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Redefine chapter* format

How can I modify the font of the chapter* command. I essentially want to keep it the same except to make the font a little smaller. How could I do this using titlesec. Also how can I redefine the ...
xyz04's user avatar
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Siunitx: formatting range

Following this, I obtain \sisetup{ range-phrase=— } \SIrange{40}{50}{\liter} 40 L—50 L Is there a way that can give me output in this format? 40—50 L
user3204810's user avatar
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How to use styling file (abstract.sty) in latex?

I'm new to LaTeX. What I need to do is to write an A4 pdf abstract of my research using LaTeX. The format is given. What I only have is abstract.sty file. Following the tutorial
Ori's user avatar
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How can I increase the header separation in IEEEtran style?

I am trying to add some separation between my header and my text in IEEEtran style document in latex. \documentclass[journal, a4paper, 11pt]{IEEEtran} \IEEEoverridecommandlockouts \linespread{1.25}\...
Yi Qiang Ji's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a template or a package giving this formatting?

I have found two (unrelated) documents that have the same style (the same formatting), so I believe the authors used the same template or package to create their files. I don't know how or where to ...
Watson's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to declutter your main.tex

Is there a way to declutter your LaTeX project? Errors built up, but it is hard to find out which packages are unnecessary / clashing packages. Especially if you are working with a template and are ...
Sean_TBI_Research's user avatar
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Page Alignment Issue on Second Page, and Additional Questions

I am new to LaTeX, and could use some help. I am currently using the following preamble in my document. \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{kpfonts} \usepackage{amsthm} \...
Nicholas James's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does the inclusion of \hyperref cause rendering problems in MWE

% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % \documentclass[english,11pt]{book} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------...
keith77777's user avatar
9 votes
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How to format the first letter of a word differently?

I'm looking for a command, which would take a text and print it with the first letter formatted differently: \first{Hello, world!} Should be turned into: \textbf{\large H}ello, world! Is there a ...
yegor256's user avatar
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How to change the page number from bottom center to top left?

This .sty file is provided to me and the page number is currently at the bottom center (i.e. footer). I want to change it to the top left (i.e. header), which part is referring to the page number ...
H42's user avatar
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Formatting tables in markdown blocks: how to use "renderer"?

As you can see, this is similar to that quesion. However I think my problem has not been solved and then open this. I'm using markdown package in my LaTeX document and it works well. However I find my ...
yfzhao20's user avatar
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Package gmutils gives an error

For a standard package gmutils, this minimal example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{gmutils} \begin{document} That's all! \end{document} gives an error: ! Undefined control sequence. \...
Alexander Gelbukh's user avatar
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Setting line spacing and text format

I am struggling finding the reason why setting \documentclass[final,13pt]{phdimt} and \setlength\parskip{1em} is not working in my document. As I am writing a thesis, I am using a lot of packages. ...
Lusian's user avatar
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Setting the width of quoted paragraph narrower than the main texts

I use the dirtytalk package, with UK glyphs. The current settings produce the following outputs, in which the width of the main body and the quotes are the same. What I want to do is to set the width ...
yufiP's user avatar
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How to get rid of horizontal line in moderncv? [duplicate]

In the beginning of each section in the moderncv package there is a horizontal line. I cannot figure out where to find the code to modify/ get rid of it. e.g.
j doe's user avatar
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How do I get dashundergaps to go to the end of line?

I am using the dashundergaps package to print fields to be hand-written. Is there a way to have the dots or dashes to fill the full line ?
Skippy le Grand Gourou's user avatar
5 votes
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How to create a cost matrix?

I need to create a cost matrix and a trace like in the image below. I found nothing that seemed up to the task in the matrix package. Is this possible in LaTeX?
A-wels's user avatar
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Kaobook - Changing page & text width?

Being a complete newcomer to LaTeX, I decided to get acquainted with kaobook for a project I'm working on. I got the hang of how it works, but I don't know for the life of me how I'd change the page ...
Ius Klesar's user avatar
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Subfile Sectioning number

So I want to write my Script in LaTex and wanted to Structure it using the Subfile Package. I managed to include it and the main.tex file is working as wanted. My problem now is, that when i want to ...
Yannis's user avatar
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How do I pair questions and solutions together

I have the following scenario. \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,addpoints]{exam} \begin{document} begin{flushleft} \begin{questions} \begin{parts} \part[1] %Question 1 Write an algebraic expression for " ...
Alan Jones's user avatar
2 votes
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Package microtype has no effect

The package "microtype" seems to have no effect, especially the tracking for small caps. I work with Texmaker. \documentclass[11pt,draft]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} ...
M. Lerchmüller's user avatar
1 vote
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Flushleft package causes error

I managed to flushleft the article's title, author's name and the abstract, and to have an indent with the abstract and keywords. Although the code is executed on overleaf v2, once I compile the ...
Jo-Achna's user avatar
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Package causing blank page for NO reason [closed]

After simply adding \usepackage{blochsphere}, an unwanted extra blank page at the beginning of the document is added - what is going on here? MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{blochsphere} \...
quantumorsch's user avatar
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Fonts and formatting

I have tried to use \usepackage{verdana} but when I latex it, it says fonts are not available. I have tried several downloads but none is working properly. Can someone point me in the correct ...
Kris's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Any way to bundle some variables in an OOP-like object in LaTeX?

I would very much like to have one object encapsulate a bunch of data, and then pass that object to a function. For example, a figure might have an URL to a file, a caption, and a width. In Python, ...
ComboCosmo's user avatar
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How can I add a page (pdf) that takes the size of an A4 page in a document? [duplicate]

How can I add a page that takes the size of an A4 page in a document? I use the package \usepackage[left=2.5cm,top=3cm,right=2.5cm,bottom=3cm,bindingoffset=0.5cm]{geometry}. I tried to add it that way ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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How to use \underset with the iopart document class and setstack.sty

I have the following code where I am trying to use \underset, as defined in setstack.sty. However, every time I compile the code I get the error Undefined control sequence \underset{top}{bottom}. ...
Austin Downey's user avatar
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Comfortably typesetting Extended Backus-Naur-Form

On this site I've found some solutions how to typeset Backus-Naur-Forms, e.g.: How to type a Backus-Naur form in LaTeX Which package can be used to write BNF grammars? Unfortunately both solution ...
TeXnician's user avatar
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how can I change the font size in chapter title page? [closed]

I use this template for a master's thesis, how can I Change font size and rank in center of a title page in each chapter as shown in the picture . I want to Move the chapter title in the middle of the ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
1 vote
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tensind spacing

Is there anyway to switch on and off the index space formatting implemented in the tensind package? I would like to be able to switch it on and off on a whole document; for example, if I had a tensor ...
MKF's user avatar
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12 votes
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Inserting a table in a two column document

So, I've been trying to insert a table so that it spans only one column into my two column document. It partially works, however it creates a large space in the other column for a reason I can't seem ...
njszym's user avatar
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How to tell latex to write as the text in texmaker?

I intend to attach my C code in my report. However, the code has a lot of special characters that create an error in compilation {, # and so on. Any package to circumvent this issue. For example: \...
Aditya Budaraju's user avatar
10 votes
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How to use .sty in writting in latex?

I need to write my thesis in latex for which we got .sty file (I didn't write it myself). I have no clue what I need to do to or need to write in .tex file to ''activate'' those styles. If I ...
J.K's user avatar
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How to print out only statements (theorems, lemmata, etc) from a tex file?

Suppose that I have a long tex file with a lot of things. In order to read the logic structure only, I want to print only text inside \begin{theorem}..\end{theorem} and \begin{lemma}..\end{lemma}. ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
8 votes
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How do I include the EBNF square brackets on a new line and set the font to typewriter throughout my grammar in the syntax package?

I want to add an EBNF grammar to my document and following the answers here and here, it seems that the most popular package for this is syntax. However, in the documentation it is not clear how to ...
jbx's user avatar
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How to use Boondox calligraphic font in LaTeX without replacing \mathcal command

This is a follow-up question to a previous question I asked about how to use the Boondox calligraphic font alongside the standard \mathcal font. The solution involved getting the \mathalfa package ...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
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Package changes horizontal pipe to horizontal for chapter formatting

I need to change the style of my chapters to a different one. I found a package which would do that, and it works nicely. However, my code before the edit was like this: \usepackage[latin2]{...
Asheara's user avatar
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New example environment, with symbol at the end

Is there a standard formatted environment specifically used for examples? I'm writing a document on linear algebra, with the usual definition-theorem-proposition-example structure. Right now when I ...
Kamil's user avatar
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How to Use ModernCV Icons with Classic Style CV

I really like the style of this CV -- I am not sure if the style has a name, but I have seen it many times. Here is the source code for my CV: \documentclass[margin,line,pifont,palatino,courier]{res} ...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
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How to handle log data within documents (articles)?

I have to add the log-output of a program to the appendix of my article. A verbatim-block was my first choice, but the single lines are to long (far more than 80 characters) and therefore the lines "...
NaN's user avatar
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4 votes
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Where I can get the chapterx package?

I was viewing a good page where Yiannis Lazarides show how to use chapterx and put it on google drive but right now it does´t exist, some one have it o know how to get it? Thank you in advanced
Robert's user avatar
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How can I create a line with small text below it as in contracts? [duplicate]

I would like to create a line with text below it as it can be seen often in contracts: Ideally, that line would have a fillable element over it. Minimal Working Example The best I could come up (...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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Is there a LaTeX style that mirrors Practical Typography's suggestions for research paper layout?

Matthew Butterick of Practical Typography says that his preferred format (and, co-incidentally, the one I have to use for my technical writing class final paper) is one where Page mar­gins [are] ...
Phil Hobrla's user avatar
11 votes
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Package for more creative text formatting in latex

What is a reasonable package to be used for realizing something like the following example (including image altered): The source is
Marc Palm's user avatar
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the command \par does not work?

I have this code: \documentclass[8pt,a4paper]{article} \newcounter{conto} \setcounter{conto}{\time} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amssymb} \...
mle's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can you use LaTeX packages in ConTeXt/emulate ConTeXt in LaTeX?

Is it possible to use LaTeX packages in ConTeXt? I want to know because I'd like to use ConTeXt's greater formatting facilities but I also want to use several LaTeX packages (crossword and xskak in ...
rake's user avatar
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Mathtools package won't work with my document class

I'd like to put in mathtools, specifically so that I can use the multilined environment. But it doesn't seem to want to work with the document class I'm using. (The amspset document class can be found ...
Eric Auld's user avatar
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Including .tex files that need a different style file than the main text

EDIT: Substantial edit of the original version has been done to clarify the question. Background I've written two small python package manuals with sphinx ( a program that ...
Ascurion's user avatar
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LaTeX like Math.SE

I quite like how the Mathematics Stackexchange site's LaTeX looks, and I know that they have a LaTeX functionality by running MathJax on the site. What fonts/packages are available to achieve this ...
Moderat's user avatar
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Customized table of contents

I need to format the table of contents for a compilation of articles in a very specific format: About this volume Author 1 Preface........................first page-last page Articles Author 2 ...
Moked's user avatar
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