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Kiss Players episode 34

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Transformers: Kiss Players ep 34
Airdate November 28, 2006
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Chronology 2006

Marissa has one last date with Optimus Prime.


Tomorrow, Marissa Faireborn and Optimus Prime plan to pull off an attack on the Earth Defense Command headquarters with the Legion under their control. But once they succeed, Marissa realizes that the two will be separated once again, so they go on a final date watching the sunset. Marissa's all dressed up for the occasion, and Optimus acknowledges her beauty.

Marissa remembers when she would come visit Optimus Prime everyday in her younger years, ever since the Autobot saved her life. As her father was never home, Marissa thinks she found a new "father" in Optimus and passed the time with him doing fun activities like basketball. When he died in the Unicron War, Marissa was despondent that she would never see him again, so she appreciates the time she's able to have with Optimus now. She's not able to accept that Optimus Prime and her will have to separate again, so soon after he came back to life. Tonight, she cries on his chest, calling him a liar for promising that they would go to the beach again.

The next morning, Marissa awakens to find Optimus Prime gone—he's gone off to attack the EDC on his own, without Marissa's Kiss Player abilities!

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(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

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