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Corrostop CosmicRust.jpg

Corrostop is the only known cure for Cosmic Rust. It is a clear blue liquid that can be applied to a surface by pouring or spraying.



The Transformers cartoon

Why won't those French use deodorant?

Perceptor created the substance to remove and prevent corrosion of any form. The Autobots used their initial batch to coat the Statue of Liberty. While the work was underway, the Stunticons kidnapped Perceptor and took him to Decepticon Headquarters, where he was compelled to help cure Megatron of a Cosmic Rust infection. It turned out corrostop was just as effective on Cosmic Rust as on ordinary rust, and a small sample beaker that Perceptor had on his person proved to be enough to cure Megatron and any other affected Decepticons.

Unfortunately, after the initial batch was exhausted, Cosmos and Blaster discovered that the supply of the key ingredient, Ingredient X, had been entirely used up and could no longer be found anywhere. Fortunately, after Megatron attempted to spread the Cosmic Rust amongst the Autobots, they could still use a matter duplicator to create an extensive enough supply from scrapings on the Statue of Liberty to cure everyone infected. Cosmic Rust


RatchetMakesCorrostop TheArrival3.jpg

When Oil Slick got infected with and disabled by his Cosmic Rust, he tricked a young Ratchet into synthesizing and applying his antidote formula for him. Oil Slick then turned around and infected Ratchet before escaping, but Ratchet could steal some of the antidote and use it on himself as the Decepticon sped away. He then brought it back to the Autobots to be mass-produced as corrostop. 'Bots of Science The AllSpark Almanac

Shattered Glass

SGCorrostop AroundCybertron6.jpg

Corrostop was a product advertised by a Wireless Automated Sales Person during Around Cybertron. Around Cybertron #6


Transformers Legends

Megatron stole the Autobots' supply of corrostop to cure the Cosmic Rust the Decepticons had contracted. The Autobots subsequently had to scrape a sample from the Statue of Liberty when infected with Cosmic Rust. Cosmic Rust


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Sabistop (サビストップ sabisutoppu)[1]


  1. Just as the "corro" in "Corrostop" is derived from the English word "corrode", the "sabi" in the Japanese name "Sabistop" is derived from the verb "sabiru" (錆びる), which means "to rust".
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