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Issue Installing and Using physics.sty

I am trying to install and use physics.sty to compile a .tex file that someone has given me. However, I'm running into issues because as per what I can see, I have installed the physics package, but I ...
Aathreya Kadambi's user avatar
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Missing adforn.sty in MiKTeX Installation - Manual Download Lacks .sty File [closed]

Update: This should now be fixed in MiKTeX according to Apologies for adding this into the question. I would normally ...
HamidBee's user avatar
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Error in Subfigure

I want to make 2×3=6, or 2×2=4 subfigure in latex. when I entered the subfigure command correctly, the three figure made successfully, but when entered subfigure command for 4th one this shows an ...
Tariq hussain's user avatar
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innerscript does not work with most recent LuaLaTeX

I recently upgraded my computer to the newest version of LaTeX2e. Unfortunately, the most recent version 1.2 of the innerscript package no longer works. The following LaTeX file produces an error ...
Sheldon Axler's user avatar
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Error: "Loading a class or package in a group. \usepackage" with .cls file

I am writing my thesis with .cls file. This morning, everything worked well, and suddenly, my dumb brain decided to mess around with the MikTeX Console. And of course, I could not compile with the ....
l.ngn's user avatar
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Preamble a mess

I've been creating a document in overleaf and gradually adding to the preamble over time. I am now receiving error messages saying "Too many symbol fonts defined" and "Symbol font `...
Wendy Taylor's user avatar
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Multiple errors occurred with Texmaker after upgrading system

After I upgraded system to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ,TeXmaker, which I am using, does not compile anything, even my old files. Specifically, I get the errors: Package fontenc Error: Encoding file `lgrenc.def' ...
Dionysis Balasis's user avatar
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File `multirow.sty' not found. \usepackage

I am trying to execute this line of code(below) and getting the error above \usepackage[section]{placeins} Please assist
Gerald Maluleke's user avatar
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\iint already defined [duplicate]

I know this has already been asked a lot, but the previous answers don't seem to help. As the title says, I have an error telling me the commands \iint, \iiint, \iiiint, \idotsint and \openbox are ...
tommy1996q's user avatar
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When I put an arrow next to a table I get an error

I have a table and I would like to have an arrow on the right, but I get this error "Extra \right. $\right\Uparrow". How do I fix it? I use tikz package and graphicx. Here's the code: \begin{...
pepper's user avatar
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! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! On latex studio

I faced the following message when I run my latex studio file. This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.25 (TeX Live 2023) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2023.9.26) 14 NOV 2023 13:51 entering ...
Maria's user avatar
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How to prevent confproc package from linking Main file with included files

This problem was discussed at: I need merging several research papers in single .pdf file ! LaTeX Error: Control sequence \sep: already defined I tried some packages (combine, docmute, subfiles, ...
Andriy Bublikov's user avatar
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! LaTeX Error: Control sequence \sep: already defined

I need merging several research papers compiled using CAS-DC Elsevier template in single .pdf file with bibliography in each research paper and consecutive page numbering across the whole .pdf ...
Andriy Bublikov's user avatar
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Error by installing a Package

I am using the MikTex Package Manager in order to install the emptypage package. I get the following error and I do not know what to do. MiKTeX Problem Report Message: MiKTeX encountered an internal ...
CRH's user avatar
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Suppress providing message of package

The package infwarerr is included in quite a few packages (by means of \RequirePackage{infwarerr}and most of the times an option with a date) and it results (once) in the line: Package: infwarerr 2019/...
albert's user avatar
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Errors using the pigpen package [duplicate]

As usual I feel like it's a really stupid question but I can't seem to find an answer to it... I want to write a short text (2 or 3 sentences at most) in the pigpen cipher. So I tried using the pigpen ...
Kawahiem's user avatar
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error ! Package xkeyval Error: `A4' undefined in families `Gm'. while trying to compile a template of the JIS journal in latex

(UPDATE) I am trying to compile the template of a journal. I'm new to Latex, this is my first project, I'm using TexMaker to compile and run my LaTex files, already downloaded MikTex to install ...
Fabio Phillip's user avatar
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error| TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=10000]

When trying to use a specific package (ling-macros) I get this error. Never had it before. It wont compile most of the time. Rarely it compiles,but then my macro (\lam{P}{s,t} in the example) wont ...
hal3m's user avatar
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Error when attempting to change (set) package repository (new install)

Thanks to all for making this a great site. This is my first post ever because most questions are already answered here! Although I've used Latex for years, I still consider my technical competency to ...
Tristan Ericson's user avatar
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Are hyperref (with dvipsnames) and pdfpages not compatible?

I like to have custom-color hyperlinks with \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=NavyBlue, filecolor=magenta, urlcolor=cyan, ...
alpha's user avatar
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Latex Error: Option clash for package xcolor when I try and highlight a row for a table

While trying to do this:\usepackage [ table ]{ xcolor } I get this error: Latex Error: Option clash for package xcolor This is my preamble \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \...
Gaussian 123's user avatar
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Error when using pst-poker: rungs not found? (texlive)

After installing the 2022 edition of texlive I get the following error when trying to use the pst-poker package: C:\texlive\2022\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:858: no appropriate script or program found: ...
J823's user avatar
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A problem in downloading a package

I have a problem in downloading the package fullpage, using the command \usepackage{fullpage}. I was doing this while watching a tutorial on Youtube about LaTeX. I will upload all the pictures for ...
Florian Geyer's user avatar
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LaTeX Error: Option clash for package

I'm writing my bachelor thesis with latex and I'm almost done, but now suddenly an error message is displayed with the packages, although I haven't changed anything. I already researched in which ...
Lotte's user avatar
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'You have requested package 'everyshi',but the package provides 'everyshi-2001-05-15''

I'm trying to load a LaTeX template and seem to have all the required packages, yet I still get the following warning message appearing: 'You have requested package 'everyshi',but the package provides ...
Very Forgetful Functor's user avatar
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Using two packages with tons of commands having same names

I write a review paper in which various coathors are willing to insert equations from their prior works. Their latex manuscripts seem to use incompatible packages. In particular, the qcircuit package ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Problem with Poker packages

I want to display playing cards in my document, but none of the poker packages I've tried are working (\usepackage{poker} nor \usepackage{pst-poker}). I am, in fact, able to compile (using XeLaTeX) ...
will ver's user avatar
3 votes
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Plain TeX input Tikz package not found

I ran \input tikz.tex \bye and the Tikz package is not found This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (TeX Live 2021/MacPorts 2021.58693_2) (preloaded format=pdftex) restricted \write18 ...
zmkm's user avatar
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Texwork, \usepackage{graphicx} is not working

I want to add a image (.pnj) in my latex. I put: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book} \counterwithout{footnote}{chapter} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{...
taaaa's user avatar
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texshade: Error ! Paragraph ended before \inf@@get was complete

I am trying to get multiple alignments to render with texshade but it seems that there is a problem with the package. When trying to use a file the following is output to the console: Runaway ...
J823's user avatar
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Txt.file does not want to open in Latex

After not closing my Latex in the correct manner, while being open in txt.file, my txt.file did not want to open up again. You can open up all my other txt.files exept for the one I closed my Latex in....
user249196's user avatar
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I have package key value error

On my CV template this error is showing but I can not fin the error, could somebody help me? Package keyvalue Error: Unknown option 'vargreek-shape' for package ‪/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/...
Daredevil's user avatar
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comment package and macro .sty file causing problems, why?

Here's main.tex: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{comment} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \tcbuselibrary{theorems} \newtcbtheorem[]{myprob}{Problem}% {colframe=blue!35!black,...
D.R's user avatar
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How can I install a package from a code like the code in the picture?

I am trying to use a package for natural deduction, this is fitch.sty. So, I wrote in Text Maker before "\begin{document}" the following: "\usepackage{fitch}". But the an error ...
Marco Uriel Medina Mandujano's user avatar
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Package gmutils gives an error

For a standard package gmutils, this minimal example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{gmutils} \begin{document} That's all! \end{document} gives an error: ! Undefined control sequence. \...
Alexander Gelbukh's user avatar
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Declare correctly a new symbol

If I have this MWE: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{tikz-cd,tikz} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing} \DeclareRobustCommand{\twoheads}{\mathbin{\begin{tikzcd}[...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Inputenc errors with mathematical equations

I am facing a lot of errors about package inputenc when I use mathematical functions like $ or \begin{align}. However, I identified in the package list all math packages including: \usepackage{...
Mohamed Wassim's user avatar
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umranda: non-existent package?

On page 205 of the symbols-a4 (2020) page table 527 mentions umranda Decorative Borders. This package is useful for drawing the fish. Does this package not exist anymore? This code: \documentclass[...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Package inputenc Error: Unicode character (U+0301) [duplicate]

I found a problem: How can I solve this error?
aan's user avatar
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Package witharrows

I want to deal with the environment to insert explanations, like this: produced, on Overleaf, with the following commands: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[portuguese]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{...
Angelo Aliano Filho's user avatar
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"Package pgf Error: No shape named `c' is known. }"

Errors: Package pgf Error: No shape named `c' is known. } Package pgf Error: No shape named `e' is known. } Package pgf Error: No shape named `' is known. } \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{report} \...
Mohammed Fayiz Ferosh's user avatar
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Remote package repository of Miktex in Windows 7 not working

I am facing a weird problem. The last time I ran any .tex file was 24 hours ago. It ran perfectly then but now today I have tried to run another .tex file and there are errors (please see the attached ...
mitranim's user avatar
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Unable to use downloaded Class File

I've been using LaTeX with TeXnicCenter as my editor for about two years, always typing in \text mode with the {align} option.. so boring, I know. Now I decided to get more professional, and ...
dekees's user avatar
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patch failed error for ACL 2020 sty file in overleaf pro

How should I fix this tex/overleaf error? It pertains to the following piece of code below in acl2020.sty file. % DK/IV: Workaround for annoying hyperref pagewrap bug \RequirePackage{etoolbox} \...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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File l3backend-pdftex.def Not Found, even after installing l3backend

I've seen the previous threads on this error such as this thread and this and carried out the instructions here. So that being said, I've installed l3backend through MikTex Console and I still receive ...
Struggles's user avatar
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How to solve "command \f already defined" error when running ling-macros package

I'm typesetting my paper (linguistics) and it ran fine in XeLaTeX until I used the ling-macros package, which should have been working fine, given it's not a new package and I've found no similar ...
Marcel Lyu's user avatar
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Correct code not compiling (in Texmaker): Due to dependencies?

My original goal was to create table with certain properties and I got a good answer here: What I wanted. Unfortunately, running it in Texmaker did give me a fatal error. The code itself is correct ...
Pazu's user avatar
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MiKTeX Error: Can't install koma-script Package "Transferred a partial file"

I'm trying to install the koma-script package using MiKTeX console, but the error occurred in the middle of installing. Why does it happen? I attached the screenshot and copy the error info below here....
Aorstab's user avatar
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Compilation error when using package media9/ VPlayer.swf

I'm using media9 package with MikTeX 4.0 and TeXstudio 2.12.22 , but when I try to compile there are 2 errors. Package media9 Error: Line 217: File `imagenes/videosmp4/3dWS-DD.mp4' not(media9) found. ...
Kelly Hernández's user avatar
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Configuration error: no conversion from undefined configuration value to string [closed]

I've updated the MiKTeX Console on admin this morning with all of the new updates. After this update, I haven't been able to do anything within the console. I've tried installing packages which fails ...
Sarah Chiodi's user avatar

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