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Why does my TexMaker output have this terrible kerning?

I am writing a research article using TexMaker. The article uses the following packages as preamble: \ifx\directlua\undefined\ifx\XeTeXcharclass\undefined \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} ...
Niki Di Giano's user avatar
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File `dashrule.sty' not found (error message)

While my latex project (including multiple .tex file as different chapters) is complied using Overleaf website (LualaTex) without error, however when I try to compile it using Texmaker and TeXstudio, ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Table of contents with hyperlinks by using hyperref: ok in overleaf, ko in texmaker

I tried to use the package hyperref to insert hyperlinks in my ToC; it works in overleaf, but it doesn't work in Texmaker (I got a white page with the title index). How can I fix it in Texmaker? \...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I add this .sty to my document

So I have been trying to add this .sty file to my texmaker, but I have no idea what to do with this link? Should I just copy and paste the text into a ....
Victor's user avatar
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3 answers

How to put footnotes in two columns?

I´m learning LaTex and need write an article in Texmaker, but I have a problem someone know how can I put on the following footnote style? I mean, need put the footnotes in two colums :c
TheBot3k's user avatar
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Package installer missing on TexMaker + BasicTex on MacBook

This might have been answered elsewhere, but I could not benefit from the answers I found. I have installed the TexMaker editor and the BasicTex distribution on a MacBook running macOS Big Sur 11.2.3. ...
MathMax's user avatar
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Existing figure is not found in the current working directory Latex

This question has been asked many times, but I still cannot import a figure with .eps extension to the Latex document. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{...
Python's user avatar
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Automatic installation of iftex.sty does not work on Texmaker

I'm using Texmaker and so far, when there isn't a specific package, Texmaker was able to install it by asking me if I want to install it (a window with the butttom Install appeared). The same happens ...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
1 vote
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How to install individual package (like commath) in LaTex? [duplicate]

I have trouble understanding how LaTex deals with packages, so this is a rather general question that arose from my specific problem with the commath package. I want to use the commath package, and so ...
AlphaOmega's user avatar
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Unable to load multicol package on Texmaker

When I put \usepackage{multicol} in the preamble marks me an error "Missing \begin{document}". And when I put it down the \begin{document} line, it says that it only can be used in preamble. ...
Neil Alexis's user avatar
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LaTeX problem with the fancyheader package

Relatively new LaTeX-user here. I have been running into a lot of problems with the fancyhdr package. The fancyhdr commands do not seem as if they are registering at all but the code runs into no ...
Dudeguyman69's user avatar
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How to tell one package where another package is located?

I am using Texmaker on Linux (gentoo) and am not sure how to use CTAN packages. I downloaded the packages that I think I need as I see errors come up or from the documentation. Then did the following ....
Ender's user avatar
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9 votes
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Algorithm.sty not found (TexMaker)

I have just downloaded texmaker to make a local copy of a tex file from overleaf but when I try to generate the pdf I get the following error Latex Error: File 'algorithm.sty' not found. My computer ...
MP34's user avatar
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Texmaker - ! LaTeX Error: File `l3backend-pdfmode.def' not found [duplicate]

I need to include animate package in my text. When I tried that, I got an error: LaTeX Error: File `l3backend-pdfmode.def' not found. So after that I also inserted package l3backend into my ...
derdin1's user avatar
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Every time Texmaker is asking to download package

This may be a trivial question, but bothering me a lot. I downloaded Texmaker (LaTeX Editor) and MiKTeX to my system. Every time while writing my report, it is asking to download the packages. My ...
Manoj Kumar's user avatar
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How to Download New Tex Maker Packages?

I am currently using Tex Maker on macOS. I have been trying to download a new package, but no luck doing. I downloaded the package I wanted, mathtime, but I don't know where to move it to in the ...
Hussain Hadah's user avatar
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Cannot install packages in MikTex or Texmaker

I'm using MikTex 2.9 and TexMaker, recently installed it on my laptop. I find myself unable to install packages manually on Miktex, nor can I install them when using the command \usepackage{} (I have ...
Wim Hectors's user avatar
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What is the difference between the package-searching mechanism of PdfLatex and TexMaker?

I usually use TeXmaker to edit and compile my .tex files. I am trying to figure out where I should put the file my-package.sty, so that I can use it by simple adding \usepackage{my-package} to the ...
Linxiao's user avatar
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2 answers

How to install package so texmaker can use it? [closed]

I am trying to install the isomath package. I am following method 3 here. The command kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFLOCAL gives me /usr/local/share/texmf I put my isomath.sty which I got from CTAN there ...
Hakaishin's user avatar
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Missing packages on TexMaker (Windows)

Using TexMaker and having installed MikTeX, where I opted to install missing packages on the fly (even 'untested' ones), I still find I don't have the packages. I tried to verify the connection source ...
so860's user avatar
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Texmaker, documentclass imsart not found

I am running a mac machine and would like to write a paper using the imsart documentclass. I downloaded the imsart file ( and put the ...
Cello's user avatar
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What is wrong with my packages?

I wanted to use these two packages: listings matlab-prettifier to write code and highlight it like in Matlab and insert it in my pdf. I added the packages like this: \usep­a­ck­age{list­ings} \...
gccallie's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I use new unicode characters?

I know, there are lots of questions about Unicode and I've read a lot of these. But I wasn't able to solve my problem: I have to use the characters ↊ and ↋ (U+218A and U+218B) in my text. I tried ...
DonMeles's user avatar
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Code with kpfonts takes years to compile. Any faster way?

I would like to start by asking if the package "kpfonts" makes any improvements to the way the font looks. I wrote a small code and then I added the package kpfonts and I have the feeling that the ...
Physther's user avatar
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Package 'youngtab' should be in Miktex, but I get an error

So I want to use the package youngtab, according to CTAN, this is already provided in MiKTeX, which I am using. However, when compiling with TeXmaker, I get the error that the package is not found. I ...
user353840's user avatar
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Package babel Error: Unknown language `french' still exists after installing texlive-lang-french

I use a latex template on sharelatex and it works fine. However, I encounter the following issue when building it on my laptop (Ubuntu + Texmarker), ! Package babel Error: Unknown language `french'. ...
SparkAndShine's user avatar
3 votes
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Configuring Texmaker for Tex Live

On my Ubuntu machine, I have just downloaded Texmaker and Tex Live. I now want to compile a Latex file which uses the tcolorbox package. From what I have read, this package should come with Tex Live (...
Karnivaurus's user avatar
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How to install a .sty file on Texmaker

I'm quite new to LaTeX, so please take that in consideration when answering my question. Thank you. So I want to install ans.sty, but I'm not quite sure how to do so. I'm using TexMaker and I've ...
Miguel Del Ben Galdiano's user avatar
2 votes
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Texliveonfly is not relocatable so it isn't being installed by tlmgr

I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and I want to be able to use texliveonfly with Texmaker. However when I use sudo tlmgr install texliveonflyI get an error saying it's not relocatable and hence I cannot install ...
Mav14's user avatar
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MikTeX package manager not installing BibTeX

I am new to LaTeX and I have installed MikTex distribution and I am using Texmaker. When I compile the simple code shown below I get an error: %_________________Preamble ...
James Al's user avatar
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Undefined control sequence listings package

I'm working with TexMaker and I can't compile my documents because it apears de problem "Indefined control sequence", with the \usepackage{listings}. How do I fix it? \documentclass[10pt]{article} \...
hgm's user avatar
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4 votes
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Miktex Package Installation

I recently installed MiKTeX with the texmaker editor and cannot figure out how to update the packages. When I attempt to use the subfigure package with the following preamble \documentclass[a4paper,...
Eric's user avatar
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How to install `babel` in Texmaker?

How do I install babel language pack in Texmaker? I want to use \usepackage[swedish]{babel} in Texmaker. At the moment, Jag är bäst in Texmaker gives Jag r bst in the PDF. I use Windows 8.
Rectifier's user avatar
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Write in Urdu font

I want to write some lines in Urdu font in Tex writing. Someone help me that which packages I must use and how I write in .tex file, either in Urdu text or in English text. Please help me with a ...
cst's user avatar
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Putting .sty file into ~/texmf-dist/tex/latex But still getting Error [duplicate]

I installed texLive 2013 on a mac. And I am using texmaker to typeset my documents. I have my threads regarding where to locate .sty files in mac. And I located my stackengine.sty in the following ...
mynameisJEFF's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Where should I put my package files in TeX Live 2013? [duplicate]

I am using texmaker, which is based on Tex Live 2013. I have just downloaded a package, i.e. mathpro2 (lite version). Question 1: Where should I put my package files into? I have seen answers to ...
mynameisJEFF's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I install LaTeX package on-the-fly on Mac?

I am trying to use the resume document class res.cls but Texmaker is throwing an error that the file is not found. I am new to Mac, when I was using Windows MiKTeX helped me install packages on-the-...
ROBOTPWNS's user avatar
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Repeatedly being stymied by missing packages using Texmaker

Ok, so I started using Texmaker to make PDF files, and I am being repeatedly stymied by missing packages. (Windows 7 OS here). Apparently, there is supposed to be a way for them to be downloaded ...
Spacey's user avatar
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TeXmaker unable to find packages after installing texlive-full [closed]

I know this isn't the TeXmaker forum, but I was hoping someone had the same problem. Also, if someone knows the official texmaker forum please link it. I had a problem with algorithm2e and someone ...
Martijn's user avatar
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hf-tikz.sty package installation on mountain lion [duplicate]

I want to install LaTeX on Mountain Lion and want to use some highlighting in my text for which I am using hf-tikz.sty package. I installed MacTeX and Texmaker on Mountain Lion but the package hf-tikz ...
Madu's user avatar
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How do I manually install the necessary packages to get TeXmaker to work? And in which directory do I put them? [duplicate]

I use Ubuntu 12.04 and I'm just getting started with TeXmaker. However, I need to get the library/package (what's the difference anyway?) for it to work and I'm having trouble with finding it in the ...
user25897's user avatar
2 votes
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MikTex Package Update Issue on Windows 8

I have been using MikTex on Windows XP and 7 for few months now and I faced no issues in installing packages that needs to be done on the fly. However, with Windows 8, the packages are not updated at ...
Shamim Hafiz - MSFT's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I manually install a package to Texmaker - Ubuntu 10.10+ [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I install an individual package on a Linux system? At university we have now been given a bunch of .sty files which fit the university's template. I got it to work by ...
nicV's user avatar
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24 votes
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How to install new packages on Texmaker on Ubuntu?

How do I install new packages on Texmaker? I use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
Rodrigo Thomas's user avatar