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Questions tagged [document-classes]

{document-classes} is for questions relating to the document class of the TeX file. This sets up various document-wide formatting elements.

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3 votes
1 answer

Custom document class always pick the default logo even if I change to other logos

I want to create a custom class with an option to change logo. But the default logo is always selected even if I change to other logos. \ProvidesClass{myclass}[2024/12/01 v 1.00 class for fun] \def\@...
D G's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to change the numeration of sections from "0.x" to "1", "2", etc.?

So I've looked through some similar (but not the same) questions, I've look through the template I was given but I don't understand how do I change the numeration of the sections from "0.x" ...
stephan's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Old math books fonts

I am currently working on a book/articles. I really (really!) enjoy the styling of the Nagoya Math Journal from the late 80s-90s. Here's an example :
Pietro Pende's user avatar
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Custom compiler errors/warnings

I own a LaTeX project with many contributors that don't necessarily use LaTeX every day so they often make "little mistakes" as writing ... instead of \dots in mathmode or using nonadaptive ...
Bartosz Chomiński's user avatar
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Set the class files directory for Latex

How, when I run the pdflatex or lualatex or similar command, can I tell Latex where to look for class files? Let's say I have a directory structure like this: root |--- [my program, etc.] |--- latex-...
axolotlKing0722's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Argument of \let has an extra }

I simply want to highlight the title of a subsection with below: \subsection{\hl{Computation Time}} \label{sec:comp_time} I added "\usepackage{soul}" at the beginning of the latex file. But ...
Ian's user avatar
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How to set \baselineskip in a class file?

I want to change the length of \baselineskip for my latex documents. This is my test document: \documentclass{testlayout} \begin{document} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. ...
axolotlKing0722's user avatar
3 votes
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What's wrong with nicematrix and socg-lipics-v2021.cls?

Sorry for asking for help to understand a custom conference class file. The class file is a wrapper available here around the LIPIcs class file. When compiling a basic document such as \documentclass{...
Bubaya's user avatar
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ToC for a journal volume

I am trying to make a small conference-paper volume for a local conference, and I am having some issues with Table of Contents part. I want to make it automatic, but can't figure out the syntax, ...
bheadr 73's user avatar
2 votes
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singlecol-new: General warning triggered in Overleaf

having downloaded current version of the singlecol-new.cls, which is needed for some of the InderScience journals, I get general warning in Overleaf TexLive 2024: L3 programming layer <2024-03-14&...
PWillms's user avatar
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Can someone identify the next font/document settings? [duplicate]

I'm currently writing a paper and searching for the appropriate document settings(font, line spacing, margins etc.). I saw the next paper, and this is exactly what I've been searching for. This is a ...
Complex's user avatar
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Is there a .cls file of the layout of the Latex Companion 3rd edition?

The layout of the Latex Companion 3rd edition is really elegant. I understand (Production Notes, end of the document) that an assembly of 140 packages was used. Sorry for my naive question, but are ...
JeT's user avatar
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5 votes
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new versions of fancyhdr break caesar_book class

When I compile caesar_example.tex, the page numbers do not appear. They only show up if I use an older version of fancyhdr (e.g., this one). I am using TeX Live 2022 on Debian. Is this issue related ...
scaramouche's user avatar
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using LMS class file

The document class of London Mathematical Society lms isn't available at CTAN and so it can't be part of any TeX distribution. I downloaded the template from this website
mathbeginner's user avatar
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\nocite{*} causes Undefined control sequence at \printbibliography

Using \nocite{*} leads to a Undefined control sequence at \printbibliography. If I define a specific source, such as \nocite{axford-1961}, it compiles without issue. Compiler: XeLaTeX I thought it ...
impactmechanics's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why does \appendix reset the counter of the level below the main sectioning level?

In book.cls \appendix is defined as: \newcommand\appendix{\par \setcounter{chapter}{0}% \setcounter{section}{0}% \gdef\@chapapp{\appendixname}% \gdef\thechapter{\@Alph\c@chapter}} While in ...
gusbrs's user avatar
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Convert .bib to .docx in command line (as does:

I frequently use the excellent following website to convert my bibliography from .bib to .docx for coauthors working with me on scientific stuff who don't use latex:
ecjb's user avatar
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How can I use Springer "svmult" latex template in local with Visual Studio Code?

I'm trying to use this template from Overleaf text I executed this on Overleaf it worked well. However, since I upload a lot of images, I prefer to run the Latex code locally. But even the template ...
Relativity's user avatar
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fontspec and custom class triggers The font size \normalsize is not defined

I'm trying to create class based on beamer to make presentations as simple as possible while following the graphic manual we have. I need to use fontspec and I'm using luaLaTeX package to load OTF ...
Crowley's user avatar
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Where to put new TeX classes in Slackware Linux?

I've just downloaded some interesting TeX classes from CTAN website, but I'm not sure where to put these classes in order to make them recognized by my TeX software. I'm using Slackware 15.0.
Edvaldo Silva de Almeida Jr's user avatar
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Setting up LaTeX for lecture notes. Which class is the most useful?

I have considered the classes report and book. I need to add the dates for each lecture(chapter). Is that possible for these specific classes?
shmwot's user avatar
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How to tell latex where to find the .cls file? [duplicate]

So I have this folder structure: root |- main.tex |- myfolder |- abc.cls When I want to compile main.tex: \documentclass[a4paper,twoside,10pt]{abc} \begin{document} Hello world \end{document} it ...
cedi123's user avatar
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Figures and tables are not shown

I was writing in a \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} and figures and tables were shown. When i shifted to \documentclass[]{IEEEphot} figures and tables are not shown anymore. I have included all ...
camellia  mohammed's user avatar
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Europass CV content not fitting & exceeding page size

While making europass cv in latex i used \ecvblueitem to make two sections (section 1 and section 2). Section 1 has text around half of the page whereas Section 2 has text exceeding one page. (1) How ...
Jack's user avatar
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Font size conflict between document class and tikzpicture

Here are my files reduces for the MWE : file 1 : \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \input{Chaine_Fonctionnelle} \end{document} file 2 : \documentclass[...
LMT-PhD's user avatar
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Documentclass Report: Undefined Control Sequence [duplicate]

What mistake am I making? Am I missing something? \documentclass[a4paper,oneside,12pt]{report} \begin{document} Test \end{document} EDIT: The compiler is having trouble understanding a command you ...
s28's user avatar
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How to have multiple departments within the same university be in a single line for the affiliations in Springer latex template?

I want to have multiple departments within the same university be on the same line (no line breaks). The line should break with different universities. Currently, this is how it looks like: (here X &...
chesslad's user avatar
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How can I modify the note and footnote of the template article for Elsevier's document class `elsarticle'

I'm working with the template article for Elsevier's document class `elsarticle'. This is an MWE: \documentclass[preprint,12pt]{elsarticle} %% Use the option review to obtain double line spacing %% \...
pvti's user avatar
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how i can make the numer of subsection in right side

\documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage[english, russian]{babel} \usepackage{nopageno} \...
Abdel djalil Boulebbina's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Figure Alt text dialogue box will appear when mouse over the figures

I want to add alternative text (Alt-text) to have a dialogue box appear when hovering over the figures. Additionally, I need to ensure PDF accessibility tagging is implemented in this PDF. My MWE is ...
murugan anbu's user avatar
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Tufte Class and Margins

I have recently gotten acquanited with the tufte document class and I love its style very much; the only thing that bothers is the side margin use, even though I understand that it is exactly what the ...
PCeltide's user avatar
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Inconsistent symbols in slides documentclass

Problem description I like how the slides document-class typesets most of the maths, which I crop and use in a WYSIWYG slide editor. First, I'm not sure how to set the font to 10pt, so that the new ...
Atcold's user avatar
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Problem placing information at the bottom of the first page

I am working on the development of template and I would like to have something similar like this: I'm working in twocolumn document and I tried to replicate it in \fancyfoot[L]{} (only for the first ...
Guillermo Jiménez's user avatar
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Command \ch and \arctg already defined

Two errors: document.tex: error: 2: Command \ch already defined. \begin{document} document.tex: error: 2: Command \arctg already defined. \begin{document} for that simple piece of code: \documentclass[...
user2272592's user avatar
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How can I adjust caption formatting without the caption package

I'm trying to build a custom class that matches my organization's template. I managed to get the formatting for table/figure captions to match using the caption package, but the caption package does ...
rsandler's user avatar
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1 answer

Conflict between Springer document class and \cline [duplicate]

So, I am trying to write down a table in the "sn-jnl" document class from Springer: when I do it it "article" instead I get exactly what I want: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
GVT's user avatar
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Create TEX file without document environment [closed]

Is it possible to create document classes for forms (e.g. "donation confirmation"), so that in the TEX file, one has to only include the document class and the commands provided by it, but ...
Seradir's user avatar
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Wrap text in \location argument of \personalinfo field of \makecvheader command in altacv.cls

I am writing my CV and I want to add an address using the \location field in the \makecvheader command. My location information is however large and going out of the page. I have a lot of unused space ...
silenstseeker's user avatar
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Difficulty with `tableofcontents` and page-numbering

I'm writing my math thesis with Texmaker, but somehow my LaTeX codes fail to produce the PDF layout required by my school. Ideally, I'm hoping to achieve the following result: Please notice that this ...
Boar's user avatar
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sysbio class conflicts with font size macros in tikz pictures

The sysbio official class file has caused many problems. I find it conflict with font size macros in tikz pictures, e.g. the following MWE produces an error: \documentclass{sysbio} \usepackage{tikz} \...
Tianjian Qin's user avatar
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Problem refering to appendix using the sysbio class

With the MWE: \documentclass{sysbio} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \section{Introduction} Some thing in \ref{app::a} Some thing in \autoref{app::a} \appendix \section{some appendix} \label{...
Tianjian Qin's user avatar
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Error in chapter Style modification

for the past few days, I have been attempting to change the chapter style, but I've encountered an error with the class I am using. Here is my code: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{extra/MyThesis} \...
Espoir's user avatar
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Usage of a university template produces unrelated errors in xcolor package

I'm new to this forum and I have a question regarding a template. Here's the basic code: \documentclass[a4paper, DIV=13, 12pt, BCOR=10mm, twoside, parskip=half, automark ]{OTHRartcl} \title{This is a ...
flgei's user avatar
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How to let LaTeX forget that a class has been loaded?

Consider the two files % mydoc.tex \documentclass{myclass} \begin{document} \end{document} % myclass.cls \LoadClass[x]{myclass} When LaTeXing mydoc.tex, I get two errors (the second one after ...
gernot's user avatar
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What is the closest to a 'canonical' document class for something shorter than an article?

I'm looking to write a document which is lesser in scope than a full-fledged "article" (in the document-class sense). Some characterization explaining what I mean: I doesn't have as many ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to change word size and baseline documentclass in latex without affecting table

I'm almost finished with my paper, but I realized that I need to have 1.5 line spacing and 12pt font size. When I switch from \documentclass[table]{article} to \documentclass[table, 12pt]{article} and ...
Ferdaus's user avatar
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How to add a research paper (class) to a thesis (class) in one OverLeaf file [duplicate]

I have a thesis class that has the following tex file as a main file and it is called: thesis.tex %------------------------ Preamble and bibliography resources \documentclass[12pt,oneside]{...
Naif Alsalem's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Package and class names

Here's the smallest question I've ever asked. Can a package and a class have the same name?
projetmbc's user avatar
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Biblatex "style" option not recognized when passed through a macro in a custom class

I'm porting my long preamble into a separate class file, and this is the only error left. In the MWE, I'm passing two key-value options to my class using xkeyval and feeding them to biblatex after ...
AdamantConlanger's user avatar
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document class not working properly - strange font

I am having a strange problem with the "Document class" option in Lyx. Up until now, all document classes showed as "unavailable". Nonetheless, when I viewed documents as PDFs, ...
Isaac Basil's user avatar

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