accessories, Ginou comes packed with a "doctor's bag" that converts into a waist extension based on that from Raiden's Generation 1 toy as well as a new chestplate referencing Raiden's preproduction character model as seen in Diaclone catalog artwork, while Yukikaze comes with a new faceplated head to complete the catalog look.
An important note to MPG Shiden owners is that when transforming Getsuei into leg mode as indicated in the instructions, bending the knee will crush the sliders in Shidenen's calf and break the toy. TakaraTomy eventually "canonized" the common fan strategy of leaving the outer layer of train "skin" uncompressed to provide clearance in a video demonstrating MPG Raiden's articulation.[2]
Another word of warning is necessary for the aspirant MPG Trainbot diorama builder: the set's adherence to vehicle mode accuracy proves something of a double-edged sword. While the MPG Trainbots adhere to a unified 1:87-ish HO scale, they do not adhere to a unified track width. In accordance with their real-life inspirations, Ginou and Yamabuki utilize standard gauge (true HO) tracks while Getsuei, Suiken, Seizan and Kaen utilize metre gauge (HOm) tracks. It is thus necessary to split the team up accordingly if one is to actually roll the danged things.[3]
Finally, Shiden when combined straight out of Kaen's instructions will struggle to stand due to the mass of the torso/Ginou overriding the capacity of the pin and bar joints in his ankles, Kaen's scant contribution to Shiden lacking buttressing to the thighs, and- ironically for a combiner created entirely out of trains-slim areas of friction on the soles of his feet, all of which meaning Shiden struggles to keep himself vertical unassisted. This is partially because toy is designed to lean hips forward in what is referred to in Japanese mecha toy parlance as an "S-stance," as opposed to the more neutral "A-stance" typical of Transformers. Both Getsuei and Yamabuki's combined forms have intended articulation to accommodate this.


  • Shiden's original form "G Liner" is made up of the alternate set of decoes that were released in Diaclone after the original colorations that were later used to make Raiden while his "complete" form is based on Raiden's preproduction character model featured in various Diaclone catalog illustrations.
  • G Liner's name comes from Raiden's preliminary name, "Grandliner" (グランドライナー). It is not stated outright, but is found in a speech bubble of binary code that the Combiner mutters as he is being brainwashed.
  • Along with sharing the -den ending with raiden (雷電, "thunder and lightning"), shiden is likely a multilayered pun, with many meanings applicable to the character:
    • "Tram" (市電)
    • "Swordflash" (紫電, literally "purple lightning"), also used for the N1K-J Shiden aircraft
    • "Historical material" (史伝)
    • "First train (of the day)" (始電)
  • Shiden's diagnostic gimmick is an extension of the "Doctor Yellow" motif of his components Ginou and Yamabuki, "Doctor Yellows" being a specific kind of Japanese train used to inspect the condition of rail lines beloved as something of a mascot due to their unique coloration.


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