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Questions tagged [packages]

{packages} is about packages in general, e.g. about choosing, installing or using packages. For questions about writing packages, choose {package-writing} instead. If your question concerns a specific package, choose its name as tag. For {document-classes} or {templates} use the respective tag.

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Getting dark mode in local output using datetime2 and darkmode

I would like to have my pdf outputs be automatically in darkmode if compiled at night according to my local time (I of course won't use it when I prepare this draft for publication). I see that I may ...
Gravifer's user avatar
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2 votes
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Drawing a hierarchical graph in ACM format without using Tikz package Latex

I am looking to draw a classification hierarchical diagram in Latex using the ACM template. I did one using the "Tikz" package already. However, I just realized that the ACM format forbids ...
Deemah Alomair's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Package jsonparse not working with \ifthenelse

I am trying to use the package jsonparse1 (github page here, with documentation). I am reading some data from json files, and I have to fill my documents depending on the json entries, therefore I (...
Eddymage's user avatar
  • 205
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1 answer

How to include commands defined in another file inside a class?

For documents 'import' and 'include' seem to work fine, inside the document environment. However, if I am writing a class (template) for my own use, and I have defined commands in a dynamically ...
blahblahblahdev's user avatar
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How to change the documentclass(.cls) to package(.sty)[like `l3doc`]?

As the title mentioned, I have read this link and the clsguide, and I know the .cls is used for a new document class(like article, standalone or minimal); and the .sty are packages to provide ...
Explorer's user avatar
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2 votes
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Find documentation for old version of acro package

I am writing a report using the acro package, for which I define acronyms in acronyms.tex. It's a file that I keep adding to as I write more reports. It contains a commented out MWE with complicated (...
user2153235's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Beautiful clocks using bxcoloremoji package

This is a follow-up of the question A grid in a cartesian plane of clocks using clock package Starting from the answer of @Ignasi: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{clock} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Adding a section of answers for each section of exercises at the end of a book using exercise package

I need add a section of answers for each section of exercises at the end of a book using exercise package. In each section the numbers of exercises are reset and actually i show de answer after the ...
Gilberto Tenani's user avatar
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Shaded area for answers breaking with figures and \textwidth

I'm trying to make a small package that will shade some areas for answers in some notes I'm doing and so far I have this \ProvidesPackage{solutions} \newif\ifsolutions \solutionsfalse % If solution ...
aram's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

newtxmath disrupting bbold

I'm trying to use the packages newtxmath for a Times-like font together with bbold for a blackboard-bold alphabet which I like, but the two seem to collide. E.g. in several displays I have instances \...
N.N.'s user avatar
  • 31
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1 answer

Issue Installing and Using physics.sty

I am trying to install and use physics.sty to compile a .tex file that someone has given me. However, I'm running into issues because as per what I can see, I have installed the physics package, but I ...
Aathreya Kadambi's user avatar
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Procedural rendering methods in TeX and easier ways to draw classic ("Roger Penrose") "hand-drawn" style pointillist filled illustrations in TikZ? [closed]

Is there an easier way to do in TIKZ some of the things hand-drawn illustrations do? (Think those by Roger Penrose or anything that was common in 1950's to 1970's McGraw-Hill, Prentice-Hall, and the ...
VaduzStevin's user avatar
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Clash between babel and mathptmx

This is similar to what was asked: Italic Cyrillic in Times I'm using both babel and mathptmx, and it seems mathptmx changes the font settings for english and mathematical expressions. While I would ...
TheEmeritus's user avatar
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A request to package authors [closed]

Not a question, but a comment aimed at package authors: Whenever you update your package, please include in the documentation at least some hint, or link to code in the package .sty file itself, that ...
murray's user avatar
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Missing adforn.sty in MiKTeX Installation - Manual Download Lacks .sty File [closed]

Update: This should now be fixed in MiKTeX according to Apologies for adding this into the question. I would normally ...
HamidBee's user avatar
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Undefined control sequence. \sf@counterlist [duplicate]

I am getting the error Undefined control sequence. The compiler is having trouble understanding a command you have used. Check that the command is spelled correctly. If the command is part of a ...
Papayapap's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Labels on Go-Board

I wanted to recreate this board here and here is my code: \documentclass[11pt]{standalone} \usepackage{psgo} \begin{document} \setgounit{0.4cm} \begin{psgopartialboard} {(1,1)(19,11)} \stone{white}{...
Sokoban's user avatar
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align like environment with arrows left and right

I'm looking for an environment that would allow me to align equations at the = sign while also allowing me to draw arrows from one line to another. I found the environment "witharrows" but I ...
Kawahiem's user avatar
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regexpatch and newtx collisions

I learned today that \usepackage{mathptmx} is obsolete and should be replaced by \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} The problem is, that my template is using \usepackage{regexpatch} to change the - ...
Jan K's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to use the fancy mathcal characters with notomath

I am using the notomath package beacuse I really like the Noto font, except from the mathcal characters: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{notomath} \begin{document} \begin{equation*} \mathcal{...
Alfredo Reis's user avatar
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Omitting address from \maketitle with template?

I am using this template to write a cover letter. I want to omit the addresses (ideally both mine and the employer). I have commented out the \provideAdress line in the core tex file. as well as ...
casr's user avatar
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How to make \comment commands from tcolorbox and changes usable together?

Both tcolorbox and changes provide \comment. Is there a better and more robust solution than the one below? \usepackage{tcolorbox} \let\comment\tcbcomment \usepackage{changes}
homocomputeris's user avatar
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How to get MiKTeX to install a package from a style file on Windows

For many of my TeX documents, I am using a .sty file which I found online and modified to adapt it to my use (originally, it was Evan Chen's evan.sty). For the first few projects, I just copied the ...
Paul Laurent-Levinson's user avatar
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Can I set up an automatic definitions repository?

So, I have a question I really struggle to put into coherent words, but I'll try my best. I've worked in LaTeX quite a bit, but I recently wanted to start fully switching over to TeX notes during ...
anxiousUndergrad's user avatar
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How to show side-by-side Programming code? [duplicate]

Hi I am using Overleaf for a paper and I am trying to present programming code before my optimizations and after my optimizations (highlighting lines that go away in red and new optimized lines in ...
John D's user avatar
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Chronology \eventpoint \eventspan undefined control sequence in overleaf

I'm getting a strange error with chronology latex package that two of its key commands \eventspan \eventpoint are undefined. I'm also encountering this error when I use code directly from their ...
Ryan Fraser's user avatar
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Why is LyX loading `units`? [duplicate]

I have a rather long document written with LyX and it is doing \usepackage{units}. I don't know why it is being loaded and I would like to get rid of this package. How can I track why it is being ...
user171780's user avatar
5 votes
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new versions of fancyhdr break caesar_book class

When I compile caesar_example.tex, the page numbers do not appear. They only show up if I use an older version of fancyhdr (e.g., this one). I am using TeX Live 2022 on Debian. Is this issue related ...
scaramouche's user avatar
2 votes
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Safety pictograms

I am looking for a package that allows to add safety pictograms like those in the following image (I saw that for chemistry pictograms, the ghsystem package existed)
Nicolas's user avatar
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Error when using mcode.sty package - Inserts "2D at first page

When using the mcode.sty package to include code from Matlab, and compile it with pdflatex I am experiencing the error as follow, (same error with TeXstudio and Overleaf): ! Missing number, treated as ...
ango4's user avatar
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How to install the required package for wasysym.sty in Fedora 40

I am in a Fedora 40 system getting LaTeX Error: File 'wasysym.sty' not found.. What is the package to be installed? And how do I install it? I tried sudo yum uninstall texlive-wasysym.noarch which ...
user171780's user avatar
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Error in Subfigure

I want to make 2×3=6, or 2×2=4 subfigure in latex. when I entered the subfigure command correctly, the three figure made successfully, but when entered subfigure command for 4th one this shows an ...
Tariq hussain's user avatar
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Subfiles with special packages in each

Recently I learned that I can add special commands for my subfiles, which will be invisible to others. But I am wondering, how to do that if my commands are located in special packages. The question ...
Хранитель Рощи's user avatar
2 votes
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Numering page with abntex2

I'm having trouble trying to numbering the pages. Why is the page number not appearing on the 'Introduction' page in the provided LaTeX code? \documentclass[12pt, oneside, a4paper, ...
allan's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Conditional environment using package option

I asked this question, which was solved but didn't help me with the issue I was trying to fix. Seems I fell for the XY problem, so I'll make it more explicit. What I want: a package that has a ...
aram's user avatar
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Package with environment that changes according to option

I've been trying to write a small package so I can show/hide solutions in some of my notes, so far I have the following non working example which I hacked by looking at some other answers and the ...
aram's user avatar
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How can I use Springer "svmult" latex template in local with Visual Studio Code?

I'm trying to use this template from Overleaf text I executed this on Overleaf it worked well. However, since I upload a lot of images, I prefer to run the Latex code locally. But even the template ...
Relativity's user avatar
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Custom color in .sty file

I have a .sty file that changes the chapter header. I want to be able to use my custom color in this file, however I always get an error no matter where I put it. I already tried putting it in the ....
John's user avatar
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A list of obsolete packages and their replacements [duplicate]

When I am trying to figure out how to perform something a bit exotic in latex, I usually look it up online. Often, I find answers (including on this website) that are old: several years, sometimes ...
Najib Idrissi's user avatar
4 votes
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Crop package: put info at the bottom?

The crop package has an option (info) which puts document information (file name, year, time, page number) on the top margin. See for example this book. What is the correct way to move the info to the ...
andres's user avatar
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innerscript does not work with most recent LuaLaTeX

I recently upgraded my computer to the newest version of LaTeX2e. Unfortunately, the most recent version 1.2 of the innerscript package no longer works. The following LaTeX file produces an error ...
Sheldon Axler's user avatar
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Old laptop works fine. New laptop, new Miktex and Texstudio install. Trying to Build &View from local Google Drive but Orcid is giving error message

Old laptop install builds and views fine, but with new laptop on same .tex file (whole file structure is fine) I get error message. Is there something wrong with my settings? MiKTeX says no more ...
user407181's user avatar
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How package I use for \dimexpr?

I need to use the command \dimexpr, but in my machine no have an package for it. My specific objective is write this string: \newcommand{\cancelraizq}\[1]{ \sbox0{$ \displaystyle \sqrt{\vphantom{#...
Luiz Collovini's user avatar
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Error: "Loading a class or package in a group. \usepackage" with .cls file

I am writing my thesis with .cls file. This morning, everything worked well, and suddenly, my dumb brain decided to mess around with the MikTeX Console. And of course, I could not compile with the ....
l.ngn's user avatar
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Non-bold diacritics over bold math symbols with correct alignment - packages "bm" and "accents" incompatible?

I want to use non-bold diacritics on bold math symbols. For correct alignment I need to use the package bm. But I also need to import the package accents for other reasons. This seems to undo the ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Reverse arc above letter [duplicate]

Using stackrel we can obtain a reverse arc above X: $\stackrel{\smile}{X}$ The reverse arc is not so close to X, what can we do to make it closer? Is there something similar to \wideparen but that ...
mathex's user avatar
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"Environment multicol undefined" but it is defined [closed]

\documentclass{book} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=1cm,landscape]{geometry} \usepackage{multicol} \newenvironment{flagsAndExplanation}[2] { \begin{itemize} \item \textit{#1} %commandFlags ...
Yosyp's user avatar
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Figures and tables are not shown

I was writing in a \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} and figures and tables were shown. When i shifted to \documentclass[]{IEEEphot} figures and tables are not shown anymore. I have included all ...
camellia  mohammed's user avatar
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Preamble a mess

I've been creating a document in overleaf and gradually adding to the preamble over time. I am now receiving error messages saying "Too many symbol fonts defined" and "Symbol font `...
Wendy Taylor's user avatar
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Personal .sty and .cls files creation

I have recently been more and more interested in the LaTeX dark side (i.e. developping commands, packages, globally playing and trying stuff for fun and knowledge - so jk I know it is not that dark (: ...
Marck's user avatar
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