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Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 50

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Transformers Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 50
漫画トランスフォーマーレジェンズ出張版 第50話
First published November 25, 2017
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Color Gufu Kandagawa[1]
Packaged with Legends LG50 Sixshot

A repentant Sixshot ends up in the Legends World and has to confront his old enemies Chromedome and Ultra Magnus, with different results.



In the G1 World, former Decepticon ninja staff officer Sixshot surrenders to the Autobots to be imprisoned at the Planet Micro Satellite Penitentiary. Recognizing him as a member of the dangerous Six Clan, the personnel neutralize his six-changing ability by removing his head and converting it into a micro-sized robot mode, unaware that Sixshot has already been ostracized from the ninja clan by joining the war, going against their rules to stay secret. This is all according to Sixshot's plan, however, as he's working with Daniel Witwicky to infiltrate the prison and break out Star Saber, unjustly imprisoned by the compromised Universal Peace Alliance. The Sixshot body held within the prison suddenly falls to pieces as Daniel pilots his real body, already modified into a transtector, out from the lava underneath the facility. Escaping into space with Sixshot and Star Saber, he explains that they'll hide from the Alliance in the Legends World.

On arrival, Daniel seeks out Chromedome, who agrees to shelter him and Star Saber but refuses to help Sixshot, murderer of his friends Abel and Jack. Sixshot turns to leave, but Chromedome changes his mind and lets him stay... in exchange for working as his art assistant, as Chromedome has quit his job to become a full-time manga artist. Sixshot doesn't fully understand the "moe" artstyle he helps ink, but reflects that it's good that Chromedome has found a way to reach out to people's hearts, seeing as he himself is only good at killing. He also notes a certain resemblance between Chromedome's original character and Arcee, causing the Autobot to grow flustered while the others tease him about his old crush. Suddenly, Ultra Magnus arrives on their doorstep, having been tasked by the Universal Peace Alliance with capturing the fugitives. Not wanting to cause any trouble for his benefactor, Sixshot decides to act like he's been holding Chromedome hostage and confront Magnus while Daniel and Star Saber escape.

Ultra Magnus is happy for a rematch with his killer, positive that he won't lose with power of Alpha Trion as the Matrix on his side. Sixshot merges with his transtector and attacks the Autobot using several of his modes, intending to finish him off with his seventh Wingwolf mode once again, but this time Ultra Magnus is able to catch him out of the air and throw him to the ground. They both transform into their car modes and ram each other head on, and when the dust from the collision settles, Sixshot stands victorious... until he's suddenly impaled from behind by Nightbird, agent of the Six Clan, as punishment for defying them. Daniel rushes out to his friend, but Sixshot accepts his death, considering it just deserts for his evil deeds, and tells Daniel to treasure his life before succumbing to his injuries and exploding.

But that is not the end: a bandage-clad but alive Sixshot later purchases the magazine in which Chromedome's manga has been published and, treasuring the moment of peace he experienced working on it, resolves to repay him. Having learned that the dead can be resurrected in the Legends World, he seeks out Giga for help, wanting to bring back the friends of Chromedome he killed. Giga explains that the power to do so, the spirit energy used by the Zamojin, is none other than Shinchōkon—"God Super Soul"—and questions if Sixshot has the resolve needed to control it.

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(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)



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